Chapter 9: Surprise Visits....Surprise!

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          I practically ran to the Selow's house, seething in anger and frustration... but not really knowing why. I just knew that I wanted to be angry. 

          Once I got there, I practically avoided everyone and locked myself in my room.

          'Why in the world am I angry? It's not like I didn't want that to happen. I guess it's just the way he said it. As if it was nothing'. I groaned in frustration, grabbed my bag and tore it open. 

          All of the homework for my other classes were already completed so I just started on my project for Art class.

          I smiled, distracted out of my frustrated moment. I had Kiara just where I wanted her and all I had to do was finish the project all by myself. And I had an idea on how I wanted to do it.

          Three hours later after I started my project there was a knock at my door. "Come in", I yelled impatiently. Kevin walked in. "Mom says come down for dinner. We're having spaghetti and meatballs", he said, which made me realize that I barely talked to the kid.

          "Oh, okay. Cool", I said dismissively, while starting to pack up the supplies. He just stood there; not moving with a stressed look on his face. "Um", I said, turning towards him, "Can I help you with something?" I asked a bit angrily and annoyed because I was angry at Ryan and because this kid once called me stupid.

          "I'm sorry", he burst out, which took me by surprise. "Sorry for what exactly?" He bit his lip, which made him look so much like Ryan that I had to quickly turn away. "I'm sorry for being mean to you the other day. I felt really bad after I said it". I smiled and it was genuine. "Its OK. I forgive you. Thanks for apologizing. Honestly, you made me feel so much better", I told him.

          "Yeah, I noticed that. What happened?" He asked while finding a spot next to me on my bed to sit on. I hesitated and ran my hands through my hair before answering. "Its not really that serious. Your brother was being a jerk to me today", I told him. He just nodded. "Yeah, he does that sometimes".

          I laughed, "Sometimes?" He chuckled and I smiled. "Well, lets go eat my new little friend", I told him while rubbing his hair and standing up.

          We both made our way downstairs and to the dinner table. Hannah was already seated, along with Ryan and Marcus. I took a seat next to Hannah, and Kevin sat between Ryan and I. I took a quick glance at Ryan and saw that he wasn't looking in my direction at all. It was like he was purposely avoiding looking at me and my direction. What? Did I hurt his feelings?

          The food was already in the middle of the table and it smelled amazing. Hannah had made salmon and steamed vegetables and my lips were already watering from the smell. I didn't even realize that Kevin had lied when he said it was spaghetti and meatballs. I threw him a sideways glance and caught him grinning at me. Marcus licked his lips right after Hannah sat down and was the first one to dig into the food. I smiled at his eagerness and began to pile my plate just like everyone else. 

          After one great bite, I savored the taste and after I swallowed, I looked to Hannah and smiled, "This is so amazing. Thanks Hannah!" She smiled and nodded her head proudly. 

          After a few minutes of eating, there was a knock on the door. I looked to Ryan but he was still avoiding my gaze. "Did anyone invite someone over?" He asked, staring straight at me for the first time in a long time, but only for his accusing statement. "No", I said slowly, glaring at him, "But I volunteer to check who the visitor is".

          I got up and walked over to the front door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Me!" Someone familiar responded. I opened the door and there was Hillary, standing there with a huge smile on her face. "Omg! What are you doing here?" I asked her through clenched teeth. The Selow's didn't know her and I didn't even tell them she was coming! Only because I didn't freaking know she was going to come over. Sometimes, I love her for being so spontaneous. But other times, like this one, I hate her for it.

          She smiled wider and strode past me with her bag in her hand. I chased after her and when I got to the kitchen, both Marcus and Hannah were hugging her. "Hillary, we haven't seen you in so long. Why haven't you come to visit us?" Hillary just smiled while I stood really confused at the door. What did I miss?

          "You guys know Hillary?" I asked cluelessly. Hannah turned around to look at me. "Of course we do! Her mother and I are really close", she told me. I smiled, but I was still suspicious. Did Hillary and Ryan used to be a thing?

          "I don't mean to be rude, but I was hoping if I could have a surprise sleepover with Kelly? Please?" Hillary asked. I furrowed my brows. What was she up to? 

          "Of course sweetie. You can stay anytime you want. And you can head upstairs. Kelly will be with you as soon as she's done eating", Hannah retorted with a sweet smile. I refused, "It's ok Hannah. I'm full already. So, I'll just head up with Hillary." I told her. She shrugged and went back into the kitchen.

          "What the hell is wrong with you Hillary? You didn't even text me or anything. And then you have the nerve to just show up, in a house that isn't even mine", I whispered angrily to her. She turned around, a pleading look in her eyes. "Please. Not yet. Or I'll cry". Then she headed up to my room and left the door open. I followed quickly after her, a bit puzzled.

          I locked the door behind me and turned around to ask more questions. But then I stopped talking when I actually stopped for a second to take her appearance in.

          Her eyes were puffy and her fists were swollen. And she was shaking. 

          My eyes widened and I instantly ran over to her and embraced her. "Hillary, tell me what happened", I told her softly. She broke out into sobs.

          "I...I broke up with Bryant. I.. I ", she started crying again, and I pat her back, "I caught him cheating on me with some...some thing. And then he had the guts, the nerve, to tell me he was sorry! I caught him with his penis in her fucking mouth!" My eyes opened in shock. Bryant and her had been dating for five months now and he had the audacity to cheat on her? 

          "And so I punched him in the face and punched her a couple times and I ran ", she finished. I rubbed her back. "I know it hurts, but he's an ass hole and you deserve so much better. Don't cry. Just show him how much he's missing." I told her.

          She looked up at me and smiled. "I brought my favorites", she said, pulling out two large bottles of alcohol out of her bag. 

          "Hillary, you know I don't drink. Actually, I have Never drank before". She pouted, "But it will make me feel better". I took in her appearance and just gave into the pressure.

          I knew I would regret it as soon as we took our seventh shot. I had already had three full glasses of the stuff before we started the shots and the burning in my throat had stopped, only to welcome the dizziness and heaviness of my head. 

          Hillary was tipsy too and she kept muttering nonsense, and me stupidly agreeing even though I couldn't understand a word of what she was muttering. Then we'd both break out in uncontrollable fits of laughter over nothing in particular.

          I kept getting the feeling that someone could barge into my room at any moment and catch us drinking, while we were underage. So, I got up, and tried to crawl my way to the door. I banged my head against some thing, that I didn't recognize at first a few times, before finally, getting to the door to lock it. There were three door knobs in my perspective and it took me a while to finally figure out which one was the real one.

          After that, I jumped next to Hillary on the bed, and said the first coherent words ever since we had started to drink. "You deserve tso much butter than him Hiyary. You awways haf me ok?" I slurred. She nodded and giggled a bit, which made me smile. So I guess this is why people like alcohol. 

          Then Hillary did the unexpected. She leaned over and kissed me. And I did something surprising too. I kissed her back.


Hey guys!! Yes, I finally updated!!! Don't kill me... Please. I hope you enjoyed it and to those who are going to say that this is nothing like Oblivious, I told you there would be twists and turns!! 

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