Chapter 7: Well, Hell-o Gabriel

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          He was cute. Ok, I'm not going to lie. He was hot! Like the sun hot! 'But not hotter than Ryan', my subconscious reminded me. 'But at least, he was less of a jerk'. Actually, he wasn't a jerk at all. "So, you're going to take me to first period?" He asked me, silently. I smiled. "Actually, not yet. We could use some time to explore the school. I mean-", I whipped my hair back, "How about if you need to use the restroom, but can't find it?" His smile widened, "Yeah, we wouldn't want that, right?" We laughed and I began showing him around the school.

          We grabbed a quick pass from Principal Osborne and began to walk around the school. We actually engaged in some pretty good conversation. We were into mostly the same bands and fandoms. The only thing that bothered me was that he liked watching the movies better than reading the books. We got into a funny, heated argument about that one, and ended up laughing hysterically and maniacally when we reached the boys bathrooms.

          He kind of distracted me from Ryan, but every once in a while, I'd feel guilty about talking to Gabriel while I was still so much in love with Ryan. After a while the guilt got so strong that I began to walk faster, forcing him to speed up as well. "Well, this is your stop. We missed half of first period, but it was for an important cause, right?" I told him smirking. He smirked too, "Business or pleasure?" We both started laughing before I pulled out my schedule to check which class I had next. 'Today is a B day and on B day first period, I have math with.... Mr. Goodkin', I thought to myself. I looked up at the door and smiled, "This is my stop too! What a coincidence!" His smirk didn't leave his face which made my heart flutter. "If I didn't know better, I would think you were stalking me", he joked. I turned the doorknob, "Maybe I am.... Maybe I'm not. You would never know until it's too late...." He laughed and followed me into the classroom.

          My eyes fell on Ryan right after we had walked in, but I quickly looked away when he looked up. "Ah, Kelly. Can I see your pass please?" Mr. Goodkin asked me, after he had spotted us trying to sneak into our seats. I smiled sweetly. All of last year, he was always on my neck for the tiniest reasons. I remember raising my hand to use the bathroom, and him ignoring me until the bell rang. I had almost had an accident because of that! "Of course! I have it right here". I passed him the principal's pass and he smiled, bitterly.

          "It says here that this was a pass for you and-". Then, his eyes fell on Gabriel. "Ah, now you must be Gabriel. Welcome to the school. Tell me about yourself", he said staring directly at Gabriel. Gabriel shifted on his feet and I took another glance at Ryan. This time, he was staring right at us. Well, the whole class was. "Well, I'm Gabriel and my life is pretty boring. I just moved here, yeah, and I guess that's it". Mr. Goodkin rolled his eyes at Gabriel's answer and went back to his desk. I gritted my teeth to keep myself from choking him. I found two empty seats; one was towards the back next to a preppy cheerleader who was re-applying another layer of makeup to her face, and the other one was beside a squinting Ryan in whom, I wouldn't dare sit next to, so I ended up sitting next to the cheerleader girl who kept staring at me funny. Gabriel smiled at me as he took his seat next to Ryan.

          The period ended, but not after Gabe and I pretty much ignored the lesson. We kept exchanging funny looks whenever the teacher said something that we could make sound dirty. Seriously this kid got me.

          But it seem to annoy the H EL L out of Ryan. I mean he kept rolling his eyes and refocusing on the board every time Gabriel would look at me. 'Was this jealousy? I'll talk to Hillary about this during chemistry'.

          Then the bell rang and Ryan tried to escape quickly, but Gabe was too fast. "Hey buddy, so what are you doing after school?" He told Ryan, sliding his arm over his shoulder in a brotherly way. "Leave me alone", Ryan said walking away fast and shimmying out of Gabriel's hold. Gabriel laughed and followed right behind him. I found Hillary leaning across the girls' bathroom door, grinning from ear to ear. Only she could make that demented smile look pretty. "Hillary, you know the new guy, right? Gabe?" I asked slowly and softly. She nodded hard, letting her hair bounce around. "Yup, I know all about your new guy friend, Gabe. So, tell me the dirty deets. You know you can't wait to spill". I smiled, took a deep breath, and let everything I need to talk about flow out of me. "I think he likes me but, I'm not sure about him. I mean, Ryan is the only guy that I like right now, even though he's a major sac. But then again, have you seen Gabriel?" I asked her hysterically, earning a nod from her. "I mean, he's really hot, and for some reason, he likes me. Which is rare. Really rare. But then, after seeing what just happened, I think they already know each other. Ryan and Gabriel, I mean. Ryan seemed so annoyed with him and they have only just met."

          "Or maybe he's you know G a Y", Hillary cut in. I frowned. "Not that anything is wrong with that, but he can't be. I will not believe that, ever." Hillary smirked, "Fine, then I'll ask him about it", and she said innocently and before I could object, ran off to find Ryan and Gabriel.

          Ryan appeared again and went straight to his lockers. I just stared at him, as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. I smiled, and continued to watch, as a group of popular kids surrounded him. I watched him turn around and smile, his award-winning, heart dropping, heart attack creating, smile. Then, I saw Gabe appear from behind the corner, and he began to walk up to me. "Hey Kelly!" He said as he approached me. I smiled warmly, taking my eyes off of Ryan to look at Gabe.

         "I was just wondering if you were free after school. I mean- you're a beautiful girl and I still need help finding my way around here-and well, yeah. Sorry, I'm really not usually this nervous", he laughed nervously and stroked the back of his neck. I giggled, not knowing what else to do. I was screaming inside of my head! No one had ever asked me on a date before! Unless, we are counting kindergarten when William Lesley asked me out because I had chocolate and I said that I wouldn't give him any unless he was my boyfriend. That relationship lasted as long as the chocolate did.

          I glanced at Ryan's locker and realized he had left. Breathing deeply, I turned my attention back to Gabriel. I opened my mouth to tell him, "HELL YES", but before I could even do that, Ryan had appeared behind Gabriel and was pulling him away from me. "Oh, no. I'm sorry, but she's busy", he told Gabriel and my mouth dropped in shock. I couldn't even speak. Gabriel looked back at me, shocked as well, "Is he your boyfriend? I'm so sorry, I didn't kno-", but Ryan cut him off with his laughter. I scowled but didn't say anything, because I had become tongue-tied, once again, around him.

          "She's-not-my-girlfriend", he told Gabriel between laughs. Then he calmed down, "I'm tutoring her today. Find another day to ask her out". Gabriel nodded and then smiled at me. "Well, tomorrow then?" he asked me, smiling. I nodded and smiled as well. Then, he walked away, but not before giving Ryan a tap on the shoulder, which made him freeze in anger. "I didn't know you were tutoring me", I said quietly, finally getting my voice to work. Ryan frowned, "Well, add that to the list of things you don't know. My mom is paying me to get you out of the bottom fifty, so for now, I will be tutoring you. I really don't have time to chat with you, so, just meet me at the Café after school".

          He turned to walk away. "But, I'm not going to the Café", I said, loud enough for him to hear it. He turned back around, "Why?"

          "Well, um before you rudely interrupted, I was talking to Gabriel. I want to hang out with him today, so let's do the tutoring thing tomorrow". He scoffed and continued to walk away. I ran after him. "I'm serious. I'm not going", I said more seriously. "You heard the guy", Ryan told me bitterly, "You're going to hang out tomorrow. Well, today is study day and its either you show up, or you don't. Now leave me alone". He walked away, but this time I didn't follow him.

So sorry for the late update guys!! Im sooo sorry!! Please remember to vote and comment. I hope to update the Orphan today as well!!

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