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Ayo, the person that sent this to wanted to let you know,

We need tuh get the gang back tugetha. Enjoy this chapter!! It's super short, but IT'S A HOLE THAT NEEDS TO BE FILLED.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

M E A D O W 

Narrator's POV

July 22nd, 2018

3 months after the 2000s children's graduation from Hogwarts

"Thank you so much for coming out here," Zenith traced the lines of his palms with his finger. He was too afraid to look at Scarlett. He couldn't. "It really means a lot. Does anyone know you're here?"

She shook her head. "They wouldn't let me go if I told them."

"Right," he replied. "I understand that completely—"

"So what did you bring me out here for?"

Zenith wrote her a letter. He wanted to meet her in a meadow to talk. To correctly apologize for all the pain he caused. It's been 3 months since they both graduated from their schools. He figured it'd be best to talk to her, one-on-one before everyone grows into their own lives

"I wanted you here so that I can correctly apologize," said Zenith, finally looking up and placing his hand beneath his thigh. He sat on the stone bench while she sat on the other side of it. They were at both ends. "I owe you that much and many more."

"Zenith, at this point it shouldn't even matter anymore—"

"No," he interrupted. "I hurt you. Emotionally, mentally, and damn near physically. I wasn't brought up to be that way, and an insane bitch can't justify my reasoning for ever being malice towards you."

"You were manipulated, too. I think your actions were valid—"

"What?" Zenith queried. She was too nice. Why was she letting him 'step' on her? "My actions are far from valid, Scar. It was wrong. All of it was wrong—"

"Did you learn from it?" Scarlett interrupted.

Zenith laid quiet. Eventually, he nodded immediately. "100%. I learned from it 100%."

"Then that's all that matters."

"I truly am sorry for inflicting emotional pain on you, Scarlett."

"I forgive you, Zenith. You live and you learn. We were fifteen years old, for fuck's sake. You knew so little, and I, the same. Not to mention, you were manipulated into thinking there were others."

"Were there others?"

She shook her head. "I was too preoccupied with you. I didn't have enough time for 'others'."

It was like a stab to the heart. He truly was fooled into thinking there were others, which resulted in him being so... harsh. The biggest mistake he ever made was hurting Scarlett.

"Again, I'm very sorry Scarlett."

"I accept your apology. I did the moment I heard you were doing great. And the first letter you sent me. And the second. And the third," she said with a smile. A soft chuckle escaped her lips. Zenith smiled as well. "I'm just glad you were doing well. Though I didn't write back, I'm also glad you kept me updated."

"I had to," he grinned. "It was partially the only thing keeping me sane back at Durmstrang. Anyway, do you think it'd be appropriate if I apologized to your family?"

"There's no need when I tell them about today," Scarlett responded. "I just don't know if my father will be as lenient."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't."

"You'll be fine, though. You're Onyx's son. If my dad has a problem, he can find the solution with your mum. And if you want in on a little secret, my father really fears her."

"He and I are the same," Zenith chuckled. "The only person on earth that scares me is my own mum."

"I think every boy in my family is afraid of your mum."

The pair chuckled together, nearing the sign of peace and tranquility between them. It felt good to share a laugh with someone you miss. It sure felt good for Zenith.

"Aside from all the fights that you witnessed back at Durmstrang, would you say that it was quite fun?" Scarlett questioned.

He nodded. "It was bearable. The boys there were so stuck-up. We had to go to the Beauxbatons Academy a few times, and the way they treated the women over there just made my stomach turn. They'd cat-call, harass, and crack highly sexual jokes. It never sat right with me."

"Gosh, that's horrible," muttered Scarlett. She nodded her head and sighed. "Those poor girls."

"Aside from the hyper-sexualization, not all the boys were that way. Some of the men over there grew up in households with all women, so they knew how to respect women. The food at Durmstrang is far different than the food at Hogwarts. Mediocre European food. The beds were abnormally large. Like, king or queen-sized mattresses, and there were 3 in each room. I never really understood the concept of large beds in dormitories."

"Durmstrang is pretty huge," Scarlett added. "So, it makes sense for beds to be so large over there."

"We had sleepovers," Zenith laughed. "There was this one time where we fit 15 men in one room. Each bed held 5 guys. Moments like that made Durmstrang fun. On nights like those, we smoked some weed, transfigured books into shoes, and even did a few lines of whatever my friend had."


"Like, we snorted—"

"Oh, bloody hell!" Scarlett's eyes widened. "I had no clue you were the type to do so!"

"I didn't know I was the type to do so, either."

They exchanged subtle smiles before fiddling with their own hands again. The sun soon grew warmer, and the crickets made their noises. Butterflies flower-hopped, birds chased one another, and some tall grass swayed in their spot being combed by the wind. All those noises, yet it felt so silent between them.

He apologized, and she accepted it. Where would one go from there?

"Do you want to come over?" Scarlett broke the silence. Zenith faced her and noticed a pair of big, blue icy eyes staring back at him. "I'm sure they wouldn't freak out after I briefly explain that we're okay now."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Zenith stammered, reaching the nape of his neck. "I don't think I want to see God today. I prefer living."

Scarlett softly chuckled. "They're not going to hurt you. Think of me as a shield."

"Because you're white?"

"I—" Scarlett's throat tightened. "I didn't mean it like th—"

"I was only joking," he smirked. "Sure, I can come over. What are your plans?"

"Oliver and Zeno are probably going to apparate to Russia for some dumb stuff. You can tag along with them."

"If they allow me back into their friendship."

"You know they love you. They're just hurt. But, as I mentioned earlier, I'll tell them that you 'pass' the 'vibe check'."

"The vibe..? You know what, I'm not even going to—I'm not going to ask anymore," Zenith sighed.

"Let's get out of this meadow," Scarlett huffed. "It's getting warm and I wore the wrong clothes for today."

She stuck her hand out, signaling that Zenith grabs it. "Care to apparate with me back home?"

Zenith looked up at her, then at her hand. He stuck his hand out as well and locked it with hers. "It'd be a pleasure."

And together, they apparated.

The bridge that was once fallen—brittle, eaten by rust—found its way to wield together again. Their friendship was like unkempt grass. It grew tall and in different lengths. One never really knew what they were going to step in when walking in that field of grass. But, with the rekindled friendship, the path grew clearer, and a pathway was made. 


D I S C U S S I O N 

Short chapter, but I figured it was best to just get that over with to have more time to write the next chapter. This might take me a while, but I'll get it done before the end of this month.

Also, if you aren't following me on Instagram for updates, WHY AREN'T YOU? 

Ever wondered what Zeno's Loft looks like? It's on my IG page! Follow me @.yerawizarddood! Remove the period before the @, obviously. 

Call it {~ZoLoft~}

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