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'Happy birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you, Dear Papa...Happy birthday to you' Eifad whispered as she painted her father's portrait.

It's going to be 12 am, and it's her father's birthday. Her eyes are moist, her lips quivered and her hand trembled as she sings the birthday song for her father painting his portrait. Whenever she missed him, she paints his portrait. She missed him the most on his birthdays.

'Why did you leave me, Papa? You promised you will always be there for me...' Eifad whispered to the completed portrait of her father. She took a step back and admires the portrait. She feels the loneliest on this day.


Dheem Kaka massaged his eyes and yawned as he lazily goes to get the door.


Dheem Kaka opened the door and is surprised to see Shad standing there with a bouquet of roses and a huge cake. Dheem Kaka smiled. Like every year, Shad came exactly at 12 am to celebrate Eifad's father's birthday.

'Madam, Eifad baby!' Dheem Kaka called as Shad entered balancing the bouquet and cake. Aisha came out from her room dressed in her pink night robe. She smiled on seeing Shad

'Eifad...Shad is here.'

Eifad froze on hearing her mother; Shad is here. Eifad took a while to compose herself; she wanted to smile, but she was scared lest her mother is lying to her. Eifad glanced at the wall clock, 12 am. Is Shad really here, like every time this night.

She hurried from her study room quickly locking the door, she climbed down and found no one in the lobby. She turned her head and found light and voices coming from the dining room. She hurried.

Eifad is relieved when she saw Shad standing with her mother; there is a two-layered pineapple cake. He held a plastic knife and is talking something to her mother. Eifad walked towards them

'Eifu!' Shad said happily, he walked towards her hugged her tightly 'Sorry, to disturb your sleep' he whispered

'I am glad you came' She whispered back. Shad broke the hug and led her to the dining table. The cake looks gorgeous, there in the centre it's written with red icing


As it is Eifad and her father's favorite, Shad has especially got this cake. Eifad smiled as he handed her the knife. Dheem Kaka handed Shad the candles and lighter. Shad sang the birthday song as he lights the candle. Eifad has tears in her eyes as she blew the candles and cuts the cake. Aisha is little disappointed as Eifad fed a piece of cake only to Shad. Shad also took a small piece and fed Eifad first. She smiled feeling his fingertips brush the corner of her mouth. Shad then turned and fed a piece to Aisha; she does the same to Shad. Eifad watched him dreamily as he happily celebrated her father's birthday. The more she looked at him, the harder she falls in love with him.

'You wait here' Eifad said to Shad asking him to wait in her room. He nodded his head. Eifad left happily. She is excited to show her father's portrait to Shad.

As she left, Shad begins to pace in the room, his mind thinking of ways to coax her to let him go for the conference. He thanked his stars and his memory that luckily he didn't forget today was her father's birthday, now with the surprise, she is in a happy mood.

'Beta Shad! Now is the right time, talk to her now' he said to himself, he stood by the  mirror and mentally prepared himself for the discussion.

'TADA!' Eifad exclaimed happily showing Shad the portrait. Shad's mouth dropped open. The painting was amazing, the details, the color. It is like Shad is staring right at Rafi, Eifad's father, in person.

'Wow!' He complimented. Shad is amazed. Eifad is talented. She smiled. Seeing her smile, Shad felt little guilty.

'I am going to have it framed in the living room' Eifad said admiring the portrait. Shad placed his arm around her shoulder and patted her back nodding his head.

Ten minutes later, Shad and Eifad are standing on the balcony sipping their favorite wine. Shad kept glancing at Eifad noticing her expression carefully waiting for the perfect chance to talk to her. Eifad seemed to be happy; she is watching out at the night sky silently sipping her wine. Shad feels guilty; he knew her smile will fade away if he spoke about it. Today is 3rd; the conference is on 5th. He will get plenty of time to convince her. So, he dropped his initial plan of talking to her by first making her mood lighter and better. It's rare to have Eifad smile and be in a good mood; he doesn't have the heart to destroy this happiness.

'Thank you' Eifad said. Shad turned his head and looked at her, Eifad looked at him with a small smile on her lips. Shad nodded his head. Eifad shifted closer resting her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes feeling bliss; she is happy; she is content. But, Shad isn't. He is restless.


Shad entered the ward, he went to Mrs. Desai's bed and started with her routine check-up

'Hello, Sir'

Shad turned around on hearing a bright female voice; he smiled at Rhea. She smiled at him but then frowned. Shad seemed disturbed; he wasn't smiling like always. The dimple and the twinkle in his eyes missing.

'What happened, Sir?' Rhea asked unable to hold her curiosity. Shad looked at her, something about her made him want to tell her

But instead he shook his head 'Nothing, just workload' He said. Before Rhea could ask something else he walked away. Rhea felt like she offended him by trying to get into his personal life.

Ten minutes later, Shad is examining one of his patients Mr. Manoj when a peon came and informed him that Eifad is calling for him. Shad nodded his head

'Five minutes.'

Peon nodded his head and left.

Eifad is staring at Shad's photo which she has kept as the wallpaper on her laptop. She extended her hand and touched his face with her fingertips. She sighed sadly; this is all she can do. She has debated many times with herself if she should propose Shad, confess her feelings. But she is scared, what if Shad rejected her or even if he agreed, and they get into a relationship. What then? Like every couple in love, Shad would want to take their relationship to the next level. What will Eifad do then? He will break the relationship. She will lose him and their friendship forever. Shad is everything she has, if she lost him, she will lose her everything. Eifad shivered thinking about it. She composed herself when she heard a knock at the door

'Come in' she said taking a deep breath.

'You called?' Shad asked entering the cabin. Eifad is relieved on seeing him. Funny, how Shad triggers strong emotions in her without even him knowing. One moment she is scared another moment happy and other moment relieved.

Eifad smiled and stood up, she walked around the table and stood facing Shad. He looked on waiting for her to say why she had called him.

'Shad, I some good news' She begun, Shad nodded his head urging her to go on. She smiled and walked towards him. 'Last night what you did for me, I just want to thank you in my way' she said. Shad simply stood there holding his breath and struggling to not smile. Eifad placed her hand on his shoulder 'You may go to Pune' she said

Huh...What? Shad stuck a finger in his ear and tried to clear any dirt that may have made him to hear what he heard. Eifad gave him permission to leave for the conference.

'Really?' he asked trying to keep his excitement in control. Eifad smiled and nodded her head.

'Eifu, I love are the best' He leaped forward and hugged her tightly. Eifad's smile widened. At least as a friend he loves her.

'I love you too' she whispered, it goes unheard by Shad as he separated their frame and looked at her smiling widely.

'Can I ask you something?' Eifad asked after Shad did a little victory dance. He pushed back random strands of hair from his forehead and looked at Eifad breathlessly. He nodded.

'Why is it so important for you that I agree... you could have gone anyways...then why was it important that I give you permission?' Eifad asked. She kept her finger crossed. Shad smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder.

'You are my best friend, Eifad. In fact, you are my only friend (Eifad is happiest hearing this) I know you would be upset if I am gone, and I don't want that...' he replied honestly. Eifad smiled and nodded her head. They hug again

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