part 8✨

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"Y/n .."

"I can't breathe "

"Huh? "

The boy looked down confusingly as he saw he was squeezing the girl a little too much.

He quickly let her out of his embrace as he smiled at her kissing her forehead.

"I missed you so fucking much!! "

He exclaimed as she giggled and rolled her eyes "It's just been two days tae"

"Just 2 days? I almost died my not seeing this cute face of yours of entire 48 hours! " Taehyung said dramatically pinching her cheeks.

She made a cringe as she said "Too cheesy "

They both giggled as Taehyung said " I have something planned for you"

Y/n's eyes cutely sparkled with excitement as she said " Really? "

Taehyung nodded as he took her towards his car.

After a few minutes they arrived at that place as Taehyung blind folded y/n.

" Omg Taehyung when did you even plan this? You were in Paris?! "

She exclaimed as he said " I have my ways now now now Are you ready? "

She quickly nodded as he took off her blindfold.

She was in awe as she saw the view in front of her.

She gasped audibly making taehyung chuckle .

" Omg tae it's so cute I love you so much" she said as she threw herself on him hugging him tightly.

Taehyung galdly took her in his embrace tightly as he kissed her forehead.

Y/n still grinning ear to ear quickly got into the car calling taehyung to come in too and Taehyung couldn't stop smiling while looking at her behaving all cute .

They both sat together cuddling each other all night watching movies and giggling.

Taehyung being all tried from the trip fell asleep on y/n's shoulder as she looked at his cute pout in sleep.

The more she looked at him the more she couldn't resist the urge to kiss those pouty lips of his as she quickly stole a peck long forgetting about the movie.

"You couldn't resist me huh? " Taehyung suddenly spoke making her eyes widen and flung away from him.

" You were awake??!"

Taehyung Chuckled as he quickly hovered over her trapping her under him .

" Now my turn "

" Taehyung! "

Not listening to her cute little threat he straight went to leave ticklish kisses all over her face and neck making her laugh.

" Omg I hate you tae"

"Love you too honey"


They reached Japan.

Namjoon had contacted his team to give him all information about Jungkook's gang and they informed his company's forces in Japan for saving y/n.

" Hyung I am coming with you "

Taehyung said as they all were now sitting in the hotel room.

"No Taehyung, You have to stay here while me and Hoseok go there ok? You are what Jungkook wants so you can't go there"

" Exactly I am what Jungkook wants Hyung! You think I can stay here while Y/n is suffering out there! "

Jimin tried to calm his friend down as he softly spoke up " Taehyung we know you care ok? But we can't put your life in danger "

Taehyung control himself anymore as he broke down again.

Hoseok spoke up " Tae... It's ok We will get her out of there "

"Yeah tae.. you mean to me as much as y/n does I can't put you in risk "

Namjoon spoke up he himself trying to conceal his tears.

Hoseok suddenly got a call as he excused himself from there.

Jimin gave Taehyung some water as Taehyung said " I can't wait anymore Hyung... Every second without her is painful, I don't even know how she is..."

Jimin rubbed his back comforting him . Soon he fell asleep and the others were glad as the boy hasn't been sleeping since ages.

Just then Namjoon got a call from one of the agents that he found some information and he has to go there head quarters in Japan.

" I will come with you Hyung " Jimin said as Namjoon glanced at Taehyung.

Hoseok came from behind and said " it's ok guys , you go I will take care of him. "

Namjoon and Jimin muttered a little Thank you to Hoseok as they went out .


"Kill him "

" Who sir ?"

" The soft boy , her husband atleast one boy will be out of our way "

" Consider it done sir "


Few mans walked towards Jungkook sitting in his office looking at y/n in her room looking out of the window.

The man bowed at him as they stated " They are here sir "

Jungkook smirked as he said " Did his agent brother started working on finding us ? "

" Yes sir "

Jungkook smirked wider as he turned around on his chair " Just exactly what I want "

" Let them find us.... "

" I want to see them get separated right in front of me "

He gestured his man to go out as whole twirling the pencil in his hands he stated " Sorry princess, But you have to watch your Romeo boy die infront of you "

" So that you can remember that you are only mine and how people end up when they touch what's mine "

He said as started laughing like a maniac.


" Tch tch tch he is wrapped up in my fingertips , you innocent Jeon Jungkook"


As Namjoon and Jimin were returning Hoseok suddenly called Namjoon.

He frowned as he picked it up .

" Hello hobi we were ju- "

" He is not waking up joon " Hobi said in a shaking voice.

" Huh? "

" Taehyung... I think someone tried to poison him... I am taking him to the hospital come there "

Namjoon froze as his face turned pale.

Looking at him Jimin got worried as he asked him what happened?

"What? "

"Namjoon just come quickly with Jimin I will explain later "

He said before disconnecting the call.

Here Jimin being worried asked Namjoon again " What happened hyung ? "

" Taehyung... Someone tried to poison him "

"What? "

"Quick Jimin we need to get to the hospital"

Author 💗

If you are wondering why Jimin went with Namjoon remember Jimin's father is a mafia too ? So that's why he knows about their gang activities.

Things are finally interesting 🙃

Who do you think the main villian is ? How is he related to Jungkook ?

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