1.Cruel Life

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Hi Guys...!!!

I'm telling in advance its really dark story...so don't expect any thing like good behavior etc...!!!

As you all were requesting me to start this ff so I thought to post one episode before joining my job again...!!!

So here we go...!!!



Obsession Beyond Limits

1.Cruel Life

Swara's House

Seen starts and its showing a lot of people are standing wearing white dress...and all are showing their sympathy towards the girl who has lost her mother today...all her relatives were consoling her who was sitting beside the dead body of her mother...

Her father was also standing in a corner with male relatives and friends who were giving their condolence on this matter...soon it was time to take the body for the final rituals...but the girl was not ready to leave it...but somehow all relatives console her and give her support...so body was being taken by her father and other male relatives...

Swara the girl who shows herself strong in front of world was now broken fully she was just too much in shock from her mothers sudden death...but she didn't now who is responsible for it...

Swara's father Shekar also come and console her and than started to think what he had done...

Swara has completed her degree and was now doing job in a school...she always give all the money to his father and take the money for her mothers medicines and tell her father to brought medicines...but he never brought medicines from Sharmishta and always lie from her that he is giving proper medicines to her mother...Swara unknown from these all never cross checked on thus matter and trust on her father...but he didn't know that her father has a very bad habit of gambling...he always go to different clubs and play cards there...and waste all the money which Swara get from job...

So now he was showing his fake concern and from inside he was dancing happily as he will get more money as there is no other person on whom he will spend money...he was really greedy person just want money every time...Swara didn't know about this all...

***3 Months Leap***

It has been 3 Months and now Swara has started to adjust without her mother...she was always busy...first school job than after coming home she do other works like cooking cleaning etc...and Shekar as always busy in his gambling...

Soon Shekar came home and told Swara to bring food...she comes and set food in front of him and started to talk hesitantly...

Swara(hesitant) : Papa...

Shekar(busy in eating) : hmmm

Swara(asks hesitantly) : you know about Laksh right???

Shekar(still busy in food) : hmm...your class fellow right...???

Swara(tells him about his proposal) : yes...that one...hmm he wants to marry with me...

Shekar who was busy in eating becomes shocked hearing about her marriage...he knew if she will marry with someone than there will be no one who will give him money for gambling...but he also knew that he can't refuse directly so he made a plan to insult Laksh so he himself will refused to marry with her...

Shekar(fake happy and hugs her) : its...it's really good news...

Swara(gappy and broke the hug) : really...I mean...(grinning)you have no problem with my marriage with Laksh...

Shekar(fake happy and orders him) : no...why will I have problem with him...you do one thing...call him tomorrow...

Swara(happily again hugs him) : thank you Papa thank You so much...I'll call him for sure...

After dinner she call Laksh and happily tell him about her father accepting their proposal and inciting him with his parents on dinner...Laksh becomes extremely happy...

Next Day

On the other side Laksh who love Swara...or more like I should say pretending to love Swara was trying to convince her mother for his marriage as he just wanted to make his bed warm as soon as possible...he somehow convince his mother and take her with him to Swara's house...



All were sitting and talking and Shekar was behaving very well with Laksh and Ap...soon Shekar tell Swara to go and bring snacks for them...as she left from there...he started to show his true colors...

Shekar(greedy) : look Laksh...I know you Love Swara...and wants to marry with her...I have no issue with all this...(deliberately left the sentce in mid way)but...

Laksh(asks eagerly) : but what Uncle...???

Shekar(making innocent face) : you know that I met with an accident and due to my back pain I can't do job...so Swara is the only one due to whom our house runs...I want to say that she has whole responsibility of me and my needs...I...I know its not good to say this...but if you...(showing fake tears)you give me 5 Lakhs I'll start my own business and than...I'll happily make you both marry...

Listening to this Ap was very angry she was already against this relation and now here Shekar was demanding 5 Lakhs...before she could say anything...

Laksh(agree immediately as he is desperate to get Swara) : OK Uncle...I'll give you money...anything else...

Shekar(happy and smirks inwardly) : no son...its enough...I have one more request...

Laksh(irritated from his demands) : yes Uncle say...

Shekar(requesting) : please don't let Swara know about it...I mean...

Laksh(tells him) : its OK Uncle...I'll not tell her...Uncle I Love Her really a lot...so I am doing all this..

Shekar(with sugar coated toungue) : I'm so lucky to get a son-in-law like you...(fakely)God bless you...

Soon Swara came and serve snacks and soon everything was fixed...they directly fix the marriage date as they didn't wanted any other hurdle and function was gonna happen in Temple a simple marriage...and then grand reception...Swara was really happy that she is getting love of her life unknown from the danger coming towards her...


***Before 5 Days of Marriage***

Maheswari Industries

A man is discussing some things with his PA and soon he got to know about the money he has to get from one person Shekar...the PA provides all the detail about Shekar to his Boss and left from there...the man goes and sit on a soft comfy chair behind glass desk...he opens the file and go through details about Shekar's life...soon he reach to the page where Swara's pic was attached...there was an unknown emotion his eyes which was burning like Fire...seeing her picture an unknown desire raised in his body...A disire to explore her beauty...that time he make promise to himself that he will make Swara His by Hook or Crook...when he read that she is getting married in 5 Days...he immediately makes a plan to get her...The man is non other than Sanskaar...soon he orders one of his man to do something and than smirks evilly seeing the picture of that Girl...



Shekar was sitting in a club and playing cards just then some men came and kidnaps him...


Next : SwaSan Marriage...!!!


So here was first part...!!!

Don't know how was it...???

But still vote and comment to tell me how was it...???

Till than bye bye...!!!

...Thank You...

...Allah Hafiz...

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