8. Apologies and acceptance..

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                 15th September 2018👑

                          💜 Ahaana 💜

I was Supposed to pick Nushrath on my way to university.. so I had to leave at least 15 mins earlier than my usual time.. I can get ready in just minutes and fly off not caring the signals, but I don't trust myself with another human around, so I had to wake up early..

"Assalamu alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu dooode" I prolonged though I was a bit nervous what the reaction would be..

I was never good with relationships neither with people.. proof why I've got only a handful of trusted people in my life..I never trusted neither get trusted though Im perfectly fine with it..

All I was hoping for is awkwardness maybe or a harsh word two.. but her reaction totally put me at ease..

"Walaikum salam W.w boozilla.. seems like I've made the great chukki wake up earlier today.. Well done Nush" she chirped patting her self..
I looked at her like she has grown two heads..

"Whats that woman? Godzilla I've heard.. heck I've even read about Dogzilla.. but what the jahannam is boozilla?"

"It just suits you.." she shrugged getting in while I started the bike..

One of the thing I love about this idiot of a girl seated behind me is, you could have battle of badr with her this second and she'll be like we've signed the peace agreement the very next second..no long stretches of silence stuff with her and I actually love her to death merely for this reason..
I shook my head.. she really is one of a kind..

Today was such a hectic day at uni.. with our term coming to and end and internships starting in two weeks.. I've been running around the campus with wheels tied to my legs.. manh thats exhausting but still I love to be busy no matter what..

"Nush lets leave.." I pull her only to get a confused look shot at me?
"Why though"
" My stuffs for the day is done and so is yours right?"
She nodded..

"I wont stay here for a single minute more.. Ms Althaf is on a mission to make me civilized.." I groaned..


"Lets get going before she finds me out and im craving for coffee"
"Me.. choccy-" she started..
"Yah yah.. come lets go get that" I cut her short..


"Shezaad..Im going out.. you coming?" I barged into his cabin again..
He shot me an exasperated look..

"Look manh.. I am badly in need of a coffee.. you wanna join"?

"I would love to Mish.. trust me Im too.. but dad will kill me with his bare hands if I didnt complete these by lunch time.." He sighed looking disgustedly at the laptop..

I snickered.. " ok man.. I'm off then.. you want me to get something for ya?"
"Coffee would do.."

I reached the coffee shop which was a bit far from my office.. Dont ask me why I came so far.. I needed a fresh supply of air..

I entered and plopped myself on a table for four and placed my order.. there is something cool about this coffee shop.. with its dim lighting and calm music.. the exact opposite of those nerve-wrecking spots..

I was enjoying my coffee when I saw two familiar kind off figures walk through the door.. yet I was unable to make out who it is due to the dim lighting..

A gasp left my mouth when I saw who they were.. the one I was searching for.. the one who can bring my sane self back.. the girl who kills me with guilt every single second.. the girl I've wronged.. but still the thought of talking to her totally nerves me.. .

"Shezaad..She is here.." I whisper yelled once he answered the phone..
"Who is there?" He asked in a bored tone..
" Its her buddy.. th- the.. gi. Girl I blamed unnecessarily.." I stuttered..
"Mish.. its your chance buddy go apologize.. do it right now.." he ordered excitingly..

" Im scared.."
" doode.. you no need to get scared of her.."
" I know.. its not her im scared of..her friend" I murmured caressing my cheek..

"The one.. the one..who..who slapped you?" He stammered out of the blue..

" yaah yaah man.." I sighed though a part of my brain started working on the reason for the tension in his voice..

" ok calm down.. I've got a plan.. you're not coming back without apologizing got it? He said or more like smirked and narrated his plan..
A big fat smile made way to my face.. there is no way this is gonna fail..

I called a waiter passing by and instructed him on what to do.. though he seem to hesitate in the beginning.. few currency notes and he readily agreed.. who am i kidding.

I sat down covering my face with my hands pretending to look down.. the waiter was almost there..

"Oh my fooot.." she screamed.. manh that voice makes me shudder.. making me chuckle at my ownself .That slap really has a profound effect on me.

I peeped in to see the waiter standing there nervously after dropping a cup of cold coffee on her dress..

This was the plan of shezaad Ikam the great.. to drop something on her so she will go to the washroom to clean herself and that will buy me time to apologize.. I almost expected her to slap the waiter.. but her reply took me off guard.. " Its fine.. Its just the shock which made me scream.. will someone intentionally pour something on someone.." she replied innocently
Making me feel a bit guilty..

"Bush.. wait for me.. ill be back" she said walking to the washroom..

This was my chance.. I sprinted out of my seat and pounced on her like an idiot..
"Uh.. umm...I.. Assalamu alaikum.." I wished her.. my voice tensed and shaky..

She stared at me for a good two minutes and then at the washroom.. and replied in a confounded tone " walaikum salam.." lowering her eyes..

"Miss.. All i wanted is to apologize for that day.. trust me its entire my own freaking fault.. I am extremely sorry miss.. I know I dont deserve your forgiveness and I really did deserve that slap that day.. but I want you to know that I regret that day whole heartedly.."

I explained in a apologetic tone and turned away.. because forgiveness from her seemed so tantalizing.. I didnt want to have my hopes high so I decided to leave..

She chuckled..  mesmerizing one.. which really caught me Off guard..

"Its fine.. I know we are all humans and our emotional ranges differ.. its perfectly fine.. who am i to not forgive you when the almighty himself forgives even the worst of sinners.." she replied calmly.. this seriously astonished me to the core and I mentally cursed my self for blaming such a girl using such words..

" woah.. coool.. I mean.. thank you soo much.. i mean.. I didnt expect this" I stammered sheepishly..

She smiled..

"And Im sorry for what my friend did that day.. she is an angry bird and that angry bird loves me little too much.." she chuckled guiltily..

" ohh no.. I really desrved it and to be honest it really knocked some sense into my male egoistic head.." i replied goofily..

"Im Ilthumish.. nice to meet you.. I work for-"

" Nushrath.." I heard a scream..
I gulped audibly.. and caressed my other cheek mentally whispering " today awaits one more.."

"Nush whats he doing over here.. what does he freaking want after everything he did.. this idiot.."

though she was furious.. I never felt any rush of anger or something.. her entire demeanour was cute in a little sissy way.. I actually chuckled at myself the way she called me an Idiot..

"Hey calm down.. he apologized.." she said..
"As if it will fix everything.." she relplied sarcastically..

"Ahaaana.." she scolded..

"Yaahh yaaah.. it does fix everything.." she muttered rather to herself than to me..

"Well I am.. Nushrath and she is ch- I mean Ahaana.." she introduced themselves..

"Ya.. thats me.." she snapped back.. one look from Nushrath and she decently replied..
"Yah yah Im Ahaana.."

And look Mr sour face.. that apology of yours.. did you actually mean it?

I looked at her unable to gauge whats going on in that mind of hers..

I gulped.. "well yeah.. I did mean it.. and of course I speak what I mean and I mean what I speak.."

"So You actually meant what you said the other day"

"Noo I didnt" I yelped making Nushrath giggle..

"You're making it way harder girl" I spit unable to control myself..

She just smiled..

I turned to Nushrath..
"Is my apology accepted? I asked in a barely audible tone..

Nushrath shot a look at Ahaana. It was obvious who had control here..

"Only if You get her pumpkin pastries.." she winked making Nushrath go red in her face..

I chuckled "not one maybe a one hundred" I said goofily.. making them burst into giggles..

"And mr sour face remember.. only your forgiven not the icy eyed guy.."

"Hey what did you call me?"

"Umm.. its nothing.." Nushrath stuttered
"Mr sour face.  Thats how you look like.." Ahaana spilled glaring at me.. "learn to smile at people more.."

I glared back at her initiating a staring contest..
" I knew it already.." I agreed both of us breaking into a fit of laughter..

Never did I imagine this day would be something surreal.. a beautiful time with the girl who slapped me and the girl I blamed..

Heloooo people..

Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu..

How is u doing? All goody good?

chooo.. How was this chappy?

liked it? loved it? despised it?

Lemme know owkaaayyyy?

Until next time..

Allah Hafiz Lovelies

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