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Reyna has updated her status: Holy COWS! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!?

Reyna has posted a multimedia: [Video stationed in front of the Apollo Cabin. At first everything is quiet then the door slams open and the Apollo kids come pour out with the beginning rifts of 2012 blaring through some unseen speakers {By Jay Sean featuring Nicki Manaj} They start singing in epic chords and doing a ton synchronized dancing. At one point Tracy (an Apollo camper) jumps to the front of the group and starts dropping lyrics like a boss while two guys break dance at her feet. The video ends with some synchronized dancing, Will and some other guy shooting flaming gold arrows, and two girls backflipped and joined the rest in striking a pose before the camera faded to white.]


Apollo: That was AMAZING KIDS!!!! GREAT! I'm STUNNED!

Will Solace: Thanks dad! :D

Tracy: That was so much fun!!!!

Percy Jackson: that was so awesome!!!!

Jason: They've never done this before

Chiron: Actually, one time in the 80's....

Annabeth: Wow guys... not saying it wasn't great, but why?

Will Solace: Um...private chat, will you?

Private Chat between Will Solace and Annabeth:

Annabeth: So why?

Will Solace: We kinda ... wanted to show off to the Romans... we were going to preform at the fireworks, but... then our dad crashed the sun and ... well, their head Apollo counselor, or whatever he is, well he's a disgrace

Annabeth: Octavian?

Will Solace: If that's the one with the crazy teddy bear issues, then yes

Annabeth: I see.. the Romans are a very proud people

Will Solace: Um very arrogant

Will Solace: And they have feasts for tuna.... crazy

Annabeth: I don't think they have feasts for tuna....

End private chat

Reyna: wow, very impressive

Apollo: my children are so awesome

Annabeth: Things like this always happen at CHB

Piper: CHB is very epic


ThaliaG has updated her status: Ok, things are getting too hectic. We're coming to Camp Half-Blood


Artemis: I look forward to your company, I'm all alone in this cabin

Annabeth: :D

Chiron: D:

Chiron: Too many peoples....

Chiron: I don't think...

Chiron: There are almost two thousand people here from Camp Jupiter

Chiron: Overcrowded...

Chiron: Now Hunters....

Chiron: Can't breath....

Dionysus: Ok, who took out my pinochle partner?

Annabeth: Chiron?

Annabeth: Thalia? You sure you have to come right at this moment?

Thalia: Why?

Annabeth: We're overcrowded, big time. The Camp was built for five-six hundred people most

Thalia: We'll cope

Annabeth: You'll get caught babysitting

ThaliaG: Actually, I heard Canada is really nice this time of year

ConnorSToll: can't breathe....

TravisSToll: Dad!

Hermes: Yes?

TravisSToll: On bhalf of the cabin 11 and for the hope of future generations, we would kindly like to ask you to keep it in your pants

Hermes: EXCUSE ME!

TravisSToll: There is barily enough room for us, your kids. But with the 7 Mercury kids here...

ConnorSToll: I don't like this

Annabeth: Chiron!

Chiron: *gasp* Yes? *gasp* too many people, not just demigods, but demigod families *gasp*

Nico: It can't be as crowded as the Underworld...

Leo Valdez has posted a multimedia: [Picture of CHB at dinner, the dining pavilion, the amphitheatre, and the sword arena are all full to the brim. People are also eating in the yard in front of the cabins]

Nico: HOLY MOTHER OF(Facebook has removed the rest of this message due to inappropriate content)

Leo: Yeah..

Annabeth: I think I have a solution, at least for the cabin/sleeping situations, but we'll need the gods' permission

Zeus: eh?

Annabeth: Swear on the River Styx that you will not blast me

Zeus: ummm

Annabeth: Or I won't say anything

Zeus: fine I swear upon the River Styx

Annabeth: We're going to have to go a little roman...

Percy Jackson: What?

Reyna: What?

Octavian: WHAT!?

Annabeth: Alot of the cabins are mostly empty. Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Poseidon and Hades only have one. We should split up call the campers... into all the cabins, it'll give everyone a little breathing room.

Poseidon: Fine I give you permission

Artemis: Errrrr, I do as well, I only girls in mine...or else

Annabeth: Yes lady Artemis

Percy: Not that I have a say or anything, but...ok

Nico: Sure, why not use my cabin, but touch my stuff and you'll die

Annabeth: Ummmm...thanks Nico...

Hades: What!? I didn't agree to this!

Hades: Derrrr fine.....I can work on my social skills I suppose...I won't kill anyone while staying at this camp.....*takes a deep breath* I swear upon the river Styx.

Hera: That is very big of a you Hades and more than I can say about my husband. Also, and Annabeth, if you can somewhere for them to sleep, you may use my cabin and this the only exception I'll every make

Annabeth: Umm...thank you, Lady Hera

Hera: :)

Annabeth: I don't know what to do in this situation...

Zues: No one uses my cabin, but my children

Zues: Ow! What was that for Hera?

Zues: Why are you wearing a goat?

Zues: AHHHHH!!!!!!!! Roman Hera scary!

Zues: You may let campers sleep in my cabin!!!!!

Annabeth: ,':l um...thanks Zues......and Juno...Hera....

Annabeth: Okay, let it begin. Chiron?

Chiron: This is Dionysus actually

Chiron: Chiron got overwhelmed and passed out

Octavian: Greeks...-_-

Leo: I've been waiting the conversation for this

Leo: Octavian's a whale!!!

Percy Jackson: O.o

Poseidon: What's this about whales?


Shadowsleek has updated her status: I don't know where that came from but I thought it was boring.....I'm going to write This is War now...bai!

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