18. Tables do turn..

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Shezaad's POV

I glanced at the clock.. 11:45 pm it showed,man too late isnt it..

"Shezaad.. she is a girl.. she is not supposed to stay this late.. tell her to stop and go home.." the sensible part of mine put forward its opinion while my egoistic self snapped
"Shezaad dont give in too much.. first let her finish".

"Shez.. listen to him and youre doomed.." my sensible self again for which I nodded
"Shezaad no-"
"Now both of you stop and lemme handle this " I cut them short..

"Suit yourself" they replied in chorus..

Urggh.. how can I ask her to let me drop her home despite all the stuffs I've did.. "
Think shez think.." I ran a hand through my hair frustrated..

"Mish.. tell me way out to help her man.." I literally begged into the line as soon as Illthumish's groggy voice came up..

"You bastard she is still there.. just 15 mins i give you.. drop her home and give me a call" he ordered..

"But how mish..?"
"Just man up and ask her you idiot.. if you could shout so much and put up such a drama.. why cant you ask her to let you drop her ..

"But how?"

"Figure that out yourself you idiot..and call me back in exactly 15 mins.. I'm waiting.." with that the line went blank..

"Maryam.. its late already.. can I drop you home?" I rehersed..
Nah.. too blunt shez..

"Maryam.. get inthe car, Im dropping you home.." I used a more rigid and harsh tone..

"Shezaad buddy.. you use that tone and she will be sending you to your death bed in no time.."

Damn yeah.. Itthu's voice rang through my head.."dont control things.. just take a deep breath and let things take place to their accord.. they know where to take you... where you are supposed to be"
Yup he is right..I relaxed my stiffened shoulders and exhaled a deep breath and let the situation sink in..

"Maryam.. I'm sorry for being so blind as you call me.. I failed to notice that was all Zaara's doing.. please forgive me and please let me drop you home tonight.. trust me and there is no way Im letting you go alone tonight.."

My mind spoke on its own.. letting the words flow.. it felt so real and true.. like seriously honest..
"Youre on the right track buddy" my sensible self gave me a pat..
"Cheesy much.." my egoistic self chortled..

Now for the one last time..
"Im sorry.. I was truly blind-"

"Sir.." my rehersal session was cut short when her voice penetrated through my thick skull and sunk into my mind..
Crap.. did she hear what I was speaking..

"Sir.." she called out a quizzical look on her face..
"Its just- umm.. I was practising my speech for tomorrow.. um.. why.. why didnt you knock?"

"Well I did.. not once.. but thrice.."
"Oh.. I was soo engrossed in it I failed to notice.." I chuckled nervously face palming myself internally.. she gave a nod and stiffled a yawn.. man.. she looks damn tired.

"They are done.." she handedover the file.. I pretended to go through them while I contemplated to perform my rehersed portion or not..

"Well.. they seem to be in order.."
She nodded and turned to leave.." umm.. Ahaana.." her name came out foreign and merely a whisper..
"Thank you.." I mumbled while she gave me a nod and got onto her feet.

I quickly packed my stuff and followed her out.. She seemed to be so engrossed on the phone.. her hands straightening stuffs on her cabin,getting ready to leave..
"Nush.. chill I am leaving.. It wont be very hard to find a taxi or an auto now.. I'll be fine.."
She seemed to be talking to Nushrath that she didnt hear me tiptoe..

"Chill you old lady.. which taxi driver do you think will mess with Ahaana" she spoke playfully yet she seemed tired and dejected..

"Nush bush.. she prolonged.. considering the amount of bones and noses I've broken anything wont be hard now my chapaathi.." she chuckled..

"And Yah yah.. your shezaad sir.. I would have sent him on a journey to hell if I'm given the chance.." she gritted her teeth..

"God.. is this supposed to be my fate today.." I gulped audibly..

She listened intently and broke into a musical laughter "we'll give him a taste of his own mind yaar now quit whining and dream about your weasel face and lemme go home and sleep.." she said chuckling and hung up..

Whoa.. Nushrath and Illthumish..
That bummer is already on a mission to find me a bhabhi.. boyy I'm glad..

I hid behind the stairs while she walked on to the lift.. The minute she got in. I raced down the stairs and to the parking lot.. I was panting by the time.. I got to the car.. nevertheless I started it and waited for her to come out..

She came walking out the building in a few minutes and tried hard to hail an auto amidst autorickshaws and taxis whizzing past her. I watched her intently all the while praying that no auto should stop by her and as an answer to my prayers, all her attempts seemed to be proved futile for the next 10 minutes, she heaved a heavy sigh and started walking which I assume is to the auto stand..

"Shezaad.. this is your chance bro go get it.."
I started the engine and drove past her and stopped a good 5 meters ahead of her.. she seemed to have taken no notice of it or pretended not to take notice and continued walking..

I drove in a slow pace and honked the horn but still she seemed not to care and still kept on walking.. I stopped the car abruptly and walked to her.. she stopped in her tracks and shot me a threatning plus quizzical look..

She kept staring at me for a few seconds and muttered "Aoozubillahi minasshaithan nirrajeem.." and lowered her gaze
"Scared that Jinns might follow you huh?" I smirked at her as usual unable to control my cocky self..

She glared at me for few seconds and snapped "naah.. just trying to chase away the shaithan blocking my way.. she smirked back crossing her hands against her chest..
"Haa..haaa... very funny.." I chuckled embarassed..

" you know.. a girl like you alone in the road at this hour of the day doesnt seem a good idea.. jinns and shaitans might be prowling around.. you  tend to get scared.. lemme drop you home.." I whispered the last part dramatically..

"Jinns dont scare me neither does the 6 footed devil standing here.. further my own lover is a jinn so I am fine.. get the hell out of my way employer.." she screamed infuriated and started walking..

"What? You have a jinn lover? Seriously?"

"Yeppy.. wanna meet him? He is soo adorable " she asked turning around and walking backwards..

"Nope.. I am good.." I snapped at once..

"Haahaa.. who is scared now?" She chuckled and tripped on tbe pavement and was about to fall head down on to the hard paved road.. when my reflexes worked on super speed and I shot forward and held her just in time..

Her head on my shoulders and my arms snaked around her waist and her eyes shut tight anticipating the fall.. they shot open at ones and the pitch black pair stared right into mine.. my heart thudding in an abnormal pace and her ragged breath fanning on my face.. that moment.. I felt I could lose myself and still want to lose myself even more.. in that pair of black beads..

"Shezaad this is wrong.." my conscience wailed.. as if she sensed it too.. she straightened herself abruptly and looked away

"See.." I started to break through the tension and unease tangible in the air but my voice came out merely as a squeak..

I cleared my throat audibly.. "See Ahaana.. why dont you lemme drop you home before you kill yourself and others too.." I said in a bored sarcastic tone for which she glared daggers at me and started walking..

I ran towards her and obstructed her path once more

"Maryam.. forget our rivalry.. I know it did exist.. forget the employer employee stuff.. for once lets treat each other as friends.. nah.. what about mere human beings.. just a genuine human being wanting to help another destructive fellow human being.." I winked and begged desperately at the same time..

She sighed and held her hands up in surrender..

"Come on doode.. a human to another human.. we can put whatever we've been having to a halt and act human.. deal? What say?"

"I will think about that.. now drop me home.." she started walking back to the car with a small smile.. I fist bumped the air in victory and raced back..

The whole car ride was in silent except for her even breathing.. she looked so peaceful staring at the road laying her head on the glass..

Its so enthralling.. isnt it.. ?"she asked out of the blue.. still not breaking contact from the road.." these roads seething with people at dawn how peacefully succumbs at dusk.. It indeed proves that tables do turn and everything is within the control of almighty allah.. who can change them in seconds......

"Mmm.. it sure does.. I murmured in agreement..

She looked so innocent and saint like,there is no way one would be able to decipher the the depth of chaos she is able to bring in..

I chuckled..

Reaching her home.. I parked the car silently and mumbled feebly.. "well see ya.."

She gave me a nod and opened the door when I called her again..

"Maryam.. Maybe I should have not shouted the way I did.. and umm.. maybe I failed to see it was all zaara's doing when it was damn obvious and maybe i did leave my temper take a toll on me.. after all we are humans arent we? Deal?" I asked sheepishly

She got down and slammed the door shut and leaned onto the lowered glass..

"Maybe?" She questioned raising her eyebrows..

"Maybe its not Maybe.. maybe it is.." I stammered..

"Mr icy eyes.. you seriously need to learn how to apologize and yeah Ill consider your humanly deal meanwhile you consider me and nushrath's gone on a two day vacation.."

"Huh? Do you indirectly mean you are taking leave for two days..?

"Duh.. can I be more precise?" She smirked..

"Well owkaaayyy.. just two days.." I hesitated fakely and then agreed..

"Well yaaayyy.. she yelped up in excitement and skipped all the way to the door leaving me pondering on how tables do turn.. and how the almighty's plans work..

Hey there felllaaasss.. me back with an update..

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Until then.. Allah hafiz lovelies😘😘😘

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