CHAPTER 77: I've Got Plans

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~ If you build the guts to do something, then you better save enough to face the consequences~



I woke up really happy today, despite the fact that my marriage is like a long drink of water so icy it turns the teeth to crystals in your mouth. It is like a drink of water from a frozen fountain

Over time, I learned how to stop crying. I learned how to hide inside of myself and I learned how to be cold and numb.

I endured all the hardships of my life as if they had been luxuries. And my heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to turn to ice. I stoped caring about so many things

After breakfast, I did my chores, had a shower, made lunch and got ready for Ahmad's nephew's naming ceremony

I was about to step out of the house after bidding Ahmad goodbye when he stoped me

"Have you called my sisters and asked them about their plans today, or at least told them that you're going to the naming ceremony? Ofcourse you haven't, because you're evil" he shouted

"I thought you already told them that I was going, you tell them everything" I replied nonchalantly

"No I haven't, but I have decided that you're going with them. You're going to pick habiba my sister and jaleelah up and take them to the event. My mother is going there with her friends" he said bitterly

"But I have already made plans with a friend, who happens to be related to your cousin" I told him

He looked at me and let out a sarcastic laugh, his soul ringing like a well-struck bell. But it was a bell that rang with more than sarcasm and ridicule, there was the sound there too of anger and resentment. I quickly looked away because I did not want to be in his presence. He hated me and I hated him in return, I wanted to get out of his sight

"Plans? I don't care about your plans.  You're going to my house to pick up my sisters and drive them to the naming ceremony, and that's final" he commanded

"But it's not fair, I want to go with my friend. It has already been planned a long time ago, I can't just cancel on her at the last minute" I retorted

"What about habiba? You have to cancel, I don't care" he said

I begged him profusely to let me go with my friend, and I promised him that I will never make any plans with anyone again in the future. I begged him to let me go just this once.

He was surprised when he saw how desperate I was, he was quiet for a little while. Then he told me he needed to make a phone call, it will determine weather he will let me go or not

It wasn't hard to figure out he wanted to ask his mother what he should do. He went out of the house and talked on the phone for a while before he returned.

"Since you're this desperate, you can go. I only wanted you to pick up my sisters because they don't have a car, but I will give them my car" he said

"You should have told me that before I made my plans, I swear I wouldn't have made any plans if I knew. But I can cancel on my friend, it's rude though" I said, disappointedly

"No problem, it's alright. Don't worry, I'll give habiba my car" he told me

"Does that mean I can go with my friend?" I asked enthusiastically

"Yes" he answered

"Thanks a lot, you will not regret this" I said, and bolted out of the house

I headed to my friends house, And from there, she drove us to the venue

I saw ummy sitting in the living room with her friends when I entered the house, I went there to greet them

"Good afternoon ummy" I said

"How are you Yasmeen" she replied

"I'm fine, thanks" I replied

"I saw you come in with those women" ummy said, pointing at some women sitting opposite us

"No,  I came with a frien......" ummy cut me off

"You told Ahmad you don't want to ride with us, you would rather come here with some strangers right" she said

"No, I didn't ......" I started, but she cut me off again

"But I saw you walk in with them" she argued

"Yes, we met at the gat....." but she cut me off for the third time before I could finish my sentence.

Her friend who was listening to our conversation looked at me with absolute disgust, as if wondering how someone could be this evil. With disappointment written all over her face

"I just know you told Ahmad that you would not come with his family" Ummy finally said, as if trying to prove a point to her friend who has already agreed with what ever ummy had told her

"You can go now, the baby and his mother are upstairs" she dismissed me before I got the chance to say anything

I didn't want to argue with ummy, so I let it be. I left the living room

On my way up to see the host of the event, the mother of the baby who was named today, I saw habiba making her way to the kitchen

We were about to cross each other when our eyes met, I smiled at her but stared dully at me, with cold eyes, and in that moment, Nothing was colder or more dead than her heart. She is cold from the inside out

"Habiba" I said

She looked at me as if I have wronged her  in some way, Her hatred towards me glittered irresistibly. I could see it, like a jewel, it was sapphire, it was like a cold lake

Controlled by her anger towards me, enslaved by her hatered for me, habiba managed to force out a "Good Afternoon" and walked away really quickly. But where she once stood, the ground was frozen

I didn't care she feels such pure hatred towards me that now she had no more rancor left in her heart. She had finally allowed her negative feelings to surface, feelings that had been repressed for months in her soul.

I watched her walk to the kitchen, punishing herself for my happiness and my very existence. bitterness has found a home in her heart, it has become a venom that is consuming her. She allowed anger and resentment to fester inside her and never scab over. I just hope that she could find comfort in the food she is about to eat

I and my friend sat with the hosts of the event, spent a few hours, had a good time and we left after handing over the gifts we bought for them to them. I bought the gift against Ahmad's will though, but I was glad I did

On reaching home, I came face to face with my problems again. Ahmad's anger has blown out the lamp of his mind.

He was sitting on the couch when I came in, His Anger was like a battery that is leaking acid right out of him. But despite all his rage, he didn't scold me. Because he of is still just a rat in the cage, In his mother's cage. He is waiting for his mother and sisters to tell him how to deal with me for not being their chauffeur today

I greeted him and went straight to my room to change into my comfortable maxi dress. That's when I remembered it's in my car, along with the rest of the clothes I collected from the dry cleaner

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could to get it, I almost fell in the process. But I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist steadying me to the ground, I looked up and I saw Ameenu already staring

Ameenu looked at me, exhausted in the dim light, and I looked at him, and for a moment there I swear we saw each other with a clarity that nothing can alter, not time, not heartbreak, not despair

For the first time in a long time, I actually looked at Ameenu. Like really looked at him. I've always thought he was good looking but now it occurs to me that he is really handsome and hot. His eyes seem to have grown even larger, and his cheekbones have sharpened. His lips, on the other hand, look softer and fuller. I also noticed his well defined abs and perfectly toned body

"Do you know what being around you does to me?" He asked, but no reply

He grabbed my hand and place it against his chest, his other hand reclaiming its spot on my waist. My eyes dart from my hand to his face and I see his eyes react to the effect I have on him, his heart kept pounding wildly against his rib cage

Panic pierced my mind and my jaw almost bounce off to the floor. It was as if I had been strolling absentmindedly and banged into a wall

"Do you feel that? That's what you do to me. Every fucking time I'm near you." He said in a very hard tone but caring tone

I can hear his heavy breathing while my eyes stayed glued to my hand. He didn't say anything else. He just let me feel it.

"You own this part of me. Take it" he commanded 

If brains could have orgasms, I'm pretty sure this was what it would feel like. I shouldn't like it, but there was possessiveness in his words and his voice that was echoed in his dark eyes, and it sent shivers down my spine until my fingers felt numb with their emptiness.

My skin was crawling, and I couldn't manage a single clear thought. It was as if all my thoughts were crushed to bits just as they began to take shape. But there was also confusion written all over me

I jumped and pushed Ameenu away when I heard footsteps, I could hear the blood in my ears and my heart going really fast and a pain like someone had blown up a really big balloon inside my chest. I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack if I get caught in this compromising situation

Then I saw Ahmad approaching us, He stood beside Ameenu. He never looked ugly next to any guy, but suddenly he did. He looked tall and bony, like a straw-colored horse. My once handsome and perfect husband is not that in my eyes anymore, I was disappointed in myself for the way I felt about him

"What is going on here?" My husband asked, looking at us like aliens

"I think your wife is in the best position to answer that question" Ameenu said, breathing heavily

"He wants to help me with the.....ammm...... laundry......" I said

On hearing that, A general air of surprise and genuine satisfaction fell upon Ahmad as he looked at us

I quickly walked to the car with Ameenu trailing behind me. I was about to pick up the clothes when I heard him speak

"Let me help you" he said, slightly brushing my hands in an attempt to grab the clothes. He had a devilish smile on his face when he felt me react to it

"No, thanks" I said. I quickly picked it up and left. Ahmad brought the second one up, clearly annoyed that Ameenu has offered to help, and worried about what Ameenu might think of him


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Ahmad & Yasmeen?
Saleem & Ameerah?

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