Brianna Grace

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"Watch where you're going, bastard!"

Brianna sat quietly at her lunch table as she watched Jason Evelou get yelled at by one of her friends. She could have intervened, but she chose not to. It was his own fault for exposing himself on the site. He should've been more careful, like she was.

"I can't believe someone's real name was found out," Kora said to her in a low voice. "What happens if all the students' names are revealed? What if my name is revealed?"

Brianna was about to give a sarcastic reply when she noticed two freshmen guys looking at their direction, probably because of the most recent post Brianna had posted about Kora. "Where the fuck do you think you two fags are staring?" she snapped, causing them to quickly turn back around. She smiled to herself as she turned her attention back to Kora. "It's not the website's fault he . . . what's wrong with you?"

Kora looked more troubled than she did a few seconds ago. Her eyes looked more confused than worried, and the frown seemed larger on her face, making her look like a big baby.

"Stop frowning," Brianna hissed. "You look weird."

Immediately, the frown on Kora's face turned into a smirk. "Don't tell me what to do, bitch," she said loudly enough for the other students to hear.

Brianna smirked back, knowing what she was doing. "I'll do whatever the hell I want," she replied, looking away. She looked around the cafeteria and spotted Octavia Wallace walking past them. She nudged Kora with her left shoulder. "Hey, look who it is."

Kora's eyes automatically narrowed, her bitch mode activating. Octavia Wallace was definitely someone who could make Kora and Brianna live up to the high school cheerleader stereotypes. Not that Brianna ever needed Octavia's help.

"I'm surprised she can still walk around with her head held high," Kora commented loudly as she acted like she couldn't see Octavia. "I guess some people see nothing wrong with almost killing somebody on purpose."

Octavia didn't look back, but Brianna could see her face redden as she quickened her pace.

"Ah, well you can't really blame her, can you?" Brianna replied loudly. "Some people just aren't meant to be cheerleaders." She and the rest of the table burst into fits of laughter as Octavia ran out of the cafeteria. The bitch had tried to take Kora's spot as captain by forcing her to get into an accident, but the plan had backfired on her completely.

"Aren't you guys being a little mean, though?"

Brianna stopped laughing to face Zara Musich, an ex-cheerleader. She had quit last year, but she was still welcome at their table. She was the reason why Kora was currently captain and Brianna was co-captain; Zara would've been captain if she hadn't quit, so the cheerleaders respected her for that.

"What are you talking about?" Brianna asked, genuinely confused. "She shouldn't have tried to hurt Kora in the first place, so this is her punishment. You were there, you know what happened." She mentally applauded herself for acting like she was Kora's loyal number one bestie.

Zara raised an eyebrow, as if she thought her reasoning was ridiculous, but she eventually shook her head in resignation.

"Hey, but the OBB website just got a lot more intense, huh?" Jared Vector, a member of the school's Varsity Basketball Team, leaned in close. "One person got exposed, and so many cliques are breaking up over it." He gestured towards the opposite side of the cafeteria, where the people who used to sit at Brianna's table now sat.

"This is why you all should boycott that website," Brianna sighed. "Stop using it. The whole idea of it is dumb to me."

One of the cheerleaders whose name Brianna didn't bother to memorize laughed. "Oh, please. I wouldn't be surprised if you wrote half the hate messages on the website since day one."

Brianna smirked. "Actually, they've all been by me," she lied easily. "I hacked into the website when it was first created, and I was able to create multiple accounts to talk shit about all of you."

The entire table laughed again, Kora laughing the loudest, relieving Brianna's minuscule worries. It was good that everybody bought her lie, because there was no telling what would happen if anyone find out she was actually @bitchandproud.

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