Happy Fun Times in SchoolLand

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If you don't care to hear about my feelings, feel free to skip this chapter.

So today I woke up and felt very happy. I told myself and a few of my friends, "Not much could waver my good mood today."

Well, as it so turned out, not much was correct.

Up until 5th hour, I had been feeling great. Consequently, nothing had altered my mood. But of course, basing this paragraph on the phrase "up until," you can probably tell something happened.

There's a person at my table who's never exactly been the nicest. I won't say her name, because I do this thing called "being a nice person." I was being myself (because, y'know, people tend to do that), and since my 5th hour is algebra, I was naturally happy when I figured out how the problem worked. So I said, "I think I get it." She responds with a sarcastic "Congratulations."

I know this isn't much at all, really, but the problem is that I've lived with criticism such as this my entire life. I always just shrugged it off on the outside, but internally it was just another metaphorical punch to my already fragile sense of self worth.

My point is, really, that I'm sick and tired of being bullied for who I am. If anyone has a problem with me, they can keep it to themselves. And if they don't, I suppose I can't really do anything about it. Either way, I'm glad I have such great friends to help me through times like this, and I hope I can someday return the favor.

That's all. Thanks, if you read it.

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