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Hey guys-

A lot of people have been asking me to create a video about Amelie and Zeno with the song 'Promiscuous'. And I did!

Give it a watch.


Without further adieu, I present to you...

S U S P I C I OU S \ viewer discretion is advised

amelie zabini

Zeno held my hand as we walked down the corridors on the way to my Charms class - he insisted that he walks me to class.

Each step I take, I swear, feels horrendous. The pain in my thighs, my fucking hips, and the soreness.

Fucking hell, the soreness is so surreal.

But Zeno's been walking at my pace.

This is embarrassing enough; the fact that I have to be walked to fucking class after getting railed by Zeno Berkshire.

Walking alongside another as people watch in awe was nothing new; fuck's sake, will the stares continue? 

"Are you alright?" Zeno says lowly as he looks down at me.

I look up at Zeno as his brows are furrowed down out of curiousity.

"Yes," I respond, "I'm alright. Are you?"

Zeno smiled as he took my hand by his lips, placing a kiss before he swayed my hand back down.

"Of course I am," he said through his smirk, "I received some damn fine pussy this morning."

I jokingly smacked his chest as he softly chuckled.

In reality, my cheeks warmed up and it was if my confidence arose. 

Zeno and I arrived in front of my Charms class. 

Quickly glancing into the classroom, students started pooling in. 

"I'll come here after class," Zeno said as he leaned in for a kiss. He placed a kiss onto my lips as I cupped his face, "Does that sound alright with you?"

"Of course it's alright with me," I spoke softly as I stared into his enticing green emeralds, "You're adorable, do you know that?"

At an instant, his cheeks turned a light crimson pink as a faint smile appeared across his face.

"Stop it," he said quietly through a grin. "I'll see you later, alright?"

"Okay," I say.

He places a kiss on my head before he heads down the corridor towards Ancient Studies.

I walked into the Charms as I quickly glance the classroom in search for Oliver.

Once I spot Oliver, I walk towards him in pain with my heavy book-bag slung over my shoulder.

"Oi!" Oliver beams with a smile, "What took you so long to get here? You're usually one of the first people to come."

I took a seat right beside him as I huffed.

"I had to take a shower," I responded, "I slept over in your room, remember?"

"Oh right," Oliver blurted, "You didn't pack any next day clothing or anything?"

"I probably should have," I said as I pulled out my Charms textbook, "Enough about me. Have you been speaking to Charlotte Willaby yet?"

He sighed.

"I'm too nervous," he spoke slowly as he fiddled with the ring on his finger, "She's way too pretty for me-."

"Oh shut up, Oli," I reprimanded, "You're just as gorgeous. Don't be so afraid and talk to her."

Oliver bit his lip nervously as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair. 

"I literally can't," he harshly whispered as he looked left and right, "What if I'm not her type?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Just go for it," I encouraged.

By the entrance of the classroom, Oliver and I both notice Eleanor Farrell enter Charms with her long Ravenclaw robe and her hair tucked behind both ears.

She briefly glances around the classroom, and as she lays her eyes on the both of us, Eleanor smiles wide and waves her hand.

Eleanor sashays her way towards us with a cheeky smile.

Oliver and I smile back out of respect.

"Please don't tell me she's fucking sitting with us," Oliver said quietly through his smile.

"She's fucking sitting with us," I responded as I waved.

"Hey guys!" Eleanor cheered, "Do you two mind if I sit next to you guys?"

"Not at all," I respond, "You're more than welcome."

Eleanor smiles as she takes a seat right next to me, leaving me sandwiched between her and Oliver.

"I'm so glad we all got close last night!" Eleanor beamed as she pulled out her wand and textbook, "Could I sit around you guys from this point on?"


"Of course," I cut off Oliver immediately, "I'm sure Oli doesn't mind, either."

Eleanor smiled.

"Brilliant," she said softly.

I looked over at Oliver as he shone a grimaced smile. 

This was going to be awkward.

"So," I ease tension, "Are you and my brother an official thing now?"

Eleanor softly giggles, "Lord, I hope so.  He's really good in bed."

I gulped.

This is fucking awkward.

"I think you're oversharing," Oliver commented, "You're speaking to his sister."

I awkwardly chuckled as her forced smile beamed at the both of us.

"Oh," she says, "My apologies."

As class started, she'd make small comments regarding different people around the classroom; about how they look like or what they're known for doing. Overall, a chatter box and a fucking gossiper.

I automatically knew that Eleanor was getting under Oliver's skin unintentionally; it was painful to watch and bare. 

We were told by our Professor that we'd be assigned a group assignment regarding a certain charm. Something along those lines.

Moral of the story, Oliver and I automatically partnered up.

Plus one other burden.

"So did Professor say 4 parchments or 6?" Eleanor queried as she flipped through the pages of her textbook. "I think I can write about 2 to 3-."

"Professor said 5 parchments," I corrected, "And you're more than welcome to doing 2-."

"I'll do 1. Women have better brain than I," Oliver snickered as I softly chuckled.

"Then I guess I'll do 2," I added as I opened my textbook, "Do we know what Charm we're doing?"

"Charms, you mean?" Oliver atoned.

I rolled my eyes.


"The tension is hot!" Eleanor commented.

Oliver and I turned to her in idiocy.

"What?" Oliver blurted nonchalantly.

"The tension between you two," she said, "Is rather...hot."

I looked back at Oliver as he looked at me unamused.

Is this bitch serious?

The both of us turned back to her as she smirked.

"There's no bloody tension between us," I snapped.

"What she said," Oliver added as he leaned against the the table with his elbow, "There's no fucking tension."

"Are you sure, Mel?" Eleanor queried, "I mean-. I wouldn't blame you. Oliver is pretty attracti-."

"She's dating my fucking cousin, Eleanor Farrell. You know that, Mel knows that, I know that, and a lot of people know that. Pushing buttons is not cute, nor will it ever be cute," Oliver snapped out of frustration, "If you so ever speak about Mel and I like that, I will truly make you regret it."

I was taken aback; I, too, think that Eleanor was also taken aback.

She gulped as her emotions quickly withered.

Though a small smirk lifted on her expression.

"How will you make me... regret it?"

Oliver immediately fake-gagged and shook his head no.

"Eleanor, are you sure Zenith is making the right decision with you?" Oliver jeered.

"Hey," Eleanor rambled, "He's the one who came to me. Not I."

"How long have you known Zenith, anyway?" I asked her.

Eleanor softly giggled.

"Through Zeno, of course," Eleanor smiled, "Charming boys, really."

"And how long ago was this?" I questioned.

"Nosy, much?" Eleanor snickered, "I've known them since year 3-."

"So you must've known me then, too. Right?" I stared directly into her eyes eager for her to crack.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You spoke to me yesterday as if you had absolutely no idea about me. You probed me with questions that only someone who didn't know me would ask. Though I think you knew me, am I wrong?"

Eleanor gulped. She frantically looked left and right, then back at me.

"I-. knew of you. I just didn't know the small details about you," Eleanor responded quietly.

I looked into her eyes as she soon built up her guard slowly, but surely.

"Right," I respond. 

Eleanor's awkward smile soon withered as she looked down at her textbook in attempt to recollect her thoughts.

Fucking hell, this girl is weird.

For a moment I thought Zenith had himself a nice girlfriend or something.

As class continued on, we'd talk about certain charms and what not; just school stuff. After that odd conversation, Eleanor tried her best not to ramble much.

Throughout studying with one another, it turns out she is actually pretty smart. Though her conversation starters are the complete opposite.

I don't know what her deal is, but it really seems suspicious. Now, I know I'm not stupid. But why am I finding it difficult to map her out? Map out the type of person she is?

She's a chatterbox, that's for sure.

I can't tell if the whole nice and innocence thing is just a façade. 

Either way, I can't be fooled.

None of us can.

Well, Zenith's a bit of a smooth brain, so I can't speak for all of us, can I?

Soon enough, class was over. 

Fucking finally.

"Well, I'm glad we're working on this project!" Eleanor blurted, "I swear, I don't know anyone in this class, so thank you two for letting me-."

"Yup," Oliver said as he stood up from the chair frantically packing his items, "No problem."

I chuckled quietly in hopes that Eleanor couldn't tell.

As I packed my supplies back into my book bag, I, too, got up from my seat and stretched a little stretch.

"We'll catch you later," I say softly through a smile, "Library tonight?"

"Tonight?!" Oliver preened.

"Okay-. Yeah! Totally," Eleanor yipped, "Does 7:30 sound good?"

"Oh, just fucking perfect," Oliver responded through his dulled expression, "7:30 sounds perfect."

I wanted to laugh at Oliver so fucking bad. 

As he huffed, the three of us made our way towards the exit of the classroom, along with other students piling one another, urging to leave.

Upon exiting, I see Zeno leaning against the wall with his hair slightly ruffled; a strand or two gently toppling over his brow bone; hands in his pockets; book bag slinging over his large framed shoulders.

Holy fucking hell.

"Look!" Oliver blurted as he pointed to Zeno, "My boyfriend waited for me!"

The resonance of Oliver's voice diverted Zeno's attention to him and I.

Zeno's eyes lightened as Oliver gleefully skipped towards him with open arms.

I softly chuckled at the sight as I made my way towards him as well.

With Eleanor following.

Oliver jokingly wrapped his arms around Zeno's large frame as he lets out a gentle laugh.

As Oliver lets him go with a smile, Zeno shuffles towards me with open arms.

He grabs me by the waist with a hand cupping my face and places a kiss onto my lips.

Pulling away, he smiles.

"What a sweetheart," Eleanor preened with both her hands on her cheeks, "Hopefully Zenith is as sweet as you, Zeno-."

"You can leave now, Farrell," Zeno's hoarse voice bellowed.

I face her as Eleanor's expression withers.

She makes eye contact with me and smiles, then waves.

"I'll see you later tonight, Amelie," Eleanor proclaimed, "Oliver. Zeno."

Eleanor turned around and walked down the corridor with a strut. 

Looking back at Zeno, his eyes are planted onto her with frustration as she strays further away.

I caress his face as he diverts his attention back to me; he smiles an assuring smile.

"What was that all about?" I asked him softly as he intertwined our fingers together.

"She's just fucking annoying," Zeno muttered under his breath as we started walking down the corridor, "Farrell was mean to my sister and I can never forgive her for that-. I don't even want to get into it, Mel."

"That's alright, love," I responded lowly.

"She's annoying. Pestered us with awkward fucking topics," Oliver added as he walked beside Zeno, "Intuition is telling me that she clearly thinks that Zenith actually gives a fuck about her."

"Topics like?" Zeno asked.

"An overall chatter box, really. She said that Oliver and I had some sort of tension-."

"What?" Zeno furrowed his brow as his words spewed with frustration, "She said that?"

"I think she was just trying to get a rise out of us-."

"I don't give a fuck what her intentions are. Why the fuck is she in your business?" 

I gulped.

Why is Zeno so frustrated over this Eleanor chick? There has to be more to the story.

"No clue," I stated.

Zeno huffed as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking straight forward.

"... I'm going to... try and talk to Charlotte Willaby," Oliver stammered as he walked the opposite direction.

That left Zeno and I walking alongside one another alone.

"Charlotte Willaby?" Zeno queried, "New shag?"

"I urged him to gain confidence and talk to her. She seems really nice," I stated.

He nods, signaling that's he's listening.

As we walked down the crowded corridor, students are walking up and down the halls in different directions and speeds. People are walking in and out of bathrooms, and chatter fulfills the air.

Surely there's more reasoning as to why Zeno dislikes Eleanor, right? 

I don't like overthinking. I also don't like asking so much questions. 

It's just-. How do I get Zeno to tell me? 

He could just be telling the truth.

I've never had Zeno lie to me- ever.

I can trust him. I know I can. This is Zeno Berkshire we're talking about!

Plus, he wouldn't ruin what we have right now.


My clouded thoughts soon come to a halt when Zeno stops his tracks in front of an empty corridor.

"Mel," he says quietly, though enough for me to hear, "Follow me?"

I gulped.

"Okay," I respond.

Immediately, Zeno makes a sharp turn as he drags me down the abandoned corridor.

"Where-. are we - going?" I blurt through stumbles.

"Shh, Mel. You talk too much," Zeno murmurs, "With that pretty little mouth of yours."

Zeno and I halt in front of an abandoned bathroom.

As he looks left and right, he immediately pushes the door open and pulls me inside.

Zeno immediately slams the door closed and with sudden movement, he places his hand behind my head and pins me against the wall aggressively.

At an instant, his lips crash against mine, whilst my lips gape open, gesturing that he slither his tongue in.

My heart is beating aggressively; holy fuck. 

Everything feels like a bloody fever dream-. I mean, how is he always so... in the mood?

Zeno immediately pulls away from our wet kiss with his labored breathing.

"Are you-. Are you okay with this?" Zeno whispered.


"Brilliant," he said quickly, as his lips melted back onto mine.

His large hands traveled onto my waist, and then down to the side of my thighs.

The warmth of his hands pressed against both sides as he slithered them up my skirt, groping at my tender skin.

His strength managed to lift me as I voluntarily wrapped my legs around his waist whilst my arms were clung around his neck.

Pulling away from our kiss once more, he stares directly into my eyes.

"Mel," he pants, "You have no idea how riled up I get when I think about you-."

Zeno presses his growing bulge against my pussy as a soft little whimper escapes my lips.

"I can't stop replaying this morning," Zeno stammers through his shallow breathing, "And how you handled me."

I gulped.

My ears and face warmed up immediately, as I bit my lip like the little dimwit I am.

"I can always handle you, Zeno," I whispered harshly as I dove in for another kiss.

Our lips crashed and collided; his intoxicating scent that harbored my senses made me pool in my between my thighs- effortlessly. 

Zeno pulled away once more; his blood-rushed lips and his glossy eyes, along with the two strands that sat perfectly above his brow bone. Mental picture.

"Taste me," He says softly. "Taste me, Mel."

I softly chuckled. 

"Anything for you," I teased as a smirk appeared across my face.

Come on, now. This man deserves it all.

I unwrapped my legs as he let me down from being pinned against the wall.

At an instant, I bent down as my hands traveled from his knees, wandering my hands up to his thighs, then to his waist.

Zeno immediately grabs my wrists and looks down at me with his furrowed brows.

"No," Zeno sternly stated, "Taste. Me."

Zeno pulled me back up and pinned me against the wall as he tucks my curls behind my ear.

He looks deeply into my eyes as he brushes my bottom lip with his thumb; it pounces back to its original shape after letting go.

"Do you trust me?" Zeno asks softly.

"Yes," I say lowly.

Zeno looks down at his waist as I, too, do the same.

His veiny hand slips into the pocket of his dress pants as he gently pulls out the black pocket knife that he's used on me before.

Quickly remembering the small heart he carved on my hip, my heart flutters, as well as the tension between my legs.

Zeno looks back up at me as he flicks the knife open; the sharp click caused me to shudder and blink my eyes closed.

"Mel," Zeno hesitated, "If you ever feel uncomfortable, I need you to let me know."

I nodded yes.

"I will," I say.

I could never feel uncomfortable.

Everything about him; everything about us felt so fucking good.

I was learning how to love; how to be in a relationship.

A real one.

Along with the exciting sex and the new things I've been learning. New things I've been feeling.

My mum taught me to never depend on a man. Never.

I always found it difficult to see myself in a real relationship with anyone given the mindset that was molded for me at such a young age, but this-.

This is different.

I don't know what it is- what's pulling me towards him so strongly.

No doubt about it that it's partially the fucking sex, but the idea of being able to call Zeno Berkshire your boyfriend is-.

It's a lot.

But then again, titles don't mean anything to me.

My whole life of living, looking back at it now, he's the only person who's ever given me such-.

Such respect and care.

Sure, my father gave me respect and care, though I can't say much about my brother.

And sure, Oliver has given me respect and care as well.

But Zeno-.

It's all so-. Natural.

It feels so right.

How could one turn away from this? Away from this idea? This notion?

And, Merlin, I was blind! 

Zeno took his pocket knife and placed it against his large thumb.

He looked down at his hand when he immediately pressed his thumb against the sharp blade of his knife.

Zeno seethed as he scrunched his eyes closed, though he opened them once more and huffed whilst biting his lip.

He pulled his thumb away from the blade as it immediately drew blood.

But not a lot.

Zeno closed his pocket knife and stuffed it right back into his pocket.

He placed his thumb between his lips and sucked.

Pulling it away from his mouth, the blood soon seeped through his skin once more.

"Can I kiss you?" Zeno quietly asks.

I pull his head towards me as his lips melt onto mine. His tongue slithers into my mouth as the taste of iron lingered.

I pulled away in shock as he licked his lips.

"Do you... like that?"

I gulped.

"Mel. Do you like that?"


Where did this sudden urge of wanting more come from?

"I did," I said quietly, "I did."

He smirks.

Zeno lifts his thumb and has it in level with my lips.

"You can suck my thumb," Zeno's bellowing voice beams, "Go on."

I gulped once more.

I take my hand as I grasp onto his wrist; the wrist with the bleeding thumb.

I part my lips gently as he's making complete eye contact with me.

As I inch his thumb closer to my lips, his lips part and his eyes glisten.

He wants me to taste him

And badly.

I open my mouth as I brush his thumb against my tongue gently, then I completely suck his thumb; twirling my tongue around his skin.

His breathing shudders as he bites his lip.

"God, you drive me completely fucking mad, Amelie."

Zeno gently thrusts his thumb deeper into my mouth, in which took me by surprise.

As he pulled his thumb out of my mouth, I sucked it before completely letting it exit.

He sucked his thumb once more as blood continued to bead.

After that, the bleeding stopped.

Zeno dove down for another kiss as my hand slid behind his head whilst my fingers ran through his hair.

Pulling away, he smiled.

"How do I taste, Mel?" Zeno queried lowly.

"You taste...good."

Zeno pulls out his pocket knife once more as he immediately bent down.

"Can I.. taste you next?"

Instantly, my heart rate increased rapidly. I could feel the blood rushing through every pulsating part in my body.


Zeno lifted my skirt gently as he pulled down my sheer white stockings, revealing my thigh.

"It won't hurt as much," Zeno mumbles, "And if it does, you can Crucio me."

I was feeling very hesitant right now, but my body was running on adrenaline.

"Taste me," I say fearlessly, "Go on."

Looking down at him, he smirks.

Zeno glides his tongue against my thigh, traveling his tongue higher, then back down. 

He nips at my inner thigh as Zeno gently bites down.

"Fuck," I mutter.

"Did that hurt?" Zeno's voice plastered with worry.

"No," I say immediately, "It didn't."

"Good," he states sternly.

The click of his sharp knife emitted into the thick air between us as I sucked in my breath.

I have absolutely no idea what's about to happen.

At an instant, Zeno's sharp blade slides against the top surface of my thigh quickly, as a sting lingers.

I winced and muttered a few profane words.

I look down at my thigh as the thin and elongated incision drew blood.

I was in shock; the cut was not deep, though it was oddly long.

I knew this wasn't going to scar, but fucking hell.

He closed his knife as he shoved his pocket knife back into his, well, pockets.

Zeno grabbed my thigh with both his large, veiny hands as he watched the blood bead down my thigh.

"Zeno-." I stammered, "What are you-."

"Just-. shut up, Mel," he harshly spat, "Let me do this."

I gulped.

A small offense and I still find it alarmingly attractive.

Zeno's tongue soon came in contact with the thin incision.

He sucked the cut as a small and faint moan escaped his throat.

Licking off the rest of the blood, though there was not much, he made sure there was nothing left.

As he pulled away from my thigh, I was in shock.

This man is fucking insane.

But fucking hell, I loved it.

His hand covers my cut as he mumbles 'Percuro'. 

A healing spell.

Lifting his hand, the cut disappeared.

Zeno stood back up as he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

And so he smirked.

"You're something else, Zeno," I say lowly.

"But you love me, don't you?" Zeno bellows once more.

Fucking hell, of course I love him.

"Is that even a question?" I respond, "I love you."

This made his eyes twinkle.

Zeno leaned in for yet another kiss. 

His hand wrapped around my throat gently as his cold rings pressed against my tender skin.

Zeno's kissing ranged from aggressive to passionate; right now, it was in between.

Pulling away to catch a breath, he smiled once more.

"We should definitely get to class now," Zeno stated through a chuckle.

As he let go of my neck, he ran his fingers through his hair.

I suddenly had the urge to-.

"Zeno," I say flatly, "Can I say something?"

He looks at me with nervousness.

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong," I stammered, "I just-. Need to let you know that I-. I really do love you. I do. I just don't know how to fully express it. But-. I'm learning. And I'll do anything in my willpower to constantly let you know-."

"I'm fucking weak for you, Mel," Zeno interrupted as he caressed my cheek. "I understand. Trust me, Mel. I know you love me-. I can really feel it."

Thank Merlin.

"Okay," I breathe, "Thank goodness."

Our book bags that were inattentively dropped to the ground were soon picked up by Zeno.

He handed me my back as I slung it over my shoulder.

Zeno bent down slightly as his hands pulled up my sheer stockings back up.

As he placed a kiss onto my head, he opened the door of the abandoned bathroom.

Intertwining his hand with mine, we walked out together, then blended back into the crowd of students bustling their way towards their classes.

I will never get enough of him.

We're in too deep. 

And I'm here for it.


Oh, how things are so *perfect*.


D I S C U S S I O N 

Here's sexy daddy baenem Bill Sk-. I mean, Zeno.

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