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Eifad stood by the mirror, she held the dressing table tightly for support. She is still weak to stand. She stared at the mirror. Her eyes red, her lips trembled, her hair messy. She is dressed in her white and blue sweater and black track pants with socks. Slowly she raised her hand and touched her cheek. She felt disgusted feeling Amaad's touch. She picked up a small vase and took a step back.

She glared at her reflection and smashed the mirror. She looked around and picked up a small piece. She brought it to her cheek

'Eifad!' Shad gasped and grabbed the mirror piece from her hand. In the process, he cut his palm, blood oozed out. He winced, Eifad stared at his cut.

Hearing the loud sound, Dheem kaka entered the room, his eyes widened seeing the mirror smashed and blood in Shad's palm. He rushed to get first aid. Eifad turned around and locked herself in the bathroom. Shad panicked

'Because of you...Shad got hurt...You love him so much...but you hurt him...'Eifad said to her reflection at the mirror.

SMACK, she slapped herself

'Shad, I am sorry...'She slapped herself again 'Shad I hurt you' she slapped herself again

'You know na, I love you...' Slap 'I love you very much, and I hurt you....' she continued to slap herself chanting 'I love you, Shad'

Shad banged the door, but she didn't open. Dheem Kaka and Shad together opened the door forcefully.

'Eifad!' Shad saw Eifad lying on the floor, unconscious. He hurried to her, he noticed her cheeks red. He placed his hand, it burned. He checked her for fever, she is burning hot. Quickly he lifted her up and carried her to bed.

Aisha looked horrified, she approached them but Shad gestured her to stay away. Aisha looked on nervously as he placed Eifad on the bed and quickly covered her with duvet.

'First, we will have to make her conscious.' Shad said looking at Dheem Kaka, he nodded.


Hours later, Eifad opened her eyes. The room is dark with only the nightlamp illuminating the room. She felt her head hurt. Holding her forehead, she tried to sit when she felt someone holding her hand. She turned her head and found Shad kneeling beside her, his head resting on the bed, his one hand resting on his thigh and with the other he held her hand. Eifad smiled. Carefully she moved his hand and stood up. She bend and with difficulty she stretched his legs, and placed a pillow under his head. She then covered him with her duvet. She then lay on her side and stared at him. He looked even more gorgeous when asleep, the dim light falling on his face highlighting his features. She smiled and stared at him, until she felt asleep.


Rhea woke up. She checked her mobile

Rhea: Good night!

Shad: Good night. I love you

Rhea: I love you too

Rhea blushed as she re-read last night's message. When she woke up, for a moment she thought the love confession was a dream. But re-reading the messages she is assured it was all true. With a broad smile on her face, she walked up to her cupboard. She took shower and dressed into black and white printed transparent full sleeved Long Kurthi and white churidar. She tied her hair in a bun and applied some make up – Black kohl, nude lip gloss. She placed her doctor's coat in one arm and stethoscope hung around her neck.

She is happy to see Shruti, she too looked ready for work, dressed in formals. By the time, Shruti had come from work Rhea had slept off. She didn't even get time to tell her the good news.

'Shruti!' she shrieked. Shruti is alarmed but relaxed on seeing Rhea.

'What happened?' she said eyeing Rhea suspiciously. Rhea blushed deep red, Shruti smirked

'I confessed to Shad that I love him' Rhea said excitedly 'And...He said he loves me too'

'OMG!' Shruti gasped. The two girls squealed happily and hugged each other tightly.


Shad was very disturbed after last night, but he felt better when he saw Rhea. They met at the corridor. Rhea blushed lowering her gaze, Shad walked up to her and smiled. She looked up and her smile faded. He looked exhausted and very disturbed.

'Shad?' she asked concerned.

'I will tell you later' he said, he placed his hand on her waist and led her into the ward.

Shad and Rhea didn't speak with each other for the rest of the day but Rhea watched him carefully, he looked very disturbed. She is terribly concerned for him.

At lunch Rhea and Shad sat alone, much to Imran's annoyance. They sat opposite each other silently. Shad is sitting there fidgeting with his food and Rhea looked at him sadly. Unable to take his sadness anymore, she extended her hand and placed it over his. Shad looked up at her

'What is bothering you?' she asked softly

He sighed 'Eifad!' he said. Rhea now understood Shad's silence, she respects his privacy and is perfectly okay with him not wanting to share about Eifad. She expressed her unsaid words by squeezing his hand. Shad understood her gesture and smiled at her.

They turned their attention to their food, Rhea spoke random things hoping to distract Shad. Thankfully, it worked. As they mindlessly chatted, someone sat few tables away from them, watching them.


Eifad sat on the bed. Her legs stretched, one feet resting over the other. A small drawing board placed on her thigh. Her brows furrowed in concentration and her tongue slightly out as she focused all her attention on her painting. She is painting Shad's potrait, she had just made the outline and now working on the details.

'Nice picture' she heard Aisha's voice but didn't bother looking up at her. Aisha smiled

'You love him, don't you...'she said. Eifad froze. Aisha's smile widened. She is truly happy for her daughter. She will the happiest if Shad and Eifad get together, she wants nothing but happiness for her daughter.

'I am sure Shad loves you too' Aisha said happily. Eifad slowly turned her head and looked at her mother, her eyes turning dark

'He has to' she said darkly. Aisha felt slightly uncomfortable but before she could say anything, Eifad's phone rang. She picked it up

'Hello!' she said. Aisha noticed Eifad's expression turn stern and she shifted in her place; sitting up straight. By her body language, Aisha guessed it's not a good news.

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