Chapter 100: Strangers In Love

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"Love is a hidden treasure. You never know you have it until someone special reveals it"



As my gently awakening eyes nourish the morning sun, I feel like I need a spare heart to feel all the things I feel for anonymous

Maybe I was crazy about him. Or Maybe I was just crazy.

His love for me is like the scent of the evening sea drifting in through a quiet window, so I do not have to run or chase or fall to feel him, all I have to do is breathe

The more we talked, the more I fell for him and the harder it became to resist the urge to bring the day of our meeting closer

Waiting was the first lesson I had learned about love. The day drags along, you make thousands of plans, you imagine every possible conversation.

I even contemplated changing my behavior in certain ways to impress him. But then again I remembered, I do not have to do that with anonymous. The real me is what he craves for, no filter

When did this journey begin? When did this fire begin in my heart?" I asked myself as I got out of bed

I walked to the front door when I heard a knock, I couldn't help but smile when I saw a delivery guy and he told me that he has a special delivery for me.

When I opened it, I saw a banquet of roses, a pack of chocolates and a note that says "Can't wait to see you tonight dear" I figured it's from anonymous 

"Can't wait to see you too, though it brings back so many memories, memories I hate and wish I could erase" I texted him, as soon as I finished reading the note

"Turn your wounds into wisdom and let no man pull you so low as to hate him or your memories with him" he replied

"I'll try my best, thanks" I texted him back with a smiley face

"Do not look back at the past relationship that you didn't think you could live without. Had you stayed in it, You would be some comfortable loser, sitting on the couch with another comfortable loser, instead of being the dope motherf*cker you are today. You're indeed lucky" he texted back

By the time I finished reading his message, I had a wide smile plastered on my face. I don't know how he does it, but he manages to always put a smile on my face. He gives me courage and hope too. I just couldn't wait to see him, I counted the hours, minutes and seconds to our meeting

I walked to our meeting point with my heart pounding in my chest just thinking about what I am going to do when I see anonymous

With every step I took, I felt more and more anxious. But by the time I arrived, I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to say. The hours of waiting have been transformed into tension, the tension has become fear, and the fear made me embarrassed about showing affection.

And there he was, standing, anxiously waiting for his love. Then he turned to face me, and I had the shock of my life

He looked at me, and when our eyes met, he heated up like a lightbulb, red hot in the twinkling of an eye and cold again in a flash and in that moment, his fuse was lit

For a second, fire flared inside of him, not like mine, but the fire of a man about to lose control.

There is something in his heated eyes that I haven't seen before. Ownership, Possessiveness, insatiable want and longing. He is looking at me like he owns me

I knew today that my life was forever changed in that one moment and I was clueless as to why or how it will be. Never in my life had I ever felt that quick response to anyone. Breathless and unable to look away from him, like if I did he would disappear.

Its like music burst through him, perfect notes I hear rarely. Fire and ice, wind and calm, sky and earth, water and rock all fused together.

He is full of energy and has been waiting for this all day. But the energy feels different than it usually does. It's more intense, it feels focused and directed at making me his

Magic existed in his eyes, He seemed to pulse with life and excitement, he lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.

Realization hit my face like a bomb. My hand trembled on my cheek, and I looked down to the ground, no longer able to hold his gaze.

I opened my mouth. The words were there. I was about to say them when a jolt of terror went through me, the terror of someone who, wandering in a mist, pauses only to realise that they have stopped inches from the edge of a gaping abyss. The way he was looking at me, he could read what was in my eyes, I realised. It must have been written plainly there, like words on the page of a book. There had been no time, no chance to hide it.

I was happy and sad at the same time. It took me a moment to speak. My heart pumped madly as though I had run for miles in pursuit of something vital. In this case, love.

"Ameenu? You? Why?" I asked, with a shaky voice

An answering smile drifted across his tanned face. "Because we are meant for each other and what is mine, I intend to keep"

Through the fire and flames of my tragic past, I have been ruptured by Ahmad and his family, to get to the heart that mine claims and own it, for all it's worth, the most precious object on earth. But why do I feel like I cannot allow myself to have him? Why does he have to be Ahmad's step brother? I wondered. I guess I will forever be haunted by Ahmad

"What about Ahmad?" I asked

"I am not here to grant you the extraordinary love you never had with Ahmad. I am here, on my own accord, to love you. So that when you stare into my mirror eyes, you may see how extraordinary you are" he said, looking into my eyes. But no answer

I looked away, out into the sky. He waits a long time before speaking. "There is no pretending, he said with absolute clarity. I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is a life after that, I'll love you then"

"I d....., I don't think...." I started, but then stopped

On hearing that, His head sweeps up without hesitation, and he regards me passively with his cool gray gaze. He is almost serene, expectant.

"I don't love you to seek revenge. I don't love you out of loneliness or unhappiness.
I didn't love you for any of the misguided reasons that time might convince you I did. I just love you because you're you" he continued, and this hit differently. He said the right words at the right time. But I was still in shock, unsure, confused, happy, sad and madly in love all at the same time

"Wow" I said, unable to hide the effect his words had on me

"How I wish I could undo it all ... take it all back...All those months I spent unhappy.. when I should have been with you" He told me

Ameenu had watched me, Studied me, Observed what maybe even my sister, the reader of people, had missed. It's one of the things I love most about him

And now, He is giving me that look again, the way he always has. He is looking at me with so much love and compassion. Like he knows what I had gone through and my journey After Ahmad. Like he will be lost without me. This is what I wanted to see after everything that happened with Ahmad.

My heart has long occupied itself with the most tender feelings for Ameenu before I even met him. So strong were these impulses that I indulged myself by thinking that if I could not have him whom I admired, then I would never want another. Though The heart is a far more practical thing and in its life is happily capable of more than a single attachment. But a part of me feels like I am not ready for this. That I needed more time to think this through

"No" I jerked back, staring up at him.
My eyes were like thunderclouds. He had never seen them like that. Shock and fear filled them. My face was paper white, my body shuddering.

There is no denying, Ameenu loved me in every way I could think of, but none of those were the ways I expected the love to be. It was better than I thought, beyond my imagination. I couldn't remember a time when I felt the type of love he had shown me, Eternal love. The kind which keeps one going when one is ninety and alone.

But the fact that he is Ahmad's step brother changes everything, I know he will be a constant remainder of Ahmad's existence. And there is a possibility that he will be the reason our paths will cross again one day, Ahmad and I

I think that the worst part of it all wasn't falling for ameenu, It was losing me, once again.

As the breeze grew in strength we didn't go inside, but in silence watched the beauty of the sky, The only quiet was between us. The sound of the crickets and gale were roaring, the coldness of the air making each inch of my skin alert.

"You need to go" I finally said, forcing out the words with that familiar ache in my heart. I could feel the silent screams within, deafening me

Ameenu shakes his head and huffs out a breath. He left a bit too quickly, easily and with no obvious relief. His feet were swift and sure on the paving stones

It's like he left with my soul in his fists and my heart in his teeth, and I don't want either of them back.

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