CHAPTER 57: A Beautiful Mistake

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~There is no fulfillment that is not made sweeter for the prolonging of desire~



Aaliyah came back from her early morning walk just in time to see me coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of fruits in my hands

She wore a sugar pink track suit with matching plastic hairslides in the shape of rabbits. She stood by, quietly amused as I finish setting the table for breakfast.

I served myself some food and started eating while she stared

"Aren't you going to eat? Or is the food poisoned?" I asked

"I'm really not hungry," she said, lifting the coffee cup and inhaling the fragrant steam before sipping.

Her eyes sparkled when she saw the heap of fresh pancakes soaking in brown syrup and she gulped loudly. I could hear the sound of her saliva rushing down her throat and a wide smile spread across my face

"That's a whole lot of saliva" I said jokingly

"That's not the sound of my saliva" she retorted

"Just a few bites" I cajoled, as soon as she sat down, taking her own place beside me.

"You need to keep up your strength for tonight" I continued

She gave me a heated, slumberous look, remembering her fantasy.

"Why? Are you planning something?" She asked

"I suppose I am" I said consideringly. "It's special every time we are in the room alone"

Aaliyah blushed, but she laughed loudly. "Keep fooling yourself" she finally told me

It is not her beautiful face or soft skin that kills me, it is her simplicity and being herself

When I am in her company, Time seemed to stop, the world around us stilled. There is only her and me.

We kept mocking and teasing each other through out breakfast after which we both retired to our rooms.

I took a shower and stepped into Aaliyah's room to let her know that I'll be heading out soon. I found her laying on her stomach as if in pain

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" I asked

"No, even if I was, I wouldn't need your help" she said, rolling her eyes

"I just don't want you to die on my watch, that's why I offered to help" I told her

"I just need some rest" she said

"Fine" I replied, leaving the room

But I couldn't leave the house without making sure she was okey. I went back to check up on her again, and I saw her holding something tightly in her hands. She quickly hid it in her handbag when she saw me.

"What are you hiding" I asked teasingly

"Nothing, it's just my wrist watch" she said, but the look on her face said otherwise

I quickly snatched her bag and I saw a pack of pills inside it, that's what she was hiding. Puzzled, I quickly glanced at her before I brought it out and examined it

"What medication are you on?" I asked, reading the tag on the container, then I realized they were abortion pills.

She quickly put the ones she earlier picked out from the pack in her mouth and reached for the cup of water on her side drawer, but I was faster. I knocked the cup down, it fell on the floor and the content in it splashed all over

Then I squeezed the ones she put in her mouth out, ignoring her cries

"Are you pregnant?" I asked

"I don't know, maybe" she replied

"Murderer, I won't let you take my unborn child's life. You will not kill an innocent child, what the hell are you thinking?" I shouted

"Stop shouting at me, stop looking at me like a monster because I already feel like one right one" she told me

"Why would you do that?" I asked again

"Because you are the one that told me you never wanted to have a child with me, I was doing us both a favour" Aaliyah shouted, with tears running down her cheeks

"Do you know the feeling, when your heart is so hurt, that you could feel the blood dripping? That's how I feel right now because you wanted to murder my child and you're telling me that it's my fault" I said

"In my mind you are a nurture, kind and comforting, a woman who would give up everything for the love of a child even when the child was not hers. But the woman I saw today was not you, Perhaps you have changed. Or perhaps there were more sides to you than I had ever understood" I told her

"I have never said this to you or anyone before" I said, with my voice like ragged velvet. "But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I've ever imagined. Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk. I would worship you, I would take care of your every need and everyone would know that I had made you that way, that you belonged to me"

"You are one of those most beautiful poetries that I had written with all the love in my heart but never allowed the world to know about it"

"You are my fantasy on a cold dark night, my muse during the light of day and the one wish my soul would make. You are my poetry & hues" I finally said, taking a deep breath

Aaliyah blushes most charmingly and raises a hand to cover a portion of her face. And that's when I realized what I had done, I was caught up in the moment and I blurted it all out

Her tears dried out instantly and It was wonderful to see the sparkle back in her eyes. I wanted to keep it there, For the first time in years I had found myself actually caring about how someone else felt. I had been spending so much time being a tough successful businessman that I had almost forgotten how pleasurable it was to help make other people happy.

Funny, how it took a little bit of pain to remember that certain parts of myself were alive.

Aaliyah suddenly embraced me. It was an intense embrace, no awkwardness, no holding back, the kind of hug two people can only achieve after long intimacy, but anyone can give in an instant to a stuffed bear.

The after effect of the hug felt like drowning into a pool of whiskey. I was not a drunkard but I always drink from Aaliyah's intoxicating eyes, her splendid figure, from the luster of her flowing hair.

I spent the rest of the day at home by Aaliyah's side after getting her a home pregnancy test kit, it turned out she wasn't pregnant. It was just PMS

Aaliyah was in the shower when I walked into her room, she turned off the hot water and stepped out of the shower. She quelled when she walked out of the bathroom and found me laying in her bed, a smile spread across my face while I looked her up and down.

Mortified, She turned away from my prying eyes and went to get her bath robe and clothes from the dresser. She went into the bathroom and got dressed.

She put on her really short silky nightgown before settling on the bed

She sat on the other side of the bed and grabbed the glass of water on the bed side drawer and gulped it down. She lay there for a moment with the empty cup in her hands as if wondering what I was doing in her room at this hour

She propped herself up on her elbows, and raised an eyebrow. Her backside was facing up and most of it was uncovered. I swallowed loudly, not being able to take my eyes off it

She set the empty glass cup down on the bedside drawer that is on the side of the bed I am occupying, slightly brushing me with her barely covered full chest, then she scooted closer.

"Do you want to......" then she stopped mid sentence and by that time I was almost losing it, I was wild with desire

"What?" I asked through heavy breaths

"Never mind" she replied

"Finish the damn sentence" I said desperately, and It sounded like I was choking with desire

"Do you want to switch sides?" She asked, licking her bottom lip

"Oh, whatever" I said, frustrated. I tried so hard to calm my racing heart

As if she knew, She gazed at me alluringly and grinned. No further words were necessary

There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of longing, the lover's whisper, irresistible magic to make the sanest man go mad.

I held her and she held me, all the noise inside and out ceased. the moon shined in through the window, but we glowed as one in our own light. there could be nothing else so special as this moment, no matter how long it lasted, it did not matter because nothing else matters, in this sanctum so pure

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Love You All ❤️🌹😘
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