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Shad looked up shocked. Rhea stood in front of him with her eyes closed. He is not sure if what he heard is right but he doesn't want to keep his hopes high. Getting no response, Rhea opened her eyes nervously. Shad is gaping at her, she felt nervous and scared. She covered her mouth with her palm and ran. Shad didn't call out to stop her, he simply stood still trying to believe what he heard was right, Rhea loves him? Rhea ran, she ran like her tail is on fire. She is embarrassed with herself.

Ten minutes later, Rhea is with her nurse discussing about a young patient. But time to time she kept glancing at the door nervously. As soon as Shad entered she looked away. He came towards her and she felt her heart stop. Shad walked pass her and she breathe in relief. The nurse smirked at her. Rhea blushed. Shad pretended to help Imran but his gaze fixed on Rhea. After a while, she looked at him and blushed looking away. Shad smiled inwardly, her blush gave him the green signal- he had heard her right.


Eifad kept glancing at the wall clock. She is feeling restless. Shad should have come early. She glanced at her phone, he has only called her once to enquire about her health.

Aisha entered the room carrying tray filled with a glass of water and her medicines. Eifad ignored her and typed a message to Shad.

'Beta, have your medicines' Aisha smiled sitting beside her, she leaned forward and took the pack of medicines and forwarded to her. Eifad didn't look up. She sighed and placed her palm on her shoulder.



Eifad jumped up hearing Amaad's voice. She shifted in her seat. Aisha looked back and smiled.


Rhea looked around, the parking lot is deserted. A part of her is relieved but a part of her is also disappointed as she wanted to see Shad. Her silent prayers got answered; Shad walked in the otherwise deserted parking lot. Rhea began to fumble with her scooty keys. Shad looked at her and smiled. He walked up to her. She is utterly embarrassed from the morning incident that she didn't dare look at him. Shad stood there inwardly chuckling, watching her fumble with the keys.

He cleared his throat to get her attention. She turned around and pretended to look surprise to see him.

'Need help?' he asked, his eyebrow raised. Rhea shook her head; crimson red color adorned her cheeks.

Somehow, she managed to start her scooty, she wore her helmet and looked at Shad. He smiled at her. She didn't.

'Can you drop me home?' Shad asked politely. Rhea nodded nervously. She closed her eyes, her breath in her throat as Shad sat behind her. He placed his palm on shoulder and she shivered. Shad smiled, he is now noticing the effect he has on her.

'Thank you' Shad said climbing down the scooty. Rhea nodded her head. She is about to start the scooter when Shad placed his hand over hers and she froze.

'Will you come with me...don't worry I won't eat you' he said and held her hand. Rhea looked into his eyes and nodded. She couldn't refuse, she trusted him. She parked her scooty and followed him. He took her to the park, where he and Eifad come for jog. He looked at Rhea. She looked on confused.

'I and Eifad met here for the first time...this place is very special to me' He said. Rhea is still confused and so she remained silent. Shad turned to her and hesitantly extended his hand, he held Rhea's hand.

'I started one relationship here...a relationship of pure friendship and now I want to start another one here' Shad smiled. Rhea found her breath getting caught in her throat. She is getting a hint of what Shad has planned to say next, nevertheless, she kept her fingers crossed.

'Rhea! I want to start a new relationship with you...a relationship of pure love' he said, Rhea blinked at him.

Shad took a deep breath and looked directly into her eyes. 'Rhea, I love you too' he said and Rhea sighed in relief.

'I don't know when, how and where I fell in love with you but I did. And now, I am madly in love with you' he said. Rhea's eyes moistened. She held his hand tighter

'I love you too, Shad. I love you' she confessed and Shad felt his heart lift up. He is very happy. He leaned forward wanting to hug her but stepped back, he didn't want to hurry. Rhea smiled at him, he smiled back.


Amaad asked Aisha to leave, and that he will handle Eifad. Eifad simply sat there petrified. Amaad smirked and closed the door.

'How are you feeling now, little sister?' he said walking up to her. Eifad is too terrified to even move. He sat beside her and placed his hand on her legs and she trembled. Her horrible past reeling in front her eyes. Sweat bead began to form on her forehead and tears moistened her eyes. Amaad smiled and slid his palm from her legs to her thigh.

'You are sick na, little sister. I know the perfect medicine' he smirked devilishly. Eifad moved her leg but he leaned forward holding her face. She moved her head but he held her chin tightly, his fingers pinching her cheeks. She winced.

He squeezed her cheeks and eyed her lips. Eifad closed her eyes tight. She is scared to even move a muscle.

He leaned forward aiming for her lips. He missed kissing her  lips so much. Eifad grabbed fistful of bedsheet. Firstly, she is terrified. Secondly, she is too weak and sick to fight.

Amaad closed his eyes. Their faces inches apart. Eifad felt disgusted feeling his breath on her face.

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