CHAPTER 62: Trouble Comes Sodeways

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~People overwhelmed with trouble do not look behind, they know only too well that misfortune follows them~



As the night broke into a beautiful morning, I lay still in bed on my back, like an omelette in a pan

I let loose my longing and the monsters under my bed moved to my head as I thought about Aaliyah

She is an achieving woman without an edge. She is good-looking, alienatingly beautiful, bright and alarmingly intellectual

I love her like a man loves a woman he has never touched, only writes to, and keeps little photographs of.

The light beep on my phone brought me out of my thoughts, I quickly glanced at it and I saw a new message from sugar maama "Citou"

I opened it and read

"We really need to talk, it's about our son" she wrote, along side her address

This short message made my breath hitch, I quickly sat up before I suffocate to death. I had to take a moment to calm my racing heart down

I paced to and fro trying to figure out a way to deal with the situation. I know if I do not respond to Citou's call, she would never leave me be and she would make sure she destroys this beautiful life I have managed to build for myself. I don't even know how my wife will react if she finds out about my ex sugar maama

I need a plan, l thought, as I stepped into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and got ready for work. I was about to step out of the house when I heard Ameerah's voice

"Aren't you gonna have breakfast today?" She asked, eyeing me

"No, I'm.....aaaa... I'm running late, I have a meeting really with this guy" I lied, but the truth is, I had no appetite

"Okey" she said, looking at me suspiciously

When your past shows up to haunt you, make sure it comes after breakfast so it doesn't ruin your whole day. I thought, as I drove out

I reached sugar mama's house in no time. I pressed on the intercom and screamed, "I'm here"

The gate slides open, allowing me entrance. I could see maama citou waiting for me by the entrance, she ushered me into her large, well furnished living room which I thought was nice but a bit too dark for my liking

"You have been avoiding me, is it because of that excuse of a girl you call your wife?" She asked

"I understand that you're jealous, but there is no need for the drama and the insult. I'm here as you have requested, what do you want?" I asked

"Do you even have to ask? I want you, I want you all to myself" she shouted

"You can't have me all to yourself, I'm not your property. Things are different now, I'm a different person, you need to understand that" I told her, with a straight face

"I know where you live, I've done my homework. All this fake life you're living, this person you're posing to be could disappear in a second if you don't give me what I want" she threatened

"I will expose you loser, You're a nothing before you met me," she said

Sugar Maama knows my tragedies and she treats me like I am not human. Like I am a three-headed goat. A wretched monster from some other planet, She reminded me of my past and my pain.

I see how she looks at me, She's stuck on that person I used to be. She can't see that old life as just a moment in time that I've moved on from. It was a horrible life.

"Say what ever you want to say, we were once a thing but I have moved on now. So, deal with it" I told her

"Desperate wannan be, Then be prepared for the worse. Let me give you your son, so that you'll take him with you. I'm done taking care of your illegitimate child" she said

"Wait, don't make important decisions like this when you're angry. Let's talk this over, please" I pleaded

"Oh there's nothing to talk about, You just said you have moved on, I am trying to move on too" She retorted

I realize that Sugar Mama would ruin me if I reject her, she has that power over me. She threatened to tell my wife about us and she threatened to give me our son, a child my wife has no idea existed, how am I going to be able to face her if I took the boy with me?

"You...." I started, but she walked away without warning. Moments later, she appeared holding a boy that's about two years old, and his box

"He is yours" she told me, and I felt it like a blow

Yes, he is mine but I don't want him. He didn't ask for any of this, I also didn't ask to be so unfortunate in some of the things I do. He didn't ask to be born like this, and he most certainly didn't ask to be like how everybody would be calling him, a child who brought disgrace If I take him with me

When I looked at the boy, I felt all the things I'm not supposed to feel for an illegitimate child I have never met before.

I noticed we have the same eyes, same nose and same skin tone. He is almost like a smaller version of me, except that he's got a few features of his mother's too

"Why are you just standing there, You're taking him with you" she said, as she approached me with the boy

I quickly moved away, I just couldn't find the strength to hold him

"No, I'm not taking him with me. He belongs here, with you. Besides, what will you tell your husband?"

She let out a belittling laugh before she replied

"After he accused me of cheating, he allegedly died in a mysterious fire accident at home. I was lucky to have made it out alive, so you're stuck with the boy" she said

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that, What have I gotten myself into?

"But what do you want me to tell my wife?" I asked, with terror

"I don't care. If I can't have you, nobody will" she replied.

"Well, I think you should know that my wife Ameerah is terminally ill" I lied

"Oh, what a pity" she said, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"She has little time left, Marrying me was her dying wish. This is just me granting her final wishes for her before she departs from this world" I added

She signaled me to stop talking and made her way back into the house. She took the boy to wherever she brought him from before coming back to me

"How much time does she have left?" She asked

"Six months" I replied

"Alright, I'll wait for you. Though six months is too long. You'll visit me once a week or anytime I need you until the six months is complete" she stated

"It's a deal" I said, and she gave me a dashing smile

"I love you more than anything else, myself included" she suddenly said. And most times, monsters are those who claim to love you more than they even love themselves.

"I love you too" I said, which is a lie and it's obviously forced out. But sugar maama doesn't seem to care

In one slick move, she shoves her phone in her jacket pocket and grabs me so we're in front of her Tv stand

Her hand slides around the back of my neck, and before I can panic, she kisses me hard.

Momentarily caught off guard, I just throw my arms around her neck and she press her body against mine

The lights flicker on, and I pulled away from her with a grunt. I'm so flustered, it takes me a few seconds to collect myself enough to see a woman wearing a maids uniform and a babysitting company badge looking at us wide eyed

I snort a laugh and try to laugh off the kiss. But as I made my way to the door, I'm well aware that kiss has only stirred a desire for another one

Not only that, but I noticed that to sugar maama, There was nothing fake about that kiss

A smile creases my lipstick-smeared mouth before I swiped my hand over it and dashed out, leaving her wanting more

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