part 5✨

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"yah! Jungkook!!"

"Ahh you scared me !"

Jungkook said as y/n glared at him.


"Why did you told me to do your homework? "

" Cause you are better at it "

"Yah ! Can you focus at school for once ! "

Jungkook turned to casually sipping on banana milk.

And with a annoying smile " nope"

He said as y/n face palmed herself.


" This is Jimin and Taehyung they are my best friends and guys this Jungkook my benchmate and a close friend "

Jungkook Face turned cold as he looked at the boys infront of me.

He felt a weird jealously in him.

And on the other hand Taehyung even though was jealous but didn't show it.

"Hey bro welcome to the squad"

Jimin said as he hooked his arm around jungkook's neck .

Jungkook passed him a sharp look causing him to retreat his hand back awkwardly.

Sensing the awkwardness between them y/n let out a awkward laugh as she said " haha guys let's go to the movies today my favourite movie has come out"

"Ok" Taehyung and Jimin said as Jungkook said " I will paas"

"It's romance your favourite jungkook please..." Y/n said with a pout which melted Jungkook as he said " ok fine"

Making y/n squel and say " yayy let's go"

The boys chuckled at her as they all went together.


Taehyung was driving at full speed as he reached his destination.

He quickly got out of his car as he skipped using the elevator and went towards the stairs.

Quickly climbing up as he reached the floor and quickly going towards the door he rang the bell multiple times impatiently.

The person open the door as he looked at Taehyung's tear stained face.

"Hyung.." Taehyung said as his voice cracked.

"Taehyung what happened? " Namjoon said worried about his younger brother but before he could say something else Taehyung hugged him sobbing on his chest .

"Taehyung ah? What happened? You are scaring me"

He said as he tapped his shoulders in a comforting way.

" Hyu-ng .. y/n " Taehyung managed to say between his sobs.

" It's ok First relax"

Taehyung looked up at Namjoon as he said " Hyung y/n is kidnappe-d she was crying we- we need to save her we-"

Namjoon felt a immense anger in him as he wanted to break everything.

"What? Kidnapped? How? "

"I don't know, she went to Japan and then when she called me she said that she was kidnapped"

" Before I could ask something else her phone died hyung please help me hyung please "

Namjoon wanted to kill that person right then who tired to mess with his family but he controlled his anger and tired to console his brother.

" Yeah ok First calm down we are going to get her out of there ok ? "

Taehyung nodded as they both went towards Namjoon's office.

"Give me your phone let's trace her location "

Taehyung quickly handed him his phone as Namjoon started working on it.

Still worried about his younger brother Namjoon called Jimin and Hoseok too .

" Trust me Taehyung we can get her out of their Nothing will happen to her I promise "

Namjoon himself was very close to y/n. She was like his own sister .

After sometime Jimin and Hoseok came their too.

"Taehyung! " Jimin said as he looked at his bestfriend.

He looked horrible.

His hair all messy and his eyes all red as he has been crying since hours.

Jimin felt the empathy for his bestfriend as he felt his tear s at the back of his eyes but suppressed them.

He went towards taehyung and hugged him .

" It will be alright taehyung ah we will find her "

Taehyung couldn't help but think it was his fault.

He shouldn't have let her go.

No matter how much she denied he should have went with her.

"Jimin , it's all my fault I shouldn't have let her go She - she must be in so much pain right now"

Taehyung said as he started sobbing again while jimin consoled him.

Namjoon still was working hard to get the information.

Hoseok also stayed by Taehyung comforting him.

After a while Namjoon got the information.

" Got it!"

He said as everyone turned towards him and went towards his computer.

"She is in a village near Osaka , it's a country side known for all the illegal works done there"

"But wouldn't the kidnapper be calling anytime,if he needs money he will tell us the amount he wants " Hoseok said stating facts.

" Yeah but I don't think it was cause of money Taehyung did you and y/n have any conflict with someone? "

Namjoon asked as Taehyung shook his head " No we never had any relation with people like that "

While all this Taehyung's phone rang up as he quickly took it out.

All of them gathered around him as he picked up the call and put it on speaker .

" Hello Taehyung"

A voice spoke from the other side but it was highly autotuned.

" Is the lover boy ok without his girl? "

Taehyung felt himself getting angry as he gritted his teeth and let out.

" Who are you? What do you want from us ? If you want money just say the amount and leave her "

" Money? " The voice let out as he started laughing.

" Oh oh poor boy Money he not the thing I want"

He said Everyone furrowed their eyebrows.

"Then what do you want? "

Jimin said as the voice spoke " oh so the Little guy is there too? "

" Can you stop going round and round and just spill it ? "

" Y/n "

He said as everyone present in the room turned stiff .

"I want y/n "

Taehyung lost his patience as he screamed in anger " How dare you Motherfucker ?"

"Oh oh Calm down there Romeo "

"If you want your Juliet Just come here and get her"

"I am sure that agent brother of yours must have found out location by now ?"

" How did you - " before Namjoon could finish the voice cutted him off.

" I will be waiting for you lover boy , don't even think about contacting the Police you don't want your angel to be hurt right? "

" Don't you dare do anything to her , I will make you regret it "

"Oh agressive aren't we ? Let's see"

The voice said as he Cut the call .

" FUCK ! "

Taehyung cursed loudly in frustration and he dropped himself on the couch.

" How did he know about me and Jimin ? "

Namjoon asked in confusion as he tried to connect the dots.

All of them were tense but jimin was quite as Taehyung noticed that.

" Jimin? "

He said but jimin didn't bulge.

It was enough for him to understand that he knew something.

" Jimin what do you know? "

He asked as Jimin looked at all of them.

" I think I know who it is "

Author 💗

How does jimin know who it is ?

Read the next ch to know that.

Our leader debuted here.

And he is a secret agent in this story who investigates crimes.

Pretty cool right?

Stay tuned for more fun

Love you 💗

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