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"Today is the best day of my life. I got married to love of my life Swara. What else do I need in my life. From the day I saw her for the first time in Bhai's marriage she has filled my heart and mind" Sanskar smiled standing at his room door. He rubbed his palms against each other and smiled widely and opened the door. He saw her sitting in between the bed and covered her face with the ghungat. She looked nervous and her hand made her legs drag more close to her chest. Sanskar smiled and neared the bed and sat on the bed. As she sensed him her hands started shivering. "Hey relax Swara. Why are you getting nervous. We will just talk today okay. I know you need time to move forward. And I'm ready to give you that time so don't worry" said Sanskar and held her hand. She jerked for his sudden touch. He moved near to her and held her ghungat. He slowly moved it up smiling. In next moment his heart was in his mouth. "Ragini? What the hell are you doing here? Is this any joke?" he almost screamed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "No no" whispered she. "Where is Swara and what are you doing in her place? Swara.... Swara....." he screamed as he stood up from his bed. He pulled his hair frustrated. Ragini moved out of the bed and stood near it. He turned and held her from her shoulders. He looked at her furiously. His eyes were bleeding red. "I asked you something. Where is Swara?" asked Sanskar. Ragini was silent. His grip on her shoulders tightened and it pained her. "Its hurting" said she sobbing. "Where is Swara?" he asked her without giving heed to what she was saying. "Sanskar what happened? Why are you screaming?" asked Sujata entering his room. She looked beyond him and found Ragini. "What is she doing here? Where is Swara?" asked she confused. "You are gonna tell or not" asked Sanskar dragging her more close to him. She looked at him scared. "Maa call Sumi aunty now" screamed he and Sujata complied.


"Maa" said Ragini holding her cheek when Sumi slapped her. "This is what I taught you? Where is Swara? What have you done with her? How did you come in place of her?" asked Sumi holding her shoulders. "Maa wo Swara" Ragini struggled to say. "You will say it or not?" screamed she. Ragini jerked and sobbed. "She she is in store room" said Ragini sobbing. "What?" asked Sumi horrified. Sanskar looked at her shocked. She dialed a number in her phone. "Vikky just check store room if Shona is there" said Sumi over the phone. They waited for few minutes and they heard Vikram screaming "Shona Shonaa... Get up. Maa she is unconscious" "Oh my god. Take her to room and call doctor uncle I will come" said she and disconnected the call. "Why did you do this? How could you spoil your own sister's life? Finally you proved that blood relations are the real. What if she was your half sister still she loved you and considered you as her own sister. How could you stoop so low? Tell me why did you do this?" asked Sumi holding her elbow. "Because I love him" screamed Ragini and everyone jerked due to her scream. "I love him maa. And I cannot see anyone else with him I cannot. He is mine and only mine" said Ragini and in next minute Sanskar slapped her. "Is it kind of a joke for you? I don't love you and I will never ever. Did you get that. This marriage has no meaning. No meaning at all. You are just nobody to me, nobody" said Sanskar holding her elbow. "And I hate you...... I just hate you more than anything in the world" said he and jerked her hand. Ragini stumbled and fell on the ground. "And from today you are dead for me" said Sumi and stormed from there wiping her tears. Ragini closed her eyes painfully letting the tears. Sujata looked at her with zero expression. How much she wished Swara to be her bahu and here Ragini was in her place. It wasn't that she did not liked Ragini but Swara was Sanskar's choice and she had already accepted her as bahu. Now placing Ragini in that position was next to impossible. Not when Sanskar himself did not accepted her as his wife. She turned and headed to her room. Ragini kept sobbing placing her palms on the ground.


"Swara likes this color ma" said Sanskar blushing when Sujata asked him the color to paint his room with before his marriage. "Oye hoye now only wife's choice haa?" asked Sujata placing her hand on her waist. "Maa" said he and hugged her and she caressed his hair. He instructed the interior designer to design the room according to Swara's choice.

Sanskar pulled all the decorations on his bed and his room. He pushed all the candles and it burnt his bed sheet which was fallen on the ground. He sat in front of it and tears flew from his eyes and sweat covered his face and body. "How could you do this Ragini? How could you. I hate you. I just hate you. Now I will show you what are the consequences if you mess up with Sanskar Maheshwari. You will see that side of mine which nobody has seen and I will make sure you suffer 100 times the pain I have suffered. And it's my promise to myself" said he and burnt his hand in the fire. That wasn't hurting. The person whom he trusted the most betrayed him. That pain was beyond explanation. His eyes were struggling to close.

"Ragu" said Adarsh (payed by Sharad Malhotra) coming to the hall and finding Ragini sleeping near the sofa. She was shivering uncontrollably. He went back to his room and brought a bedsheet and covered her. Ragini immediately dragged it all over her body and covered herself. "Yay" clapped Adarsh and headed back to his room smiling. He stood near Pari's photo (Divyanka Tripathi) which was covered with a garland. "Pari you heard my wish. Ragu came here permanently" said he smiling widely. He kissed her photo and walked to his bed smiling and lied on it and slept covering himself with a bed sheet.

Adarsh : Sharad Malhotra

Parinita: Divyanka Tripathi


"Dekho Ragini beta. I don't have any grudge on you. I still give you a chance. Just go from here and forget whatever happened. You can start your life a fresh. Just leave after breakfast I don't want any tamasha" said Sujata standing in front of Ragini. She was staring ground not able to answer her. "Where are you sending her mom?" asked Sanskar as he descended the stairs. Ragini jerked to his voice and stood nervous. "I was just sending her back Sanskar" said Sujata. "Why? she is my wife mom and she will stay here only" said he and dragged her to him holding her waist and Ragini looked at him horrified. "But Sanskar" said Sujata confused as she wasn't understanding his behavior. "Ragini get me my coffee" said he kissing her cheek and headed to his room. Ragini stood numb holding her cheek and Sujata stood shocked with open mouth. If she compared his behavior night and now it looked like he wasn't Sanskar. She blinked her eyes slowly to grasp the things happening so quickly around her. "Ragini I need my coffee in 5 minutes" screamed Sanskar jerking both of them and Ragini ran to the kitchen immediately. Sujata nodded her head and walked behind Ragini. She struggled a lot and finally made the coffee with shivering hands. She wiped her forehead as she finished making and sighed. "Ragini" screamed Sanskar and she jerked again. She held the coffee and headed to his room nervous.

"Ji your coffee" said Ragini standing at the room door. "Haven't you learned manners Jaan. Come in and keep it on the table" said he looking into the laptop. She walked in hesitant and placed the coffee on the table and stood a bit far nervous. Sanskar held the coffee cup and drank the first sip. He twisted his face. "Yuck what is this?" asked he annoyed. "Wo coffee" said Ragini. He splashed the hot coffee on her face. "Maa" screamed Ragini when the hot coffee touched her skin. "Taste it and tell me does it tastes like coffee?" asked he glaring her. She wiped her face and started walking to the washroom. He stood up from his place and neared her and dragged her back. "It's burning Sanskar leave me" said Ragini in cracking voice. "And what about the fire with which you burnt my heart ha? This is nothing compared to that pain. And you have to tolerate this pain all your life. You love me na baby, common prove me that you love me. You spoiled all my dreams. Now it's my turn to spoil you and your soul. You will pay for messing up with me. You will surely pay for it" said he and jerked her. She ran out of the room sobbing. He smirked looking at her.


Piyusha: Ruhanika Dhawan


"Swara maa.... Swara maa....." screeched Piyusha(played by Ruhanika Dhavan) as soon as she came out of her room. She banged Sanskar's room door. But no response. "I think she is in kitchen" said she and ran from there smiling widely. She saw some one working in kitchen. "Swara maa" screeched she and hugged her from back encircling her hands around the person's waist and smiled widely. "Piyu it's not Swara" said Sujata dragging her away and Ragini turned. "Ragini maasi?" asked she looking at her shocked. Ragini stood nervous. "Where is Swara maa" asked she and looked around. "Bacha Swara maa will not come here. Ragini will be in her place" said Sujata cupping Piyusha's face. "No" said she nodding her head. "I want Swara maa only" cried she stamping her foot. "Tell her to go and send Swara maa" said she pointing at Ragini. It pained her. "Beta she is married to your chachu. I cannot send her back and Swara cannot come here" said Sujata. She was unsure if Piyusha will understand whatever happened. "No I want Swara maa only. Tell her to go that's all" screamed she. "Piyu. Behave yourself" said Sanskar a bit strict standing at the kitchen door. She jerked and started crying more. "This is all because of you. Chachu is also scolding me because of you. I hate you I hate you" said she and was hitting Ragini with her small hands. Sujata dragged her away and took her to the room. Ragini sobbed holding the edge of the kitchen counter tightly. "This is just trail Mrs. Maheshwari. Betraying Sanskar Maheshwari is not that easy. And when you have thought about it let me make you clear what will be the consequences of it. Don't worry I will marry Swara only after I divorce you but till then you will pay for what you did" said he smirking pressing her hand against the granite counter and the broken edge pierced her skin and she cried with pain. She was still looking at the counter not able to meet his eyes which were bleeding red. "It's hurting" whispered she. "You get hurt also?" asked he shocked. "Please Sanskar" said she pleading him. "You did not give me a chance to plead you Ragini. Such big game you played. Why?" asked he dragging her holding her shoulders. "Because I love you and I did not wanted you to be someone's. And now also I will make sure that. I'm not gonna divorce you" said Ragini looking straight into his eyes. He dragged her more close to him. "And I will get it at any cost. By hook or by crook. It's my challenge" he said and jerked her. She stood holding the counter. "Challenge accepted" said she when he was near the door. He stopped his steps for a second and then continued walking. Ragini wiped her streaming tears and continued her work.

"Ragu" said Adarsh entering the kitchen. She smiled and turned. "AJ" said she. "I'm hungry" said he pouting and rubbing his eyes. "I will get you breakfast. Did you brush your teeth?" asked she. "He he. I brushed it nicely" said he showing his teeth. She smiled at his childish behavior and served the breakfast and neared him. She made him sit on the dining table and fed him. "It is so yummy. You made it?" asked he widening his eyes. She nodded her head smiling through her tears. He ate it talking about random things and Ragini listened to it carefully and nodding her head with sink. "Tablets?" asked she as she wiped his face as he finished drinking water after the food. "It is in my room. Wait I will get it" said he and ran to his room. He brought the tablets box and gave it to her. "But AJ I don't know which tablet to give you" said she confused. "Let me give him" said Ram standing at the door. Ragini lowered her head and nodded in okay. "No Papa. You teach her na. She will only give me from next time" said Adarsh. "Okay" said Ram and sat beside them and guided Ragini with the tablets. "Okay uncle" said Ragini smiling after he finished guiding. He smiled at her weakly and headed out from there. He turned back at them when he was near the door. He found Adarsh laughing and Ragini pouting. "Let it be fate. But she has a strange connection with this home. And I really feel there is some plan of destiny that she is in Swara's place. Something which is hidden below the surface" he thought and headed out from there.


"Piyu. You are good girl na? Wont you listen to your chachu?" asked Sanskar wiping Piyusha's tears. "No I want Swara maa that's all. I just want her nobody else" cried she stamping her foot. "Piyu bacha don't you trust your chachu?" asked he and she nodded her head still sobbing. "I promise I will get your Swara maa only to this house but you have to give me time" said he. "Pakka promise?" asked she holding her neck. "Pakka wala promise" said he pinching his neck. "I love you chachu. You are the best" said she and hugged him. He wiped his tears and rubbed her back. "Chalo now get ready. We will go to meet your Swara maa" said he dragging her out of the hug and wiping her face and kissing her cheek. She smiled widely and ran inside her room to get ready. Sanskar smiled looking at her. "Why did you make a promise which you cannot fulfill Sanskar?" asked Sujata placing her hand on his shoulder. "I will get rid off her maa. And I will do that at any cost" said he brushing his blazer. "In my life only Swara has a place nobody else. She thinks it is easy. I will show her real Sanskar Maheshwari her nightmare" said he and headed out furious. "I don't know Sanskar. I feel you are doing wrong with her. Whatever it is she is your wife now and you have to accept it. Marriage is not a joke. You cannot break it just like that" said Sujata looking at him.

"Breakfast" said Sanskar coldly sitting on the dining table. Ragini jerked to his voice. She headed to kitchen and brought the dishes and placed them on the table. "Do I need to tell you to serve now?" asked he looking at her. She served him hesitantly. "What is this?" asked he when she served him. "Poha" said she nervous. "You think I will eat this?" asked he. "I did not know what you will eat" said she and next second Sanskar held her from her elbow jerking her. "Then learn all that. You want to be my wife na? Learn it" said he and jerked her and started walking. "You should not skip your break fast" said Ragini. He turned and smirked. "When you have skipped my life only what difference it makes if I skip meal" he said looking at her painfully. Ragini looked up and met his painful eyes. It pierced her heart. His hatred was tolerable but his pain wasn't. She nodded her head and he wiped his tears furiously and headed from there. "Piyu breakfast" said Ragini when she descended down the stairs. "Don't try to be my mom. Only Swara maa is my mom" said she and walked from there to Sanskar who was sitting on the sofa in hall. Ragini looked at them painfully. "You deserve this hatred Ragini. You deserve this" thought Sanskar smirking. He held Piyusha's hand and walked out.


"Swara maa" screeched Piyusha as soon as she entered Swara's room in Gadodia Mansion. Swara was sitting on her bed. She hugged Piyusha and caressed her hair. "You said you will stay with me always" said Piyusha pouting and cried. Swara wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "Sorry Swara maa broke her promise" said Swara holding her ears pouting. "No don't be sorry. Chachu promised me that he will bring you home" said she wiping Swara's tears. Swara looked at Sanskar. He sat beside her. "I promise Swara you will be back in our life soon and Ragini I will throw her out of our life" said he holding her hand. She dragged her hands out of his hold. "Piyu bacha go Nani had kept chocolates for you" said Swara and Piyusha nodded her head and ran out of her room. "This is not right Sanskar. You are married" said she not able to meet his eyes. "That wasn't a marriage Swara you also very well know about it. She betrayed us" Swara closed her eyes painfully. "I know you are hurt due to her behavior. She seriously proved that she is your half sister. How much you tried to consider her more than your sister but she betrayed you. I really respected her when she made way for our marriage stating she doesn't want to get married now but you can marry though you are younger than her. But I never knew this is running in her mind Swara. I trusted her so much and whatever she did is not acceptable. I will never consider her my wife never ever" said Sanskar. "Sanskar...." said Swara but they were interrupted by Piyusha who came inside. Swara and Sanskar wiped their tears hiding from her and smiled. "Swara maa this you brought naa?" asked Piyusha. "Haa Bacha" said Swara caressing her cheek. "I love you Swara maa you are the best. You always get my favorite chokis" said Piyusha hugging Swara. "Chale Piyu" said Sanskar getting up. "Okay. Bye Swara maa. I will wait for you" said she and kissed Swara's cheek who smiled. "Give her a chance Sanskar" said Swara when Sanskar was at the door. "Did she give me a chance?" asked he. She had no answer. "And you are only meant for me and I will change this destiny's plan completely" he said and walked. Swara burst out crying bitterly.


"AJ stop na" said Ragini running behind Adarsh. "No Ragu I'm not gonna drink that. It's yuck" said he running around the dining table. Ragini held her waist tired and stood. "But it is your medicine. You have to drink it" said Ragini helplessly. "No I won't" said he and again started running when Ragini chased him again. He ran in the hall and Ragini kept chasing him. She collided with Sanskar who just entered the house. She stumbled and was in his arms safe. "Can't you see while walking?" asked Sanskar annoyed. "I was just" said Ragini and he dropped her and she fell on the ground with a thud. "Ouch" said Ragini as she got hurt. "Sanky why did you hurt Ragu?" asked Adarsh approaching Ragini and held her hands and made her stand. "Leave it AJ. Come drink the medicine please" said Ragini and dragged him with her. Adarsh glared Sanskar while walking. "No I don't wanna drink" Sanskar watched Adarsh who was pouting and nodding his head. "Why are you forcing him when he doesn't want to drink?" asked Sanskar. "It's between me and AJ and I don't listen to anyone" said Ragini and made Adarsh to drink it. Sanskar fumed and neared her and held her and asked "This stubbornness to interfere in others life when will you stop doing that?" asked he. She jerked his hand and took a thermometer and checked Adarsh's fever. "Now AJ is fine. Only tonight you have to drink that yuck drink" said Ragini making faces. "Sachi?" asked Adarsh. "Muchi" said she and pulled his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Adi bhai you have fever?" asked Sanskar concerned and touched his forehead and neck. "I had but Ragu called doctor uncle. He gave me ant byte and this yuck drink and now fever gone" said Adarsh biting his lower lip. Sanskar looked at Ragini who was putting the tablets back in the box. "Thank you" said Sanskar standing behind her. "No need of thank you and all he is my AJ and I don't mind doing all this for him" said she and helped Adarsh to move to his room. Sanskar kept staring her. For a second she looked like old Ragini who was so caring and compassionate. He brushed his thoughts and headed to his room.


"Sanskar come down for dinner" called Sujata. Sanskar came to dining table and sat. He looked around. "What happened?" asked Sujata. "Nothing" said he. Ragini came out of kitchen with some bowls and served everyone. "Mom why did not you make dinner today. Why did you let her make. She doesn't know anything. It's horrible" said Sanskar pushing the plate after having the first byte. "I did not make the dinner. Aunty only made" said Ragini and Sanskar chocked and looked at Sujata who was fuming looking at him placing her hand on her waist. He smiled at her sheepishly. Ram was controlling his laugh looking at them and Ragini folded her lips to control her laugh. "Today your kid spoke truth" said Ram and Sujata's death glare shifted to him and he gulped scared. "Today I have to sleep in hall" said Ram scared and Ragini burst out laughing. Sujata couldn't control her smile looking at Ragini. "Uncle you are so funny" said Ragini laughing. And at last Sujata smiled and nodded her head looking at Ram and the situation became light. Sanskar sighed as his mom cooled down. "Piyu had food?" asked he. "Ya. She has schools from tomorrow so she had early and slept" said Sujata. "Adi bhai?" asked he. "He also had the dinner and medicines and slept" said Ram. They finished their dinner and headed to their rooms. Ragini sat on the sofa and lied. She was feeling extremely cold. Last night at least Adarsh helped her but now she has to sleep like that only. She covered herself with Saree and lied on sofa. After struggling a lot sleep covered her. Sujata came out of her room to take water and found Ragini shivering. She headed to her room and brought a bed sheet and covered her. As she turned suddenly she looked back at Ragini. "I don't know whatever happened was good or bad, I always had a feeling that you will never hurt anyone still my heart says same. Why did you do this Ragini?" said Sujata in her heart. "My son's all dreams scattered and only because of you but I don't know why still I cannot hate you. What are you beta. Though you don't speak your soul speaks and you make me get attracted to you" said Sujata in her heart and wiped her tears and headed to her room. Ragini opened her tear filled eyes and looked at her direction. "Thank you Aunty" whispered she and closed her eyes and let the tears flow.

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