Chapter XIII: Ignition

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August 12 2022

Smackdown was happening as the crowd was excited to see what action awaits for them. The show began as the titantron showed the confirmed matches for clash of the castle. Alex was walking around backstage as he was fixing his jacket and had the world heavyweight championship on his shoulder. Suddenly someone called Alex out as he turned around and saw Dominik as he had a smirk on his face and spoke to the anarchist.

Dominik: Our match is happening and I just want to let you know. I'm not afraid of a nobody who thinks he's the face of the company. When we face each other in the ring. Everyone is going remember me as the greatest wrestler in the world, not some nobody who thinks he's invincible.

Alex was staring at him as Dominik had a smirk and said something to him.

Dominik: Make sure to praise me when I'm holding that championship, nobody.

Alex was looking at him as Dominik walked away before Ambrose said something to him.

Alex: Just wanted to let you know, Finn, Damien and your mami are banned from ringside.

Dominik's eyes were widen as he turned around and saw Alex smiling at him and said something to him.

Alex: Oh and if they even try to interfere in the match. You will forfeit that championship.

Dominik was shocked as Alex smiled at him and began walking away. Dominik was now scared as he began walking away.

The show continued on as Alex was sitting on the crate until he heard someone calling his name as Ambrose saw who it was.

Liv: Hey Alex!

Alex: Hey Liv, what's up?

Liv: Nothing much, I'm getting ready to defend my championship against Natalya.

Alex: That's good to hear, good luck on your match.

Liv: Thanks Alex. So after smackdown, do you want to hangout?

Alex was looking at her as she was smiling at him until he said something to her.

Alex: Sure, we can hangout.

Liv: Awesome! See you after smackdown, cutiepie!

She heard producers calling her name as she began walking away. Alex had a small smile on his face. He was looking at the television as Liv's match was happening.

Liv made her entrance as the crowd was cheering for her. She continued walking down the ramp and made it to the ring as she raised her championship in the air and smiled at the crowd. Liv's music stopped as she was waiting for her opponent.

Natalya made her entrance as the crowd was booing her but she didn't care and continued walking down the entrance ramp and made it to the ring. Her music stopped as both women were staring at each other. The bell rang as the fight began.

Thirty minutes later

Natalya was gonna apply a sharpshooter on Liv but she managed to kick Natalya and hit a double knee facebreaker on her as Natalya was on the ropes. Liv immediately hit a oblivion on Natalya.

Liv immediately Natalya and got the three count as she had a huge smile on her face. She grabbed her championship and raised it in the air as the crowd was cheering for her.

Liv made it to backstage as she saw Alex and he spoke to her.

Alex: Congratulations Liv, another successful title defense.

Liv: Thanks Alex, good luck on your match against Dominik.

Alex: Dominik, He won't be a problem.

Liv was smiling at him until she booped his nose as he looked at her.

Alex was looking at her as Liv was smiling at him and said something to him.

Liv: Your so adorable and cute, Alex.

Alex began blushing as he heard producers calling his name as he began walking away and had a small smile on his face.

Dominik made his entrance as the crowd was booing him but he laughed at them and continued walking down the ramp. He made it to the ring and smiled at the crowd as they were booing him. His music stopped as Dominik was waiting for his opponent.

Alex made his entrance as he had the world heavyweight championship on his shoulder and continued walking down the ramp as the crowd was cheering for him. He made it to the ring as Dominik was staring at him. Alex knew Dominik is scared, the anarchist smiled at him as his music stopped.

Both men were staring at each other as the bell rang and the match began. Alex was looking at Dominik who was taunting him.

Dominik tried to attack Alex but the anarchist countered the attack.

Alex grabbed Dominik's arm and stomped on it as he immediately rolled out of the ring and began holding his arm in pain. Dominik saw Alex smiling at him as Dominik was scared and heard the crowd saying something to him.

Crowd: Alex is gonna kill you! Alex is gonna kill you!

Dominik was angry and immediately got back in the ring and tried to attack him but Alex twisted his arm and hit a hip toss on him. Alex grabbed Dominik's other arm and stomped on it as he was in pain. Alex picked Dominik up and hit another move on him.

Alex pinned him but he kicked out at two as the match continued on.

Six minutes later

Dominik was on the middle rope as he tried to attack Alex but Ambrose countered the attack.

Dominik rolled out of the ring as he was holding his back in pain until Alex hit a surprise attack on him.

Alex threw Dominik back in the ring as the champion also rolled back in the ring. Dominik tried to kick Alex but the anarchist grabbed his leg and hit a dragon screw as Dominik was holding his leg in pain. Alex wasn't done yet as he grabbed Dominik's other leg and hit a inverted dragon screw.

Dominik was screaming in pain as Alex was smiling at him and picked him up until Dominik hit a low superkick on Alex. Dominik ran through the ropes to hit a jumping clothesline on Alex but the brawler countered the attack.

Alex pinned Dominik but he kicked out at two as Ambrose was smiling at him.

Three minutes later

Alex hit another inverted dragon screw on Dominik as he was in pain. Alex wasn't done yet as he began stomping on both of his arms. Alex picked Dominik up as Dominik pushed Alex and tried to hit a superkick on him but the anarchist countered the attack.

Alex was looking at him as Dominik was struggling to get up until Ambrose said something to him.


Dominik was looking at him until Alex hit a knife edge chop on Dominik as he was in pain. Ambrose began multiple chips on Dominik as he was in pain until Alex grabbed his leg and hit a dragon screw as Dominik was in pain.

Dominik was scared and looked at Alex as he said something to him.

Alex: Say my name.

Dominik was scared and tried to punch Alex but Ambrose grabbed his arm and began twisting it until he stomped on his arm as Dominik was in pain.

Dominik managed to get up and heard Alex speaking to him.

Alex: Say my name.

Dominik was scared as Alex was looking at him until Dominik said something to him.

Dominik:. . . . . Your Alex Ambrose.


Alex picked Dominik up and tried to hit a rainstorm at him but Dominik managed to get out and tried to hit a springboard DDT on the anarchist but Alex managed to stop him and hit a rainstorm on Dominik.

Alex pinned Dominik and got the three count as the crowd was cheering for him. Alex got and grabbed his world heavyweight championship and raised it in the air.

Alex looked at the entrance ramp and saw Finn glaring at him as Alex was smiling at him as the show ended.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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