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Kiko stared at the book which Oikawa had just given her. She had read through the manga about Seijoh defeating Shiratorizawa and did not know what to say. The drawings were not perfect but she loved it.

"Iwaizumi helped as well," Oikawa added earning a glare from Iwaizumi.

Oikawa watched Kiko's face worriedly. Her face was blank and Oikawa was anxious to see wat she thought.

"I love it!" she said quietly.

Oikawa smiled widely and Iwaizumi tried to hide his pride. It had not been easy making the manga but eventually they had done it.

"Oh," Iwaizumi exclaimed as he ran off, "I just remembered that I've got to do something".

It was just Oikawa and Kiko.

"Oikawa," she asked gently, "Would you erm...like to meet up some time to erm..well...erm...make a manga...together?"

Oikawa's face lit up. Kiko wanted to meet up with him?

"Y-y-yes-s!" he stammered as Kiko giggled at his reaction making Oikawa even more nervous.

"So, bye Oikawa-San!" Kiko exclaimed as she ran back to her classroom. As Oikawa went to his classroom, he saw Kiko standing by her locker but what worried Oikawa even more was that there was Shigeru Yahaba talking with her. Oikawa knew they could be talking about anything but he decided to spy on them. Oikawa gasped as Kiko gave Yahaba a bento.

"Could there be something in between them?" Oikawa thought. Kiko and Yahaba looked quite close as they chatted and smiled. Oikawa could feel himself feel jealous as he saw Kiko smile at Yahaba and Yahaba turn red. As Kiko left to go into her classroom, he watched Yahaba fist pumped and then left smiling widely. Oikawa felt himself become hopeless as he tried to draw back his tears. He ran to the field grabbing a volleyball to make himself feel better.


He turned to see Iwaizumi.

"Are you...crying, Trashykawa?" Iwaizumi asked.

Oikawa could not hide it anymore as he felt the tears run rapidly down his cheek. Iwaizumi immediately understood.

"Is it about Kiko?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa nodded his head and then told him about Yahaba and how Kiko had given him a bento.

"Trashykawa," Iwaizumi said, "Yahaba might have asked for Kiko to cook him something and she might have just given it to him in a bento but it doesn't mean there's anything in between them." Iwaizumi had never seen his friend crying off the court much. Iwaizumi did not really know what to say. He knew that Yahaba had a crush on Oikawa and often flirted with her like the rest of the team but Kiko had never noticed them. Iwaizumi suddenly felt angry. He punched a surprised Oikawa on the face.

"Crying isn't going to change anything, Trashykawa!" he shouted as Oikawa tried to stop his nose from bleeding. "Go prove to her you're better than Yahaba!" he continued.

Oikawa stared at his friend. He suddenly felt determined as he got up.

"Thanks, Iwaizumi," he said.

"Did I punch you too hard?" Iwaizumi asked as he offered Oikawa a tissue.

"No, no, not at all!" Oikawa exclaimed. "Say, Iwaizumi," Oikawa continued, "Is Trashykawa the only insult you know?"

"Do you want me to break your nose?" Iwaizumi asked preparing a fist.

"No! No!" Oikawa exclaimed running further from Iwaizumi.

Kiko watched all this from the window. She had not heard anything but had been able to watch. She was not the only person watching though. The other girls from her class watched.

"I love Oikawa-senpai!" one squealed.

"Do you think that he'll ask me out?"

"Apparently, he's in love with somebody!" someone exclaimed.

Everybody turned shocked. Oikawa had never been in love with anybody because he concentrated a lot on volleyball. Kiko was surprised as well. She had never heard of any of this in volleyball club.

"I wonder who that lucky person is!" one girl exclaimed.

"I'm so jealous of them!" another said.

"She's probably so beautiful!" the girl nearest to Kiko exclaimed.

Kindaichi and Kunimi gasped when they heard all this. They looked at Kiko almost worried.

"Do you think?" Kunimi began.

"It's Miyako-San..." Kindaichi said quietly.

They both hid it but they were worried. They both knew Oikawa was more popular them especially with the girls. If Oikawa confessed to her, Kiko would probably accept and that would decrease their chances of being with her. And that wouldn't be good.

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