Chapter 3: Draw the Jerk

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          Beep! Beep! It was 6 o'clock in the morning and I had just woken up. That was the best sleep I have ever had in a long time. Well, ever since my mom died. The bed was just so soft and the room, so warm. And don't get me started on the adjusting pillows. I was living the life.
          I reluctantly rolled off my bed and climbed into the shower. Oh Em Gee!! My own bathroom! When I was finished, I brushed my teeth really quickly and fixed my ponytail. I don't like to leave my hair out and that's why I keep it in a ponytail. I haven't left my hair out ever since my mom died, so scrunchies are my new favorite things to wear. They are like a necessity to my everyday "geeky sheek" style. 
          I'm not really much of a good dresser either, but instead of denying it, I'm proud to say that I don't have the best choice of style. I rummaged through my drawers and found a blue cardigan, a white t-shirt, and some black jeans. I'm not really much of a good color match-er either. Hillary's always telling me that I dress like I'm colorblind, which I feel is really insulting to people who are actually colorblind. I slipped on some blue flats and put on my glasses. 
          When I finished dressing up and getting ready, it was 6:30 in the morning. I wasn't due for school for an hour. I usually woke up at 6:30 because I was such a procrastinator and every single time my alarm rang for 6, I would set it for five more minutes until it was 6:30. Now that I was done so early, I took out my sketch book and two sharpened pencils and begin to sketch.
          The first sketchbook I had ever received was from my mom. One art class in elementary school, I had brought home a painting that I have drew of my father, mother, and I standing in front of our house, and ever since then, my mom and my dad had appreciated every single art project I had brought home. They said I had the talent and that I could become a professional artist someday. Well, I believed them and began to draw so much, that I did become great at it. Then I began to draw all over the walls and the floors and my mom got so tired of cleaning after me, that she bought me a sketchbook. I was an only child too, and also they both worked so we had a lot of money and we bought a big house and a big car and everything was perfect. I loved having that life and my first sketchbook was filled with pictures of me, my dad, and my mom on sunny days, on rainy days, just being plain happy.
          I wasn't even finished drawing in that sketchbook, there is still more empty pages. It's just that every single time I looked at it, I would remember those days and then I'd remember how they ended. My mom dying in a car crash and I couldn't draw anymore happy pictures of my family.
          Then after I had graduated from middle school, as a gift my father bought me another sketchbook. In high school, I had begun to have "feelings", I guess. Its all Ryan's fault though. I mean I knew him in middle school and still liked him then, but it's just that in high school when you have more free time to do things, you just stop drawing meaningful drawings and start daydreaming.
So my second sketchbook, which I am still using, is filled with pictures of Ryan and me in our perfect fairytale moments and in different settings.
          I picked up my sketchbook and opened it up to one of the clean pages. I pictured the Selow's house and begin to draw it. It looked perfect. I was a pretty fast sketcher if I had the image in my mind and the house was in full contrast in my mind. Then I turned to the back of the page and I drew the inside of the house and how it looked like when I first walked in and greeted the family. And then I drew Ryan. It takes longer to draw him because I  always make him the center. The shading, the focus. Only his pictures have to be perfect.  It as if he glows off the page.
          I then flipped the page and tried to sketch my room, which was right in front of me, so it was harder to draw. Since it wasn't in my mind, I had to make sure that I got every single detail correct. Then I heard a knock on my door and I put my sketchbook down.
          "Come in!" I called out. The doorknob turned and Ryan walked in. I cautiously looked at my sketchbook, but then remembered it was on the drawing of my bedroom and not one of our fairytale moment pictures.
          "My mom said come downstairs for breakfast", he told me annoyed. " You guys eat breakfast at 6:30?", I asked him, stupidly and courageously. He furrowed his brows but then rolled his eyes. "It's not six thirty, it's seven fifteen. Fix your time, Kylie". I frowned, "It's Kelly". He turned away from me, "Same difference. Now, its either you come downstairs or you starve. Either way, I'm leaving because you're wasting my time".
          He walked out of my bedroom, leaving me in shock. I thought he would act nicer to me. What a big meanie! "And he didn't even bother to close the door", I grumbled, while getting up. I still felt the butterflies in my stomach though.

Guys!!! Don't forget to vote and comment and if you don't know what everyone's talking about, you have to read the original Oblivious first!!!

I almost forgot!! Thank you daydreamer1981 for trying to help me reach 200 followers!!

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