D A Y 8

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Hey guys-

Please read author's note after this chapter. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  8 

Narrator's POV

"I think it's time we reach out to the British Ministry of Magic," Lucille suggested as she flipped through the pages of the phone book, highlighting numbers she's already called. "It's been two days and we haven't heard from her."

"I'm not getting them involved," Lorenzo sternly said, "Not yet."

"So, when?" Blaise budged in.

"On my call," he replied. "Until then, we keep calling, the kids keep casting charms, and we do this the way I want to do this."

"Lorenzo, why are you so hesitant?" Draco snarled.

"I most definitely don't want to hear anything from you, Draco," Lorenzo berated. "You're the last person I want to be talking to right now."

"No arguing at the table," Onyx called, "No time for that shite. Not at my table. Focus on your task."

Lorenzo and Draco rolled their eyes as they continued their task. Draco was busy scrolling through areas on his muggle laptop while Lorenzo made calls.

Oliver comes running inside the Zabini home with a letter in his hand. Out of breath, he waves it around aggressively.

"It's Lola," he panted.

Lorenzo instantly jolted from his seat and grabbed the letter out of Oliver's hand. 

"Where is she?" Lorenzo queried harshly. "Did she hand this to you? Tell me!"

"I—I—It was in your mailbox. Zeno, Mel, and Scarlett went out to grab us food because we were up all night casting, and I just had his urge to check your mailbox. And then there it was," Oliver replied. He looked behind his uncle to see his parents sit across one another with nervousness in their eyes. They, too, were anticipating what was written.

Lorenzo didn't hesitate to rip open the envelope. He unfolded the letter and read it aloud.

"Alright, well here it is. 'Dear Mum and Dad, I'm safe. I'm out of Europe, so there's no point in trying to look for me. Just know that I'm safe and I'm well. I don't know when I plan on coming back, but just know that I will. I'm with Miles. He's treating me nice. I'm not hurt. I miss you guys. Sorry for the trouble that I've caused. I love you guys. Love, Lola'," Lorenzo gripped onto the envelope as he reread the letter in his head.

A scatter of sighs and a few head shakes of disappointment spread around the table. Oliver had his hands in his pockets while maintaining vision on Lorenzo. "Uncle, may I suggest something?"

"Go on," Lorenzo insisted. 

"Well," Oliver continued, "I know how you feel about this type of...magic. And I know you're not very fond of it, but I think it might work."

"Blood magic?" Lucille interrupted. "You're thinking about blood magic, aren't you?"

"We have no idea how that works, Oliver. I don't want to accidentally curse my daughter—"

"It's worth a shot, Enzo," Onny budged in. "This could be it. Blood magic might actually work."

"And plus, I know someone who knows someone who knows how to do blood magic. He practically knows more about blood magic than regular magic," Oliver fiddled with his rings, sliding them on and off repetitively. "It's worth a shot."

Lorenzo folded the letter and tapped it against his lips while he contemplated the use of blood magic. "Who is this? This person you know?" He asked.

Oliver smiled. "Charlotte's brother. He studies in the United States—"

"United States? Isn't it problematic over there?" Blaise interrupted. 

"So I've heard," Draco added.

"—and he knows a handful of really good magic. Magic that we partially have no clue on," Oliver continued.

"How do you know we can trust this person? What if he's got no clue regarding the magic he states to know so much about? Can you even trust Charlotte?" Lorenzo blabbered.

"I can definitely trust Charlotte. I can most definitely. And as for her brother? Can't you just use your Seer magic on him? For intention?" Oliver stuffed his hands back into his pockets.

"I'd have to ask Luna about it. I'm not sure if she's the type to risk it. Could you actually ask for me? No, nevermind. I'll do it," Lorenzo stammered. He grabbed his wand out from his waistband and apparated back at his home, where Prince and Luna stayed while everyone went on a manhunt for Lola. 

Lorenzo ascended the staircase and turned right, jolting towards his door. With abrupt motion, he halted right in front before knocking a few times to signal his presence. As he did that, Luna commanded that the mysterious person come in.

So he did. Lorenzo swung the door open and saw Luna cuddled up with Prince in her arms. He gazed his eyes all around the large bed. The king-sized bed that was occupied by two small figures made him feel bubbly. He never understood why Luna wanted a king-size bed, and for a moment he thought to himself that the large bed was unnecessary.

He also thought to himself that maybe they have four kids because of the king-size bed. 

"Oliver thought of an idea," Lorenzo blurted flatly. Luna's head turned facing him as her teeth met the bottom of her lip. "Now, I always thought this type of magic was bad, but Oli has a point—"

"Blood magic," Luna interrupted. "It's blood magic, right?"

Lorenzo gulped. "I told him it would be risky."

"Have you tried everything else?" 

He nodded. "Nothing is—nothing is working."

Luna sighed. "Then, I guess Oliver has a point."

Lorenzo took a seat at the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair. "If you don't want me to risk it, I won't."

"We need to find our daughter. Do whatever you have to do. Even if it means potentially cursing her. Or yourself. Or anyone around."

Lorenzo couldn't believe what he was hearing. Luna Lovegood-Berkshire was willing to risk the dangers of performing blood magic? Though, in fairness, this is about finding her daughter. 

"If you insist," Lorenzo mumbled. He turned his torso and groped his wife's leg as a sign of affection before getting up and apparating back to the Zabini residence. 

He pulled out his wand from his waistband and in a split second he ended up back in front of the 'crowd' gathered around the dining table.

"Luna gave us the OK to use blood magic," answered Lorenzo. His tone had a sheer plaster of reluctance, but at this point, he'd do just about anything to find her. Anything. "How soon can Charlotte and her brother get here?"

"I could call them by using the landline. I'm sure our phones could reach her, right?" Oliver replied.

"I don't pay money for it not to," Blaise snickered before clearing his throat after reading the room. "Go on and give it a try."

"On it," he huffed as he jolted towards the landline phone. "Could someone tell Zeno and them to come here?"

"Why would I want them all here?" Lorenzo queried.

"Because they got food and I haven't eaten yet," Oliver jeered.

Lorenzo shook his head and sighed. "I didn't see them when I went back home. Must mean they're not there yet."

"Can you check anyway?" 

"Could you just—just fucking call your friend, Oliver!"

"You don't need to speak to my son like that," Draco sneered.

"And you don't need to speak at all! You are, as mentioned fucking earlier, the absolute LAST person I want to talk to!" Lorenzo badgered back. 

"Alright, alright shut up, will you?" Onyx berated as she got up from her seat. Argue later, yeah? Oliver, darling, go on and make the phone call. I'll check to see if they came back, okay?" 

Oliver nodded shyly and dialed on the landline phone. 

He dialed Charlotte's landline as the adults waited for a response. Lucille and Draco had their doubts regarding the use of blood magic. Blaise and Onyx as well. But Lorenzo was damn near desperate to find his daughter. 

He's heard a lot of things regarding the use of blood magic and its risks. Lorenzo was—out of all of them—the most hesitant. 

Draco knew that he was in deep trouble with Lorenzo. After all that happened with Zeno and the secret he kept from his whole family to Draco, it seemed like there was no going back from that. It was impossible for both boys to rekindle their relationship.

Luna thinks otherwise.

"Charlotte? Charlotte! Char, hey! It's—yep. Yep, it's Oliver. Could you—oh! No, I didn't get your letter! Why, was it a Christmas card? You know what, mail has been stuffy these past few days, so I'll definitely be on the look-out—"

"Oi! Oliver! Get to the bloody point and chit chat later!" Onyx snapped.

Oliver cleared his throat and waited for Charlotte to finish her sentence before speaking about the main reason why he's calling.

"Charlotte, I've got a request. Now, I'll do the explaining and such, but this is pretty urgent. You can ask deep questions later, alright? I'm calling to ask for your brother, Jack. We've got an issue at home. Lola's missing—yep. Yep. Yep. I know. We're worried, trust me— so, I was wondering if Jack could help us look for her? I remember you telling me that he was good with blood magic? We're thinking that blood magic could help with the search for Lola?"



"Uh-huh—well, you—you will? Bloody hell, that's great! Perfect! Is there anything you need from us? Okay! Alright, great. See you then. I love you."

Oliver slammed the phone down and huffed. "She and Jack will be on their way. Shouldn't take them that long, I'm sure Charlotte remembers the Zabini house."

The adults sighed out of relief. Lorenzo finally took a seat at the dining table and slouched against his chair. Lucille was busy fiddling with the hems of her red-striped pajamas. Draco was examining his clear-polished manicure, and Blaise the same. Onyx stood up from her seat and informed the group that she was going to the Berkshires to check up on the 'food' that Oliver was so worried about.

She apparated to the Berkshires at an instant. There's the Floo Network, Apparation, and walking and driving. Wizards had all types of options. 

Onyx came back to her home with Scarlett, Zeno, Amelie, and Narsa with two bags of food from Seagulls. Zeno and Scarlett set down the large bags of food and scanned the crowd.

"Any updates?" Zeno queried. While everyone was 'distracted', Draco went ahead and peeked in the bags of food. He was lucky enough to snatch a few fries and pop them in his mouth without anyone paying attention. Lucille, of course, noticed because she, too, also snatched a few fries.

"Blood magic, " Oliver replied as he speed-walked towards the bags of food, "Uncle Enzo agreed to the use of blood magic."

"And who's going to do that? Because I'm sure none of us have no clue how to do blood magic—" Mel blurted. 

"Oliver's girlfriend's brother," Lorenzo said. "Jack Willaby. Some American-British kid who studied in America."

"The problematic country of the world?" Scarlett giggled softly.

"That is correct," Draco smiled. "The problematic, disastrous, chaotic country of the world. And that is where the boy who will help us came from."

"Hey! I'm sure Jack will know what he's doing," Lucille butted in. "Besides, don't doubt the boy so fast. He hasn't even arrived yet and you're already being... judgy."

"What do you expect from me, Luce? Nothing has changed," a grin played across Draco's visage as Lucille rolled her eyes. 

The teens scavenged through the bags as they waited for Charlotte and Jack's arrival. Zeno and Amelie sat on the couch as they ate their sandwiches, Oliver and Scarlett sat at the table by their parents, and Narsa ate on the ground by the fireplace with a book on her lap. 

Zeno and the adults were anxious the whole time. 15 minutes felt like 2 hours. It was a mess. The anticipation was a killer.

A knock on the door and Lorenzo was already up from his chair. He sped towards the door in hopes that it was the Willabys. 

He opened the door immediately and laid his eyes on the red-haired teen and the blonde-haired teen. 

"Thank Merlin," he muttered under his breath. Lorenzo stepped aside to make way for the duo. "Come on in. Please."

Charlotte nodded as she stepped inside the home with Jack following. 

"I'm Lorenzo Berkshire," Lorenzo spoke as he stuck his hand out to shake Jack's hand, "You must be Jack."

"Yes, I am!" Jack's accent was mixed with British and American. A faint British accent, if you may. "You are Lola's... father?" 

Jack took Lorenzo's hand and shook it with a strong grip and a smile. Lorenzo's lips when flat, but curled immediately before anyone took notice.

"Correct," Lorenzo said monotoned. "So, how would this work? Would you be needing my blood?"

Jack softly chuckled. "Now, I'm not sure what we're dealing with until I've figured out why the regular charms and spells aren't working. I'm assuming you've done everything that you could, correct? Usually blood magic would be the last resort—"

Together, they walked towards the dining room where everyone else was. Zeno followed behind them with Amelie tailing him. Jack waved at everyone as he received awkward 'hi's and 'hello's'. 

"We've done—or, Lola's cousins have done everything they could to try and find her. We don't understand why," Lorenzo replied.

Onyx, Lucille, Draco, and Blaise made room by dispersing the dining table. 

"This better fucking work," Blaise muttered under his breath, "Kid seems like he doesn't know what he's doing."

"Oh, shut it," Lucille and Onyx said in unison before rolling their eyes. 

Charlotte sat next to Oliver and patted the vacant seat right next to her to signal that Jack takes a seat right by her, but Lorenzo insists that he sits at the head of the table.

As Jack takes a seat, he takes a quick glance around the dining table. A fresh set of new faces. Looking up at Lorenzo, he's already got his eyes on him. Almost makes him feel a tad bit uncomfortable, but Jack tries to view it from his point of view.

"So... I've brought my map. May I ask a few questions regarding Lola's bloodline?" Jack queries.

"We're not ignorant people," Lorenzo replied. "Does it really matter?"

Jack immediately raised both his hands up in surrender. "No, I—I don't mean—I don't have any prejudice regarding bloodline, I just need to know. That's all," he stammered nervously. He ran his fingers through his hair all while bouncing his leg up and down. "It's for the blood magic."

It almost seemed oddly familiar to Lorenzo.

Lorenzo's tongued rolled against the inside of his cheek before his mouth went ajar to speak. "She's of Black and Lovegood descent. Pureblood," Lorenzo stated.

Jack nodded. "Alright, well I've read a lot of books regarding the Black bloodline and its positives. Their abilities and such."

"How? Aren't you from America?" Zeno pondered.

"Books were sent to me from the UK to America. Don't know who sent them to me or why. I read them anyway," Jack said. "You must be of Lovegood descent too, correct? Lovegood bloodline carries height. You're pretty tall."

"Is there anything about the Malfoy bloodline that you know of?" Oliver's eyes lit up out of curiosity. The whole point is to find Lola, yet here's Oliver with his nosy tendencies. 

Charlotte rolled her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Blonde hair is definitely a strong trait of the Malfoy bloodline," Jack blurted. Zeno took a seat on the other end of the table as he faced Jack. Mel sat next to Zeno. Narsa found a seat by Jack. 

Jack pulled out a map from his satchel and spread it across the table enough for everyone around to see. Soon enough, people gathered over the table. Lorenzo and Blaise on both sides of Jack like eagles. 

"Okay," he huffed, "She's of Black blood. So, that must mean I'm going to need two types of blood for this to work. It's a locator spell. Mine included. I'll need a muggle-born and a pureblood. Pureblood who is of the same bloodline as Lola, and a muggle-born for the source of energy. An outlet, if you may."

"We don't... know any muggle-borns around. I mean, we've got Lucille," Lorenzo suggested as he pointed towards the brunette. "Three types? Muggle-born, pureblood, what's the other?"

"Half-blood," Jack answered as he stood up to get closer to the map, "Does anyone have a knife? A clean knife?"

Zeno pulled out his pocket knife and slid it down the table. It stopped right by the map. Lorenzo and Blaise eyed him. 

"Why do you...have a pocket knife?" Blaise asked.

"I just like them," he responded.

Amelie shifted in her seat in discomfort. 

"It was fate," Jack smiled, "Everything happens for a reason."

"So, would you be needing Lucille for this?" Draco asked Jack. Jack turned to Draco and nodded. 

"She ever had children before?" questioned Jack. Draco nodded. "No. We need a muggle-born who hasn't had children yet."

"And why's that?" Oliver asked Jack. 

"Could put their children at risk. Any blood of theirs going down the line could all be at risk if the spell were to go completely berzerk," answered Jack. 

"Well, we don't have a—"

A knock interrupted the group as their heads turned abruptly towards the door. Blaise went on ahead and dispersed from the group. He sprinted towards the door and opened it only to reveal a curly-haired boy who was not quite familiar with Blaise.

"Hi, um—" the boy stammered, "I know this isn't Scarlett's home, but I also know you're closely-knitted with her family, so I was wondering if Scarlett was here? We were supposed to go out today and I haven't heard from—"

"Draco!" Blaise shouted from afar, "You've got someone looking for Scarlett!"

Scarlett's heart nearly dropped as she sped to the door before her father even could. Her eyes immediately met with the mysterious boy by the door, and her lips curled into a smile. "Vicente! I'm so sorry I should've called and updated you!"

Scarlett opened her arms and nearly shoved Blaise out of the way to give her love interest a hug. Draco just so happened to be behind them both. Scarlett knew. But she refused to bicker with her father about this. 

"And he's here... because—" Draco was interrupted when Scarlett turned around and gave him a stare. It was an unexpected stare that took Draco back.

A 'leave me be, Dad'  type of stare. And to be honest, Draco felt threatened. Like he couldn't do anything else. It was the first time in his life where he felt like he couldn't argue with Scarlett. It was something in her eyes that weaned him off. 

"Because we were supposed to hang out today. Now I've got to send him off—"

"Wait!" Jack shouted from the dining room. "Who's at the door? Is he a muggle-born?"

Scarlett looked behind Draco and gave Jack a condescending look. "Why?" She looked back at Vicente and sighed. "Sorry, we're just—. It's been hectic these past few days. We're looking for Lola—"

Jack got up from his seat and headed towards Draco, Scarlett, and Vicente. He was very stern on an answer. "Is Vicente a muggle-born? Are you a muggle-born?"

"Jack, we're not fucking using him for the magic—" Draco snapped.

"It's fate," Jack said. "Everything happens for a reason. There's a deeper reason as to why Vicente is here. Vicente, are you a muggle-born?"

"Look, you don't have to answer that, Vicente—"

"Yes," Vicente blurted. "I am."

His lips curled across his visage as he gently pushed Scarlett out of the way and grabbed Vicente's hand.

"Um—. What are you—"

"Jack! What the fu—"

Jack was too busy smiling all while dragging Vicente to the dining table. Scarlett and Draco followed. "It's fate! We've got a half-blood, a muggle-born, and a pureblood for the spell! Gosh, I just love how fate brings everything and everyone together."

The crowd gave each other a look. Charlotte was just smiling at her brother. Jack never failed to amuse her. Zeno raised his eyebrows in reaction to his ecstatic energy. The wrong type of energy for the situation, but he let it slide.

"We're going to use your blood for this locator spell. Is that alright with you? Do you have any kids, Vicente?" Jack queried as he sat on his chair at the head of the table. 

"My blood? What do you mean my blood? Uh, what's going on?" Vicente panicked. Scarlett's face flushed with crimson at the embarrassment that Jack was projecting. It was all too much. She and Vicente weren't official for dating, yet he was already asked if his blood could be used to find her cousin. It was all just too much.

"Vicente, you don't have to use your blood if you're not comfortable with it," Onyx assured.

"No," Lorenzo stated, "Like Jack said. Everything happens for a reason. He's clearly here for a bloody reason. Vicente, you have to help. We're looking for Lola. We need your blood for this spell."

"He's here for Scarlett," Lucille preened. "He's not here for a fucking ritual."

"Yeah, well I guess everything doesn't always go as planned, now do they, Lucille?" Lorenzo snapped. Her teeth met the bottom of her lip as she bit back the need to shout at him. Lorenzo was obviously on the edge, so she refused to add stress to his plate. 

"Look, can we all just calm down for a second?" Amelie shouted. "Everyone needs to just relax. Vicente is probably scared out of his mind. Could we just relax?"

It was as if Amelie's inner Onyx channeled right through her. Her resonating, strong, commanding voice managed to shut the whole group up. The dining room was packed with people eager to see what Jack was capable of—eager to find Lola. 

"....So, shall we begin? Vicente, will you join in helping us find Lola?" Jack broke the silence. 

Vicente gazed his eyes throughout the group. He's never met everyone at once like this before, and the way they're meeting is strange. But he really likes Scarlett. If this is what it takes to be accepted into the family, he'd do it. 

Hesitantly he'd do it.

"Alright," he sighed, "Where would you like me?"

A sense of relief ran through Lorenzo's body. He closed his eyes, mouth ajar, and thanked heavens for having Vicente present right in this space and time. 

"Just stay by me. That's all. Tall boy? Could you stand by me as well?" Jack gestured that both boys be by him. 

"Tall boy? Are you talking to me?" Zeno questioned. Jack nodded. "I'm Zeno. I have a name."

"Didn't know your name," Jack smiled. 

"Is there anything you need? Besides a pocket knife?" queried Lorenzo. 

"Yes," Jack replied, "A strand or two of Lola's hair. Actually, I got it." He held his hand up and closed his eyes. "If I do remember correctly...oh! It's... Accio Lola's hair!"

Ruckus came from upstairs, as well as the living room and the basement. The small crowd looked around in confusion when the sudden swoosh of strands—thousands of strands— came jolting towards Jack's hand. A few gasps emitted from Amelie and Scarlett. Both were profoundly disgusted, but they were used to their items being covered in Lola's strands.

"Well that's fucking disgusting," Draco muttered under his breath as he faintly gagged. 

Jack grabbed all the strands of hair forming a fist. It was enough for a very thin ponytail. "Welp, that was oddly easy."

"That's a lot of loose hairs," Blaise commented, "Is that...like...normal?"

"We could try and see if it works for Amelie," Oliver chuckled. "Accio Mel's—"

Narsa shoved Oliver before he could even finish the charm. "Don't even think about finishing that sentence. Quit your fuckery."

Oliver rolled his eyes as he guided his attention back onto Jack. Jack placed the small 'ponytail' bunch of strands onto the map. He picked up the knife and looked at everyone.

"I'm going to begin," Jack blurted. "If you're squeamish, you all might want to look away."

Amelie found herself looking away. Scarlett was too intrigued. Narsa, as well. Lucille squinted her eyes just in case she didn't want to see the blood.

Jack took the knife and curled his hand around the blade. He then proceeded to swipe the knife fast. Jack didn't flinch, nor did he seeth in pain. Instead, he balled his hand into a poorly made fist and wrung a copious amount of blood onto the strands of hair. Oliver's face was almost disgusted. Draco, as well. Lorenzo was paying attention to every detail. He was far from curious. Far from fascinated. Far from squeamish. 

Lorenzo was 100% intrigued. 

Jack held the knife in his hand and muttered some incantation that wiped the blood off the knife, leaving it spotless and sanitized. He handed the knife to Zeno. "Just do what I did, then drop your blood over where mine is."

Zeno obeyed. Zeno was familiar with the feeling of the blade break his skin, but he wasn't used to the cuts being so deep. 

He swiped the blade against his skin as he hissed out of pain. "Fucking hell," he muttered to himself. "How can you do that so effortlessly?"

"Practice," he replied flatly. "Now drip your blood over your sister's hair."

"Weird when you say it like that," Blaise commented.

Zeno wrung his fist over the hair as the drops hit Jack's blood. "What incantation did you use to sanitize the knife?"

"Telum Lautus."

Zeno repeated the incantation as the knife cleansed itself. He handed the knife to the hesitant boy who grabbed it with reluctance. He looked at everyone in nervousness. Scarlett had anxiousness displayed on her face. She was embarrassed by the current situation, but she knew it was for her family's own good.

"Um. So I just—I just...cut my hand, correct? Is there a specific spot?" Vicente queried. 

"Any spot that can draw blood. Any spot you're comfortable with."

Vicente pondered to himself as he thought about what other places he could cut other than his hand. After thinking of no other spots, he confided with the decision to cut his hand. He took a deep breath before pressing the cold knife against his tender hand.

Vicente proceeded to slice his hand. He scrunched his eyes closed out of pain as he dropped the knife onto the table. He rushed his hand over and balled his hand into a fist. The blood dropped onto the bundle of strands. He quickly pulled away and examined his hand. 

"Perfect," stated Jack. "Thank you, Vicente. Believe it or not, your blood is the most important out of the two."

Vicente clamped the cut with his other hand in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He muttered 'Episkey' as the wound closed. His skin bounded together. He watched his flesh mesh into one as if the cut was never there. 

"So what's next?" Draco questioned.

"Could you just let the boy do his thing? Bloody hell," Onyx snarled.

Jack chuckled. "I'm going to need silence," he preened. "I need to focus on this spell. I can't fuck this up. Excuse my language by the way."

Jack hovered both his hands over the bundle of strands and proceeded to mutter a spell that was unfamiliar to everyone around the table. Certain words would be said intensely and repeated over and over again until the blood would trail towards a specific spot on the map.

"Holy shit," Lorenzo mumbled, "This is definitely something I've never seen up close and in person."

The blood slowly trailed towards the United States of America. Blaise and Draco's eyes widened, while Lorenzo had his hand over his mouth out of disappointment.

"It's working," Oliver shuddered, "Holy shit."

"We've got to start getting into this blood magic stuff," Narsa spoke with fascination. "This has got to be the most beautiful spell I've ever seen."

As Jack continued to mutter incantations with his hand hovering over the blood, the lights began to flicker. Amelie jolted out of fright, but she disregarded grabbing anyone near her for comfort. Lucille reluctantly grabbed Draco's bicep to ensure safety. 

Soon enough, the blood stopped at a certain point in the map. Jack halted his incantation and looked over at the map. He bent down to give the map a closer look.

"Mancos, Colorado," Jack whispered. "Mancos, Colorado!" He shouted. "Lola is in Mancos, Colorado!"

"So it worked? How can you be so sure?" Lorenzo probed aggressively. Onyx was close to punching him due to his harsh attitude. 

"It's a safe haven for witches. It used to be a safe haven for the Salem Witches back in the late 1600's. It's widely recognized over there at America," responded Jack. "I don't know what the place looks like, but I do know that if you catch a flight there soon—"

"Private jet," Lorenzo interrupted. "I'll take the jet there. I'm—I'm going to get her. Zeno? Zeno, go tell your mother that you and I are leaving."

Zeno immediately jolted towards the door. He grabbed his coat from the rack and bolted out the door. Lorenzo stayed as he thought to himself.

"Mancos, Colorado?" said Oliver. 

"Whatever just happened was weird. I don't know how—I don't know what to, like, say. Blood magic works like that?!" Blaise blurted.

"It was marvelous," Narsa mumbled to herself as her eyes twinkled on the map. "America teaches you that type of magic, Jack?"

"Yep," he replied.

Scarlett got up from her seat and headed towards Vicente. She pulled him close as their bodies pressed against each other. 

"I'm sorry," Scarlett pleaded. "I'm sorry that you had to do that. I'm sorry for my family dragging you into this mess."

Vicente pulled his head away from the crook of her neck and cupped her face. "You don't need to apologize, Scarlett. If it helped your family find your cousin, then that's all that matters. Okay?"

She nodded gently. As their embrace lingered, Draco viciously cleared his throat. A couple of times until Scarlett realized why he was doing such a disgusting act. She turned around and faced her father who had disappointment plastered on his face. Scarlett rolled her eyes. She couldn't care less. 

The dining room was filled with conversation. People were asking Jack about his blood status, and how he knows he's a half-blood. He responds with him not being able to know how he is, but he knows that he is. He was told that he was. 

Lorenzo couldn't keep his eyes off of him. He was fascinated by him. A mixture of emotions for this boy. Lorenzo walked up to him and immediately pulled him into an embrace. A tight embrace. 

Jack had a confusing smile on his face. An awkward position he was put in, if you may. 

"Thank you, Jack," Lorenzo spoke. "Thank you for helping me find my daughter."

"Hey man, I'm glad I could help," Jack replied. Lorenzo let him go and quickly wiped a tear from his cheek. 

It was the hug that confirmed it.

"I told mum. She already made the call," Zeno interrupted. Heads turned to the door and saw Zeno standing tall with anxiousness riddled in his eyes. "The private jet is prepared."

Lorenzo made his way towards his son. "We're going to apparate to the warehouse. Oliver, you coming? Draco? Blaise?"

The men all got up and made their way towards the Berkshire boys. In a single-file line. 

And so they apparated to the warehouse. 

That left the women, Jack, and Vicente alone in the home. Jack looked around in awe with a wide smile on his face. 

"This place is really cool! I love the decor," Jack complimented as he swiped the table with his finger. "I love this type of wood, too!"

Onyx and Lucille gave each other a certain look. A 'do you see what I'm seeing?' type of look. Amelie and Scarlett the same. 

"Thank you, Vicente," Lucille announced. "We usually don't do this stuff, so please don't be scared of our family."

Vicente chuckled. "I'm all for it if it means I get to be around all of you more often."

Narsa rolled her eyes. "This kid's radiating Leo energy," she whispered to Mel, "What do you think?"

"What, like the astrological sign?" Mel asked.


"I mean, I can see it. I can also see that he likes Scarlett a lot."

"Like I said," Narsa smirked. "Leo energy. And as for Jack? Jack's got to be like...like—"


"No way—well, actually. Yeah. Yeah, I see it."

"Are we going to clean this up?" Onyx interrupted. "Jack, thank you for helping, but could you help us dispose of your blood and map?"

"Oh! No worries! I've got it," Jack smiled. He sat up from his chair and hovered his hands over the map. He quickly muttered an incantation when suddenly the map warped into a small piece of paper. The blood, somehow, managed to disappear. Charlotte was in awe. She was proud of what he was capable of. 

"Your magic is fucking amazing," Narsa complimented. "I'm so fascinated by you. Everything you did earlier? That was remarkable work. Could you someday teach me?"

"Of course! I love sharing my knowledge."

"Your magic is unexplainably great," Onyx blurted. "And that's all from America?"

"Well, it's from books I was given when I was younger. I had people from the UK send me tomes about bloodlines and magic and such. Pretty expensive stuff. I have no clue who exactly sent them, but I am forever grateful," he replied. 

Narsa stared. "Tomes, huh? Could you bring them here next time you visit?" 

"That's only if I'm welcome."

"You're more than welcome! You just helped us find Lola! I'm sure Uncle Lorenzo will invite you over from this day forward!"

Jack looked over at Charlotte and grinned. "You hear that, Char? I'm a part of the family now."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Idiot."



Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long. Please please read this author's note! Right now, I'm currently juggling two part-time jobs. I'm also back in school, as in physically present. This book will not finish anytime soon! I am DEEPLY DEEPLY sorry for taking so long all the time. I'm really really trying! Please bear with me. You guys are so amazing. Thank you guys so much for your support and understanding. I love you guys so much. Thank you, again. I will continue to update. <3 

I've had a bit of a burnout. I was overworking myself, and I find myself exhausted after writing little bits of the story. But I'm still going to be writing. I could never leave a book incomplete. 

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