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Parisa walked into the building, the demon brothers looking at the angel. "Isn't that Sarafina's sister?"Mammon asked. "Yeah"Asmo nodded curious about what the fallen angels sister was doing here. Sarafina like Lucifer was a fallen angel, she used Luke to her advantage and tried to murder an angel but failed and got sent down here. Parisa had started visiting ever since, cause the woman loved her sister no matter what happened, or how she looked. "Where's Lucifer!"Parisa demanded angrily. "What is it"Lucifer demanded. "Can we talk alone"Parisa asked smiling at him. He walked away, taking her to his office. The door shut behind them upon reaching his office. "Parisa"Lucifer says. "Lucifer"Parisa smiled. She glared at him, startling him with how angry she looked. "Congratulations"Parisa snorted. She walked over to him, glaring at him with newfound fury. "You have invented a new kind of stupid, A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid, An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid, 'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid"Parisa spat.

Lucifer stared in shock at her words, backing up a bit. "Let's review"Parisa says shaking her head. She raised her hands, naming things off. "You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you"Parisa adds naming things off, a scowl on her face. "She begged you to take a break, you refused to!"Parisa adds. Lucifer looked away, starting to sweat drop. Mammon and the others listened outside the door, quite curious about what Parisa was talking about. "So scared of what your enemies might do to you, you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to!"Parisa adds walking around Lucifer. He looked down, guilt starting to rise inside him. "You know why Belphie can do what he wants?! He doesn't dignify school-yard taunts with a response!"Parisa continued. "So yeah, congratulations!"Parisa snorted rolling her eyes in annoyance. She placed her hands on her hips, scowling at him angrily. She sighed and turned walking towards the door.

"Parisa"Lucifer stared. "You've redefined your legacy, Congratulations!"Parisa yelled looking at him. "IT WAS AN ACT OF PRIDE SACRIFICE!"Lucifer yelled. "Sacrifice?"Parisa mumbled unbelieving. She snarled at him, looking sad now. "I languished in a loveless marriage in Heaven, I lived only to read your letters"Parisa sighed walking away. "I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?' That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away, but I'm back in heaven and I'm there to stay"Parisa continued walking back towards Lucifer. "And I know what I'm here to do"Parisa says glaring at Lucifer. "Parisa"Lucifer says taking her hand. She snatched her hand away, gently gliding back. "I'm not here for you!"Parisa snapped Lucifer staring at her in alarm that an angel had the audacity to speak to him like that. Mammon moved closer to the door, trying to hear better. Parisa walked up on Lucifer, backing him up till his back hit the wall.

"I know my sister like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind!"Parisa glared her wings flared angrily. "And a million years ago she said to me 'this one's mine'"Parisa continued remembering when Sarafina told her she fell in love with Lucifer and she had helped her younger sister get together with him, supporting Sarafina the whole way. "So I stood by..."Parisa mumbled. She started to cry, remembering Sarafina's heart broken expression, making more fury bubble up inside of the angel. "Do you know why?!"Parisa shouted startling everyone. Lucifer stared at her his eyes wide, already in his demon form startled by all of this. "I LOVE MY SISTER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS LIFE"Parisa yelled gripping her sleeves, starting to sob. "I WILL CHOOSE HER HAPPINESS OVER MINE EVERY TIME"Parisa cried shaking her head, tears falling down her cheeks to the floor below.

"SARAFINA!"Parisa cried. "Sarafina..."Lucifer sighed. "Is the best thing in our lives, So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife!"Parisa spat. She sighed, calming down. "Congratulations"Parisa says trying to stay calm. "For the rest of your life, every sacrifice you make is for my sister, give her the best life!"Parisa continued. She slapped Lucifer, then turned walking to the door. The demons outside the door scrambled away their eyes wide, as the door opened. "Congratulations!"Parisa called. She walked away, flying down to a room on the first floor. She knocked, Sarafina opening the door, the woman's face tear streaked, her eyes dull. "Can I come in sis..."Parisa asked. "Yeah...yeah come in Barbatos brought me tea and some food"Sarafina nodded. The angel vanished into Sarafina's room, Lucifer staring silently before sighing, looking regretful.

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