5.Hate Word LOVE

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Hi Guys...!!!

Here I am with next update...!!!


Previously : Swara caged in Basement and Sanskaar's obsession...!!!


Obsession Beyond Limits

5.Hate Word LOVE


He was happy knowing that he was her first and promise to himself that he will be the last one...by who knows what will happen in the future...???

He looks at her who was now sitting bowing her head down...but still he as able to see redness on her face which was proof of her innocent nature...

Seeing her embarrassed her innocent look the Beast in him was engulfed in flames...flames of desire...desire about exploring his beauty and her innocent soul and her body...

He abruptly pulled her in his arms and planted his rough lips on her soft ones spontaneously and started to kiss her madly...

Four soft pieces of flesh were intertwined together making her feel like her heart is about to jump out from her ribcage...This time it was fierce yet passionate...

Lips on lips...tongue overlapping tongue...saliva mixing with saliva...breathe mingling into breathe...and finally bodies molding into one another...

With one Hand he was holding her head from back and the other hand was on her cheek caressing it...

First he sucks her upper lip till it was red then the lower one...after satisfying with it he bits on it making her gasp in pain and soon his tongue was in her mouth...exploring the sweetness in her hidden places...being naive she didn't know what to do...so she was only behaving like a DOLL...who don't know what's happening with her...

This time she was a DOLL and HE was her MASTER...and he can play with her however he wants...he doesn't even need her permission for that...

Soon after a long time he felt her tugging on his T-shirt so he left her...while she being breathless and weak helplessly places her head on his chest trying to regain herself...

He happily hugs her back...satisfied with her reaction...soon he broke the hug and holds her from her shoulders...

She was embarrassed and was looking down...so he stares at her with desire filled eyes...but soon his eye sight shifted towards her hands which were holding his t-shirt it her hands...

He saw red marks of chains on her milky wrists making her mad at his own careless behaviour...

Holding her hands he gently removes the chain...as he didn't want to hurt her any more...while she was shocked at his soft touch...

Till now this Man has only used force...now he was showing his softness to her...she was thinking whether to believe it or not???

Sanskaar(rudely) : don't think that I'm freeing you..it's just that your writs were hurt from the chains so that's why I removed them...

Swara(shocked from his behaviour but still asks) : w...h....y...why...???

Sanskaar(arrogantly) : it's because I don't like my things with scars...(cups her cheek in his hands making her eyes wide open)and you my dear...are my loving wife...(caressing them sensuously)so you should shine likes pearl...(strict tone)understand...???

She only nodes her head in yes making him irritated...he glares at her angrily making her shiver...

Sanskaar(not hearing her reply her holds her chin forcefully making her winch in pain) : words...

Swara(scared and said painfully) : y...es...i...i...und...erst...and...

Sanskaar(leave her and pats her cheek) :  that's like a good girl...

After that he removed chains from her feet also and make her sit comfortably on a chair...

He sees here and there and saw that there is only a chair and nothing else...he calls someone from his mobile and orders them to bring a mattress and blanket in basement...

Soon a few men came in with a thin yet comfy mattress and a blanket with some pillows...they set the things in a corner and left from there...

Seeing all the arrangements she was confused...she wasn't able to understand his cold and hot nature...but still she stays quite in order not to anger the big bad Beast...

Sanskaar(warning her strictly) : now you take a rest...and remember don't even try to run away...otherwise...

Swara(shakes her head in fear) : I...I'll not run...will not...

Sanskaar(smiles evilly seeing his effect on her) : good Kitten...

Soon he left from there leaving her in darkness once again...



Sanskaar was sitting in his office when his right hand or should I say his friend come to him...he sits in front of him and shoot draggers at him making him confused at his behaviour...

Sanskaar(uncomfortable from his stare) : What...???

Arjun(still shooting invisible daggers st him) : Nothing...

Sanskaar(asks directly) : if there is nothing...(confused)then why are you seeing me like this...???

Arjun(smirks and raised his eyebrow) : like what...???

Sanakaar(irritated) : like you want to beat me...

Arjun(sarcastically : oh so you also know that I want to beat you...

Sanskaar(angy) : ARJUN...

Arjun(innocently) : What Arjun...??? Tell me...

Sanskaar(angrily shouts at him) : Arjun tell me clearly what are you talking about...??? (Irritated by his behaviour)Don't make me guess your riddles...

Arjun(taunting him indirectly) : you think I'm so much free to make riddles for you...

Sanskaar(shook his head) : no I don't think so...(with confidence)in fact I'm sure you are free...

Arjun(at last loose his patience) : Enough Sanskaar...how can you do this with her...

Sanskaar(confused) : about whom are you talking about???

Arjun(shocked and angry at his careless behaviour) : I'm talking about your newly wedded wife and my sister-in-law whom you have locked in basement...

Sanskaar(nonchalantly : its my personal matter...

Arjun(shouts at him) : No its not...(trying to make him realize his mistake)first you marry with her without her consent...I thought you fell for her and after hearing about her marriage you are doing all this...so I remained silent...(remembers about his cruelty and shouts angrily)but what you did...you put her in basement after only few minutes of your marriage...(asking)are you even in your senses...

Sanakaar(arrogantly) : so what if I caged her in basement...didn't you see how she tries to run away from here...

Arjun(mocks at him) : so what should have she done...should she mingles in your arms or should she romance with you...Sanskaar you married to her by deceiving her...(tries to make him understand about situation)she thought she would marry the person whom she love and what she got you...I'm not saying you leave her...(politely)I'm just saying you to treat her better...you brought her in this house...which is full of men...she was scared by all this...you should give her time...in fact above all you should try to show her your LOVE...

Sanskaar(furiously) : what LOVE...I HATE this word...who told you I married her due to Love...(with rage)I only marry with her to get her body nothing else...do you get that...this LOVE word doesn't exist in my world...

Arjun(tries to say something) : but Sans...

Sanskaar(stress on each word angrily) : DO YOU UNDERSTAND...???

Arjun(sighs helplessly) : OK do whatever you want to do...(warns him one last time)but after damage...don't come to me...

Saying so he left from there...but still he left a tiny spark in him...Sanskaar become restless...Arjun's words were revolving in his mind again and again...at last he throws everything present on table on floor and left from there...



***Swara's POV***

What am I doing...???

Why I'm even here...???

Oh yes I remembered...because he kidnapped me...

But he said he brought me...

Am I a thing to be brought...???

How can he say this to me...???

Should I believe him...???


Should I fight with him...???

But for whom should I fight...???

For my father...???

Or for Laksh...???

No I shouldn't think about Laksh...

I'm married now...!!!

But it's illegal...

He lied to me...he makes me believe he is him(Laksh) when I marry him...so it should be wrong...

But who will believe me...???

Who will help me...???

Will I be caged here for forever...???

Should I accept him...???

But he only wants my body...

In Beauty and Beast...Beast may had caged Beauty but still he loved her...he didn't forced his love on her...but here this Beast he just wants me for his LUST...

Am I even a Beauty and is he even a Beast...???

Or is worst from him also...???

What should I do...???

What should I do...???

***POV Ends***

Thinking all this she drifts to dreamland leaving all worries behind her...but unknown to her she still met him in her dreamland...


Swara is sitting in basement but this time she was freed from chains due to her injuries...

Sanskaar(sympathetic) : Oh My poor Kitten your ankles and writs are swollen but don't worry I have solution to this too...(show her something)see this...

Swara(afraid) : what is this...???

Sanskaar(proudly) : these are chain specially made for you...(caressing her wrists softly)You know after seeing marks on your pretty skin I was really mad...So I specially made these for you...(excited)You know what's there speciality...(telling her)I will tie them around your ankles and writs but there will be no marks on them like previous ones left...

Saying so he started to tie them around her making her cry ad pleading mercy from him...

Swara(moving backwards) : No...please...don't...no...

Sanskaar(evil smile) : My Kitten...don't be scared...they will not hurt you...

Swara(shaking her head) : no...no...


She was shaking her head and was shouting in her dream making Sanskaar worried who just came here to see her...he becomes worried seeing her shouting...

He moves towards her and tries to wake her up so she could feel relax...

Sanskaar(patting her cheek) : Swara...Swara wake up...

Swara(shaking and crying) : No...don't hurt me...no...leave me...

Sanskaar(worried seeing her condition) : Swara wake up...no one is hurting you...

Soon due to continuous shaking she opened her eyes and see him sitting in front of her with worried expression...


Next :

Sanskaar takes Swara to his room or should I say their room..

Sanskaar(warns her sternly) : from now on you will live in this room with me...and if...if this time you try to run...it will be worst then first time...

Swara(mumbles) : yes...

Sanskaar(strictly) : what you said...

Swara(afraid from his hard tone) : I...I will not...run...

Sanskaar(pats her Head) : good girl...


So here was part...!!!

Will post next when you give me 200+ votes ad 100+ comments...!!!

Till than bye bye...

...Thank You...

...Allah Hafiz...

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