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Hey guys,

Sorry for taking months to write this. You may or may not be satisfactory with how this ended. Nonetheless, enjoy.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

O B S C E N E 

Narrator's POV

Holidays weren't the same. The snow created blankets over the fields that Blaise and Onyx used to tend to, and he'd watch from his bay window as the crops and flowers died, lived, and died again. Three years. It had been three years.

Though those three years maintained without Onyx De Loughrey, life continued, and life grew.

Earth orbited the Sun repeatedly, and life had no intention of ever pausing. It had no intention to catch its breath. How could it? The most powerful Wizard or Witch could exist, yet the only grasp they couldn't have was time. They couldn't have time.

Over the course of three years, Amelie and Zeno married one another in Greece. They had an intimate wedding on the dock of seas. By then, she had already been 3 months pregnant with her second child, Celine. She came out as a Xerox copy of Zeno. Her nose, her eyes, and her hair color. The only thing that Mel gave her was kinky hair and the attitude.

Zenith had a child with Roxanne Weasley, the daughter of Angelina and George Weasley. Zenith and Roxanne are not together, but they co-parent without any problems.

Scarlett married Vicente Ricci a year after Amelie and Zeno's wedding. Scarlett was hesitant about having kids, but she eventually gave in and became pregnant with her first child 5 months after their wedding.

Charlotte and Oliver agreed not to have any more children. After their sixth child, she refused to have any more. Their marriage has been nothing but joy. Every now and then, Oliver and Charlotte have their moments, but it's the patience and perseverance that get them through their rough patches.

Lola, Jack, and Narsa spent the last three years traveling the world. Lola couldn't stand staying at home with her parents as an Auror for the ministry. She quit her job and became a globetrotter. Jack and Narsa showed her all the wonders of the world, and they have yet to travel the rest of Brazil.

Prince spent his three years working alongside his father. They opened more floral shops in Australia and Greece. Prince ended up residing in Greece, about 3-4 blocks away from their newest floral shop. He managed to acquire a few lady-friends that kept him company every now and then. Supposedly, it runs in the blood.

Lilith, Luna and Lorenzo's youngest, still attends Hogwarts and lives with her parents.

Draco and Lucille's relationship maintained steady and peaceful. Draco fought with his addiction every breathing second of his life since his last encounter with Onyx. He couldn't fail his wife again, and he couldn't fail his children any further. He slowly gained respect from Scarlett and Narsa, but it was Oliver who refused to budge. Sure, Oliver keeps it neutral during family events, but a lot goes on behind his big, blue eyes.

Lorenzo and Luna moved into a smaller home in Dorset. A big home with only one child was too much for Luna. It was a lot to clean and maintain.

Blaise sold his home to a company that turned his home into a 'museum'. After the publication of The Shocking Survival of Onyx De Loughrey, popularity grew among the Zabinis in the wizarding world. Over 100 million couples were sold within 2 years. By the end of the second year, he was offered a large amount of money to convert their home into a walk-in museum for others to see what life was like after Onyx's hardships.

Blaise couldn't take the money, but he did indeed send it straight to St. Mungos, where they took that money to fund the mental health services they now provide for all wizards and witches.

Onyx's book became a hit. If only she were there to experience the successes with her family.

Present-day, 2029

"I can't stop peeing," Scarlett groaned as she rubbed her growing belly. "I keep making trips every 30 minutes. I don't even drink water!"

Charlotte gave Scarlett a disgusted glance. "Shouldn't you drink a lot of water, then? Instead of that fruit punch?"

Scarlett pouted. "Well, it's not like I can drink anything else exciting! You are all here drinking your bloody mimosas and—and gin and tonic, so why can't I drink fruit punch?"

"Okay, you misinterpreted what she was saying, Scar," Narsa attempted to calm her down. "Charlotte was suggesting that you drink water given that you keep... peeing every 45 minutes."

"I'm sure she's drinking enough," Mel interrupted as she took a seat at the dining table where they all sat. "She's peeing a lot, so that must mean something."

"Did you finally put Celine to sleep?" Narsa queried. "Mini Zeno, I mean?"

"Yes, she's asleep. I never had a hard time with Oshun, so this is all new to me."

Mel, Scarlett, Charlotte, and Narsa sat in the dining room of Scarlett's home, while Zeno, Oliver, Zenith, and Jack were in the living room watching Quidditch replays from their time at Hogwarts. Jack did not attend Hogwarts, but he's played Quidditch a few times enough to understand.

"It amazes me how we manage to fit all the kids in the guest room," Charlotte chuckles into her glass before sipping her drink. "Though, I am sad that you'll no longer be able to babysit my children."

"Aww, you know I'll babysit them once I get used to this baby here," Scarlett rubbed her stomach again. "I love my nieces and nephews. How could I not babysit them anymore?"

"You really mean that? Even after all the items they broke in your home?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

Scarlett nibbled on her bottom lip. She sighed and nodded. "Yes, even after all the items they broke in my home. You know, thanks to you I had practice for raising children."

Charlotte raised her glass, "Amen to that."

Mel was too preoccupied with her phone. She typed and typed aggressively as Narsa watched her intensify.

"What are you stressing about?" Narsa asked Mel. Mel looked up from her phone and turned it off. She slipped it beneath her thigh and placed her arms on the table.

"I've been contacting the bookstore in Hogsmeade to postpone the celebration for my mum's book hitting 150 million purchases. My father isn't back from his backpacking trip in Yosemite, and I don't want him to miss it. I even spoke to Danica and she agreed—"

"Ugh, Danica," Charlotte rolled her eyes. "That tramp."

Scarlett softly giggled. "She's not a tramp, Charlotte."

"I truly don't know how you have the patience to be around her, Amelie. I mean, she had sex with your husband even after knowing you two had Oshun—"

"Now, we've discussed this before Charlotte," Mel mumbled. "That happened even before we had intentions of ever getting back together. I'm not insecure about it. I have two daughters with him, we're married, and we've built a home together. I'm not worried, and you shouldn't be either."

Charlotte huffed. "She still pisses me off."

"And why's that?" Narsa arched her brow. "What did hot chick Danica do?"

"You like every woman that walks on this Earth, Narsa," Charlotte pestered. "You don't have an opinion."

"Well, why don't you like her?"

"She walks around with her perky self as if she did something so great. Cocky—she's cocky. She just seems like such a bitch! I mean, every event we've attended for the book, it's as if she's so self-centered."

"She wrote the book, Charlotte," Narsa nitpicked.

Charlotte stared at Narsa for a while, until it finally clicked.

"You slept with her, too, didn't you?" Charlotte crossed her arms and stared right into Narsa's eyes.

Narsa's throat tightened. "Wh—what? What are you saying right now—"

"Narsa Draconis Malfoy, I have six children. I know when a person is lying. Did you or did you not sleep with Danica, too—"

Mel's eyes widened as Scarlett awkwardly sipped on her fruit punch.

"Charlotte, you're insane—"

"Narsa. I'm going to ask you again. Did you sleep with fucking Danica Deshmukh?"

Narsa ran her hand down her face. She scrunched her face with guilt and groaned. Getting up from her chair, she huffed. "Okay! Okay, fine. I did. I slept with her. Bloody hell, I can't ever hide shit around you."

Charlotte fake gagged as Mel stood shocked.

"You slept with my author, too? What, am I supposed to have sex with her next?" Mel pestered. "When was this?"

"The night that we all celebrated 10 million purchases, I assume," Scarlett mumbled into her cup as if she knew. "I mean, I don't know much."

Narsa rolled her eyes. "Snitch."

"Scarlett knew?!" Mel's eyes widened once more. "You Malfoys are sneaky!"

"Oh, and Berkshires aren't?" Narsa snapped back. Charlotte made an 'oop' sound before sinking into her seat.

"Well, that's why I'm a Zabini by blood and a Berkshire through marriage. So, that statement does not apply to me," Mel replied with sass.

"Okay! Let's shift the conversation! We discovered that Narsa slept with Danica, how cool is that?" Scarlett tried to ease the awkward tension, and luckily it worked.

"It was only one time," Narsa added. "Our hotel rooms were across from each other. That's all."

Mel internally cringed. "I don't know how I'm supposed to face her now that I know she slept with you AND my husband."

"Hey, it could've been worse!" Scarlett giggled. "At least it wasn't Narsa, Zeno, and Danica at the same time, am I right?"

Charlotte, Narsa, and Mel looked at Scarlett in confusion. Scarlett's smile drifted away. "Okay, maybe that was the wrong wording."

The group laughed it off as the night continued with laughter and talks about the past, present, and future.

The future for all of them was yet to be decided. Only time could tell how soon the successes—or failures, would come to their lives.

Life continued like it always did. Maybe in another lifetime will things play out differently. Maybe in another lifetime, Onyx and Blaise will have the opportunity to grow old together. Maybe in another lifetime, Lorenzo and Lucille will end up together without having to worry about the backlash from their families and peers around them. Maybe in another lifetime will Draco not have such a strong addiction for an escape. Maybe in another lifetime will everything end the way others wanted it to end.

But this is the life that was granted. This is the life that was told. The lifetime that was written.

This is the life that was chosen. This is how it ended.

1996 | Narrator's POV 

It was the nudge that woke her right back up. Lucille nudged Onyx, interrupting her nap on the train ride to Hogwarts. They were close to their destination.

Onyx was wrapped in her blanket. Her ponytail was a bit messed up, given the 'turbulance'. She fluttered her eyes open to see Lucille and Blaise looking right at her. Both buckled in, and both wide awake. Draco and Lorenzo had fallen asleep, and neither wanted to wake them both up.

"Bloody hell, I have a pounding migraine," Onyx muttered under her breath. She removed the blanket from her upper body and crumpled it onto her lap. "I swear, I had the weirdest dream. Like, ever. It felt way too real."

"Like the dreams you had when you were younger?" Lucille questioned.

"You mean the dreams where she predicted her future?" Blaise cackled.

Lucille smacked his knee. "Hey," she snapped, "I believe Onyx 100%. She once told me that she dreamt of being in Slytherin and meeting me when she was, like, 8 or 9. Now look where we are. Best friends in Slytherin."

"Go on," Blaise looked at the olive-toned woman, "Tell us your dream."

Onyx squinted, trying her very best to remember. She pondered for a while, which made Blaise smirk doubtfully. "I can see you doubting me. Just let the dream come back to me. I swear I'll tell you guys."

"It's definitely going to come true. You say all the migraine dreams do," Lucille grinned.

Onyx rolled her eyes. "With how long that dream was, it better be bloody true," she scoffed.

Empty, cold grey cellar. Deep wounds. Weakened body. Silver hair. Manor. Green fields. Fields full of flowers. Mere copies of two human beings. Other human beings from other human beings. Children playing in the fields. Children growing taller and bigger. Children having children. Bottomless pit of pain. Dark. All dark. A crowd. A bed. A small child by the feet.

"Ugh," Onyx groaned. She rubbed her temples and squinted. "I just keep remembering words. People, I think. People I don't even—I don't even know. Random fucking people."

"Your future body count list, maybe?" Blaise chuckled.

Onyx immediately kicked his shins as he hissed in pain. "Maybe it's yours, you whore," she spat. Blaise, still in pain, brought his leg up to the seat and rubbed it with his eyes scrunched. "I swear, that's all I can remember. Just names."

Carefully, she tried her very best to remember.

But she couldn't. All she knew, deep down, was that it would all come true. Slowly, but surely, everything just came true.

No matter how Obscene.


I know. I know it ended horribly. I know it's unsatisfactory. I had no idea how difficult college was going to be, so I had a hard time finding time to write. The good news is, I finished Obscene. I may want to rewrite the ending later on in life, but right now I'm okay with the ending. I do intend to finish up The Diary of Lorenzo Berkshire, because there is a lot of unanswered questions. It is that book that will answer most of them. I will be hosting a Q&A within the next week, so feel free to ask any questions about the characters in the book. If I forgot anything, please let me know.

I am truly sorry for taking so long to write this shitty ending. I switched my major to English, because my heart isn't in the medical field. It took a lot of convincing, especially to my Asian mom lol. She gave in and I'm happy AF!

How are you guys? What did I miss? Are people still reading Obscene? LOL. 

Just to let you guys know, I am not done writing books and stories. I will take a long time, though, so please don't wait up. These next few years will be hard on me, so all I have to do is just find a way to balance writing on Wattpad while being a Uni student. 

I move into a studio/1-bedroom apartment with my boyfriend and my husky, Draco, in 2022!! Hopefully inspiration sparks through there, especially with my major switch. 

I can't caption my Instagram photos, so I'm having a hard time speaking to you guys. I can't comment, either. Can someone HALP ME?? For now, my DMs will be open and I will be wary of them this time. DM me!! IG: yerawizarddood

As always, please drink water and treat yourself right. Eat something, okay? Your body needs nutrients. We need food to survive, my lovelies. 



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