Gods Play Truth or Dare

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Rachel Dare has uploaded a multimedia: [ Video of Stolls leading an army of demigods with pitchforks, swords, and pomegranates up to Mt. Olympus with while band  plays dramatic music in the background. The gods look confused. Suddenly the camera goes blank. When the feed picks back up, the gods are playing Truth or Dare while the demigods watch.]


Rachel Dare: How the Hades did this happen?

Hades: Trust me, if I knew....

Rachel Dare: Oh...you're cute

Hades: I'm done being a teenager

ConnorSToll: Well in that case, go play with them...actually since you might actually make this interesting, you must go play with them

Hades: Why do I have to listen to you?

ConnorSToll: Because

Hades: Fine

          Varden has logged on

Varden: Dad, you're a disgrace

          Varden has logged off

Hades: Did nobody see that?

ConnorSToll: Go with the other Olympians

Hades: I'm not an Olympian, I thought we've been through this

ConnorSToll: Not with me you haven't

TravisSToll has updated his status: Ahem, introducing! GODS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE DEMIGODS EDITION! THE SHOW WHERE THE DEMIGODS CHOOSE THE TRUTHS AND THE DARES FOR THE GODS!!!! THEN WE VIDEO TAPE THEM FOR OUR OWN AMUSEMENT! You may be wondering why the Hades they agreed to such a ridiculous thing....well...for our whole lives, we have been collecting blackmail worthy things for each of the gods. Finally, me and my bro got our hands on that tape of Athena ( ;) thanks dad) so now we can blackmail all the gods. Then we can use these truth or dare videos for future blackmail. Hopefully it will work at least three or four more times before they stop us somehow.

ConnorSToll has updated this status: Now Aphrodite has confided in us a pretty good dare. So we'll do hers first, then get to the demigods. NOW I WOULD LIKE TO DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR LIVE VIDEO FEED! click the link below


"OKAY!" Travis yelled and jumped up with a microphone to his mouth. "This first dare if from Aphrodite, so if you want to kill or hug somebody afterward she's right over there!" He pointed to Aphrodite who was sitting across the room in designer jeans and a perfect pink blouse. "I'm calling....Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena up to read the honors!"

Annabeth stood form her seat and took a paper from Travis's hand.  "Okay..." she mused then her face went white as she read the paper. "Does that actually say what I think that says?" She hissed. "Or is it just the dyslexia?"

"No it actually does say that."

Annabeth let out a deep breath. "Wow...you're going to get me killed but...." she raised her voice so everyone could hear. " Aphrodite dares Poseidon to...." Annabeth squeezed her eyes shut. "Kiss...A-Athena..."

Then everyone gasped, except Zeus, Hades, Apollo and Artemis who breathed a sighs a relief, but Annabeth wasn't done.

"...and I quote...full out on the lips for a full thirty seconds and Athena...must kiss back for twenty of said thirty seconds or the dare will not be considered full-filled. If thou shalt refuse to consent to this dare, thou shalt have to each take off your -- yeah, no, you must consent to the dare."

to be continued...

Shadowsleek has updated her status: So this is what goes on when I work on This Is War nonstop for a couple weeks? Yeah....I ship Pothena even it would never ever work out...we'll be getting some truth or dare action. Sorry for not updating this. Seriously, if you do not read This Is War, go and do that. It is awesome

Sooo....random question? What are the strangest Athena ships you've seen?

The strangest I've seen would have to be AthenaXSlenderman

And I ship it so hard that I'm waiting for slenderbabies to appear...

Shoutout to @Pysche_the_World because she is where I found AthenaXSlenderman

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