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Sarafina hugged her three children close, sitting by the fire. "You guys go play with Uncle Asmo"Sarafina smiled. "Okay Mom"Lilith nodded. Lilith left the room with her half siblings, the trio going to find their uncle. She stared silently, watching her children go, before getting up going to a drawer in her room. She pulled a box out, and removed the top revealing several love letters and more inside. "I saved every letter you wrote me, from the moment I read them, I knew you were mine, you said you were mine, I thought you were mine"Sarafina sighed. "Do you know what Parisa said, when we saw your first letter arrive?"Sarafina continued. "She said." "Be careful with that one, love. He will do what it takes to survive." She walked away, sitting down in one of the comfy chairs Levi gifted her. "You and your words flooded my senses, your sentences left me defenseless"Sarafina mumbled a small smile on her face, rereading the letters. Lilith peeked into the room, Sage and Peony hanging onto her skirt.

"You built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals"Sarafina smiled her expression sad. "I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me, I'm searching and scanning for answers In every line...For some kind of sign"Sarafina adds on scanning the letters. "And when you were mine..The world seemed to burn, burn"Sarafina says gripping the letter in her hand. "You published the letters she wrote you, you told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed, In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives!"Sarafina says her eyes starting to water. "Mama..."Sage stared. Lilith covered her little brothers mouth, Peony staying quiet looking worried. "Do you know what Parisa said! When she read what you'd done?"Sarafina says tears falling down her cheeks. She wiped her face with her sleeve, shaking her head. "She said." "You've married an Icarus sis. He has flown too close to the sun." She grabbed the box of letters, staring at them all. "You and your words, obsessed with your legacy..."Sarafina continued.

"Your sentences border on senseless!"Sarafina snorted scowling. "And you are paranoid in every paragraph! How they perceive you!"Sarafina yelled. She stared silently, unable to stay mad. "You, you, you..."Sarafina muttered. Lilith gasped, and turned finding Lucifer standing there. "What are you three doing up"Lucifer demanded. "You hurt Mama!"Sage glared tightening his grip on Liliths dress. Lucifer glared at Sage and Peony, startling the two kids who weren't even his. "Just like your father"Lucifer snorted. Lilith hurried into their parents room, the demon woman looking at her kids. "Control your brats, especially Simeon's brats"Lucifer says. "I'm erasing myself from the narrative, let future historians wonder, How Sarafina reacted when you broke her heart!"Sarafina glared turning into her demon form, hiding her children from view with her wings. "You have torn it all apart, I'm watching it burn, watching it burn!"Sarafina yelled throwing the box letters into the fire, startling the demon in front of her.

"The world has no right to my heart! The world has no place in our bed! They don't get to know what I said!!"Sarafina shouted waking up the others. "Sarafina the children are here, stop it!"Lucifer yelled. "I'm burning the memories! Burning the letters that might have redeemed you!"Sarafina spat shoving him back. "YOU FORFEIT ALL RIGHTS TO MY HEART, YOU FORFEIT THE PLACE IN OUR BED, YOU'LL SLEEP IN YOUR OFFICE INSTEAD!"Sarafina yelled tears falling down her cheeks. Lilith hugged her two siblings, her eyes wide in fear at the tension in the air. Mammon hurried in his eyes wide, Asmo behind him. He grabbed Lilith, Asmo grabbing Sage and Peony taking the three kids out of the room. "WITH ONLY THE MEMORIES OF WHEN YOU WERE MINE!"Sarafina cried. "Were...Sarafina I'm still yours"Lucifer says. She glared at him, Lucifer seeing Parisa for a moment. "I hope that you.....burn..."Sarafina says. She glided away, grabbing her children. "Goodbye everyone..."Sarafina says. "Sarafina!"Asmo yelled.

She glided away, carrying her three kids. "Sara come back!"Asmo called hurrying after her. Mammon and Satan glared at Lucifer. "I ain't never feel so angry in my whole life! What is wrong with you Lucifer!"Mammon yelled. "She-"Lucifer stared. "YOU STARTED IT!"Satan yelled silencing the eldest brother. "Maybe she wouldn't have slept with Simeon and had his kids if you weren't such a dumbass, you slept with a human of all people!"Mammon agreed. "Think Lucifer is your pride really worth your family..."Satan demanded. "Must be, he holds too much pride to even admit he's wrong!"Mammon snorted. "Yeah Maybe you're right for once Mammon, I don't even know why I asked..."Satan says. Both hurried away, Asmo trying to stop a dull looking Sarafina from leaving. "You can stay in my room, just don't leave, we'd miss you"Asmo says. She stared at Asmo, then nodded. "I'll get yer stuff, don't worry about having to run into that moron again"Satan says. "Thank you guys..."Sarafina nodded.

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