1.Cakes and Bakes here we come..

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"Nush no... we are not skipping classes.."

"Oh yes chukki.. we are" Nushrath smirked.

"Shut up you bumbly bush.. you cant call me chukki when people are around" I wailed in a tone of disbelief gaining the attention of the onlookers..

"Uh-uh dummy.. seems like you're the one making it famous.. not me. For heavens sake learn to control your damn voice donkey"..

"Thats something impoooosssssiiiiiblllleeee you bumbly bumbly bushhhh.." I dragged in a pretending to be innocent voice..

"Urghh you're so gonna be the death of me you shrimphunk.."

"Shrimp whaaat?"

"What kinda language is that?"
"Nush language"
"More like bush language"

"Cut it out chukki.. this bush thing is beyond annoying" Nushrath groaned in an annoyed tone.

"Cut out what bush.. exactly this is how I feel when you chukki me in front of everyone.. manh i've given you the privilege of calling me it.. so dont make me regret it" I said in a calm voice.

"A privilege?"

"Yes a privilege it is.. You're the only one after him" I said turning away to hide the blush forming on my cheeks..

I heaved a sigh of relief.Alhamdulillah nush didnt notice it because that bummer is too deep on her thoughts which is reflected by the frown on her face which replaced her signature smirk.

"Whaaat now bush?"

"Ya allah.. ya rahman.. save me from this nightmare" she prayed dramatically raising her hands towards the sky..

"Yeah babes.. I am and I will always be your worst nightmare".. I smirked..

"Yeah right" she scoffed..

"And temme are we still skipping class? I mean we just have a week more to go before we get our semester hols-"

"Woah.. three whole weeks without this thing annoying me saying bush or shush or whatever" she said pointing towards me ".. I am so gonna love it" she chirped


"Nushrath Illyas.."
"Ahaana Maryam Aahil"

I sighed.. there is no point in arguing with this bummer when she is in this go-banaana mood.

Hey there peeps.. you heard it right.. allow me to introduce myself..
Im Ahaana Maryam Aahil aka chukki. 22 year old, innocent girl pursuing my b.com along with this idiot of a bestfriend over here..
yaah the not-so-great Nushrath Illyas aka bush or bumbly bush who is also 22 and the symbol of anti innocent who keeps annoying me like nothing(of course I annoy her more though *wink wink*).. we met in high school and since then I'm stuck with this creature life long.. *deep dramaaatic sigh*

" urghhh noo.." Nush growled cutting my thoughts short..

"I am not gonna stay one more minute in this stupid lecture, once the lunch bell rings Im outta here and you lil creature will be accompanying me.. you get that ladyyy?? Nush challenged raising her eyebrows.

"Owkaaaayyyy" I sighed defeated slamming my face on the desk hurting my nose more than I intended to in the process..

"Ouch that hurts" I winced.

" can you please let us know what hurts Miss Aahil" professor Althaf 's voice came out of nowhere..

Oopsy did I say that loud and holy rabies when and how did she come here.. I stood up confused.

"No professor its nothing" I mumbled in an embarassed tone sending death glares to Nush who is trying hard to stiffle her laughter.

"It would be much better if you both concentrated on the lesson rather than researching on what hurts and what not.. Oh yeah miss Illyas dont you dare play saint.. I saw you too" she spoke in a I-Dare-you-to-prove-me wrong tone.

Which made me to stick my tongue out at nush who is busy glaring daggers at Professor Althaf murmuring " that grumpy lil douchebag" making me giggle..

The lunch bell rang making us all heave a sigh of relief. Seriously professor Althaf's lectures can be a pain in the ass..

" soon chukki" Nush whispered her hands working pretty hard on packing her bag.. " soon before the beast comes back"...

I tied my hands on my chest fixing my eyes on her..
"What now?" she shot

"Ill be coming only if you promise not to call me chukki for the whole day.. what say?" I said

"Urghh ok ok Ahaana.. come on now..  lets go get my babies  I am startving"..

"Choccy milk shake and pumpkin pastries"

"Eww.. pumpkin pastries?"

"What now haa? I love em"

"Naah nothing.. you get what you want and I get what I want.."

"Ok ok whatever come on now" she shrugged..

"Cakes and bakes here we come" she chirped like a lil one racing towards the exit pulling me along too.."

Hellooo peeeps..

Finally Ahaana and Nush  it is..
What do u all think about our gurls..

Too sweet for words they are haaan..

Ikr8.. * wink wink*

Next chapter our lover boy awaits.. who is excited..?

Until then keep on voting commenting and sharing..

See you peeps..

Allah hafiz lovelies😚😚

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