Night Stars

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3rd Person POV

After the recent clash between Ash and Calem, nothing much has changed. School life resumes as usual for all students just more peaceful. The only exception is Calem, who is being expelled from school for holding both upskirt videos and pornography which Professor Oak soon found out too. With the end of the semester for our 10th graders (correct me if I'm wrong) coming to an end, they all await their results to see if they are eligible to be promoted to their next year. We join Serena as the results slips are being given out.

Serena POV

"How Ash? I'm scared, will I be promoted?" I ask Ash softly by my side.

"You will be just fine!" Ash consoles me.

"So our top scorer for this class is ..." Professor Oak says.

Since no other Professors are available to help our class announce the results, Professor Oak decides to step in and do the honours.

The whole class starts to cant Ash's name as if he is some god. Indeed, he is outstanding in this class but he had suffered quite a number of setbacks caused by Dawn first, then me and lastly Calem. Finally, the name is announced.

"Paul!" Professor Oak says.

"Scoring straight As in our final examinations, good job Paul!" he adds.

Everyone starts to clap for Paul but not in sync. Perhaps they are still shocked by the end results but soon realises that Ash has had been through tough times in his first year here.

Paul then steps up from his seat and collect his result slip. Soon, the rest of the class receives their own result slips. Professor Oak makes the last announcement, "Congratulations to all of you, the whole class is promoted!"

The class starts to run wild and party...

That night, the whole class decides to party over at Paul's house and have a sleepover there too. Over at the bar counter, I ask Ash, "So what is your plan going forward?"

"Well, I'm not sure, but I would love to return to Kanto first to check on things first," Ash replies in his usual proactive tone. 

"Ohh, will you continue your stay here in Kalos? I mean starting Grade 11 here?"

"Definitely, I would love to, so that I can spend more time with you," he replies excitedly.

"Oh Ash~,"

"Come, Serena, let's dance together," Dawn approaches us and asks me.

"Sure!" I reply as I join the dance party. 

After the dance party late in the night, everyone is so tired, until this mischievous Gary says, "Why not let's play truth or dare? Who's in?"

However, to Gary's amazement, no one is available to play. Only Paul, Gary, Ash, Dawn and I are awake. Paul says, "They are so weak," 

Gary says, "Yeah!"

Dawn rebuts, "You can't say that they aren't as active as you do."

Paul replies, "Ok, so all the guys sleep in this room and the girls in that room over there, clear?"

"Ok," we all reply in unison.

Too bad for me, I am still wide awake and not prepared to sleep any moment soon, so I decide to take a walk in the garden and do some star-gazing. To my shock, I find Ash already lying down on the grass patch. I smile.

"So you are still awake?" Ash asks by surprise despite me taking delicate and soft steps to lie down by his side.


"Do you want to know the second part of my story past?" Ash asks.

I really want to say yes, but I guess I take too long to think and Ash just starts, taking my silence as consent. 

Ash starts, "Well-l after I was adopted by Delia, she enrolled me in the Oak Summer Camp so that I can meet and make new friends."

I cut Ash, "That's where I met you!"


"After the Summer Camp?"



After the Oak Summer Camp, I enjoyed playing with Gary. We spent quite a decent amount of time in his Gramps' Pokemon Laboratory. We had awesome times there. 

However, good times often end very soon. My adoptive parents often got into quarrels very easily, often concerning about money. My father called Jack will always demand money from Delia for his businesses which he claimed to be failures all the time. Sometimes, their argument can reach a climax such that he will resort to violence to get his money.

All these nonsense came to an end after his death as a result of my self-defence. It was that one time at an age of 14 when he threatened Delia to kill me so that he can escort money from her once again. At that moment, Jack had his knife close to my throat with his left hand and held me close to his body with his right hand. After the couple rebutted each other words one by one, I felt that Jack had loosened his grip. In one quick swift movement, I violently hit his left hand causing him to lose his grip on his knife and kicked the knife away from Jack and me. 

Unexpectedly, Jack pulled out his gun from behind his jacket and pointed it to me. Noticing a gun, I quickly grabbed hold of it and aimed it away from both me and Delia. During the struggle for control over the gun, we suffered several bruises. "BANG," one bullet came out of the gun. 

"Ow!" Delia cried.

Jack tried to speak to me, "Let go of the gun, or else you will suffer like Delia." 

I took a quick look at Delia and noticed that blood starts to drip from her right shoulder. Red strains start to fill her white shirt. 

Filled with anger and outrage, I used my every ounce of my last strength to point the gun towards Jack himself.

"What are you trying to do? DONT!" Jack screamed.

"BANG!" the second bullet was fired again.

Soon, I noticed that the struggle was over and blood started to overflow all over my hands. The bloody look of my hands disgusted myself. "AAAHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

 *End of Flashback*


"That sure is bloody." Serena gasps for air as she cannot believe what she just heard.


"So Officer Jenny?" Serena asks.

Sensing her meaning, I reply, "Delia and I, of course, explained the whole situation in detail and she understood that I killed Jack in the name of self-defense. So I am fine."

"Then, why did you come back to Kalos?"

"I came back in an attempt to escape from all the tragedies there," I explain.

Just then, a shooting star zooms past the night sky.

"Ash, shooting star, make a wish quick!" Serena says.

I clasp my hands together and quickly make a wish.

After a mere few seconds, Serena asks me eagerly, "What wish did you make?"

"Can't tell you," I explain.


"If I tell you, I will not come true, haha."

"NNNOOO!" she insists.

"Still gonna tell you," I say as I stand up from my lying position and run back into the house in a playful manner.

She runs after me like a kid, still yearning for my wish.

What wish do you want Ash and Serena to make?


One more chapter down, one last one to go. I really cannot believe myself! Two chapters uploads in one day! My first lol. 

Just a light-hearted chapter :).

Enjoy and Ship ON!

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