Part 3 Sunlight

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Team RNJR was sleeping peacefully, that was until they heard a blood curdling screech, coming from Sidi, who exposed a little bit of his skin, it was a quick exposure, "What is going on?" asks Jaune as he then looks to see Sidi writhe in pain on the ground, Ren, Nora, and Jaune grab their weapons and are about to strike, when Ruby runs in-front of them, and blocks their way, "NO HE'S A GOOD GUY I PROMISE!!!" says Ruby, as she then lowers herself to check on Sidi, "Sidi are you okay?" she asks, and he nods barely, and writes with his hand, "i-it hurts..." on the ground, Ruby reaches to Sidi's arm, and he rolls back, and shakes his head no, and motions to the sun, "I think he's trying to say something.." says Ren, Sidi nods, and holds up three fingers, "Three, words..." says Nora, as Sidi points to the sun, "The sun?" asks Jaune, making Sidi nod rapidly, he then motions with his hand a jabbing motion to his arm, "Hurt me?" asks Ren. Sidi nods, "Oh Sunlight hurts me." says Ruby, making Sidi nod, and what they could assume smile, "Oh, so is that why you wear all those clothes?" asks Ruby, Sidi nods yes, and he waves it off, meaning he will be fine, however his stomach growled loudly, "Your hungry?" asks Ruby, Sidi nods, and then he stops, as if he sees something they can't see... Grimm Sight. He see's the purplish black spectrum that Grimm see in, and sees a pulsating brown soul, he gets on all fours, and climbs the tree, leaving Team RNJR watching, until he disappears, they only follow the sound of the rustling branches, and then silence... and then they see him jump down from the tree, and they hear a thud, farther in-front of them, and then they see him drag a rabbit from behind the bushes, he goes to the still dying embers of the campfire, and places sticks over the embers, and from his cloak he pulls out a small amount of fire dust, and crushes it in his palm, and drizzles it over the sticks, and within contact the sticks break into flames, Team RNJR watches Sidi skin and gut the rabbit, and watch him cook it, after a few minutes he holds the cooked rabbit, and looks at them, and holds it out to them, "No thanks, you killed it, you eat it." says the team in unison, Sidi shrugs, and goes to take his mask off, but then he remembers that he's not alone, and jumps up into the tree, and there they could hear sounds of eating, and some cracking, they don't look up, Jaune freaks out when he sees the skull fall onto the ground, and nothing else fall down, "D-Did he just... eat the bones?" asks Jaune as he then runs to the nearest bush and throws up, "I don't know... they could be in some kind of pile on the tree limb." says Ren, "Lets not think about it." says Ruby, as they all shiver, and then they jump back when Sidi jumps down from the tree, after that horrific scene they decided to skip breakfast, and decide to leave, now Team RNJRS.

Sidi goes between forms of walking, between all fours, and walking like a human, though Sidi was rather odd with the Team, they did find him useful, one he had quick reflexes, which he showed when a snake fell from a tree above Nora, and tossed it away, and proved to be a good hunter, however they found it odd that he never showed his face, or ate with them, and constantly made sniffing sounds, and the occasional stare at Ruby, as if he was confused about her, and then continued on with whatever he was doing, and occasionally he would get tired of walking, and start to climb the trees, and jump from branch to branch, he stops suddenly and lifts his head up like a dog, his upper body up, his right hand and arm up, in a strange position, "Whats wrong Sidi, what do you see?" asks Nora, as she tries to see what he sees, Sidi makes a low growl and climbs up a tree, to get a better view, and sees a town, damaged, and he releases a strange clicking sound, that sounds more of a warning. Nora jumps onto a wooden post and looks in the direction. "Umm, guys, I think Sidi found something bad... and you might not like this." says Nora, at that Jaune, Ren and Ruby run to what Nora and Sidi sees, and see a horrific sight, a town destroyed, and a hunter resting on a wall, Team RNJRS goes over to the hunter, however something catches Sidi's eye, as Team RNJR talks to the dying Huntsman, Sidi walks on all fours, and finds an old orphanage, and tilts his head, he stands up and looks at the sign, "Mahogany's Orphanage." said the sign, Sidi walked into the orphanage, and once inside he collapses to his knees, and covers his ears, and screeches in horrific pain, he runs on all fours through each room, oddly enough his vision turns blood red, he sits in a crouched position and rears his back, and lets out a roar, as sharp talons come out of his finger tips, he pounces at the walls, and scratches at them, and cuts pictures in half, and goes to slice an old piece of paper, a drawing of a cave, a boy, and a Grimm, he takes it from the wall, and folds it up, and tucks it into his jacket, but then continues to destroy the place, he finds his way to the center of the orphanage which had a slight indoor and outdoor garden, with a cherry blossom tree, already blooming, however as soon as Sidi gets close to the tree, the blossomed flowers start to fall, making Sidi sigh, he found them quite lovely, it looks so pretty but it's gone too soon, is all what he could think of, he then looks down at his hands, and watches the sharp talons shrink back into his fingers, he then turns around and runs quickly, tears stream from his eyes, from behind the mask, and runs straight into Ruby, tackling her to the ground, and shivers as if he saw a ghost, "Sidi, what's wrong?" asks Ruby, as she then rubs his back, Sidi gets back up, and pulls Ruby to her feet, and takes out the drawing, and says with charades, "I found this..." Ruby looks at it, and just looks in complete shock, and drops it, she runs to the center of town, "OBSIDIAN!!!! PLEASE IF YOU ARE A GHOST PLEASE SHOW YOURSELF, IS THIS YOUR HOMETOWN?!?!?!?!?!?!?" she falls onto her knees and cries, as she expected, nothing, no answer, the wind wasn't rustling the leaves, everything was still, and ghostly. Sidi walks over to Ruby, and nudges her, and makes a hoarse sound, which got Ruby's attention, "Sidi?" says Ruby as she wipes the tears away from her face, "R-R-R...." Ruby looks at him, "R-Ru-b-by..." says Sidi in his hoarse cracking voice, as he then makes horrific coughing sounds and falls forward, and seems exhausted, she attempts to lift Sidi up and carries him slightly, the team must go on...

In Atlas Mimik stands guard at the Schnee Manor, which causes confusion for everyone, a sixteen year old boy, who is playing with voodoo dolls, and wears really light clothes is standing at the gates, and doesn't seem to be bothered by the temperature, now you may think that he's  playing, but he's not, he's actually keeping track of who goes around the manor, and checks if they are or aren't a threat.

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