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-/- C.S. Lewis understood what none of the IDIOT literature professors who think that the fantasy genre is inferior can ever grasp. He understood the purpose of fiction: We read fiction to get away. Our lives and this whole world are just so DULL. We are meant for so much more than the repetitive forty-hour work weeks that our lives give us. And so, we read fiction to escape. To travel to a world where with a beautiful wintry forest, where we find an out-of-place lamp post and drink tea with a satyr. We all need a wardrobe with a magical world on the other side, and C.S. Lewis gave us that.
-> Totally agreed. The important thing is that they're supposed to make us feel something. Books that don't make me feel, to me they are merely stories of someone else with whom I can't connect, no matter how many prizes they've been awarded. It's weird that when I was in school I couldn't feel anything, but now why do I feel so much? Why now? Why at this age, when everyone is starting to lose their innocence?

-/- "I hope no one who reads this book has been quite as miserable as Susan and Lucy were that night; but if you have been - if you've been up all night and cried till you have no more tears left in you - you will know that there comes in the end a sort of quietness. You feel as if nothing is ever going to happen again."
-> Been in that place. Those were devastating wrecks whose effect still appears here and then. I write about it sometimes, but I definitely hope it won't happen again.

-/- "Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight. At the sound of his roar, sorrow will be no more. When he bares his teeth, winter will meet its death. And when he shakes his mane, we will have spring again."
-> I love characters who bring hope and victory. I used to love edgy, lonesome, cold, badass-who-kills-easily characters, but they did nothing for my lonely heart so yeah, sunshine ones are still the best. Now I will only fall for mighty aura emitting characters, at least they can use their words to help me beautify my own. Bring lights to my life if you please.

-/- I can't express the emotion that I feel right now. It's a bit of sadness, happiness and melancholy. This mix makes me feel like a feather, blown away by the wind in this immense world. It makes me feel calm. And it is good. Remembering these stories in a totally different world. The imagination world where everything is possible.
-> The power of the ochestra. Pure majestic. Better when lived. One of the best things of adult world. Along side with grilled beef buffets.

-/- When I was younger and scared of the dark I always had a picture in my head from reading these books, that if I ever was scared just imagine laying warm in the freshly fallen snow under the Lantern of Narnia, and I would fall safely asleep.
-> Exactly. Mine are pictures of the universe. And him. And many many wonders keep on sprouting in my head.

-/- And here I am again. Listening to the memories of my childhood. Feeling so peaceful but hurting at the same time, because now, I am older. I can't do whatever I want because I know it would have consequences. So now, I cry. Because this innocence, this magic, I lost it.
-> I haven't. I don't want to lose this kind of magic too. But I have to agree about not being able to do anything without thinking of consequences. Well at least I learned to say "no"...

-/- I think... I'm going to cry... I just love that flute sound. Music of hope? Yeah. That's what i feel about that sounds. Hope.
-> Rose are red. Flute is great. And so does french horns.

-/- Just imagine standing in the snow looking straight up into the seemingly never-ending sky. At the white and browns of the wintery trees as an aura of magic twirls around in the chilly air. A small smile on your face with a mind full of awe and wonder. A twinge of melancholy in your thoughts, thinking you might not be able to see such a beautiful sight ever again. A fairy tail through and through.
-> Come on who doesn't love fairy tales. But we all lose that eagerness and enthusiasm on the run, which is incredibly sad. How to be a grown-up without losing eyes that seek and admire wonders?

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