Calem's Revenge

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Calem's POV

"This time Ash for sure won't dare to ever touch Serena again, muahaha!" Calem exclaims loudly as he holds Ash's pokephone. Thanks Serena for creating such opportunity for me.

After a few hours, Ash returns to my home frantically. I tell him in my worried tone, "Ash, you have left your pokephone here, how forgetful!"

"Oh thanks, Calem!" Ash replies.

He adds, "I guess I have to return home now."

"Ok," I say, waving goodbye with a smile.

As soon as he has left my home, my fake smile turns into a devious smile. Ash, it's pay back time!

Serena POV

"Ahem, Attention to ASH KETCHUM, please report to the Principal's Office right now, instead of your examination venue right now!" the school public address system calls out, way early in the morning, Monday morning.

I look at Ash who is just by my side and asks, "Why will the Principal wants to see you, Ash?"

"Beats me," he replies as I walk him to the General Office and then the Principal's Office, except that he is supposed to be the one to enter the office.

I could easily notice his nervousness. Both of his palms are now perspiring. His legs are shaking too. True, no one wants to be called up by anyone, especially a Principal before a major examination. And why would a Principal do such things at such a time? It must be serious!

Upon arrival in front of Principal's Office, I grab Ash sweaty palms. He then looks back at me in shock. I quickly give him a gentle and light kiss on his lips. Upon completion, I can notice the redness in Ash's cheeks. However, he calmly says, "I am fine!"

Despite knowing that the matter must be serious, I still encourage him and say, "Ash, you can do it!"

It is at time moment when the office's door suddenly swings open and our Principal, Professor Oak and Calem appear from behind the door. He says, "Ash, come in"

At the same time, Professor Oak signals me out of the general office. Now, my worriedness level has gone up a notch. Why is Calem with Professor Oak? After Ash enters the room, Calem closes the door and wink at me which sends chills down my spines. Something must be wrong! I unknowingly place my right hand on my heart. Oh Ash~

Calem POV

"Professor Oak?" Ash says.

I quickly reply, "You don't deserve to call him that!"

"Calem,"Professor Oak says.

He adds, "Ok Ash, see we just recently have a case of a student taking upskirt videos of our women Professors especially Professor Cynthia just last friday."

"WHAT?! I have nothing to do with it." Ash innocently replies.

"Of course, you do, Ash-h, the evidence is in your pokephone," I rebut confidently.

"Wait, my pokephone??" Ash replies worriedly

"Show me your pokephone!" Professor Oak now demands.

"Sure," Ash grants my wish and I take the pokephone from Professor Oak and quickly find the upskirt video file that I supposed will end Ash education path and more importantly, separate Ash from Serena.

"There, Professor Oak, this file but it has a password," I tell.

Visually, I could see Ash's brown eyes widen in shock. I further tease him by sticking my tongue out.

"What is the password, Ash?" Professor Oak demands, louder than ever.

"I don't know."

"Don't worry, Professor Oak, I know where it is," I exclaim as I laugh to myself. This Ash is so dead after I expose this issue.

"Where?" Professor Oak asks.

"Follow me!" I say in reply as I giggle to myself. This Ash obviously does not know what is coming up.

As planned, there is a huge crowd outside the general office while I lead the two out towards the lockers. All of them have been called by me to see how Ash gets framed for taking these upskirt videos. All the pairs of eyes are obviously glued onto Ash, considering that I have also shared these upskirt videos through the use of Ash's pokephone last Saturday. Their hands are also pointing towards Ash and they are having small chats among themselves. This plan is working!

Upon arrival at Ash's locker, I notice a special pair of blue cerulean eyes among the crowd. Her facial expression tells me to let go of Ash. I thought in reply, 'I simply cannot, he has stolen you from me. He must pay the price for it. I will never let my loved ones to get touched by others. You are mine, and mine only.'

"Professor Oak, here it is! The password is in Ash's locker." I say, remembering the note I slip into one of his books.

"Ash, are you ok?" that same voice of Serena travels into my ears as Serena runs to Ash and wraps her hand around his. She whispers something into his ears while Ash replies, "Everything is fine." as he slowly loosens Serena's grip on his hand.

Ash kindly unlocks the lock to his locker with his key, listening to Professor Oak's request. I quickly search for the exact book that I left the note in. Despite finding that book, I cannot seem to find that note. Not trying to disappoint myself, I also search the other books. However, the note is not in his locker.

Professor Oak asks, "So Calem, where is the note?"

I honestly say, "It is not inside."

Ash cuts our supposed conversation, "Calem, you seems to forget about something in your plan!"

What does Ash have up his sleeve to retaliate Calem?
Will Calem's plan succeed?
Who is this guy helping Calem?


I guess everything just happens so quickly and too fast. So I casually end this chapter here. Hope no buses are thrown at me for leaving a cliffhanger here.

As usual, comment on what I can improve or just any thoughts on my story. Thanks for the support! 😊

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