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Hey my lovelies-

Enjoy this chapter for I have nOTHING TO SAY. It's just a wholesome little filler. Updating twice today! Stay tuned. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

N A R S A 

narsa malfoy

Disgusting. Just disgusting.

Merlin's Beard, people really think I'm stupid!

None of my cousins can lie to me. Or even the Zabinis.

For fucks sake I'm a lesbian myself! 

I know child's play when I see it.

To be honest with you I'm offended!


I'm offended.

'i foRgOt mY qUiLL' oh shut up Amelie my cousin was fingering you underneath the table.

Been there done that, Ms. Zabini.

Once class was over, I quickly packed my things up in attempt to scurry out of here for lunch.

"In a rush?" Zeno beckoned. 

"You know how she is when it comes to lunch time," Oliver added.

"The boys aren't going to lunch. I'll come with you," Mel said as she packed her items up as well.

"Alright," I responded lowly.


How do I break it to her that I know she's messing around with my cousin?

Do I even tell her that I know?

Think of me as a warning label.

'Yikes! Mel are you sure?! He's a man-whore do you really want to walk in the murky water?'.

No, that's mean. Zeno really is a gentleman and the only flaw he has is sticking his body parts in every hole that walks and talks.

"Ready?" Mel questioned.

I nod yes as we start walking alongside together.

"So, how did you like Potions class with the big kids?" Mel asked.

"Oh. Just perfect," I said.

"Are you sure? That doesn't sound promising-."

"Mel I'm not an idiot I'm a raging lesbian and I know child's play when I see it," I spat quietly.

I watched Mel's reaction as she realizes that I'm not an idiot.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about-."

"Mel-. Oliver may be a little idiot but I'm certainly not. Did my cousin finger you or did he not-."

"Fucks sake, Narsa!" Amelie hissed, "Could you lower your voice?"

"Well could you two fiddle with one another somewhere else!" I retorted, "Besides, is he really something you want to.... do stuff...with?"

She rolled her eyes.

"it's not even like that, Narsa. I'm single. He's single. We're both...willing to...do stuff... together," she spoke puzzled, "And plus he's never been challenged before. Think of me as a maze."

"You're an easy maze that's for sure," I muttered under my breath.

She lightly shoved me as I chuckled.

"Okay, well think of me as a free trial for some sort of gym membership," she responded, "You can get a little bit of me, but you're going to have to purchase the real deal to have it all."

I scoffed. 

"Your comparisons fucking suck, Mel. You practically just said that he can have some of you but if he pays monthly he can have it all-."

"Okay scratch that-. But-. You know what I mean. You see where I'm coming from though, right?"

"I mean, I guess. It's just a little shocking given that we've all grown up with each other since we were little and now you guys are going to... do stuff... together."

She huffed.

"You're right. It is a little shocking. But I'd rather gain experience with someone I know who's nice and respectful," she responded.

"This is for gaining experience?"

"Isn't everything gaining experience?"

I rolled my eyes. 

"If you insist," I responded. "Just... don't get caught by anyone. Especially our family. Lord, if my aunt Luna found out about you two-."

"Oh trust me. I know how crazy she'd go," she giggled softly. "We won't get caught. Just as long as you don't tell anyone, either, alright?"

I nodded yes.

She pulled my face close to hers and kissed my cheek as I fake-gagged.

"I hate affection oh my god-." I muttered, rubbing her lipgloss off my cheek.

"Why don't you? It's one of the best things in the world-."

"I don't know. I think it has a lot to do with growing up in a VERY affectionate home. You just...get tired of it," I rambled.

"Tired? How could you get tired of affection?"

"You just can."

"I guess."

Fucking hell I'm like everyone's diary. Well, not Zeno. He writes in his little girl-diary.

You know what? I'm not even worried about being left out because at the end of the day we're all close no matter what. On top of that, I know everyone's secrets. They vent to me whenever and wherever. If anything, I hold a lot of power out of the group.

I know my position in their lives. I've never questioned it, really. 

I even know what Zeno did in Year 5- he told me himself.

I mean, it's nothing bad or anything. It's just um gross.

Aunt Luna would smack him if she knew.

As Amelie and I entered the Great Hall, the instant smells of food of all types hit the air and into my nose. A quick glance at all the tables and there's meats, vegetables, all kinds of shit.

Fuck I'm ready.

Amelie and I walk towards our table where we see Zenith, Lola, and Scarlett.

"Good afternoon," I beamed.

"Good afternoon," they all said.

I took a seat in between Scarlett and Zenith while Amelie sat next to Lola across us.

"Look they have pot roast, Nar," Lola pointed to the large dish of pot roast.

"Thank Merlin," I muttered as I instantly started scooping food onto my plate.

"How was Potions?" Scarlett asked.

"Go on and tell them how it went, Mel," I said with a full mouth of pot roast.

"It was good," she responded.

"You have Potions with Zeno and Oli right?" Zenith queried.

"Yes," she responded flatly.

Everyone soon started eating as well. God, the dining hall was awfully loud today.

"So I might've done something..." Lola announced lowly.

We all looked at her and sighed.

"What was it this time, Lola?" I huffed.

She's always doing some weird shit.

"I may or may not have told Miles about...me," Lola responded lowly.

I immediately face-palmed.

"About you as in...what?" Scarlett queried.

"About..." she pulls out her wand, "Me..."

Everyone scoffed and sighed and groaned.

"Lola, Merlin's Beard you're an idiot sometimes-." Zenith blurted.

"Okay first of all, rude. Second of all, it can't be that bad? It's not like Lola showed him any magic or anything..." Amelie added.

"Did you show him any magic?" Scarlett asked.

Lola nodded no immediately, then bit her lip.

Lola you know you can't lie to me.

But that's a secret I guess we'll never tell.

"I believe you," I lied.

"You better," she responded lowly.

"Does Miles know about all of us and the 'power we hold'?" Amelie questioned.

"No. He doesn't," Lola responded. "Please don't tell Zeno-."

"Oh fuck no of course not," Scarlett spat immediately, "Why on earth would we tell him of all people?"

Lola softly giggled. 

"I wish he just let me breathe a little, y'know?" Lola spoke lowly.

"Same here. I can't even talk to a boy alone without Oliver or Zeno saying some stupid marks," Scarlett mumbled.

"And that is why you should go gay," I stated with a smile.

"Might just have to given that I'm still a bloody virgin-." Scarlett sighed.

"It must be nice having someone care about you like that, no?" Amelie commented.

"Are you kidding me? You're lucky you don't have Zeno breathing down your fucking neck," Lola snarled, aggressively stabbing her vegetables.

Well, not yet at least.

"Same with Oliver," Scarlett added.

"I think it's because we're twins and that Amelie is 6 minutes older," Zenith said, poking at my pot roast.

I slapped his hand and flicked him off.

"Get your own fucking pot roast," I muttered.

"Even if we're twins that doesn't mean you shouldn't have to care about me. I mean, I care about you!" Amelie beamed.

"Okay...? Weirdo," Zenith responded.

Scarlett and Lola chuckled softly.

"Just be glad you can kiss anyone whenever and wherever without a bloody giant hovering over your fucking shoulders," Lola preened. 

As mentioned earlier, not for long...

My intuition is telling me that this isn't just going to be more than your regular friends-with-benefits.

I think I know Zeno enough to know that he's a hopeless romantic, and he wouldn't just choose Amelie to do stuff with out of nowhere given that they've known each other for so long.

My intuition also tells me that Oliver and Amelie did things over the summer.

Just kidding. Our rooms are right next to each other and their Muffliato spell sucks. 

I wonder how this will play out.


Soooo I hope you guys are liking the book so far D: As mentioned previously, this is just a short and cute filler. I will be updating this book again later today. Stay tuned!


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