My past

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I suddenly become awaken by my new alarm clock, my Pokemon, my Pikachu. It is now a Saturday morning.

After a quick brush up, I head downstairs for my morning breakfast.

"Serena, could you help me break the eggs over there?" a voice comes into my ears.

Another voice says in reply, "Ok!"

Their conversation now becomes more clear as I enter the living room. Their conversation continues as I hide behind a wall where I could hear their conversation the clearest.

"Delia, do you happen to know a bit of Ash's past?" Serena asks after cracking some eggs.

"Uhh-h, just a little, what do you want to know?" Delia replies.

"I just want to ask did Ash weirdly like that night before? And also do you happen to know why?" Serena asks.

Still, behind the wall, I thought to myself, Should I stop this conversation? Or should I let it carry on?

Before I could make my decision, the conversation has continued. "To be frank, he only started acting this way after his dad passed away. Before that, he was a very happy, positive, optimistic child you know even back in the days of the Oak Summer Camp."

Serena POV

As I slowly recollect the scenes of my young Ash and compare it with the present day Ash. Indeed, I do see stark differences in their personalities. One of the two is more confident, more courageous and more helpful. The other has lower self-esteem and keeps everything to himself. Even though he does still help others, he does not know how to help himself.

I curiously ask, "Then do you know what had happened between Ash and his father?"

"This, I'm not sure. I'm afraid you have to ask Ash." Delia replies with a frown, knowing that she could not answer all my queries.


Phew, she did not say but that doesnt mean she does not know. I thought to myself.

"Serena, why dont you call Ash for his breakfast?" the same voice comes from the kitchen.

I start to panic, oh no, I am supposed to be in bed, what should I do? Maybe pretend that I just wake up. Yeah, I should.

"Ooowww!" I pretend to yawn as I walk closer to the kitchen, till I am visible to them

"Oh Ash, you are awake," Delia says with a weak smile.

I pretend to take notice at Serena expressionless, and look back at Delia and ask, "Why is she here?"

Both of them look at each other, and Delia speaks, "Well sweetheart, Serena stayed here overnight in our guest room."

Why is she so persistent? Dint I emphasise clearly that I dont want to see her? Or did mum tell her about the act?

I sarcastically reply, "Ok!"

After finishing my breakfast, Serena attempts to ask me out for a walk.

"Ash, would you like to go out and have a walk? It will really help soothe your soul!" Serena explains with her usual radiant smile.

Her smile, coupled with her blue shining eyes, has somehow convinced me to go out with her. However, I still have to put up an act.

I look at Delia, my mum, pretending that I din't have the answer. Since Delia is positioned behind Serena, luckily Serena cannot see my mum response. To my surprise, Delia nods her head in agreement.

I show a "Huh" face to my mum which is caught by Serena, who subsequently look backwards at Delia.

I quickly reply, "Yeahhh!"

Delia speaks, "Then you two just go! I can clean up the kitchen myself."

Serena says, "Ok, Ash lets go!"

I unwillingly say, "Yes."

Serena POV

As we slowly make our way walking aimlessly around the neighbourhood, I thought 'How can I convince Ash to tell me?' Ash finally break the 10 minutes long silence.

"Serena, where are we going?"

"Going to the park!" I say confidently, blushing at the thought of what I am going to do next. I grab his hand then drag his body to where I intend to head.

"Wait-" he yells.

He seems surprised at my actions.

Soon, we arrive at the park. It is now filled with blossoming flowers, containing various colours. Each has their own shapes and sizes. This is splendid.

"Ash, could you help me take pictures?" I request as I hand Ash my pokephone.

I even show him my puppy doll eyes to convince him.

He nods his head and receives my pokephone. After taking various pictures of various flowers and poses and dragging him for selfies, we become tired.

As we are browsing through the pictures Ash took, Ash's stomach growls for a few seconds. This makes me giggle and says still giggling, "Haha, seems like you are hungry!"

"Haha!" Ash replies, laughing.

(scene skips)

"Ash, it is this cafe! They make the best pastries in the world!" I exclaim.


After we are given a table of 2 within the cafe, the waiter asks, "Would you two like Valentine's special set menu?"

With that, I blush furiously, not knowing how to respond, but only knowing to hide my expression.

However, Ash calmly replies as if nothing has happened or perhaps he is too dense, "Isn't Valentine's day on the 14th, today is only 4th!"

She kindly replies, "Oh, Sir, our cafe runs this promotional set menu for the whole month but they are exclusively for couples."

By now, I have covered my totally red face with the a la carte set menu. Ash calls my name. "Serena!"

"Wh-hat?" I reply frustrated.

"I have looked at that set menu, it looks very worth it. It has finger sandwiches of various variety, the main course and finally -"

"Just order for me!" I cut Ash rudely as he is kindly explaining to me.

"Ok," Ash says.

After finishing our lunch and sharing a bit of my past, I ask the waiter to serve their best five pastries.

"That is alot!" Ash exclaims.

"If I cannot finish, you have to finish them all, haha!" I say.

Ash laughs in response too.

Before the desserts are served, I ask, "Ash, now that we are kind of together, would you mind sharing your past? I really care about you!" as I grab his hand, transferring my heat to him.


One of the shorter chapters. As some of you know, I have no mood to write. This is what I have so far. Nothing much really happen. If there is a need, I may include details on Serena's past, but that will be a later date. And of course, Happy Valentine's Day.

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