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Next morning, Eifad woke up at her usual time, 5 am. She went to the hotel gym and did some exercise. She returned to her suite by 7 am and quickly took a hot shower. She dressed in black lacy poncho top and skinny black jeans matched with black ankle length boots. She applied her black kohl and red lip gloss. She wore her wrist watch in one hand and left the other bare. She admired the necklace Shad had gifted her; she thinks this gift by Shad enhances her beauty. After Shad had made her wear this, she hadn't removed it ever since. She smiled picking up her handbag and left her suite.


Shad is snoring loudly as he slept soundly. His sleep is interrupted by a loud knock on his door.

He groaned climbing down his bed. He picked up his night robe and quickly wore it over his boxers and went to get the door. He has mentally decided to give the person on the other side an earful for disturbing his beauty sleep. He yawned and rubbed his eyes opening the door. He looked at the person, and his anger flew away. Eifad stood on the other side. She held a gift-wrapped box. Shad looked at it confused.

'Good morning' Eifad said entering his room. She shook her head looking at Shad's messy bed. Shad came from behind Eifad ruffling his hair; he is embarrassed that she is saw him so messy.

Last night, he had drunk a lot and after Eifad had gone; in a drunken state he messed up the room searching for his phone. He then fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed.

'Here I have something for you' Eifad said forwarding him the gift-wrapped box. He looked at her confused. She simply smiled and gestured him to take the box. He opened it, and his eyes widened. Eifad smiled watching his changing expression. Inside the gift-wrapped box is a brand new iPhone. This is the latest model, far better than his stupid old phone.

'Eifad, I can't take this...' he said shaking his head, his eyes glued to the box. Eifad smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder

'Why not? Can't a friend gift another friend?' Eifad said. Shad looked at her, and she smiled nodding her head.


Around 8 am, Rhea had woken and quickly showered and got dressed into a simple green three by fourth sleeved Kurthi and yellow sleeveless Koti matched with a yellow churidar and white thong slippers. She combed her hair and tied it in a loose ponytail. She opened the door and stepped out from her room. She frowned on seeing Eifad and Shad coming out from Shad's room. They are talking something; Shad placed his hand on her shoulder, and together they walked into the elevator. For a minute, Rhea was suspicious that something was brewing between them. She had thought maybe they were more than friends. She is relieved when Shad placed his hand on Eifad's shoulder and not her waist. They are just friends. Rhea then frowned, why does she care? She shook her head 'No distractions, Rhea...No distractions' she muttered under her breath.


6:00 pm, the two-day conference was over, and as conclusion, there will be a get together by the poolside for all the doctors. Shad is excited as he will get to meet the reputed doctors in the get-together. Eifad suggested she will help him.

'Thanks' he said gratefully.

Rhea is also excited; she will get a chance to meet doctors and have one on one talk with them. Last time with Eifad she couldn't openly talk to the doctors, it was mostly Eifad and the doctors talking. Rhea is grateful to Eifad for introducing her to the doctors, so half her work is done. Imran is excited, but for some other reason, he is just excited for the party – drinks, music, girls. He is happy.


'Damn' Shad cursed, he had been rummaging through his wardrobe for fifteen minutes but hasn't yet decided what to wear. He feels like a girl whining "I have nothing to wear." He sighed! He has just showered and still wearing a towel, with his torso still wet he is felt cold. So, without wasting much time he picked up his phone and dialed Eifad's number

'Yaar, Eifu help me please.' He pleaded on the phone. Eifad asked him to wait for ten minutes she will come. Shad shook his head cutting the call 'Women!' he commented.

Five minutes later, Shad gave up and sat at the edge of the bed. He heard a door-bell and is relieved. He hurriedly opened the door and smiled.

'Oh, My God!' Rhea exclaimed wide-eyed. Shad's eyes widened as well, and he turned around. Shit! Rhea is here, and he is standing in front her in just a towel. Shad is embarrassed. Rhea placed her palm over her eyes squeezing her eyes shut. She had come here on Imran's instance; he was supposed to accompany her, but he got an urgent call, and so he said he would wait by the elevator and she alone gets Shad.

'One second...sorry.' Shad said and hurried inside. Rhea peeked from behind her palm and chuckled watching Shad clenching his towel with one hand and frantically searching for his bathrobe. Rhea had avoided any conversation with him since the morning; they had just formally greeted each other and passed few smiles. She wanted to talk to him, spend some time with him but couldn't. Eifad's presence around him reminded Rhea of her words, in fact, she didn't want to come to his room either but out of curtsey had agreed. Looking at him now, Rhea realized she missed Shad.

Shad quickly wore his bathrobe and turned around; Rhea quickly covered her eyes again.

'I am can come in' Shad called from inside. Slowly Rhea moved her palm from her eyes and cautiously entered his room. She found his entire wardrobe lying on his bed, looked like he had been trying hard to decide what to wear. Shad looked at Rhea. He missed talking to her whole day today. He was disappointed that he couldn't spend time with her like yesterday, he was hoping to spend some time with her at the party. Now, having Rhea here his heart does a happy dance.

'May I help you?' Rhea asked, and Shad nodded. He felt embarrassed as he said he needed help with choosing a dress for the party. Rhea smiled

'I had always chosen dresses for my father. I am pretty good at this' she said and turned her attention towards the pile of clothes that lay disheveled on Shad's bed. As she looked for a dress for him, Shad took the time to admire her. She is looking stunning in blue and pink three by fourth sleeved long Kurtha and blue churidar matched with pink and blue Jhumkas. Her chest-length hair tied in a mid-parting twisted bun. It is giving her an elegant look. She has minimal make-up except for slight blush, kohl, red lipstick, and red nail paint. Shad found himself hypnotized by her beauty and simplicity.


Eifad walked towards the mirror and looked at her reflection. She took more than usual time to dress. She is looking elegant in a full sleeved V-neck backless long black shimmering evening gown; it has a small slit on one side. She has curled her shoulder length hair and had applied dark maroon glossy lipstick and black kohl with dark eyeliner and grey eyeshadow. She wore no jewelry except the chain that Shad made her wear. She blushed imagining Shad's reaction on seeing her. Eifad initially was very uncomfortable with a backless dress but for Shad she decided to overcome her inhibitions. She just wanted to look good for him. She took her mobile and left the room.


Eifad frowned on noticing Shad's room door open; she entered without knocking. Her frown gets replaced with an angry scowl. Rhea is sitting at the edge of the bed fidgeting with her mobile. Rhea looked up and smiled on seeing Eifad

'Good evening, Maam' Rhea said happily. Eifad ignored her and kept looking around for Shad.

'You are looking beautiful, Maam' Rhea complimented sincerely. Eifad ignored her and walked towards the bathroom. She knocked the door.

'Two minutes, Rhea' Shad called from inside. Eifad stiffened clenching her jaw. Rhea looked embarrassed. Eifad turned and looked at Rhea

'Leave' she said darkly. Rhea nodded obediently and hurried out from the room. She didn't dare look back.

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