forty nine

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SOPHIE PAUSED AND took a few moments to collect her thoughts. "It's been interesting, I guess," she answered, unsure what exactly to say. It felt like each word that managed to escape was being analyzed. "I mean, I just wasn't expecting to...enjoy my new gym class so much. It's a real workout."

It was the first thing that popped into her head. It wasn't very brilliant, but it seemed to work.

She watched the Headmaster straighten slightly and his expression filled with approval. He nodded and then clasped his hands together atop the desk. "Indeed. Professor Stephan is absolutely fantastic. He specializes in war combat training and stealth, which is definitely a set of skills that all vampires should excel in. We are quite lucky to have him here."

Sophie had no clue how hitting people with a wooden stick had anything to do with war combat. Or stealth. Before she could say anything, however, the Headmaster continued his little speech. "And I have noticed your improvement! You've done exceedingly well in all of your classes, Sophie. I am quite proud."

He smiled at her warmly, like a proud parent or an estranged uncle who'd just witnessed her walk an old lady across the street. It kind of creeped her out. "I knew that my instincts were correct about you, dear. I just knew that you would be a strong vampire."

"I'm just glad I met your expectations," Sophie said distantly. She felt like a science experiment. He invited her to the academy, and then immediately asked her to consider joining the Night Class. She wondered just how many other students were offered that upon entering the school.

"More than meet, my darling! You have exceeded all of my expectations, and have continued to develop your skills far beyond what I had anticipated." He beamed. "That's also why I have summoned you to my office," he explained.

A few moments of silence passed as the Headmaster seemed to gather his thoughts. It was almost as if he couldn't find the right words. She watched his fingers interlace. Then his expression twisted, and became grave. He said, "Sophie, I need someone to take Eli's place as my second in command."

It was exactly what both she and Aubrey had wanted to hear.

Hearing the words aloud, however, had a profound effect on Sophie. Her fingers tightly gripped the edge of her seat, and her skin stretched bone white over her knuckles. It felt like her heart had shriveled up into a broken little ball of pain and torture. It was kind of hard to breathe.

The Headmaster seemed to understand. His head ducked, and remorse flooded his features. "Nobody can replace Eli. Not even you, my dear, and I apologize about that. Eli was quite loyal to me, quite strong. He was the best in all aspects of being a vampire."

The emotions seemed genuine. Sophie watched the Headmaster somewhat break down in front of her very eyes. He leaned forward and propped an elbow against his desk. His hand raked through his silver hair, expression twisted with worry and sadness. The wrinkles in his skin seemed to deepen. "I need someone close to the students, Sophie. I need someone popular, and well respected. If something were to happen...if a massive attack were to be launched upon the castle, I need someone who can rally both the Day and the Night Classes to fight. That was Eli's main purpose. He was to be an example of what all students should aspire to be. Without him, we are vulnerable. The humans will create hysteria, as usual, when attacked. It will be hard to minimalize casualties without someone to calm them –to show them that they are protected."

"Are they protected?" Sophie blurted out the question before she could stop herself. It was something that had bothered her a bit, ever since she became part of the Night Class. What was the purpose of the humans who resided within the castle? Certainly not to serve as an in-home blood bank...

The Headmaster regarded her with a level look. "All students that are invited to Redstone Academy serve as potential candidates to be vampires, Sophie. Their skills are almost at the level required to change them into actual vampires. A few are selected each year for the transformation."

Sophie did the mental math. "But there are only a few Night Class students. Like thirty, at the most."

"Not all humans survive the transformation, dear," the Headmaster explained gently. "Despite all the precautions we take, some humans just can't handle it. The venom doesn't react well with their blood. It happens."

That made her fall silent.

The Headmaster shook his head. "I would like you to consider my proposition, Sophie. As my second in command, you will be privileged with all the benefits of a student aid. Access to the main office, school files. You won't have to worry about your classes. I know you already possess the skills needed to succeed academically here, so I would rather you focus mainly on socializing. All I need is for you to gain the other students' trust."

Sophie gulped. She looked down at her hands and wondered whether she would be able to befriend everyone like Eli had. Even if it was planned and fake, she still felt like she had very big shoes to fill.

"I accept."

The Headmaster perked. He clapped his hands together and beamed; his expression was so light that it almost hurt to look at. "Wonderful! I am very proud of you dear. You made the right choice."

That made her wonder what would have happened had she made the wrong one.

fun fact: i got an unexpected surprise the week this chapter was posted. a coworker of mine found a kitten outside the restaurant that I work at, freezing to death under a car. It was almost snowing that night (which is big for the south). Anyways, she was taken to the vet. Had some worms (which is common for kittens), but perfectly healthy otherwise. 

she was about six weeks old and 2.2 lbs.

Now, she's two years old and fat + happy. She's also got a huge attitude. Her name is Sophie. Can you tell I like the name Sophie?

This was her then...

This is her spunky butt now: 

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