How I make sprites.

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I guess this is a step by step procedure,It can teach you how to make sprites if you are interested in that.

First of all,I need a reference of a character.

I always need a reference when I'm doing a character sprite.

I open up MS paint,because I have no other art software because I'm poor.

I zoom that shit to 800% because I'm a bad bitch.

But if it's too big I zoom out.

If I want to make it a battle sprite,I make the canvas black and and have a white pencil.

But if it's not a Battle sprite I use a white canvas.

Always use a pencil as your tool!If you don't you are doing it wrong.And the pencil has to be the thinnest as can be.

Now I get to where the REAL action is.The drawing.

Remember the canvas pixels are huge to its gonna look all pixely and stuff.So don't expect it to look like normal MS paint art.

I want the cross to look similar to the original,character while still giving them the impression that they are an object.So if you wanna do that,do it.

Here's my cross picture.

Don't make the sprite too small,or too big.(Tebble is my smallest battle sprite,and Flowiel Dreemur is my biggest)

But remember,the picture is TINY,so if you wanna make it bigger,use the snipping tool.

After that,Save it and you are done!

So there it is!How I make sprites.

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