Little Flower

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Deep in an enchanted forest, hiding from the whole world was a single tower standing proudly surrounded by a beautiful waterfall and trees. The place looked magical, mystical and dangerous. But that is where a beautiful little girl lived with her mother and her six pets. 

The young girl was four years old and she had everything she could ever wish for. A mother that loved her very much and protected her from the dangers outside the tower, the animals that played and protected her as well and her room that was filled with painted walls, that she painted herself when she was bored and magical hair that cured any and every injury. On top of that, she was an Empath. Though the little girl sometimes wished to go out and explore the world, she knew that her mother was right about it being too dangerous for her and she didn't question it.

"Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine...

What once was mine..." The girl's small voice sang when her mother was brushing the child's long red hair. As she was singing, her hair started to radiate a golden light, that made the woman's wrinkly hand, turn into a smooth and young one. "Why can't I go outside?" The little one asked, after a minute of silence. The woman brushed the long hair and answered "The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people" The woman said and the girl only nodded. "Now, it is time we go to bed. Go now, my Little Flower and sleep well." The woman said, taking the girl and putting her to bed. "Goodnight, Mother" She yawned before drifting to sleep.

Years went by. The girl grew to be the most beautiful and kindest in the universe, with her big heterochromia eyes that sparkled with joy and curiosity. Her hair was very long, it could reach the bottom of the tower. Her mother started to treat her a bit differently than when she was a child, but the girl still loved her dearly and understood that the woman wanted what was best for her daughter "One..." She counted with her eyes closed, as her animals quickly searched for a place to hide from the girl. "Two..." She continued, her soft, angelic voice echoed in the tower. "Three! Ready or not, here I come!" She yelled and started to look around for her friends that were hiding somewhere in the tower. She looked around for some time, before quickly finding every animal. Her snakes wrapped themselves around her, her cat sat on the windowsill and her dog lied on the bed, sleeping peacefully. The girl sat beside the cat, her legs swinging in the void. She dared not to look down, as she had a terrible fear of heights and an unexplainable trauma, as if she fell from a high place in her past life, or that's what she believed. "What is it, Salem?" The black cat pointed outside with his head and the girl chuckled. "Come on, Sweetheart. You know it's too dangerous outside. Besides, it's not like we don't have to clean everything before mother comes back" She smiled and went back in, taking a broom and starting to sweep all dirt, cleaning dishes and making everything shine from how clean it is. After that, she started to prepare dinner, knowing that her mother will be hungry after the long days out. And once everything was done, she finally sat down on her bed, reading the only books she had, but loved so much, which was named The Tale Of The Seven Lords, which had 138 volumes. The books were very familiar to her as if she already read them, but maybe it was because she had read them so many times already. "Rapunzel!" Her mother's happy voice broke her out of her reading and she sped to the window, throwing her hair out of the window and helping her mother get up. "Hello, mother! How was your trip?" The girl asked with a smile to which the woman smiled as well, putting her basket on the table and sitting down on the chair. "Ah, it was exhausting! I see, you took care of the tower when I was out?" The woman saw, making her finger slide on the table and seeing it was very clean. "Yes, mother. I also cooked your favourite meal and cake. Would you like for me to take your exhaustion from you?" She smiled, giving the woman a brush and sitting down on the floor before her, so the woman could brush her hair, while the girl sang the healing song. "No, Sweetheart. I will be alright." She softly said and proceeded to brush the girl's hair. "Mother, I was thinking about everything and... well... Could I come with you for your next trip?" She asked after some time, which made the woman pull the redhead's hair from shock, earning a soft cry from the girl. "What have I told you about the world outside the tower, Victoria?!" The woman's voice was dangerously low and deadly serious, as she glared at Victoria. "I know it is very dangerous outside and that people would kill me for my hair! But I would be with you!" She tried to reason with her mother, feeling anger rising inside the woman and trying not to lash out, as the woman's emotion made the girl nearly lose control. Fortunately, Victoria's fear was stronger, which made her empath skills be under control. The woman stood up from her seat and she rounded the girl, taking the girl's face harshly to her hand "We already talked about this last time! Do you want me to hurt you again?" She asked with a death stare. Victoria looked up at her, seeing her mother's red aura, as anger was building inside the older woman "But if I was with you..." The woman glared more at her and cut her off.

"Oh, so now you are giving me attitude?" She let go of Victoria's face, before slapping her across the cheek. "Never ask me to go out again!" She yelled and the girl looked down, guilt rising inside of her. She felt bad for making her mother upset and she knew she deserved the slap. "I'm sorry, mother..." She whispered and the woman's eyes softened, embracing the girl. Victoria felt her mother's anger fade and she breathed, feeling a bit lighter, not to have to control herself. "Oh, my sweet, Little Flower... I am so sorry that I have slapped you, but I only want what's best for you, Vickey." The woman sweetly said, caressing the girl's hair softly. "I am sorry for upsetting you, mother. I won't ask for this anymore." Vickey apologised again, feeling very bad for making her only parent angry. "It's alright, Little Flower. I'm not mad anymore. I'm happy that you learned your lesson" The woman calmed the girl. "Now, let's eat this delicious looking meal and let's go to bed. I have to go tomorrow, again." The dark-haired lady said and both sat down at the table, starting to eat.

At night, when mother was sleeping, Victoria was trying something new, to deal with her boredom, since sleeping was not coming to her easily, this night. She slowly started to brush her hair and made a beautiful and stylish bun. 

"Dear me..." She whispered, her eyes were wide and shining with pride. She shook her head and turned away from the mirror, sitting in the armchair and picking up one of her books. Salem and Greta both climbed on the armchair, the dog lying on the gurl's lap, the cat resting on the arm of the chair, nuzzling his head in Victoria's neck. The four serpents took their usual positions on her arms. All of the animals quickly drifted off to sleep, while the girl read for an hour before she felt herself fall asleep as well, her body becoming heavy, dropping the book on the floor with a soft thud.

"Mathilde!" She heard a woman screaming. "Something happened to Michael!" Another voice said in distress. This one belonged to a man. "Don't... Go... To the forest..." A different voice said through static... "I'm sorry!" She heard herself yell in pain, as her mother slashed her side with a dagger. "I am sorry!" She heard again when the woman beat her with a whip, causing deep wounds to appear on the girl's back... "The world outside is dangerous..." She heard her mother say. "Look in that mirror, you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful, young lady..." Her mother started "Oh look, you're here too!" She continued "I'm just teasing, stop taking everything so seriously." She finished... "Don't... Go... To the forest..." The voice repeated... It taunted her...

Victoria woke up to a hissing noise and growling. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes with her fists, before looking at her guardian animals. "Hey, little ones... What is it?" She asked before realising she was lying on the ground. She looked at it and she shook her head. Wasn't the floor in the tower a light colour? "Shh, calm down, Loves" She tried calming the animals, still confused as to where she was. She felt a lot of different and strong emotions though, which made her a bit confused and it made it hard for her to keep control over her power. "Welcome to Devildom, Victoria." She heard. Looking up, she saw several men, who were sitting on throne-like seats, looking at her with an expression she couldn't quite describe. Though she concentrated on the three that were right in front of her, as their emotions seemed less powerful. One was older than the other two. He had mid-long black hair and he had a beard, and he was dressed in all black. 

The second one had brown-red hair and he looked like he was the leader,

 While the last one had short black hair and looked proud.

Then she realised that there were men there... Her eyes winded and she started panicking. Quickly she stood up, the men looking at her worriedly. "How do you know me?" She asked with a shaking voice, backing up slowly. Fear showing on her face as she asked the older one since he was the one to greet her. The redhead answered with a sad expression "...Oh, pardon us. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" He started, before smiling softly, already loving her heavy accent. It gave her more charm than she already had. "Well, that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all," He continued, his face becoming a bit more pitiful "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in Devildom." The leader finished with a small smile, while the older man had a sad look as he watched the girl's panic building up. The animals quickly stood beside her, protecting her from the unknown men and trying to comfort her. "Devildom?" She whispered and the redhead crossed his arms, smiling, trying to make her calmer, which in any normal scenario, would help, but not here... "Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent." he beamed and tried to continue, only for the girl to start to freak out. The men watched as she turned to her animals and started mumbling to herself. "Right, let's get this through... I'm not in the tower, there are MEN here and they know who I am!" She paced, mumbling. The strangers looked worriedly at each other, listening to her heavy accented mumbling, not knowing how they understood her words, before watching the girl again, surprised by the human's strange and unusual behaviour. "If mother discovers... OH! Mother! She will lose her mind when she discovers I'm not in the tower!" A terrified expression replaced her panicked one before a smug look graced her face. "But I finally am out of there..." She shook her head, hiding her face in her hands and letting out a painful groan, as she flopped on the floor, defeated "I am the worst daughter!" She cried softly "This will kill her!" A tear escaped her eye and the men were taken aback by the girl's reaction. "Victoria, calm down." The older one started, coming closer to her and she looked at him afraid, like a deer caught in the headlights. She concentrated her empath power and looked at the man. His aura was blue which meant, he was feeling melancholic... Her eyes softened "What do you want with me? Do you want to hurt me?" She asked and the men's eyes winded at her question "Of course not, where do you get these ideas from?" The other dark-haired man spoke for the first time. She huffed but still was pretty much afraid of the men's intentions with her. "Well, you did kidnap me, when I was sleeping, because how would I even get out of the tower by myself?" She sassed a bit, which made the older man smile, the redhead chuckled and the other man had a smirk. But it seemed they didn't get what she was talking about when she said she couldn't get out of her tower. "We've got ourselves a smart human, gentlemen" The older man chuckled, giving the girl a hand to help her stand up, which she hesitantly took. "Now, before we tell you why you are here, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Diavolo... I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned to be king of Devildom. This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo... Though we just call it RAD." He mentioned the building they were in. "You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. I am the president of said council. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business." He  said, "Why am I here?" She asked a bit confused and the silent one answered "I will explain everything to you." He crossed his arms, watching the girl with seemingly no emotions, but the girl saw that his eyes held some sort of a strange emotion to her. "Victoria, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride." Diavolo smiled "He's also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man... and not just in title, I assure you" He winked at the girl, who blushed softly, though her fear was still there. "Beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend alongside Alistair, here, who makes sure that everything is in place." He gestured to the older man who smiled at the girl and Victoria blinked, having a weird feeling of hearing this name before. Lucifer furrowed his brows at Diavolo "Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo." He shook his head and smiled at the girl "Speaking on the behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours..." He smirked at the girl's unimpressed expression, amused that this small human could show so many emotions at once "I offer you a most heartfelt welcome, Victoria" He finished and the girl huffed, crossing her arms as well, mimicking Lucifer. "Answer my question, sir, will you?" She held her head high, a boost of confidence hit her and she felt as if she had the right to behave more confidently and seriously than when she first realised what was happening. Also, it probably had something to do with adrenaline, that was coursing through her veins. Alistair tried to hold in his chuckle, Diavolo grinned widely and Lucifer raised an eyebrow, still smirking "...Interesting. This one is quite different from Solomon" The girl started to tap her foot impatiently, making the men really amused and taken aback by her behaviour. She cleared her throat, silently DEMANDING the demon to answer her. "Diavolo believes that we demons should start strength gathering our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm." He started, his smirk disappearing but the amusement still very much present in his voice. "As a first step toward this goal, we've decided to insinuate an exchange program. We've sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm. And we're welcoming four students to our school: two from your world and two from the Celestial Realm." He explained and looked at the girl with a curious expression "So, I take you've probably put two and two together at this point, right?" He didn't give her time to answer, as he continued "You've been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours. You are our newest exchange student, thanks to Alistair, who chose you." He gave her a small smile, seeing her wide eyes "Wait, how long will I be here?" She asked, stroking her snakes, that wrapped themselves around her arms. "Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom" He continued to smile with the other men, when the smiles disappeared, seeing her panicked eyes that returned. "One year?!" She whispered. Her pacing started once more and the men walked towards her. She looked at them and glared at Lucifer. The man softly smiled "Don't glare at me like that. It's not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom." He reassured her "You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother, Mammon." Victoria tilted her head like a small puppy, nearly making the other men come over and pat her head. "He's the Avatar of Greed and... how should I put it...?" Lucifer's angry look at the mention of his brother turned into a pity one directed to the girl "Oh, well, you'll understand soon enough." He sighed and Victoria bit her lip, looking down to the ground.

Lucifer gave the girl a phone or otherly known as D.D.D. in the Devildom and told her everything that she needed to know, also asking her to call his brother. "Sir, thou are his brother, not I" She formally said, surprising the men one more time. Lucifer cleared his throat "I am not in a good relation with him, so it is best if you call him" His excuse made the girl roll her eyes as she dialled the demon's number. To say that her short conversation left her more panicked than anything since Mammon did not take kindly for her to call him and threatening him with Lucifer, so he threatened her back, which caused Lucifer to take the D.D.D. from Victoria and ordering the demon to immediately come. While waiting for the Avatar of Greed, Lucifer introduced the small girl to the rest of his brothers, starting from Asmodeus, the fifth eldest brother, the Avatar of Lust, who already wanted to wrap his arms around the girl, at how beautiful and cute she looked. The girl's eyes were joyful, as she patted her blue snake, not yet telling anyone her guardians' names. Though she felt strong emotions from the men, she strangely had control over her powers but even if she had control, all the emotions she felt from the men were tiring her and making her weak. "Your skin must be so soft! And I do have to admit, that you look gorgeous!" He beamed, making the girl blush, not at all used to complements, especially from a man. She just smiled at him, while she saw the other men smile softly at her. 

Lucifer then introduced her to Satan, the fourth eldest, who was the Avatar of Wrath. He smiled at the girl politely. 

Lastly, he introduced Beelzebub, the sixth oldest, The Avatar of Gluttony. 

This one only gave her a small smile, before exclaiming how hungry he was, making Asmo roll his eyes, not understanding his brother's hunger when a beautiful young lady was standing right in front of them. Lucifer told Victoria about the seven brothers and that he was the eldest, Mammon being the second oldest. Diavolo reassured Victoria that all the brothers will keep her safe (not mentioning that he and his butler will also keep an eye for the girl), for her stay and as he was about to continue, the door opened. Mammon finally decided to come to the room stopping dead in his tracks when he saw the human girl and her six pets. Satan introduced the mortal girl to the demon while Lucifer punched Mammon for threatening her over the phone.

 "Victoria, this is Mammon, the Avatar of Greed" He stated, smiling a bit when he saw his brother's pain from the punch. "Mammon, as Satan said, this is Victoria. From now on, you will be her protector and you will make sure to help her." Lucifer seriously said, making the Avatar of Greed, nearly choke on air. "What?! Why do I have to do this?!" He glared at his brother and Victoria nearly fell from the demon's outburst. Alistair looked worriedly at the girl, then watched the brothers, which started to get angry at Mammon's behaviour towards the human girl, which wasn't helping Victoria, with her ability. "Because I said so, now, since there is no more place for Victoria to stay in the Purgatory Hall, she will be living with us." At this, both Victoria and Mammon yelled out "WHAT?!" Mammon looked at her in shock, as he did not expect a mare human to dare to yell at the demons. Victoria quickly covered her lips, finally losing control and acting on Mammon's anger. At the same time, she was shocked and covered her outburst as a scream of shock. Victoria's yell, made the animals come closer to her to try and calm her down, as she tried to wrap her mind around the fact that, firstly, she lost control and secondly,  she will be living in a house full of men for a year. A YEAR! And there is no way Mother will forgive her for leaving the tower. She could feel that mother will kill her... but then again, she was her mother, so Victoria erased this idea out of her mind. While the brothers were arguing, her mind was far away, the voices becoming muffled as she thought back at the tower and her mother. No one was supposed to find her, so how did they find her? Did they know about her hair, her Empath powers? Did they want it for themselves? Why the older looking man, Alistair looked so familiar to her? She didn't realise that the men were now looking at her and asking her questions when Mammon snapped his fingers before her eyes. "Hey, Human! Wake up! Ya' fell asleep or what?" He huffed and Victoria looked again at Alistair, seeing his longing expression. "N-no... Just... Never mind" She whispered and she looked up at the demon in front of her who was softly blushing at her soft and kind answer. "Right. Come on, we are going to the House of Lamentation" He turned away from her and left, not waiting for Victoria. Not knowing why, the girl bowed her head softly, before exiting the room and following the Greedy demon. 

Before Victoria woke up

Alistair smiled sadly at the girl he chose for this. "Is she royalty?" Asmodeus asked, seeing the girl's outfit and nearly losing control of his behaviour, amazed by the beauty before them. Her animals were sleeping soundlessly as close to her as they could be. Alistair had to suppress a chuckle. "Who knows? Maybe she'll turn out to be a princess?" He joked, looking back at the demons who had confused expressions. "Wait, you feel that?" Satan asked, feeling as if his soul was trying to get to the unconscious girl. Lucifer was standing still, but his eyes did show emotions that no one ever saw from him. "Yeah, I feel hungry..." Beel started. His brothers were about to groan but he continued "But not for food... I seem to be hungry for her soul" He said and Diavolo realised something "Isn't it a sign of a Soul Mate bond?" He asked Alistair and the man only smirked, making the men raise their eyebrows. "So that's why you brought her!" Asmodeus grinned. "I must say, I always knew that if I had a soulmate, then they were bound to be as gorgeous as me! But she is..." He rambled with excitement as Lucifer cut him off. "A human girl, who probably knows nothing of soulmates, let alone demons and angels. Other than that, she is our exchange student and as soon as the school year ends, she will go back to the human world." Though his words were cold, as was his tone, deep inside, he felt sadness as he was sure that no human would love a demon. Especially no one as beautiful as her. "Lucifer, one year is enough for her to get to know us. Besides, we all know, that this exchanging program was Alistair's idea, not mine to begin with and seeing as he brought our soul mate, it means that there will not be other exchanging students next year." Diavolo tried to reassure his friend and reminded all the men about why the exchanging program even was created. "We cannot tell her she is bonded to us! Being mated to one demon would make her scared already, so I can only imagine what would she feel if she discovers that she is mated to nine of us, to an angel and a magician!" He reminded. Asmodeus was trying to control his want to be with the girl, as were the other demons. "We don't know that" Satan exclaimed watching as his oldest brother glared at him. Alistair shook his head. "Gentlemen. If I knew that this girl would be afraid of different worlds and species, do you think, I would bring her here? Or would I even suggest the exchange program?" He asked and the atmosphere calmed slowly "She is a very brave and intelligent young lady. She needs to be loved and you need it as well, no matter how much you will try to hide it, or in Mammon's case... Deny it." He smirked seeing Lucifer's glare. "It's already a miracle how calm you are about sharing her!" He teased, making Asmo and Diavolo chuckle, while Beel huffed and Lucifer with Satan rolled their eyes. "The bond is doing that" Satan mumbled "I think Mammon will be the hardest one to take her from" Asmo was saddened but he quickly smiled at an idea that popped into his mind. A hiss then made everyone look at the girl. The snakes woke up, seeing that they were surrounded by men, they tried to protect the girl. "Hey, it's okay, we don't want to harm your mistress" Alistair put his hands up, showing that he was not a threat. Next, the two other animals woke up, standing close to the girl. "Why did you bring her animals, again?" Lucifer asked a bit confused and annoyed at the animals but at the same time, he was glad they protected her. Satan already loved the animals and obviously, the cat was his favourite. "Well, they were sleeping on her... And she would be devastated to leave them in the Human World" Alistair explained and the demons nodded. A groan was heard and the men knew that the girl was starting to wake up. "I assume that you will not tell her about you being her soulmates, then?" Alastair asked quickly. "No. At least not until we know that she feels the pull as well" Lucifer decided and to be honest, it was fair. The brothers, nor Diavolo were sure that a human would feel a similar bond as the other species, so to be safe from any anger or fear, they agreed on letting the girl out of this knowledge.

After Victoria left with Mammon

"She freaked out quite a bit" Asmo frowned softly, thinking that the girl felt nothing from the soulmate bond. "Well, yes... But it was strange... She wasn't really scared of us when we reassured her... She was afraid of leaving her mother..." Diavolo noticed and looked at Alistair since he was the one to choose her. "Don't look at me, I told you that she was not afraid of other species. When I took her, she was reading a TSL book" He smirked, crossing his arms and seeing the men's shocked faces. "No way! Levi will love her!" Asmo was way more sparkling and he was clapping his hands happily, while the rest smiled softly.

The House of Lamentation

Mammon was trying to be as rude to Victoria as possible, causing the animals to hiss at him, making him nervous which made the girl giggle at the man. Once at the House of Lamentation, Mammon talked about how Lord Diavolo had his castle, which is why he is not living with the brothers. At that moment, another man came down, making Mammon jump. Victoria looks at the stranger before Mammon introduced the girl to the third oldest brother, Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy. 

"You still owe me money, Mammon!" Levi, as Mammon told Victoria to call him, started, making the two brothers start an argument, Victoria shook her head, the argument making her feel as if it was normal to see brothers like this, which caused her to frown. She spaced out, not noticing the worried looks of the brothers when they looked at her. She only snapped out of it, when Mammon started to run out of the room. "Forgive me... I... seemed to space out..." Victoria bowed her head and looked away, embarrassed. Levi blushed, not knowing how to react. He knew she was their soul mate, but the only contact he had with another person, were his brothers and Lord Diavolo. Levi talked a bit with Victoria, trying to be as cold as he could. But then, since Mammon abandoned her, he dragged her to his room. As Victoria looked around the room, making the demon nervous, she turned to him with the kindest smile, Levi has ever seen. Even in all the Animes, he has seen, never had he seen someone smiling so sincerely and kindly as her. "You are an Otaku?" She asked softly and the man blushed, feeling his insecurities come up as he tried to avoid all eye contact with her. "Yes..." He whispered, ashamed of himself but he was shocked when he saw the girl smile more at him. "I never thought anyone would be such a huge fan of TSL, besides me..." She swiftly changed the subject, seeing his TSL series. The demon's head shot up, his eyes wide. "Though, I have to admit... I have ever only read the books and I have never seen any movies or..." Levi cut her off with a yell "WHAT?!" She flinched and rubbed her neck nervously... "How?! Haven't you ever watched anything?" He asked calmly, seeing her flinch at his sudden shout. The girl softly shook her head... "From where I am from, we didn't have any electronics..." She admitted, looking down at Salem and Greta, who were just sitting beside her and watching. "H-how?" He asked, not believing that the girl never watched a movie before... Not to mention that she has never seen a TV as well! "I guess, my mother was always away and I was always busying myself with work that we didn't think of getting a Tv..." She smiled sadly, thinking now, that maybe it was because mother wanted to protect the girl from the nonsense, they showed there... Levi smiled, thinking that maybe she would like to watch with him some anime. Levi then pointed to the snakes that were wrapped around her body "You have snakes too?" He beamed, though a blush quickly covered his cheeks. "Yes! I just wanted to ask you about yours! I saw you had a blue snake as well!" She smiled, pointing to the other blue snake that hissed at her in a friendly manner. "That's Henry, he seemed to like you!" He smiled nervously at her, as she turned to look at Henry and smiling at him softly. But then, her smile faded softly and she looked back at Levi, who observed her with a big blush, his hand covering his face from embarrassment."Levi... What is it with you and Mammon?" She asked, not wanting to talk about herself. Levi scoffed "About... 200 years ago, I lent him some money and I want him to give it back!  Mammon won the grand prize in a convenience store promotional campaign... He won Seraphina...." Victoria listened to his rant about how he hated his brother, with a small smile. She didn't know, why this whole thing felt so familiar, yet so distant. "But, if you make a pact with him, he will be bound to do what you tell him to!" Levi said and Victoria furrowed her eyebrows "A... Pact?" She asked and Levi mentally facepalmed... She was their soul mate, which made them already bound to do whatever she asked them to, not because they had to, but because they wanted to... "Well... Yes, a pact!" He went with this. Inside he was sighing since he wanted her soul to stay pure, no matter if she was some normie because, for him, she was much more than that.  He cursed himself for even saying this out loud. "Well, how do we do that?" She asked, happy she could help Levi. The demon sighed sadly, knowing that he had to tell her "You sell your soul..." he whispered, so she couldn't hear. Victoria just shook her head and smiled "I'll help you. Even if it means that I will have Mammon bound to me at all times" She chuckled softly and Levi smiled, amused by how she saw Mammon. He thought about her and tried to suppress the rising guilt. 

With Victoria

Well then... Finally in my room... It was beautiful with vines, roses and a fruit tree growing there! The scenery made me feel so familiar and so home-like. It felt as if it was just the right room for me, with a bathroom just right next door. Though the room was somewhat dark, it made me feel comfortable. As I was putting the snakes on my bed, where Greta and Salem already hopped on and slept, I was thinking about what happened with the fallen angels. Meeting with Levi was not that terrible as I thought. He loved that I knew everything about TSL and it made me chuckle when I saw him blushing. He is so adorable. I want to help him get his money back. Mother already told me my soul is corrupted by my empath powers, so I guess selling my soul to a fallen angel won't matter. But... There is one thing that mother was wrong about... Mother was wrong about the world. She was wrong about men. It pains me to say that since I am afraid that I will regret being the disobedient daughter that I am when I get back. I feel so terrible but at the same time, I feel free... I feel a connection with the men. Just as I was about to get out of the room to just look around some more, I yelped from the tall figure standing right outside my door. I breathed out heavily and looked up to see a worried face, Lucifer. "Holy Heavens and Burning Hell! You scared me!" I put my hand on my heart, feeling it beat quickly as I steadied my breathing. Lucifer's eyes still held worry but his face became strict. "Well, I was just about to knock, so if I were you, I wouldn't blame myself for this scare. Where were you trying to go, anyway?" He raised his eyebrow, his dark and red eyes looking at me deeply, as he crossed his arms. I looked at him and smiled softly. "Oh, I just wanted to look around, you know, get familiar with the place," I told him honestly, which seemed to surprise him deeply. "Dinner is ready, so no wandering around for today, Victoria." His voice held a strict tone to it, but I saw in his eyes the truth. I didn't even need to use my powers to see the worry and care. I just gave him a bit hurt look, not giving away that I knew more than he thought. My hurt expression made him feel guilty, that my powers picked up on. "Oh... Well, I'll go with you to the dining room, then!" I gave him a big smile which seemed to ease his guilt a bit, as I went past him, closing my door and starting to go to the room, not knowing that I knew where it was since none of the brothers showed me around that much. Lucifer was right behind me, I could feel his eyes on me at all times. When we got to the dining room, all the brothers stopped their bickering and looked at me, instantly smiling or trying to hold a straight face. My head started to hurt, now, since their emotions were so strong, each of them had a mix of feelings that made me nearly pass out from the power, but I straightened my posture and holding my own hands clasping the fingers of each hand together and holding them right under my chest, I walked in the living room proudly.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Bon Apetit!" I smiled, walking to the empty seat between Satan and Asmodeus, while Beel, Mammon and Levi were sitting right before me, Lucifer taking the seat at the end of the table, of course. Asmo chuckled, while Beel, Lucifer and Satan nodded at me, Mammon and Levi were left blushing and looking away from me. I didn't eat much, which seemed to pick an interest to the brothers, as I felt a deep worry coming from each brother, but they kept silent. I used my napkin, softly wiping my lips and taking a sip of my water. "Thank you, for the meal, gentlemen. Do you need me to do the dishes when you finish?" I asked with a small smile, trying to get away from the brothers and their strong emotions that became too overwhelming for me to even sit straight. I wasn't looking at the men but I felt their piercing gazes on me. "No, not today. I will inform you when it's your turn." Lucifer nodded at me and just as I was about to stand up, Satan narrowed his eyes at me. "Already going to sleep?" He asked and I froze in place. Asmodeus was the one to scold his brother "Well, she needs her beauty sleep, just as much as I do!" He smiled at me and I just looked away, hiding my painful grimace. "I suggest you do the same, tomorrow you all have school and I need to work," Lucifer said, looking at his brothers, but I saw him look at me... nearly glaring at me as if I did something bad. Satan sighed while both Mammon and Levi groaned. If it wasn't for the headache, I would have giggled at their reaction, but I just turned my head to Lucifer, avoiding any eye contact. "Well, Thank you, again. And I guess, I will see you tomorrow" I said, standing up and smiling softly at the brothers "Goodnight, gentlemen" I bowed my head and walked out of the room, hearing Beel, Asmo, Satan and Lucifer answering me with a 'Goodnight' before the room went quiet.

When I was outside, I took a deep breath and rushed to my room, closing the door behind me, startling the animals a bit. "Oh, dear! I am so, so, sorry!" I panicked and ran to the bed, petting my beloved guardians and making them fall asleep in no time. I sighed, thanking the Heavens that my first night here went somewhat well... What surprised me more, was that my clothes, my glasses and some of my things were in this room, alongside everything that belonged to the animals. "I guess, if Alistair was the one to take me, he also took my needed things and clothes" I whispered to myself. I saw a stack of clothing with a note on it that said "This is your RAD uniform" and had a smiley face at the end. I looked at it and hummed, seeing that it was much more different than the boys' uniforms. Looking at the time, it was 9 PM and I figured it was time for me to go prepare myself for tomorrow. I took my nightgown and other cosmetics, to put in the bathroom, that was attached to my room. I let my hair fall endlessly to the floor. I need to get up early to do my hair every day, so no one will know about my hair. I took a shower, washing my hair as well, which took much longer than I wanted to. As I finished, I made two braids and put on my nightgown.  Now, I lay in my bed thinking about what happened today and for the first time... I feel my own emotions... It's as if... Something was blocking others emotions and make me feel for myself... For once... And to feel my own emotions is terrible... I feel like I don't even know what I feel... It's late, everyone is in their rooms and I am probably the only one awake still... Standing up from my bed, I walked to the window and looked out... I felt a terrible pain in my heart, as I watched the stars above... Three were shining very brightly and I knew that this pain I felt was because of something connected to these stars. Salem came to me, jumping on the windowsill and looking at me with his big emerald eyes. Sometimes I think that he wants to talk to me... My snakes were sleeping alongside Greta, on my bed. At least, they could sleep whenever and wherever so long as I am with them. I looked down at Salem and sighed. "I feel as if something was missing, don't you?" I asked but Salem only let out a soft meow. I sighed... "What am I thinking? You are not going to answer me... I guess staying alone in this tower made me go madder than before..." I sighed again and walked to the bathroom, where I locked the door and looked at the mirror. I had tears that formed in my eyes and I didn't know why. Was it because I felt guilty about leaving the Tower? Was it because I was alone in a different world with so many unknown men? Or was it because I finally feel my own emotions? But then again, I feel a sense of loneliness, though I am far from being alone, now...

Living room, After Victoria Left

The brothers waited until the girl went out. "So what do we know about her? She has such a beautiful accent it's charming! Where is she from?" Asmo squealed happily and looked at Lucifer, waiting for his older brother to answer. Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Nothing. I don't know..." He said and the brothers looked at him confused "What do you mean nothing? Didn't Diavolo or Alistair give you her file?" Satan asked, crossing his arms. Beel reached for the remains on Victoria's plate and ate it with a happy hum. Mammon and Levi just sat silently, Mammon being afraid of saying something and getting punished, and Levi just listened, not knowing how to help. "Well, that was supposed to happen, but her file has nothing in it. It's as if she wasn't existing" Lucifer said, his voice low, as he thought why the girl's file was empty. "W-what is in her file?" Mammon anxiously looked at his brother, before turning his gaze to the table. "Just her name... Not even her last name. Her age isn't there as well and all the information that should be there, are not!" Lucifer clenched his jaw. This was already giving him a headache and he knew that his brothers won't help him with it. "What about Diavolo and Alistair?" Beel asked, taking a bite of his food. "Diavolo is a bit worried about that but thinks that maybe it's best if we don't know her right away. He said that it will be best for us if we get to know her personally. Alistair, though..." Lucifer narrowed his eyes, remembering the man's very bizarre behaviour. "What about him?" Asmo asked with wide eyes, wanting to know all about the little drama that involved their precious mate. "It is a bit strange, but he didn't seem to be fazed by the fact that her file is empty... Actually, when I asked him about it, he was tense, as if I touched a nerve..." The raven-haired male hummed, his thoughts trying to figure out this mystery. "Ooh! Well, that means that this is deeper than we thought..." Asmo pursed his lips, looking in the direction, where the red-haired girl had her room. "What was she like, when she met you?!" He then looked at Mammon and Levi with an excited glint in his eyes. "Well..." Mammon wanted to start, but then, he shook his head and stood silent. "She loves TSL, but she has never watched ANYTHING! She has never even seen a TV! Can you imagine?!" Levi nearly yelled from disbelief, looking at his brothers, who now looked at him confused. Asmo nearly fainted "WHAT?! Does it mean, that she doesn't know what the Internet is?! She never got to see all the outfits and beauty products?!" Asmo screeched, making Lucifer close his eyes, breathing out heavily. "Well, at least she is not corrupted by any of the nonsense they put there" Satan smirked, seeing Levi's and Asmo's shocked faces that turned angry in seconds. "Mammon, do you have anything to say? You are unusually quiet tonight" Lucifer asked, seeing his brother's silent behaviour and it made him a bit worried. Mammon was the first to make his life miserable, alongside Satan and Belphegor. The bickering brothers stopped, to look at Mammon, also seeing his odd behaviour. The Avatar of Greed crossed his arms "Ya worried about me? Aww, That's a new one!" He mocked, gaining an unimpressed look from Lucifer. "Besides, this Human ain't nothing more than a weak little thing. I don't think we should really care if she watched TV or nah. As long, as she can help me..." Satan growled. "You will not bring our mate to your troubles, Mammon! She is not your money maker and she will not become one!" Satan glared at Mammon, who slumped in his chair. "I hate to do it, but I agree with Satan." Lucifer nodded at the blonde Avatar of Wrath, who just huffed and continued to glare at the white-haired demon. "Victoria is too pure to be like you, Mammon... No offence" Beel said softly, putting more food on his plate. "Yes, and I think we can all agree that she will gladly spend most of her time with me since I am the most beautiful!" Asmo smiled and Lucifer nearly crushed the glass in his hand, feeling his headache grow. "Asmo, Victoria is her own person, and she is our mate, meaning she will be with us and love us all equally" Satan glared at Asmo, now, and the lustful demon sighed nodding. "Yeah..." Levi whispered, thinking how such a beautiful woman could love such a lowlife yucky otaku like him. Lucifer, Mammon and Satan had similar thoughts. Thinking how such a pure, innocent and beautiful soul could love ruthless, sinful and good for nothing demons. Asmo was just thinking of her. The way, her eyes looked, when she opened them for the first time here. The way she spoke and the way her lips moved, making her words even more captivating. Beel, on the other hand, thought of her kind behaviour and he was wondering if she could cook. The thought of her cooking for him and his brothers made him hungry even more. "Beel, don't eat the plate please" Lucifer scolded his younger brother softly, seeing the far off look the redhead held in his eyes. "What do we do, now?" Levi asked, giving Beel the rest of his meal, not hungry anymore. "Well, I will follow Victoria's steps and go to sleep, so goodnight!" Asmo smiled and walked out of the room, stopping outside the girl's room for a second, hearing her soft voice, talking, probably to one of her animals. He smiled, walking to his room with so many thoughts about the girl and surprisingly, most were not involving anything lustful. "I guess, it is not a bad idea. Go to bed, tomorrow is a big day." Lucifer rubbed his temples and stood up from his seat. "Mammon, you do the dishes," He said, leaving the room and also stopping at Victoria's room, narrowing his eyes at the door. He was thinking about the girl and how strange it was that this very girl was so old-school. He wondered if she really didn't know any technology and what she meant when she was talking about being in a tower... Then his eyes winded, even more, when he thought of how much she resembled... He shook his head, giving up on figuring that now and thinking that his mind is playing tricks on him. So he went to his office, paperwork calling to him. But he felt something when he stood outside her door. His headache seemed to vanish. It made him confused but also happy, thinking about all these papers he has to do. But little did he know, tonight he will not be able to focus on his task, as a certain redhead "exchange student" invaded his mind and left no space for focusing on the work he had to do. "Don't be late tomorrow, Mammon." Satan said, leaving as well and just like his brothers, he stopped at the door of the small and fragile Human. He smiled, hearing her whispering to the cat that meowed softly. His mind became calm. He felt himself relax, knowing that now, his mate was here. Though he had to share her, he was very calm and his anger seemed to evaporate from his body. His wrath seemed to be nonexistent. It surprised him greatly but at the same time, it was refreshing. He sighed and went to his room, looking for a book. Without realising it, he was reading a romance and unintentionally misread the characters' names as his and Victoria's. His shock and confusion grew when he realised he was putting him and his mate as the main characters.

Leviathan also stopped at the girl's door. His insecurities growing, only to suddenly disappear, as if someone took them away from him. He blinked a few times, confused at this but shrugged it off, walking to his room, to watch the anime he was waiting for for so long. Just like in Satan's case, he saw the main characters as Victoria and him. And it only made him more confused when he realised it. How come, he saw the main character as a girl he barely knew? And how come he didn't realise it until the end of the anime? Now, these were the questions, no one had an answer to. Beel left, biding his older brother goodnight and he also stopped at Victoria's door. His mind was filled with images of both of them cooking, with his twin brother, sitting at the kitchen table and watching them, talking to them and just being there with them. Though he was thinking about food, surprisingly, he wasn't hungry. He felt full and content. He hummed softly, walking to his room, knowing that his dreams will be about the sweet girl who was his mate. The last one was Mammon. Though he didn't leave for his room, he took the dishes and started to clean them. He looked at the wall, where the girl's room was placed and sighed, blushing madly at his own thoughts. He then started to think about all the mean things his brothers told him and his mind turned to self-hatred. He was just a waste of space that ruins everything for everyone... His thoughts then became blank. Shaking his head in confusion, he tried to think about all the bad things he did, that made his brothers hate him, but there was no such thought. His feelings were positive and everything that involved his brothers suddenly disappeared, leaving him with the only person that did not hate him... The foreign, beautiful exchange student. The way, she smiled at him even though he tried his best to be mean to her. Though he would have felt the guilt by now, his body, mind and soul did not accept it. The only things he felt was love, positive energy and calmness he never thought he would have again. He didn't realise that he finished doing the dishes and was now free to go to bed. But he was scared, that once he will close his eye, he will open them just to realise that this whole thing was just a dream. But his fear also disappeared as fast as it came. He yawned and went to his room, whispering a soft goodnight when he passed by her door.

All of the brothers were sleeping peacefully tonight. Much to everyone's surprise. Though, Victoria was far from even feeling sleepy. She heard a voice calling her name softly. She sighed, sitting on the windowsill, watching the stars and hoping to just be alright. She just didn't want to fall asleep now, as she remembered the dream she was having when she fell asleep in the tower. It made her afraid of falling asleep, it made her afraid to close her eyes for even a second, as she also remembered the feelings she had during the dream. Pain, hatred, fear, guilt and sadness. Not one positive emotion. And she knew that if she was to fall asleep, the dream will only repeat again and she couldn't have that. Not today... Not ever...

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