30. A rainbow in the middle of hailstorms

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                   Third person

In a trudging pace, shezaad gaited down the stairs, Eyes trained on the main door as he passed the dining room taking evasive steps yet couldnt escape one certain pair of eyes, watching him out intensely since the moment he stepped into this world..

"shezaad is it you.." his mum called out from the dining room making him halt in his track..

"yes mum?" he replied in a whisper,looking at her while all eyes at the table were trained on him..

"No idea of breakfast today too?" she inquired in a stern voice laced with oceans of love and grief.. "come on join us.." she urged..

He sighed defiantly yet couldn't win against his mother's penetrating glare.. he walked towards the table and took his usual seat beside Sheza while she stuck her tongue at him grinning as she did every time, planning onto intiate their unending bickering..

He was suddenly taken aback by the routinal gesture, how long since he actually had an argument with her, how long since he actually had breakfast at home, how since since he actually spoke with his family.. how long since he lost being himself..

His mother stared at him expectantantly with his favourite pancakes and chicken gravy with lime, waiting... a fat smile made way to her face when her actually smiled and moved his plate towards her..

She placed his plate stacked with pancakes and watched triumphantly, stroking his hair while he father walked out saying his salams giving him an affectionate pat..

He raised his head to see three curious pairs of eyes staring at him anxiously.. he stuck his tongue at Zya and Rafah and Winked at Danish with a sly smirk twirling his fork in a naughty manner which they were being shouted at by their grandma for doing and the kids broke into a trail of hysterical laughter..

"kids how many times have I told you keep your bickering and giggling shut atleast in the dinner table.. haven't I taught you all-" safreen came out of the kitchen carrying four glasses of milk and stopped seeing Shezaad..

"well, Well look who is here.. Salamz baby.." she set the milk on the table and kissed his forehead. no matter how much he grew,she still saw the rosy little bundle her parents brought home, wrapped in a blanket.

"mommy me your baby naa.." Rafah wailed glaring at Shezaad enviously while he smiled at her..

"you are honey.. but he will always be my first.." she spoke emotionally looking at him with lomging eyes..

he lowered his eyes unable to meet her loving gaze.. he knew his family was trying their best to bring him back, he was so thankful to them and so badly wantedly to return back their affection, but no matter what he couldn't..

"Now guys.. its milk time.. one.. two.. three.. she pasaed on the glasses and found the fourth seat emplty.."where did the trouble maker disappear now..? She wondered aloud..

"Shezaad  Chachu.."

Her thought were cut short by a tiny figure running down the stairs calling out Shezaad.. the moment his eyes fell upon the walking miracle, his eyes lit up and a satisfied smile made way to his lips..

she ran down the steps hurriedly, her pigtails bouncing along with her and jumped on to shezaad"s lap, while he scooted her closer wrapping his arms around her..

wrapping her tiny arms around his necks, big dove eyes burning with curiosity and disbelief, she stared at him for a good one second and screamed

" owwy.. mowwwy cowwy chaachu your really here.."

"Yes honey bunch i am.." he smiled at her pinching her button nose.. "btw honey what is owwwy mowww cowwy.." he questioned, astonished at her choice of works to address him..

"Owwy mowwy cow chaachu.. you donno? She cocked her head to a side innocently.. "Danish bhai uses it all the time" she exclaimed dramatically . .

"Chaachu she means holy moly cow" Danish shook his head at her..

"Both are same bhaai.." she smiled goofily..

"They sure are .." Shezaad ruffled her hair..

"Honey why aren't you ready for school yet? Where are running soo fast this early?" He asked her..

She pulled his ear and whispered.. " I am hiding from mummy" she giggled..

"Why so? " he asked her faking surprise..

"Haala.. Haala Maryam..where are you?" A tired voice sounded from upstairs with that Nushrath descended down the stairs with a plate in her hand, followed by Ilthumish carrying her Shoes and  tie..

"Haala come here this instant and have your breakfast now.." she screamed..making others giggle..

The moment her eyes laid on Shezaad, she became quiet and silently indicated Haala to come to her, where as the  girl frowned shaking her head defiantly..

"Bhabhi.." He called out..
"Lemme handle this.." shezaad told her extending his hand for the plate..

She silently passed on the plate to him while Ilthumish watched the scene silently..

"Now chaachu's girl is gonna fill up her tummy in super duper speed and princess is going school with chaachu today and guess what.. chaachu is gonna giftall her favourites.. what say deal honey?" He spoke to her Persuading her into eating...

"Yepppy yaaayyy yaaaayyyyy.." she chirped happily.. "feed me chaachu come on.." she opened her mouth excitingly...

"Maryam.. just have your breakfast without making a scene.." Nushrath replied in a dull tone stressing on the word Maryam.. making his eyes freeze over..

Its been five years.. Five long years since Nushrath has stopped talking to him.. Five long years since Ilthumish had properly conversed with him.. five long years since he shut him out completely from everyone.. five long years since..- since he lost her..

Nushrath and Ilthumish got married and an year after Haala was born.. Haala Maryam Ilthumish.. the only light in his prison.. the Tiny ray of sunshine which has the only power of Illuminating his abyss.. The rainbow  capable of putting his life right.. the only hope he is been holding onto after HER..

He gulped back the tears threatning to fall.. This was the reason he never stayed home.. This was the reason he never wanted people anywhere around him.. This was why he spent many sleepless nights at office working away his pain.. With time, R.k industries transformed itself to one of the reputed multinational companies.... and also with time.. he faced his slow death.. none.. not even his immediate family knew the agony which kept his working tenaciously... None.. except for his lord.. to whom he cried out at the middle of the night unable to carry the smouldering pain burdening him down.. 

He found his path back, few days after.. when the pain of loosing her kept pulling him down.. drowning himself among the raging memories.. he fell down in sujood and yo and behold.. he might have lost his love.. but she did direct him back to his lord.. since then sujood was his only solace.. the only place he knew he would be understood.. he knew he wouldnt be portrayed the villain.. the only place he knew was worthy of sharing his oceans of grief..

"Chaachu what happened?" Haala s voice brought him back from his voyage to his distraughting past.. he lowered the fork he held in mid air, shaking his head faking a smile and started feeding her..

Nushrath saw the the pearly drops which would have cascaded down his cheeks if not for haala.. she saw that her words gave life to the pain hidden deep within.. the destruction  the word was capable of causing... she fled the way back to the room crying with Ilthumish in pursuit.. while Shezaad kept feeding Haala for once loosing himself in her dramatics..

Nushrath ran back to their room, sitting on the floor leaning against the bed hugging her knees.. clutching the frame in her hand.. The picture taken on their first day at R.K industires.. she was sticking her tongue at the camera with chukki rolling her eyes.. they were wearing their twinning shirt..

Not only in clothing.. She was the twin Nushrath never had.. she carried a part of her.. which she would never allow anyone else to carry..
" why chukki why did you.  How could you leave me.." she silently questioned her..

Ilthumish walked in and seated himself beside her.. pulling her onto him.. while she cried her heart out clinging on to him for her dear life..

She felt guilty for hurting shezaad.She never had any anger on him but she would never forgive him for what he did. She knew he was hurting yet she couldnt bring herself to talk to him...

she missed her so much.. none could relate how much..they couldn't implement the plans for her wedding they had made since highschool.. she couldnt let her hold Haala when she was born.. her first niece she was dying for.. she couldn't share every single thing and she couldnt enjoy every precious moment with Haala all because  of him..

The only thing she kept on holding onto was the fact that she was somewhere alive and allah would bring her back to her.. but when? She didn't know..

After the fateful accident she was transferred to another hospital for further treatment.. but when they got there.  She was no where around.. they almost searched all the hospital in and around yet they could not find her

While Nushrath silently cried.. Ilthumish watched hopelessly stroking her hair.. he had to be strong... strong for shezaad who is loosing himself.. stay strong for his wife who already lost a part of herself.. but they didnt know he was hurting himself too.. He lost his long lost sister at the verge of finding her.. it was tantalizingly grieving.. she was calling him Mish bhai this second and the next he was carrying her lifeless body drenched in blood..

"Chukki.. where are you.." Nush broke into uncontrollable sobs hugging him while his tears silenly flooded his face..

Her agonizing screams on that fateful day kept playing on Nushrath's mind.. but they didnot know the soul  she hurted seconds before was living with the scream echoing within himself, drowing him in it..

After all she was his love.. His life..❤❤

Hellllooooo people.. how are u guys doing..

Guess whaat guess whaaat.. Im back... yeppy me.. I am back..

Was struck with wretched studies.. manh hw much i missed our guys..

Anyone else missed em? Any one missed me? 😉

Ok now temme.. who thought i would have ended the story with the last chappy?

So now the most awaited chapter is here.. vote.. comment and share..

Until then..

Allah Hafiz lovelies❤❤

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