Xmas eve

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As we board the plane back to Kanto, Gary sitting by my side asks, "Ashy boy, what did you do to Serena?"

Gary's question puts me back to yesterday's night. The lust. The pleasure. The excitement. My face uncontrollably turns crimson red. I reply to Gary, "Nothing much". I immediately hide my face to avoid eye contact with Gary.

However, I unintentionally make eye contact with a pair of green eyes of another girl sitting beside me, this time on my right. She has green hair, wearing a grey shirt and similar coloured shorts. Under her grey shirt, she is wearing something pink. I thought, 'She must have seen my blush'. Then, she starts to giggle, similar to how Serena does it. She then asks, "Are you alright? You look very red"

"Yeah, I ... I am fine." I reply.

"But you dont look fine to me, come eat it and you will feel fine." she says as she hands me one rectangular bar.

I receive the bar from her and unwrap it, only to find chocolate, my favourite. I immediately throw it into my mouth and munch it down my stomach. "It is so yummy! Thank you!" I exclaim.

"Glad you like it, I make it myself!" she says.

"Really? No wonder it is so unique. It has the taste of mint at first, yet after I shallow, the strong taste of chocolate erupts from within." I reply excitedly

Gary on my left whispers to me, "Stop flirting with her!"

Gary's words did not stop me, maybe because of the chocolate. I whisper back to him, "Mind your own business, you jealous punk."

Gary immediately turns his head away, feeling jealous definitely as he is not seated beside a beautiful girl.

She continues in her normal sweet tone, "Who is that guy on your left? Is he your friend?"

"Oh, yeah, he is my friend, Gary Oak, the most annoying dude I ever met."

She chuckles and adds, "He is not that bad right? I guess he is just concern about you."

"Nah, I dont want to be gay with him," I reply as I laugh.

She laughs too. I go ahead and ask her, "What is your purpose of going to Kanto?"

She replies, "To join Oak High School one of the more prestigious schools around, of course! I cannot wait to start school next week!"

"That is awesome, I am also from Oak High School, but the thing is I am transferred from the Kanto branch to the Kalos branch, I am just returning to Kanto for a Christmas party."

"Wow, just when I thought we have a chance to meet up in school but never mind." she signs

Curious, I ask, "So are you from Kanto or Kalos?"

"Oh, I am from the Alola region!" she exclaims proudly.

"Alola region? Never heard before."

"Yeah, it is a cool paradise where people live together in harmony with nature!" she exclaims excitedly.

"Wow, what an awesome place!"

We continue chatting about school life, other regions and much more.

Upon arrival at Kanto airport, she asks me one last question, "What is your name?"

I exclaimed proudly, "I am Ash, Ash Ketchum!

"Nice to meet you!" she replies.

"So what is your name?" I ask

She whispers into my ear, "Mallow." as she gets up from her seat and wave goodbye to me. I see her body slowly becoming smaller and smaller and then disappear. I wonder when will I see her again. Then, someone on my left taps my shoulder

As I turn my head towards the person, Gary gives me a stern face. He says, "You seems to get along with her quite well."

I rebut, "I get along well with everyone!"

"Not Dawn," as Gary burns me.

I ignore Gary and leave the airport for pallet town alone. Upon arriving at pallet town, I am awe by the Christmas lightings. I totally cannot wait for the Christmas party tonight!!!

Serena POV

"Hi Bonnie, hi Clemont!" I say.

"Hi Serena, why are you here?" Bonnie asks.

"Oh-h, I was sending someone to the airport," I say.

"Who, who, your boyfriend?" Bonnie excitedly asks.

Since Clemont is there and he knows Ash I cannot tell Bonnie yet, "Just a normal friend." I reply.

As usual, Bonnie gives me a strange look, indicating that she is interested in that friend of mine who is Ash. Bonnie cleverly asks Clemont, "Big brother, could I go shopping with Serena? I have not been with here since summer, please big brother!"

Clemont replies, "But today is Christmas' Eve, what is there to buy?"

Bonnie is about to rebut but I cut in, "Clemont, dont you trust me? I will bring Bonnie back safely by tonight."

Clemont replies, "Ok" knowing that he is powerless against both of us.

With that, both Bonnie and I are set free to roam the shopping malls around Lumiose City. As we are about to leave the malls in the evening for our respective homes, Bonnie decides to ask me about that guy whom I send this morning.

To be honest, I do not intent to tell anyone about Ash and I. However, since there is no one I can share and confide to now, I only have Bonnie left.

I start, "Well things are really complicated..."

"Good, the more complicated it is, the better. I want to know more!!!"

After a full half an hour, I finally fill Bonnie in with every event that leads up to the current state of matters.

Bonnie exclaims, "Wow, this is really complex, first you said yes to Calem, now you have jumped two boats and the worst thing is you lost your first time to someone else other than Calem."

I reply, "Something along that line."

Bonnie suddenly gets excited and asks, "Who will you choose, Ash or Calem?"

Struck by that question for the first time, my mind instantly turns blank. Should I choose Ash or Calem?

Bonnie interferes my thoughts, "Why not let me help you choose?"

"How?" I ask.

Bonnie whispers something into my left ear. I beam at the thought of it. I say, "Great, it is a deal!"

What deal did Serena and Bonnie strike?
How will things change after Ash meets Mallow?
Also, will Serena and Dawn ever going to mend their relationship?


I admit this is one of those filler chapters but you cannot have so many climaxes to the stories right. I am open to comments on how to make these filler chapters better, thanks in advance. See you in the comments section below :D

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