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Shad returned home late. He silently had dinner with his parents. His mother kept on pestering him where he was.

'You were with that psycho Eifad. You are her friend, not her babysitter....' Shad ignored his mother and silently kept munching on his dinner.

After dinner, he excused himself and went into his room. He took his phone wondering if Eifad had texted him. She hadn't. He thought she must be still sleeping. He went to the bathroom and dressed in his boxers. He stretched and jumped on his bed. He got into his duvet and placed the laptop on his lap and plugged earphones into his ears. He has decided to watch a movie. He frowned when he noticed a notification in his social media. A smile appeared on his face when he saw the notification is a friend request from Rhea. Suddenly, he recollected Rhea. So much happened today that he completely forgot about her. He felt guilty of ignoring her.

Immediately, he accepted her friend request. Now, her social media is open for him to see. He scanned through her timeline; his smile widened looking at her. She seemed full of life. Shad liked a photo of her, where she is dressed in a yellow and white floral salwar suit, her long hair open. She has her gaze lowered and a small smile on her lips. The sunlight is hitting her face enhancing her beauty. She is looking stunning. Shad didn't realize, but he had been staring at that photo for more than ten minutes.

Rhea has just finished video-chatting with her father. She sighed massaging her nape. She is about to shut down her laptop but then she heard a notification pop sound. She felt her heart flutter when she realized Shad had accepted her friend request.


After talking to Shruti this afternoon, she realized she is indeed in love with Shad. She debated with her inner self- How can she fall in love with someone she hardly knows?

But the way she had described her feelings to Shruti, even to her ears it sounded like she is in love. But when did she fall in love with Shad? Was it love at first sight, when she had seen him in the corridor. Or did she fell in love with him when she had given him a lift in her scooty or during their quality time they spend at rooftop café or while discussing with him during the conference or while dancing under the clear night sky. Rhea can't pinpoint exactly when she fell in love with him, but one thing she knows now that she is madly in love with Dr. Shad. She blushed

Shad: Hey!

Her heart fluttered, she glanced at the wall clock- 11pm. He is still awake. She bit her lower lip, her fingers hovered over the keyboard. She wondered if she should reply. But then why not, it's not so late. But she shouldn't sound like a despo.

After few seconds of mentally debating, she leaned forward to type her response when Shad went offline. She frowned.

He probably texted her by mistake. She felt bad; then Shad comes back online, and her face lits up.

Shad: I hope I am not disturbing you.

Rhea: No, I was talking to Dad

Shad: Sorry, for earlier today. I am sorry for ignoring you. I should have informed you.

Rhea felt better; he is actually apologizing for ignoring her. He shouldn't but still he is, and this gesture has touched her.

Rhea: It's okay! I know you were disturbed. How is Maam?

Shad: She is better.

Rhea: Good, I hope she recovers

Shad: Yeah! I am very concerned for her. She is my only friend....

Rhea: I can understand. I guess she is just stressed. It is not easy to manage everything. Hats off to her. I really admire her.

Shad: Even I admire Eifad. She had taken this responsibility from when she was young. She has achieved so much on her own. You are right; it is not easy. Rhea, I need a favor. Whatever happened that night with Eifad and whatever I had said, please let it be between us.

Rhea: Of course, Shad.

Shad: Enough of Eifad. Let's talk something else.

Rhea: about the last day of the conference?

Shad: you are a workaholic? Let's talk something other than work (eye roll emoji)

Rhea giggled: Okay...

Shad and Rhea spend almost whole night chatting. They spoke random stuff; Shad spoke little of himself, his likes dislikes, hobbies, dreams, and other general stuff. Rhea spoke the same, her favorites, her dreams, life back in Lucknow. They didn't realize when they fell asleep.


Next morning Shad woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm. He groaned opening his eyes; he reached out for the alarm clock. He sat up straight looking at the time, 5 am. He wanted to surprise Eifad. He yawned, and his gaze fell on his open laptop. He smiled realizing he had slept off while chatting with Rhea. He shook his head and leaped from his bed, grabbing his towel he hurried into his bathroom.


Eifad freshened up and got dressed in her jogging attire – blue racer back tank top and black track pants with white sneakers. She tied her hair in a high pony and wore her fit bit. She climbed down stairs but froze on seeing Amaad standing at the door. He is also dressed in his jogging attire. Eifad gulped. She heard a familiar voice and frowned. Hesitantly, she took a step and sighed in relieve on seeing Shad there. He too is dressed in his jogging attire- Black track pants and grey tank top. She is surprised seeing him here.

She closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She mentally assured herself that she needn't fear Amaad, now her Shad is with her, nothing will go wrong. Amaad wouldn't dare do anything wrong.

Shad looked at Eifad and smiled, 'See! I am on time' he said raising his arm. Eifad tried her best not to look at Amaad, but she knew very well he is eyeing her. Suddenly she felt vulnerable again.

'Come, little sister' Amaad said and placed an arm around her shoulder, and she trembled shifting little. She moved closer to Shad. Amaad smirked at Eifad.

'Lets...lets...go.' She stammered. Shad has never seen Eifad stammering and fumbling; it's like she has been transformed from a lioness into a kitten.


The trio jogged for half an hour. Shad and Eifad stopped in front of the park. Eifad started to do her stretches with Shad copying her. Amaad decided to take a break and sat on a bench right behind Eifad and Shad. With Shad around Eifad felt little confident, she is preoccupied with him that she doesn't notice Amaad watching her from back. Amaad leaned back and eyed her from top to bottom. Over the years, she has become hotter. She was hot when she was fifteen, and now, she is also sexy. Amaad licked his lips, eyeing her flexing arms, shoulder blades, hips, back and long slender legs. He smirked

'I missed you so much, little sister' he whispered to himself, his eyes glued on her figure.

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