part 3 ✨

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As I opened my eyes slowly everything seemed blurry.

Soon my vision started adjusting and I could see I was in a store room .

It didn't had any window or door it just had a cupboard at the corner .
Expect one bulb in the middle of the room there was no source of light so  I couldn't  make out if it was day or night.

My wrists and legs were tapped and there was a tap on my mouth too.

I wiggled on the  floor to free myself but Even after my numerous tries I couldn't.

I tried to scream but it was of no use as my voice came out muffled due to the tap.

I dropped myself on the floor tried. That's when I saw it . It was my phone lying  on the floor below the cupboard.How could they forget to take my phone? Must be dumb kidnappers.

I started looking around for something sharp and saw a nail on the cupboard which was a little lose and had a sharp corner.

I started rubbing my wrists on the nail to tear it . After few tries they came off . It hurted your wrist causing you to hiss in pain .

Blood ran down my fingers but I didn't care.

I got on my knees and bend down to reach for my phone under the cupboard.

At first I couldn't see it because of the dark but thankfully a message popped up from some spam company as I spotted it and caught it .

I have never been so thankful to spam emails before in my entire life.

I quickly unlocked it with my bloody hands .

And called the first person I could think of .

"Hello honey"

His voice....

The tears I have been holding back flowed out as soon as I heard his voice. It gave me so much comfort to hear that voice that it made me break down badly.

"Tae " that's all I could let out in between my ugly sobs.

"Y/n ? Love what happened why are you-"


Oh how much I missed him calling him that. How much I wanted to be in his arms right now . I was craving his warmth.

I somehow composed myself cutting him off .

"I am kidnapped taehyung"

I felt him pausing a bit as I found myself crying more.

"What? Where are you? "

His voice was shaking like he was about to cry .

"I don't kn-ow , pls pls get me out of here " I said whimpering .

"Y/n are you ok? Don't worry-"

"Tae I am scared I-"

The phone died as I started shaking .

I tried to switch it on again hitting it several times but nothing worked.

I cried out of  frustration as I threw the phone across.

Suddenly the room became red and noises started to come from the cupboard.

Scared I got away from it .

There was ding sound as the the cupboard slided and few men came out of it.

They were very tall and built men wearing all black as they looked like some gang members. As they entered their eyes widened seeing me free.

The one who was in the front ordered them something in Japanese as they came towards me and before I could process anything they started dragging me to the chair .

I squirmed under them trying to break free but it was useless.
They were freaking built like hulks.

They dragged me to the chair tying me up as their boss took my phone.

" You are smart huh? "

I cried silently looking at him.

He stepped closer slapping me hard as my lip bleed.

" You shouldn't have done that dear see all your effort went waste anyways" he smirked.

He looked at his men yelling at them in Japanese which I couldn't understand.

" Didn't I tell you not to hurt her? "

A voice said as all the men in the room went stiff.

The whole room went so silent that I could hear that person's shoes sound.

I couldn't see his face due to th e darkness of the room .

He came forward to the person who just slapped me .

" Didn't I? Hansung? "

" But sir she -"

Before he could finish he shot him with his gun as the loud sound filled the room as the man dropped to the floor as I flinched hard.

He looked at the other men present in the room and they went to Clean the body.

I still couldn't see his face ashe was standing in the darkness.

He slowly took steps towards me as I froze.

" Long time no see sweetheart! Did you miss me?"

My eyes wide as I couldn't believe who I was witnessing infront of me.

" Jungkook?"



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Stay tuned for more fun 💗


Who isn't kookie anymore after this like SIR?!!!

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Edit: I have a exam in 12 hours wtf am I doing here? Idk gonna fail👍🤧

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