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Rhea and Shruti returned home only by afternoon. They took half a day shopping for the dress, at times Rhea didn't like the one Shruti chose and many a times Shruti didn't like the dress Rhea chose. Finally, they agreed on one dress, this too Rhea didn't like much but it was far better than the ones Shruti was selected earlier. She still thinks it could be longer.

They took one hour break and then left for a parlor nearby- Shruti is a regular customer there and so Rhea got discount.

'Finally!' Rhea flopped on the sofa, Shruti held her arm and tugged her arm stating there is no time to sit and slack. Rhea groaned and hesitantly stood up. Shruti pushed her into the bathroom to take a hot shower.


Shad dipped a piece of cloth and placed it over Eifad's burning forehead. She had been shivering in sleep. Aisha entered the room carrying Eifad's reports. She handed it to Shad. He read the reports and shook his head. Aisha looked on worried.

'Pneumonia' Shad said grimly. Aisha stumbled a step back, her heart sank. Shad extended his arm and held her. She shook her head and begin to cry. Shad leaned forward and side hugged her. He assured her everything will be alright.

'Why are you doing this, Eifu' Shad whispered to the unconscious Eifad. He held her hand from over the duvet and gently caressed the back of her palm. He sighed. The reports looked grim, it is good that she was rescued, any more time in the water and she would have been found dead.



'How do I look?' Rhea asked Shruti. Shruti looked up from her laptop. She gaped at Rhea. She is looking even more gorgeous dressed in one sided off shoulder full sleeve knee length figure clinging metallic blue dress. She has minimal makeup -Kohl, face powder and red lipstick. Her chest length hair open and curled at the ends resting on her back. Rhea is little comfortable with the dress, she has never exposed this much.

'Is it bad?' she said nervously. Shruti removed her glasses and stood up

'Are you blind? You look so gorgeous... Shad is going to die looking at you. Smoking hot' Shruti complimented. Rhea blushed. Shruti looked at Rhea as she twirled around showing off from all angles. Rhea is feeling butterflies in her stomach. She had only read and watched these things in movies, she used to find it funny then. Rhea chuckled at her own stupidity. She is really excited. She paced in the room when Shruti asked her to relax and not stress else she will sweat and spoil her makeup.

Rhea hurriedly sat at the table looking worried. Shruti inwardly chuckled.


Dheem Kaka entered the room carrying a bowl of soup. He is followed by Aisha and Amaad. Shad hurried and got the tray.

'You stay out' he said to Amaad, who is stunned with Shad's reaction

'Excuse me?' he said sounding offended.

'You heard me, stay out' Shad repeated himself. Aisha looked confused, she opened her mouth to ask why

'Eifad isn't feeling better, she gets disturbed with Amaad's presence' Shad explained. He looked at Amaad, hoping he gets a hint. Amaad body language changed, it looked like he knew he influences her.

'But beta...'

'Aunty please, for Eifad' Shad said

Aisha sighed and turned her head towards Amaad but before she could ask him to leave, he had left.

Shad asked Aisha to relax, he will feed Eifad. She nodded.

Shad walked up to Eifad. He took a chair and sat next to Eifad. He placed the bowl on the bedside table.

'Eifu...Eifu' he said softly. Slowly she opened her eyes and smiled meekly at him.

'Have some soup.' He said softly. She shook her head. Shad looked sternly at her

'You haven't eaten whole day... you are already not well' he said. Eifad smiled meekly. He cares so much for her. She feels special with him.

Shad carefully picked up the bowl and dipped the spoon into the bowl.

'Say Aaaa' he said bringing the spoon near her mouth. Eifad laughed, Shad smiled. Slowly he fed her spoonful. She quietly gulped it down. The soup was boiling hot and it burned her mouth but Eifad didn't even flinch. It is Shad feeding her after all.

Aisha stood by the door watching them. She smiled through her tears.



'I think you should call' Shruti said concerned. Rhea is pacing in the living room. She nodded and took her mobile phone. She called Shad. The phone rang but no one picked up the call, eventually Rhea heard the robotic voice reply "The person you are trying to call is not answering, try again later"

Rhea is disappointed. Shruti urged her to call again but Rhea shook her head sideways, she stated she will call in few minutes

'Maybe he is in stuck in traffic' Rhea said. Shruti shook her head. Rhea walked up to the large window that faced the parking lot of their building. She looked out sadly

'Where are you Shad? Come soon' she said sadly.


'Come beta. Have dinner. You haven't eaten anything since morning' Aisha said. It is then Shad realized he hasn't even changed his jogging suit. Since morning 5, he is here by Eifad's side.

'Okay Aunty. I am starving.' He smiled and stood up

'Get your food here' Eifad ordered meekly. Shad nodded and left with Aisha. Eifad smiled watching him go.

Shad's phone rang again. Eifad took out her hand from under the duvet and picked up his phone that lay on the bedside table.

Rhea calling

Eifad frowned, she cut the call. She also deleted her miss call from mobile call history and switched off the phone. She placed it back on the table. She leaned back and smiled closing her eyes.

'I am sorry, Shad' she whispered

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