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Hello to whomever might be reading this.

I'm here to talk about this book.
I haven't updated this book for a HUGE while now.

Most of the people who I follow on Wattpad are inactive.

I only open Wattpad to read a crackbook now.

I try to update my books when I have material.But I don't have much to write...

And especially this book.

The Undertale fandom is dying.

Have you seen the signs?

More and more people are being disinterested in Undertale for like,a month now.

However,The object show community is fairly small.So that fandom won't really die anytime soon.

But does this mean my book is dying too?

Yes.It probably does.

There has to be a time when this book is done being valuable.

Because all books must have an end.

All books have an end.

I know some readers will be like,"Nuuuuuuuuuu this book must stay strong!"

I'm trying to keep this book alive.

But there is one major factor that this book can't live without.


This book is dying because of the lack of my sprite art.

And some would know why.

This thing.

This thing is why this book is dying.

I'm not joking.

The A key is a spawn of hell and I fucking hate it.

I need to fix my laptop's keyboard ASAP.

Or else this book will forever be in a grave of dead fandoms.

This is depressing.

I can't go on like this.

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