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Hello, and welcome back,

It took a long time for me to come up with where to go from the last chapter. Clearly, I'm having trouble again but it's okay because not everything can be handed to be on a silver platter. I've been more in touch with my vibrations, and I realized that working at my own pace feels best for me. Writing started to feel like a chore, and that is not what I wanted. Ever. I can admit that my updates have been horrendously slow, but we're nearing the end of Obscene. You all have been so patient. It's insane and it makes me happy that there are people still out there reading my stories. I will forever love each and every one of you. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

A G G R E S S I V E 

Narrator's POV

It was obvious that scorching summer days were right around the corner. Flowers blossomed at the blink of an eye, the grass grew thick and green, the air was packed with pollen and many indistinctive smells of nature, and leather seats stuck to thighs. Over time, the reasoning for staying indoors grew small, and the reasoning for staying outdoors grew largely.

Everyone was familiar with warm summer nights. It was hard to disregard.

The 5 children of Oliver stood outdoors past 6 PM catching fireflies in small jars only to let them go after a while. Charlotte wasn't fond of her children taking nature's home away from nature. It was, to her, inhumane. Oliver would agree.

Oshun would find herself sitting outside on her father's balcony. Aside from the bright lights that the city had to offer, she looked up at the sky and counted the stars in sight. There'd be days where Oshun would bring nightcrawlers from Oliver's acres back at home and have them stay in the potted plants that her parents had hanging out on the balcony. She was desperate to live in a real home. Desperate for grass. Desperate for owls hooting at night. She wanted to live in the countryside. The city was just too much for a bright and intelligent 5-year-old.

So, when Oshun was told that Uncle Oliver was hosting yet another celebration in the countryside, she went ballistic. She packed pajamas, toys, snacks, and everything you could even think of just for one night with her cousins. Seeing the way she reacted made Amelie rethink her homing situation.

Zeno, 3 steps ahead, already had plans.

"I don't understand why we can't just apart," Oshun mumbled. She crossed her arms with aggression and huffed. "You and Daddy always do that. It just simply does not make sense!"

"Apart?" Zeno whispered to Mel. "What's...that?"

"She meant apparate," Mel replied softly. She turned her head to face the back of the car and looked right into Oshun's softening eyes. "We don't want you to get too dependent on magic. Sometimes, life is better without it."

"What!" Oshun exclaimed, flailing her arms in the air. "Life is a million times better with magic! You can do so much with magic! You can ride on broomsticks! You can turn a cake into a pie! Have you two gone mad?"

For a five-year-old, Oshun had quite the personality. It was expected, given that her parents are both very bright people. With living in the city, exposure to socialites was at an all-time high, so it was inevitable for Oshun to become a chatterbox. Not to mention, her grandmother is the Onyx De Loughrey.

"Daddy just wants to use his car once in a while. It's been sitting in the garage for a while, now," Mel replied. Zeno tried his best to keep himself calm and collected. The word that slipped off Mel's tongue only made his throat tighten. If he were standing, his knees would buckle. It's been nearly a decade and Zeno still gets nervous around Amelie. After one child, his heart is still tender for her.

"But it takes so long to get to Uncle Oli's!"

"The wait is worth it. You know that. Don't you have the bestest fun over there?" Mel assured.

"And I know you stay up late, too," Zeno added. He looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Oshun avoiding his sight. She wasn't supposed to stay up any later than 12 AM-- mother's rules. But Zeno was okay with it. He just couldn't let Mel know that he was."Patience, my darling. Try closing your eyes. Take a nap. When you wake up, we'll already be in his driveway."

Oshun scoffed. "Oh, how I've heard that one before."

It was no secret that Oshun has the attitude of a 13-year-old girl. She could catch an attitude—real fast.

Zeno gripped onto the steering wheel a bit tighter than usual as a way to exert his frustration regarding his 5-year-old daughter. Little arguments like these reminded him about every argument he couldn't win against Amelie. Oshun Aaliyah was just like her—attitude-wise.

Soon enough, Zeno was right. Oshun woke up just as they rolled into his driveway. She let out a yawn and a stretch. Oshun wiped the crust out of her eyes and wiped her drool. Gaining focus of the house in front of her, her heart skipped a beat and adrenaline soon rushed through her veins.

"We're here!" Oshun screamed, unbuckling her seatbelt. "We're here! We are here!"

Mel gave Zeno a look before chuckling and shaking her head. Zeno went ahead and grabbed Oshun's overnight bag in the trunk, while Mel had Oshun's hand in hers. They walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Immediate response, the door swung open, and there stood Nelly, Oliver's second youngest. She and Oshun were around the same age.

"Yes!" Nelly screamed. She grabbed Oshun's hand as fast as lightning, and together they jolted through the house and right outside the backyard. It almost felt as if it were faster than apparating. Children and adrenaline? Lightning combination.

Zeno appeared behind Mel as they both stepped into the home. The pair were greeted by a party horn blown by Oliver. "Took you two long enough!" he exclaimed, swinging an arm around Mel. "I see that Oshun arrived first."

"That child is seriously a ball of energy," Charlotte giggled. She got up from the swivel barstool with open arms and a large pregnancy belly. Charlotte pulled Mel into a welcoming hug. She smelled like Jo Malone's Nectarine Blossom & Honey Cologne. Notes of sweet sugar and fruity florals. "I'm so glad that you three made it."

Mel and Zeno were guided towards the large dining table where a handful of familiar faces waved and smiled, greeting one another. The table included Jack, Narsa, Scarlett, Vicente, Zenith, and Prince. No parents of the 2nd generation insight.

"You two have been showing up as a pair more frequently," Scarlett teased as she sipped on her drink, supposedly alcoholic. "Care to explain why?"

"Because most of these get-togethers include children now. Oshun can't go anywhere without her mum. The most annoying thing ever, right?" Zeno chuckled softly. Mel playfully smacked his chest and rolled her eyes.

The pair took a seat next to one another as the day progressed into simple catching up and funny to grotesque conversations (dominantly carried by Zenith and Jack, telling stories of their wild encounters with extravagant women upon their 'voyage' around the world, or in Zenith's case, Europe).


"See, now that's the problem," Zeno muttered, a glass of good, cold beer in his hand, "My daughter thinks she's like, immortal or something. She—she never wants to be careful."

Oliver scoffed, shaking his head slowly as he ground the weed in his grinder. "It's not that she thinks she's immortal. It's because she's tough. For a—a 4-year-old. Is—is she 4? I don't remember. Christ, I don't even remember—."

"No, no you're right. She's 4," Mel interrupted. "She will be 5 pretty soon, though."

"I'm sorry—pause? Pause for a moment," Scarlett blurted. Our tight-knit circle all turned their heads towards the blonde as she looked right back at us. "Okay, so think like this. Imagine you're in a cave, and this cave has like, a lot—no, a crap lot of food—"

"Before you continue, I just need to know how high you are," Jack giggled. "The reason I ask is that we're most likely going to get caught because of you. We shouldn't even be in this...barn?"

"It's not a barn, arsehole," Oliver snapped. "It's a shed. Just larger."

"So...a barn?"

Mel laughed. "Don't piss your brother off, now."

"Yeah," Oliver added. "Don't piss me off. Especially when it's my son's birthday. Arsehole."

"Yeah, your son's birthday but we're here smoking weed that Zenith here bought," Jack pointed to my brother who's practically already passed out, laying on a large bale of hay. "Who invited this person anyway? Wasn't he in Alaska or something?"

Zenith, somewhat conscious, stuck his hand up and flipped him off, which resulted in a few laughs. "It's good, though. Isn't it? Good enough for Oli there to roll another one."

Oliver opened the grinder and pinched the grounded weed with his fingers. The residue made him smile as he set the grinder onto the tray and picked up the White Owl cigar that was already gutted. Soon enough, he was able to fit about 2 grams into the wrap. Oliver sealed it perfectly. 'Pearled' it, if you may.

"Now, let's hurry up and finish this before Charlotte—"

"Comes back and catches all of you red-handed?" Charlotte interrupts. Our heads turn to the entrance of the large shed when they all lay eyes on Charlotte with a toddler on her hip, both wearing bizarrely bright party hats. "You don't think I notice when a large group of adults just suddenly disappear?"

The group went silent. Oliver, blunt in hand, cleared his throat to ease tension. Mel was completely sober, so everything around her didn't even feel tense.

They were all just high.

"I mean, to be fair, Charlotte does have 5 plus kids. So, she'd definitely notice us missing," Scarlett smiles, twirling her hair with her finger. Her eyes were nearly bloodshot, her legs crossed and her face tinted with light pink. It was hard to differentiate whether or not it was because of the weed or her light blush makeup.

"You're not helping, Scar," Zeno mumbled, nudging her with his elbow lightly. She nearly tipped over but giggled as she gained balance.

"Alright, I want all you gits right back inside," Charlotte stated sternly. Before leaving, she turned her head right back around and looked into Oli's eyes. "Air out before you step foot in my home." With that, she left with Little Oli on her hip.

Oliver scoffs. "Yeah right," he said, getting up from a hay bale, "Her home."

"Last time I checked, she makes more money than you," Mel commented, trailing behind Scarlett as they left the large shed. "You've got to give kudos to that woman. Raising almost 6 of your children, balancing work, a small business on the side—"

"Hey, don't even mention that small business. It was my idea—" Oliver slurred.

"But she carried the rest on," Zeno butted in. "It's her apparating back and forth—"

"What small business? Is there something I don't know?" Jack queried.

"It's the cute little 'farm' she's got in Canada," Zenith commented. "The one with the large green plants?"

It took a while for Jack to know what kind of farm they were talking about, but once he realized, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped open in shock. "You guys own one of those?"

"Charlotte is a woman of many talents," Mel smiled, as they aired out on the back porch. A few children came running out with toys in their hands. A few blondes, brunettes, and even two red-headed children. One of the children happened to be Mel's. "Oshun! Don't run so fast!"

She turned her head and stuck her tongue out before reverting her attention back to the mix of children. Mel nodded her head and rolled her eyes. One hard-headed child.

"I think I got too high," Oliver whispered to us. "I think—I think I 'consumed' too much—"

"How is your tolerance? When was the last time you ever smoked weed?" Zenith asked. They ended up taking a seat on the outdoor furniture that was positioned in the middle of the porch. A large umbrella towered over the table, blocking the sunrays to even touch them.

"It's been...almost 2 years," Oliver whispered back. "2 years without touching a blunt or anything marijuana-related."

Jack and Zeno shook their heads. "Could never be me," chuckled Zeno. "That's what happens when you get married."

"Marriage isn't a bad thing. I just don't see myself ever needing to...get high as much as I used to. I've got 5 children and one on the way. Smoking weed is the least of my worries, Zeno," Oliver bickered.

Suddenly, Narsa came out of the house with a large cake in her hands. She had a purple party hat on that surprisingly complimented her beige-colored shorts and peach cropped tank top. "Could you make room, please? Matter of fact, stop sitting in these chairs. The kids will be surrounding this table pretty soon."

"What—already time to blow out the candles? I thought we were doing that at 5 PM?" Oliver pondered.

"It is 5 PM, you idiot," Narsa snapped. She took the candles and lighter out of her pocket and placed them right next to the cake. Then, she stood by the edge of the porch and huffed. "Children! Come gather by the cake! We're getting ready to blow out the candles for Drew!"

"Casey," Mel corrected.

"Casey!" Narsa quickly shouted. "Shit, I forgot it was Casey's birthday party."

The adults got up from the patio set even after barely sitting on it when Mel's phone went off in her pocket. Backing up to make room for the children, she found herself pressed against the house's panels.

Mel reached for her phone in her pocket and noticed the caller ID.

Withington Community Hospital

"Shit," she muttered to herself. Mel made her way inside and into the kitchen for some quiet. She pressed the 'Answer' button and held the phone up to her ear with clammy hands and a palpitating heart. "This is Amelie."

"Ms. Zabini, this is Ruth from Withington Community Hospital," the soft-toned voice responded, "I'm calling to inform you that your mother's health is declining. It may be a good time to talk about it soon—"

"Yes, I—" Mel gulped, "I can come right now. How is she doing? You—You know what, I'll be there soon. I'm 2 minutes away."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll see you then, Ms. Zabini."

Mel was not 2 minutes away. In fact, she was an hour and 27 minutes away from Manchester. But most people seem to forget that Amelie Zabini is a witch.

Turning around to inform Oliver, she bumps into Zeno who had just appeared behind her at the exact moment. By surprise, Zeno grabbed a hold of the sides of her arms to avoid hurting her. "Woah, are you alright? You look stressed."

"I have to go to the hospital. They just called and said my mum wasn't doing well. I have to talk to Ruth about the plans ahead," Mel responded. "Can you let them know? I don't have that much time to waste—"

"I'll go with you," Zeno interrupted, "I'll apparate with you."

"No, I don't—need anyone to come—"

"I know you don't, but just let me go with you, Mel."

"Someone has to watch Oshun—"

"Mel, she's with her cousins. Charlotte and Narsa will watch her. She's going to be fine. You know what? You go on ahead and I'll follow. I'll let them know."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure Mel. So, go on. Time is being wasted—"

"You're right, you're right," Mel spoke with frustration in her voice. She ran her fingers through her scalp to ease agitation, but that didn't work. "Thank you, Zeno."

Before Mel could pull away from their closeness, Zeno cupped her face and looked into her muted eyes. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled away slowly. "Don't fret. We will figure everything out."

Mel took a deep breath. She left the home with a subtle 'thank you' smile for Zeno and apparated right into the room of her mother. The whirl-winding cold air transformed her cheerful, bubbly, and laughter-filled environment into an environment with the sounds of a beeping heart-rate monitor and automated air pumps.

She crept closer towards her mum's bed where she laid peacefully sound asleep. Mel examined her body once more—as if she doesn't already do that each visit. It's almost like Mel can't seem to grasp the condition that her mum is in. It's hard to picture it. Difficult to see your once-vital and vibrant mum into skin and bones with brittle hair. Her light brown and thick hair turned to the feeling of hay within a year. Onyx's plump cheeks soon outlined her cheekbones. Hollow as the heart of a manipulator. Her olive skin grew dull and nearly lifeless. It was hard. Everything about all of this was just hard.

Before Mel left the room, she picked up her mum's hand and placed Onyx's backhand against her own face. Kissing the wrist, she intertwined their fingers together gently.

"If I could take you to get your hair fixed, I really would," Mel whispered, knowing that Onyx couldn't entirely hear her. "Your hair grew brittle so fast. If I had known, I would have treated it beforehand. I'm sorry, Mum."

"Don't apologize," Zeno interrupted softly. Mel turned her head to see Zeno stand by the edge of the bed. "I can watch her. Go on ahead and speak to Ruth."

Mel took one last look before setting Onyx's hand down beside her. She kissed her forehead and left quietly, leaving Onyx and Zeno alone.

Mel navigated herself towards the nurses' station where the assigned nurse for Onyx, Ruth Burgford, sat at her designated desk typing away. As Mel got closer, Ruth looked up to face Mel. Her eyes lit up as she pushed herself away from her desk and stood up. She had her hands in the pockets of her scrubs and walked out of the nurse station and straight towards Mel.

"I'm glad you made it here quickly," Ruth stated. She stuck her hand out as Mel shook it briefly. "Do you want a quick rundown of how she's doing or would you like to start talking about options regarding her end?"

Mel crossed her arms and sighed. She scrunched her eyes closed and ran her hand down her face, letting out another sigh. Mel thought that she should have brought Zenith and her father, but with her being the Power of Attorney, her decision to come 'alone' was adamant. "Just tell me how she is doing. Speaking about the end is a family decision."

"Very well, then," Ruth responded. "Your mother's cancer is aggressively taking over her immune system. I still can't pinpoint how it became aggressive so fast, I mean it's been nearly a year, hasn't it?"

"Yes, a year," I nodded as I bit onto my nails nervously. "It's been a year."

"What's her medical history like? Maybe it could explain as to why her cancer became aggressive so fast?"

Mel couldn't exactly explain why it worsened within a year.

"Usually, with Thyroid cancer, it's this aggressive within a span of 2 to 3 years. We found her cancer a year ago and it skyrocketed at the blink of an eye," Ruth added. She leaned against the station and looked right at Mel. "Are you sure you don't have any documentation that could've led up to her condition?"

The truth is, Amelie Zabini had all the documentation she needed to explain why Onyx's Thyroid cancer was aggressive as it is. St. Mungo's Hospital's reasoning for her fast-spreading cancer was the hexes and the high exposure to chemicals and radiation that caught up to her over the decades. It was the consequences of 'Project Greyback'. When Cassius Parkinson experimented on Onyx De Loughrey, the illnesses failed to surface early on.

Amelie knew why it was aggressive. She just couldn't put it into words for a muggle.

"No," Mel said flatly. Mel didn't need to tell Ruth. Ruth didn't need to know. She just needed to keep tabs on the Onyx that they have now. "I've got a question. Be honest with me Ruth."

"Go on," Ruth replied.

"How much time does my mum have left?"

Ruth was hesitant to respond. Usually, doctors would be the ones to answer questions like these. But Ruth became family the moment Onyx De Loughrey entered the doors of that hospital. Ruth went to a couple of get-togethers and even brought her own children to Oliver's countryside home. She had the answer sitting in her throat, eager to come out.

"Less than a month, Mel," Ruth said dully. "Your mum has less than a month. With the rate of her cancer, maybe even less than 2 weeks."

It was silent. The commotion around them arose, and nurses and doctors paced back and forth around the floor and into rooms. Shouting and bantering at one another. But between Mel and Ruth, it was dead silent. Without even thinking or having time to process her emotions, a few tears rolled down Mel's visage. Too weak to wipe them away, Ruth did it for her.

"Thank you," Mel spoke weakly, "For being honest with me. Thank you, Ruth."

"Of course," Ruth answered. She gently pulled Mel into a tight hug. And that was when Mel was given time to process all of it. Losing a parent is the hardest. Mel knew nothing of it. She just knew. She somewhat started grieving the moment Onyx was losing the tightness in her skin. That was nearly 6 months ago. "Did you have time to let your father and brother know? The sooner we can talk about the process, the easier it can be."

"I'll inform them in a few," Mel mumbled into Ruth's shoulder. "Can we go over hospice programs?"

"Yes, we can," Ruth replied. She pulled away from her embrace and subtly smiled to show empathy. "Come follow me? We can talk more about it down at the chapel. Is there anything I can get you? Water?"

"I'm alright, thank you," Mel smiled before stuffing both her hands in her capri pants. "Shall we?"

Ruth led Mel down to the chapel where they spoke about different types of companies that can help Onyx's pathway to the afterlife easier. 

Back in the hospital room, Zeno pushed a chair closer to Onyx as he sat there watching the heart rate monitor beep weakly and slowly. Steadily at 53 beats per minute. Oxygen levels were declining dramatically. It was hard to watch, but it was all that he could. 

From a deep slumber, Onyx fluttered her eyes open weakly. Her vision focused and she saw Zeno sitting in front of her. He sat there nervously, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. He was too fixated on the monitor that he didn't even realize Onyx was awake. 

"You've still got a twinkle in your eye," Onyx croaked. Zeno sharply turned his head, facing Onyx with shock. "Take advantage of the youth that you have left, you hear me?"

Zeno let out a forced chuckle. "You got it, boss." Onyx smiled. She looked around the hospital room and sighed. "Do you need anything? Food? A drink?"

"What kind of drink are we talking about? If it's alcohol, count me in, yeah?" Onyx softly giggled. 

"I would if I could, Mum. You know that" Zeno scooted closer, knees touching her bedside. "How are you feeling?"

Onyx struggled to form a thumbs up, but Zeno got the memo. With that, she smiled. "Better than yesterday."

"How were you feeling yesterday?"

"A lot of unnecessary dreams during my naps. Could hardly get any sleep, to be honest with you. They swear by round-the-clock care but I don't recall ever being given a melatonin pill or two."

Zeno chuckled. "Melatonin wouldn't take the dreams away."

"That's the scary part."

"What's scary?"

"Most of my dreams rhyme with the future sometimes. The dreams I'm having don't even include me anymore. So, I wouldn't even consider them scary. Just disappointing."

"Disappointing because you aren't in the dreams?"

"Yes! Why would I want to dream a dream when I'm not even bloody in them. Waste of my time, if you ask me. Even then so, I don't even have that much time left, Zeno."

Zeno wasn't sure whether or not he was allowed to laugh or chuckle. Instead, he did an awkward smile that made Onyx uncomfortable. She couldn't stand awkwardness. So she rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"Don't be such a Debby-Downer. Most of my dreams seem fun even without me," Onyx laughed.

"It's boring without you, Mum. Parties don't feel the same anymore," Zeno grabbed her hand gently, cupping the small hand into his large one. Skin still soft and tender. "Though I have to say that Oshun is much like a Mini Onyx."

"It's great to see that I left a part of me on this planet," Onyx let out a comforting smile as she tried her best to grip Zeno's hand. 

"You're leaving a large footprint—no, a fossil on this planet, Mum. You don't even know it," Zeno assured her. "Want in on a little secret?"

"Ugh, Berkshires and their secrets," Onyx snickered. "But go on. Tell me. Zabinis always hear them anyways."

Zeno leaned in, inching closer towards the right side of her ear. "Mel went through with the writing of your book."

"Did she, now?" Onyx seethed, shaking her head slowly. "I told that little shit not to. That woman needs to be put on a bloody leash—"

"Hey, she's your daughter. Your flesh and blood. She's stubborn like her mum."

"I may be incapable of beating your ass, but I swear I'll do whatever I can to haunt the living shit out of you," Onyx gritted through her teeth. Even better—she squeezed Zeno's hand forcefully, which made Zeno wince. Zeno usually doesn't do that. 

"Take it easy on me, Onyx De Loughrey. I'll pull this plug keeping you alive if you keep being mean."

Onyx's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me," Zeno prompted. He let go of Onyx's hand and crossed his arms. "Go on."

"You're how old now? And you still act like a bloody child," Onyx scoffed. "Tell me. How's everyone doing? I know Oliver is busy with his growing family. Jack and Narsa are traveling. Scarlett and her boyfriend, how are they doing? Are they getting married anytime soon? Lucille and your father came to visit not too long ago. Haven't seen Draco in quite a while. Do you know how he's doing?"

"They're all doing fine," Zeno mumbled. "Jack and Narsa are living their best lives. Charlotte is due pretty soon. Scarlett is hesitant about marrying Vicente, which is absurd given that they've been together for quite some time now. I don't know much about Uncle Draco. Prince is going to graduate soon. Lilith is doing well. Lola is just out there being excellent as ever. The bright one in the batch of Berkshires."

"That's exactly what I told your mum," Onyx pointed out. "She truly the bright one in the batch. You want to know where she got that from?"

"Let me guess," Zeno smirked. "You?"

Onyx chuckled softly as she had her head against the lifted bed. "Your grandfather. Lovegood side. The Berkshire side isn't all that good when it comes to the men," Onyx rolled her eyes. "Oh, but Prince is quite the blessing."

Zeno gasped. "Oh, so you don't think I'm a blessing? That hurts me, Mother Onny!"

"Ah, don't freak out. You're a blessing in my eyes, too."

Weak chuckles from both parties emitted as they sat in minimal silence. They enjoyed one another's presence. It was calming for both of them.

"Thank you for being there for Mel, Zeno," Onyx spoke up. She reached out for his hand and Zeno didn't hesitate to grab it. "You've done a great job being a father and a partner. I never really understood Benjamin Miller. I never really liked him, either. He chews with his mouth open."

Zeno couldn't help but laugh, but the laugh died down when he realized what she was thanking him for. It was a proper farewell; a great moment for just the both of them so that Onyx could express her gratitude towards Zeno alone and not as a whole to the Berkshire family. 

"After today, this might be the only time I'll catch you alone. So, it's best for me to thank you before people rob us of our time together," Onyx clarified. "Thank you for taking care of Mel when her husband passed away. And I will forever be thankful for you for taking care of Mel when I pass as well."

It was hard for Zeno to keep a serious visage. He wanted to pull Onyx into a tight hug, but he'd most definitely break a bone or two—this woman is fragile. Zeno's eyes watered, though he tried his very best not to let the tears touch surface. 

"Thank you for being the greatest mum-like figure. You've been nothing but great to my family and me. I really do love you, Onyx."

"And I love you as well, Zeno."

Silence lingered.

Zeno's throat tightened. He could feel his hands clam up, and his palms sweat. He had a question that he's always wanted an answer to. Now or never, he thought to himself.

"Onyx?" Zeno queried.


Zeno looked deeply into her eyes in search of acceptance, though he knew about the answer. 

"May I have Amelie's hand in marriage?"

With that, Onyx smiled. "If she even lets you take it," she giggled.



Yes, there are still unanswered questions. I have a list of them all. I will not end Obscene without filling in the gaps. Save your dissatisfaction til the end. Yolo Swag, ya feel me?

I love you guys. Be great and stay safe! <3 

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