Chapter One - Rocking the Boat Home

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A sudden high-pitched, hair-raising scream came from the living room. Ash immediately put down his glass of water onto the kitchen counter top and limped into the other room to find Reggie watching the eleven o'clock news – the late-night news. Ash frowned in confusion; Reggie seemed fine, he was sitting comfortably on the couch and engrossed in the live report that a young brunette reporter was giving – she looked fearful however, terribly pale and shaky as she continued in a trembling voice.

"...unknown w-why the disturbances are happening. Officer J-Jenny and a team of specialists are currently on the case. In the meantime, authorities have asked that everyone please stay home after sundown, travel with companions, and s-stay safe. T-This is your reporter, Miss–"

Another blood-curdling scream suddenly interrupted the reporter, the camera spun around trying to catch the source of such a chilling sound, but there was nothing there except Saffron gym shrouded in the darkness of night.

'Saffron gym! What the hell was going on in Saffron city?' Ash thought, suddenly jumping when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"You scared the crap outta me!" Ash shouted as he turned to find Paul standing behind him. He sighed, shaking his head as his heart drummed against his chest.

"I thought you were coming to bed!" Paul's voice held a degree of annoyance, he'd been waiting upstairs for Ash to join him like his boyfriend had promised, but that had been ten minutes ago. He'd come down looking for him, thinking something was wrong, but didn't expect him to be watching the news with Reggie.

"I was! I just heard..." Ash turned and noticed how Reggie's attention was now on them. "What's going on in Saffron city?" Ash asked Reggie instead, moving away from Paul to sit perpendicular to Reggie in the armchair.

Reggie glanced between Paul and Ash, shifting forward before answering the question. "They're not sure yet. I'm sure everything is fine." Reggie said, trying to save Ash from unnecessary panic.

"Those screams didn't sound fine to me!" Ash pointed to the TV. "That's Saffron city, Kanto! My mum lives there – my friends!" Ash insisted.

Reggie sighed, and Paul realised that Ash hadn't simply dawdled or avoided coming up to bed – something was wrong.

"There's been some strange occurrences in Saffron city that they haven't been able to solve yet, but Officer Jenny, the Saffron city gym leader, and various specialists are working to figure out the issue and resolve it." Reggie explained.

"What kind of occurrences?" Ash insisted, annoyed that Reggie was deliberately withholding information from him.

Paul yanked Ash up from the armchair, sat down himself, and then pulled a blushing Ash down onto his lap. Blushing or not however, Ash was still giving Reggie a pointed look.

"There's really nothing to worry about Ash. Why don't you get some sleep and–"

"Cut the crap Reggie!" Paul interrupted his brother. Something was obviously wrong, and he knew Ash wouldn't let this go until he had answers regarding his home region. Paul was rather curious himself.

"Alright fine!" Reggie gave in, finally explaining everything he'd heard on the news.


These strange 'occurrences' turned out to be more sinister then Ash had expected. A sudden increase of depression, headaches and hallucinations had been reported from several civilians in Saffron city. People and pokémon alike were falling to sleep without signs of waking up, and mysterious cries and shrieks could be heard piercing through the night. Everyone was frightened, and no one knew as of yet, what was happening.

Ash lay in Paul's bed a while later, Paul spooning him from behind, but he couldn't sleep.

"Paul, you awake?" He whispered.

"What is it?" Paul asked, his voice rough with tiredness.

"I'm worried about Kanto ... about Mum. My friend Misty only lives in Cerulean City. What if– "

"I know. You said all this before we came to bed. We've already decided to take an early ship to Kanto in the morning, you can call your mother on the way there, but there is nothing you can do now except get some sleep." Paul rolled onto his back, trying to get some sleep himself.

"Sorry." Ash apologised as he turned to face him. He felt guilty for keeping Paul up, especially as they had to be up in four hours. "I just don't think I can sleep yet."

"Well, lay still and rest at least. Come here!" Paul lifted his arm, inviting Ash to lay against his side with Paul's arm around him.

Paul noted once again that night, how strange it was for him to be sharing a bed with someone else – it felt oddly nice. Odd, because he'd always felt severely uncomfortable sharing his personal space with anyone – so much so that he'd itch and flinch away. Nice, because he felt nothing but ease and contentment with Ash beside him.

It was their first night together after a very long day, and Paul had already stepped out of his comfort zone a few times to take chances with the obsidian-haired young man. He'd allowed Ash to kiss him, he'd had sex for the first time in his life, he'd been open with Ash about things that could be used against him should Ash leave, and now they were sharing a bed together. Paul hadn't had time to adjust to the sudden changes that had been thrown his way in less than twenty-four hours, but he found himself grateful for them nonetheless. He felt ... lucky, happy, and yet terrified that his happiness rested on Ash's choice to stay with him. He felt like he was on probation, and he hoped with every breath that he passed it.


"If I needed your fucking advice, I would have asked for it!" Paul snapped at his brother.

"Watch that ACID Paul!" Reggie warned him.

Paul startled, growled, and then stormed off – slamming the French door closed as he exited the kitchen. Reggie sighed, shaking his head as he checked his list for today's work.

Paul was in a foul mood that morning, and it wasn't just because Ash had kept him up late last night. Ash had quietly gone downstairs to lay on the couch once Paul was asleep, knowing that he'd wake the plum-haired man with his restless energy otherwise. He didn't think he would get any sleep at all, but he was woken up a few hours later by an angry plum-haired Beedrill – Paul.

By breakfast, Ash had all the facts: Paul had frantically rushed down the stairs that morning to find him sprawled out all over the sofa and deeply asleep. Paul thought that Ash had changed his mind about wanting to be his boyfriend, thinking that he was having second thoughts and couldn't bear to share a bed with him. Being typical Paul, the man had feigned indifference and had been rather snappy until Ash managed to put him straight.

Not long after that however, the small baby Eevee had caught sight of Pikachu and had ran over to greet her new friend. She'd nearly tripped Paul over, and Paul had exercised his sharp tongue at it – accusing her of being a pathetic pokémon while he checked on his slightly twisted ankle. Ash had gone after Eevee when she ran away terrified, much to Paul's frustration, and he'd managed to coax it back for breakfast with Pikachu's help.

Once they'd finished packing, it was just after six in the morning. Their ship would leave the docks in two hours so it had been time for Paul to fetch his pokémon ... but Electivire had gone missing. Paul sent Honchkrow to go and look for him, but he hadn't been successful either. Reggie had been asking Paul if he'd checked certain places, and in the end, Paul's temper had turned a nasty green shade of sour poison.

"Acid?" Ash asked, frowning. He assumed Reggie had just used the word as a type of metaphor, but Paul's reaction seemed to imply otherwise.

Reggie turned his head to consider Ash's question. "I guess it wouldn't be a problem for you to know." Reggie decided, pausing to sit down at the kitchen table. Ash joined him. "Paul has always been a little different – even as a young boy he had trouble expressing himself. After our mother passed away, Paul retreated into himself and decided that emotions were a weakness he didn't need. He hid his true thoughts and feelings behind condescension or bitter attitudes, and more often than not, he used anger as a shield so he wouldn't be hurt – so people couldn't use his feelings against him."

"What's that got to do with what you said before... 'acid'?"

"When Paul feels uncomfortable, threatened or confused in any way, he reacts with the same five emotions: Avoidance or Anger, condescension, Indifference, and disdain." Reggie had written the emotions down as he spoke. "They're what Paul believe are safe emotions to project, and together they spell..."

Reggie turned the clipboard around to face Ash. Ash saw the acronym that Reggie had circled around the first letter of each emotion.

"Acid!" Ash read.

"Right!" Reggie took back his clipboard and continued. "It's no secret that Paul has a sharp tongue, but often, Paul's reaction masks a deeper set of feelings or thoughts that he can't express. The word 'acid' became a subtle and simple way for me to make Paul aware of his behaviour, and to make him aware that I wasn't going to be bothered by his words because I knew there was something else bothering him."

"Like my brother betraying me to my boyfriend." Paul drawled from the French doors, a cigarette in his hand that was nearly finished. It was obvious that neither Reggie nor Ash had heard him open the door.

"It's not like that Paul, and besides, your boyfriend should know these things." Reggie countered.

"Whatever." Paul passed it off as meaningless, taking one last draw on his cigarette. "I'm taking Aggron instead. When Electivire returns he can stay in his pokéball until I see fit to let him out!" Paul stubbed the cigarette out on the ground, picked it up, and then came inside the kitchen to dispose of it the way Reggie liked.

"I hope he's okay." Ash was concerned that Paul didn't know where one of his pokémon were.

"I'm sure he's fine Ash. Electivire often wonders into the forest behind the house but he always turns up for dinner." Reggie explained.

"He can starve for all I care!" Paul grumbled, and before Ash or Reggie could argue with his comment, he addressed Ash. "You ready?"

"All set!"


"You sure it's safe?" Paul asked, looking up at the large fire-flying type. The over grown lizard had come out of its ball sending stray flamethrowers around.

"Totally! Me and Charizard go way back. You're not scared of heights are ya?" Ash frowned.

"Are you sure your memory is fully intact, because did I look scared during the PokéRinger competition? What about after Team Rocket attacked and we went over the edge of that fucking cliff in bewilder forest? I seem to recall you screaming like a pathetic l–"

Ash kissed Paul to silence him – firm, short, and lips lingering as Ash whispered, "Please don't finish that sentence Paul. I just forgot okay. It was a long time ago."

"I didn't forget!" Paul stressed the 'I' part.

"I guess I just didn't think." Ash said. "I remember that day now though. You saved me and Turtwig from Stantler's hypnosis."

"I couldn't have just left you there flailing around on the floor, you-"

Charizard interrupted them with a loud flamethrower, impatient to get going.

"I think Charizard is waiting for you both to hurry up. Its quarter past seven you know; you're ship leaves in only forty-five minutes. I suggest you get going if you plan on making it in time." Reggie reminded them after consulting his watch.

Paul took one long look at Charizard before jumping up onto its back. He took Ash's cane and then held his hand down to pull Ash up too.

"Thanks." Ash smiled, now sitting in front of Paul. "I guess we'll see you Reggie."

"I look forward to seeing you again Ash. Maybe next time you can stick around for longer."

"That would be great." Ash replied honestly.

"Call me when you get there Paul." Reggie addressed his brother.

"Will do." Paul nodded.

"Take care of each other!" Reggie said, hoping that Paul and Ash weren't going to get caught up in whatever was going on in Saffron city.

Paul waved once over his shoulder as they took to the air. Ash was shouting back his final farewells as they headed to Canalave City to reach the harbour in time.


"Isn't the sea air great!" Ash exclaimed with a huge smile, his face sticking out over the rails of the ship.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed from his position on Ash's shoulder.

Paul pulled Ash back in. "I suppose, but don't hang over the edge like that!"

"Why not? You worried I'll fall in and you'll have to rescue me?" Ash teased, leaning on his cane.

"Oh please, if you fall in, I'm certainly not dumb enough to follow you. I'm more worried that it will be me that's left to explain to your mother why you met your untimely demise."

Paul's hands returned to his pockets as he started to walk away with a smirk.

"Hey!" Ash yelled, rushing after him. "That's not very nice." He pouted.

"Just don't hang over the edge of the ship." Paul was scared about Ash's safety, the obsidian-haired trainer always managed to get himself into trouble one way or another that he didn't need to go asking for it.

Ash followed Paul inside the ship, taking in the décor and various pictures on the walls as they walked. It was a fair-sized ship, apparently capable of holding six-hundred passengers, but it was only half full in capacity and the halls were quiet.

As they reached the stairs leading down to their cabin, Ash sighed and took them slowly. It took Paul only a few steps down to realise that Ash wasn't next to him. Turning to see where he was, he saw Ash biting his lip in pain as he moved one step at a time – slowly.

"Come here!" Paul went back up the steps to allow Ash to lean on him. Pikachu jumped down so Paul could help his trainer.

"Its fine! I can do it myself you know." Ash tried to insist that he didn't need help, but Paul was practically holding him as he bore most of his weight.

"Don't be an idiot! Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should." Paul wished that Ash wouldn't be so bloody stubborn; they'd both been on their feet since they boarded the ship an hour ago, and Ash had insisted that he hadn't needed to sit down. Paul didn't know Ash's limit, but he suspected that he'd just found out.

They returned to their cabin and Ash collapsed onto the bed, the light blue coverlet wrinkled underneath him as he groaned into the bedding in agony, trying to muffle his own voice. Pikachu jumped onto the bed to settle down beside his trainer.

Paul checked his watch; it was just gone nine in the morning but he hadn't seen Ash take any of his medication. He questioned the obsidian-haired man on this.

"I took the morning one! I didn't need the pain reducing ones though." Ash mumbled into the bed.

"So, you haven't taken anything for the pain?" Paul asked to confirm it, walking over to Ash's back pack.

"No." Ash mumbled, feeling so very, very tired. He could hear rustling around the room as Paul moved, but his energy seemed to be rapidly depleting and he couldn't be bothered to see what his boyfriend was doing.

"Here, take these!" Paul suddenly ordered, handing Ash two tablets.

Ash rolled over with a groan, rubbing his eyes as he sat up to take the pills with the water Paul offered him. He handed Paul back the bottle before throwing himself back down on the bed. This moment suddenly reminded him however, of how Paul had cared for him in the cave nearly nine weeks ago. He blushed when he remembered the embarrassing parts, and felt warm when he realised that Paul always seemed to care about him. He'd cared for him in the cave enough to look after him, cared that he didn't take a deep-sea dive earlier, and he cared enough now to make sure he wasn't in any pain.

Paul double glanced when Ash's cheeks turned a slightly darker shade, the man's eyes were closed but he was definitely blushing. Paul shook his head, wondering why Ash would be embarrassed over taking his medication – he couldn't think of a reason.

"Move over!" Paul told him, climbing onto the bed himself.

Ash groaned again as he moved, but a few moments later, Paul noticed the change in Ash's breathing. The obsidian-haired trainer had fallen to sleep and Paul decided to join him. He'd slept for a meagre five hours last night, only an hour more than Ash had, a few more hours would do them both some good.


"So, you don't like coke?" Ash asked, drinking his happily through a straw.

They'd both slept through lunch, but they'd made it to dinner and were enjoying their meal.

"The taste is fine but it's far too sugary. Not very healthy see." Paul explained, drinking his water before returning to his food. He had a creamy chicken and asparagus braise with salad, while Ash had chosen a triple cheese pizza layered with meat and pepperoni, accompanied by fries and onion rings. Paul felt a little sick watching Ash 'inhale' all that fat and salt. "How are you not fat?"

Ash choked on his onion ring, coughing and drawing attention to their table. Paul glared at a few people until they return to their own food.

"I guess I'm just really active, right Pikachu?"

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed, eating his own bowl of Pokémon food topped with tomato ketchup.

"You'll need to watch that!" Paul said.


"You're not as active as you used to be. Your injury!" Paul elaborated when Ash continued to frown. "You can't run around like a little kid and do the same things that you use to be able to do. If you keep eating like that, you'll end up gaining weight."

"There's no way I'll get fat!" Ash said, shoving another fry into his mouth. "I'll eat what I what, when I want! At least I don't smoke."

Paul froze for a moment, then continued to eat as he thought about his own smoking habit. He believed that an horrendous diet was just as bad as smoking, but he didn't actually smoke all that much, and... "I've been meaning to quit." He told Ash.

"Well why don't you?" Ash asked. "And why did you start to begin with, you didn't smoke when I was in Sinnoh before?"

"Actually, I did." Paul admitted, watching Ash's face turn shocked. "Reggie used to smoke. He gave it up not long after becoming a breeder. He used to go on about it having a calming effect on him, how he did it so that he wouldn't be effected so much by other people."

"Wait, Reggie? Your kind, patient, awesome brother that everyone loves Reggie?"

"If you like him so much perhaps you should date him!" Paul snapped.

"No need to bite my head off." Ash muttered.

Paul frowned; Ash hadn't argued that he was dating him instead and that bothered him. If he planned to stay in a relationship with Ash, then maybe he needed to try and not be so hot headed. He sighed.

"Sorry... and yes, Reggie wasn't always as level headed. He used to be resentful that our no-good-for-nothing-father left and started a new family, leaving him to care for me and our sick mother."

"Geeze, what a wanker!" Ash exclaimed. "What is it with lousy dads? Mine left to be a pokémon trainer and vanished off the face of the earth, Brock's dad abandoned him to care for his nine siblings alone, and some of my other friends where abandoned by both their parents."

After a long moment of silence, Paul put down his fork to drink from his water glass before speaking. "Losers who stick it in but don't want to deal with what comes out nine months later!"

When Ash figured out what Paul had just said he almost choked again, he couldn't help but laugh instead though. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about that huh Paul?" Ash chuckled.

"I guess not." Paul's lips twitched into a tiny smile as he remembered the sex they'd had yesterday. He finished his chicken and then remembered why they'd been talking about dead-beat dads in the first place. "I started smoking because of what Reggie used to claim it did for him. It did help, but I grew up and realised that it was a fucking nasty habit. You never saw me smoke during our time in Sinnoh, five years ago, because I didn't do it often and usually always in private. I treat cigarettes like pain relieving medication, I only smoke when I need to."

"When your stressed?" Ash asked.

"When I'd rather not pay the lawyer fees because I throttled someone." Paul deadpanned.

"Geeze!" Ash blinked, drinking from his straw.

"It's him mum, look." A young girl of about seven-years-old practically shrieked as she shoved her magazine into her mother's face.

"Oh crap!" Ash muttered, pulling his cap down over his eyes and trying to look small.

Paul frowned, wondering what Ash was hiding from, when the young girl rushed over despite her mother's protests.

"You're Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! You won the Belitose region pokémon league! Can I get your autograph, please?" The young girl had long blond hair and big, bright-blue eyes that pierced into Ash's very soul. She reminded him of Bonnie in a way, and she was standing there holding out her magazine that featured the most spectacular battles of the year, and looking at him expectedly.

"I-I guess so." Ash agreed, wanting to get rid of her quickly. "Just keep it down or-"

"That's the kid with Greninja!" – "It's Ash Ketchum!" – "I want his autograph too!" – "Look, that's his Pikachu!"

Suddenly, their table was overrun with Pokémon fans that had obviously heard of Ash's achievements from the media. The waiters tried to calm down the calamity as cutlery, cups and glasses fell to the floor in the ruckus, but it seemed futile.

Ash knew he wouldn't be able to rush away with his leg the way it was, and he was trying to make himself heard over the increasing noise. "If you just– I can't sign– Hey! Cut that out– OW!" He tried to calm everyone down but they were shouting over him and asking overlapping questions.

"Was Charizard your starter pokémon?" – "Meganium was so awesome the way she took on that Diancie!" – "How did you and Greninja learn bond phenomenon?" – "Can you please sign my journal?" – "Sign my book!" – "Are you going back home to Pallet town?"– "I'm your number one fan!" – "Oh, my Arceus! That's the Pikachu that knows a Z-move, I've read all..." – "Is that Greninja with you?" – "Sigh my t-shirt!" – "Can your Pikachu sign my diary?" ... ...

Paul was fuming at the sudden invasion of their table and the boisterous shoving going on, he yelled his honest opinions, swearing, shoving back, and being verbally aggressive in response to the rudeness and blatant disrespect from the 'fucking idiots'. Paul's voice however, fell onto deaf ears as the people leaned over the table and tried to hand Ash all sorts of writing materials.

Pikachu was being manhandled amidst the jostling and pushing, and it wasn't long before the electric pokémon released a powerful lightning bolt - shocking everyone in the dining hall.

Everyone went silent as they fell down in shock – the only noise came from the few crying children. Pikachu sighed in relief and jumped onto Ash's shoulder, and Paul turned to Ash wondering what the fuck was going on.

Paul pulled Ash out of his seat. "We're leaving!" He fumed.

"Wait! Can you just sign–" It was some random teenage girl that had spoken, holding out a note book, but she pulled it close to her chest and looked down after receiving a terrifying look of rage from Paul.

"Piss off!" Paul snapped loudly, trying to drag Ash away from the dining room. It seemed Ash's fans had regained their senses since Pikachu's last attack, but they were edging to try their luck again.

"Paul, stop! Argh!" Ash almost fell when his leg gave way and shot with pain, but Paul caught him.

Pikachu sparked threateningly as a few people tried to take advantage of the situation and get closer to the Belitose region Pokémon league champion, but then security ran into the dining hall along with the manager of dining experiences.


"I'm sorry Paul! I didn't mean to get hijacked on the way back to Kanto." Ash was sitting on the bed, but he threw himself back dramatically and moaned.

When he'd won the major Belitose Pokémon league, he knew that he'd be something of a passing celebrity for his performance with his pokémon during the battles, but he honestly thought they would have moved on by now and become bored with him – it had been nearly three months since the final battle.

They'd been escorted to one of the ships offices, apologised to and placated, given special privileges, and then accompanied back to their cabin so they didn't get ambushed on the way there. Ash was still annoyed that they'd tried to give them a 'special' room because of his 'disability'. He didn't think he was disabled, just had a permanent injury that sucked sometimes.

Paul felt his curiosity about Ash's Greninja grow, in fact, he was curious about all the pokémon Ash had that he hadn't known about – Meganium for one ... and Pikachu knew a Z-move? He'd heard about Z-moves from Reggie, who kept up with that stuff, but he walked away when Reggie explained that trust and bond between Pokémon and trainer was required to use Z-moves. It was like Mega evolution – having to bond with your pokémon, and that was something Paul still struggled to understand. Bonding with a pokémon was pointless and a waste of time, it made them act emotionally rather then logically because they had been spoilt and pampered to.

"How many pokémon do you actually have?" Paul asked as he sat next to Ash on the bed. He'd gotten the short story of why Ash had so many adoring fans; Ash had won the Belitose Region pokémon league, had apparently displayed remarkable tactics, talent and strength, and his pokémon where extremely powerful with unbelievably high endurance.

"You mean aside from the ones on me?" Ash asked, continuing when Paul nodded. "Erm, over forty."

Paul's head snapped left to regard Ash carefully, he didn't see anything to suggest Ash wasn't being serious. "Over forty?"

"Yeah." Ash sat up as he spoke. "I used to get new pokémon every time I visited a new region."

"Used to?"

"I stopped catching new pokémon when I realised that I had a whole team of friends waiting to battle back home. Some of my pokémon were mad at me for not helping them to get stronger like I promised, and some felt abandoned by me. I promised I wouldn't leave them behind anymore, that I'd work out a way to make sure I spent time with all of them." Ash sighed. "I shouldn't have been so selfish in my own goals because they were my pokémon's goals too. We promised to get stronger together, and so I used Sceptile, Greninja, Lycanroc, Hawlucha and Meganium – with Pikachu of course, to win the Belitose pokémon league. I think Corphish and Muk will have to come with me on my next adventure." Ash chuckled, remembering how he'd calmed the both of them down when they were angry at him for not being chosen – Corphish had actually ignored him when he went to say goodbye before leaving for the Belitose Region.

"What other pokémon do you have?" Paul asked, choosing not to scoff at Ash for letting his pokémon dictate his actions and choices.

"You'll just have to wait and see!" Ash smiled up at Paul. "How many pokémon do you have in total? You must have more with Professor Rowan."

"I have fifteen." Paul frowned in thought – Why would he keep his pokémon with professor Rowan when Reggie was able to do that and train them at the same time? "All my pokémon are cared for by my brother. The only one you haven't met yet is Poliwrath; It spends most of its time at Liacin River with the wild water type pokémon there."

"Wow, you have a Poliwrath? That's awesome!" Ash smiled.

Paul shrugged, remaining indifferent as he turned his head away from bronzite-brown eyes, but his lips twitched up at the corners. Warm sunlight in an open field with a gentle breeze – that's what Ash's attention felt like to him right now. That smile of wonder over something as simple as him catching a Poliwrath – well, a Poliwhirl at the time – was bright and warm and infectious. It was alluring and fresh.

Paul turned his head so that he wouldn't be tempted to take Ash's lips into his own. Ash hadn't shown any sign that he wanted more than just his company, and Paul couldn't help but wonder if this was going anywhere. Would it grow into the relationship that he'd wanted with the obsidian-haired trainer, or was this all simply a waste of his time and he'd end up hurt at the end of it? He wasn't good at relationships, he didn't know how they worked or what to expect, but he knew what he felt ... and he felt good when he was around Ash!

Although, right now, he felt uncomfortable and uncertain.

"I'm going to take advantage of our private access to the gym and pool." Paul said, collecting his towel and trunks. The gym and pool area were currently closed, but the captain of the ship had given them a VIP access card for after hour access. Paul intended to make the most of the empty facilities.

A few vivid images came to Ash's mind right then, but one made him lick his lips: Paul working out, sweating and tensing his muscles, and then getting into the showers naked with him.

"I'll come with you!" Ash declared, already shifting off the bed.

"Your leg needs resting!"

"Come on Paul! Don't leave me here alone." Ash begged, wincing as he stood up and limped over to his own bag.

"Ash!" Paul was firm.

"I'm coming, so you can either help me or not!" Ash argued stubbornly.

"Fine!" Paul caved, taking Ash's trunks and towel for him. "But you better not get in my way!"

Ash just rolled his eyes.


Ash sat staring hungrily at tense muscles and sweat sheened skin. Paul's face was one of intense determination as he worked out on the peck deck, completely topless, and his muscles hardening with the force of each rep. Ash might have been sitting idle, but one of his own muscles was hardening, twitching and eager.

"If you're going to be here you might has well do something productive." Paul interrupted Ash's thoughts, nodding to the weights in suggestion.

"I'd much rather watch you!" Ash said before he could think about it.

Paul stopped his reps, taking in Ash's appearance completely for the first time since they'd been in the gym. Ash was wide eyed, blushing, and ... he was pitching a tent below the waist. Paul raised his eyebrows and smirked at it.

"Cut it out Paul." Ash blushed furiously as he tried to hide his erection by turning in the leg extension machine he was purely sitting on.

Paul stood up and approached his blushing boyfriend. Pikachu – who was happily walking on the treadmill, hopped off to see what was going on.

"And here I thought you might have been regretting your choice to date me." Paul drawled, and he came to stop right in front of Ash.

"Of course not!" Ash said without missing a beat. "You're just... You just look good doing that." Ash looked down, but Paul lifted his chin back up with his fingers.

"And what about when I'm not working out?" Paul's husky voice made Ash shudder and gulp.

"You're– You–" Ash stuttered.


"What do you want me to say Paul? That you're always good looking and I like what I see?" Ash's cheeks looked slapped red when Paul continued to smirk.

"Is that the truth or just a question?" Paul asked. He found satisfaction in making Ash squirm, warmth in the fact that Ash found him attractive, but he hoped that Ash felt more than physical attraction for him.


Paul leaned down and pressed his knee into Ash's groin. A loud moan, a deeply satisfying kiss, and mind-altering bursts of warm colours wiped out the world around them. It was all gripping hands, tongues, sounds, and the taste of each other's lips. And then it ended as Paul pulled away.

"I'm going back to my workout." Paul whispered breathlessly. Ash moaned at the loss of contact. "This isn't over." Paul promised with a smirk, then he turned to resume his workout.

Ash felt bereft and unsatisfied. "That's completely below the belt Paul!"

"It will be!" Paul answered bluntly.

"You know what I mean!" Ash shouted in exasperation.

"If you're so worked up then maybe you should workout to take your mind off it, see." Paul suggested. "Then again, I bet you couldn't even use a pull-up bar."

"I can too!" Ash argued.

"Then prove it!" Paul challenged as he sat back down on the peck deck machine.

"Fine!" Ash exclaimed, limping over to the pull-up bar. He realised that he couldn't jump up to reach the bar with his leg the way it was, but Paul was now watching expectedly. 'The wanker!'

Ash glanced around the room and found a stool that would be perfect. He glared at Paul as he retrieved it, using it to reach up to the bar.

Paul stared as he watched Ash doing pull-ups rather easily. He knew Ash was strong, that he had a good amount of muscle, but he had no idea of the level of Ash's physical strength. He was just wondering if Ash would be willing to work on that strength when Ash called to him.

"Erm, Paul? A little help down please."

Paul chuckled, but he didn't say anything as he walked over and helped his boyfriend gently down onto his feet. "What else can you do?" Paul asked, now more intrigued about his boyfriend's level of fitness then his own workout.

"Erm, I don't know. I've never really worked out in a gym before. Not properly anyway."

"Let's find out." Paul said.


Paul had tested Ash on the bench press, the peck deck, and the lat pull-down machines. He was impressed – Ash wasn't able to lift as much weight as he could by any means, but he did well and had some amazing endurance. He hadn't suggested any of the equipment that would exacerbate his leg, but if he found out more regarding the details of Ash's leg injury, perhaps they could work out a safe regime to improve the muscles there too.

Right now, they were in the private showers, and Paul's attention was on the naked man washing his back for him.

"My turn." Paul said, turning around to fill his hand with soap. He started washing Ash's back, his fingers running over some of the many scars that littered the trainer's entire body, and he remembered that he had yet to ask about them. "Where did these scars come from?"

"Huh? Oh them. Just from my travels really. Encounters with some tough wild pokémon, being an idiot and getting into trouble, Team Rocket, and some other mad people that tried to take over the world."

"Mad people?" Paul's hand paused.

"Yeah." Ash paused to think as Paul resumed circular motions on his back. "Like this one time in Kalos, straight after the league... Lysandra and Team Flare were trying to destroy the world by controlling the Zygarde. He wanted me to serve as a guide to humanity in his 'new world' and I refused. He shackled us to the top of Prism tower, tried to steal the power of bond phenomenon between me and Greninja, and was ready to do anything necessary to achieve his sick goals. It took a lot of team work from all my friends, from other people, from the elite four, from all seven of the Gym Leaders, and from the Kalos Champion – Diantha to stop him and put things back the way they should be. Greninja had to stay behind to help the Zygarde defend Kalos from the remaining negative energy, because Greninja was able to locate it easily. Greninja found me again last year, after having done what he set out to do. He was ready to join me in the Belitose league and we still had our bond together. Man, I was so psyched when Professor Sycamore called me and–" Ash bit his lip, realising that he'd started to ramble and that Paul's hand had stopped cleaning his back. When he turned, he saw the look of awe on Paul's face and swallowed.

The shower continued to cascade down their naked bodies in hot, endless streams of deliverance. The steamy shower cubicle was about to be defiled in the most pleasurable of ways. Ash grew hyper-aware of every drip, every breath, and every beat of his heart as Paul stared into his eyes. Then, like a flame wheel, Paul had swept him up with such passionate lips. The heat burned with such desperate desires, and Ash could focus on nothing except the hot body suddenly intertwined with his own.

A little yellow pokémon, peeked around their shower curtain a while later. He pulled back and shook his head in exasperation, walking away mumbling to himself, "Ka chu." He sighed as he laid down on the chair in the hall, curling up to take a nap as he waited for his trainer.


"Pikachu, please talk to me. I said I'm sorry for forgetting about you." Ash begged from the bed. They were back in their cabin.

Paul was just changing into his pyjama trousers, but Ash heard his voice echo from the bathroom. "Pathetic! He's just jealous that he has no one to fuck his brains out!"

"Paul!" Ash yelled, but then he looked at Pikachu. "Is that true Pikachu? Do you want a find a girl Pikachu to have fun with?"

"Pi-ka-CHUUUUUUUU!!!" Pikachu answered that question with a thunderbolt straight to Ash's stupid head.

Paul exited the bathroom chuckling. "I'm not sure if your Pikachu is more insulted that you assumed he was into female Pikachu's, or that you asked such a lame-o-question in the first place."

"I don't even know what I did wrong!" Ash whined, giving up in favour of planting his face into the pillows of the bed.

Paul observed Pikachu carefully. "Are you sulking like an idiot because we fucked in the showers."

Pikachu crossed his arms and glared.

"Partly then. So, you're mad because we left you by the pool?" Paul asked.

Pikachu continued to glare.

"Oh, I see. You witnessed it didn't you?" Paul drawled with a smirk.

"Pika! Pika chu! Chu pika pi!"

Pikachu had started ranting. Ash sat up, blushing as he faced his angry Pikachu. Ash went to speak but Paul cut him to the chase.

"You're angry because we left you by the pool to go fuck in the shower?" Paul scoffed. "You sure get worked up. Don't worry, I plan to fuck your trainer so much that you'll get used to it!"

"Paul! That's enough!" Ash shouted. He would not be used as a fuck toy, and he would not stay here and watch his best buddy get spoken to like that.

"Oh please! It's a lousy pokémon having a tantrum because it didn't get its own way. Perhaps a time out in its pokéball will remind it who the trainer is!"

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed in protest.

"Pikachu never goes into his pokéball! And I can't believe you would be so mean." Ash paused and then glared at Paul as he made his way off the bed. "No, you know what Paul, I can believe it! That's just like you isn't it, always thinking you're better then your pokémon!" Ash collected his cane and limped to the door. "Come on Pikachu, Paul can either apologise or get a boat back to Sinnoh alone!"

Ash left the room then. Paul sat there stunned.

Paul would have forced Ash's opinions and feelings aside before, but now... now that he had a chance to be someone important to the obsidian-haired trainer ... to be his boyfriend, he was supposed to care about his feelings and opinions, right?

Paul growled, threw on a t-shirt, and stormed out of the room after Ash – the trainer couldn't have gotten far, not on a ship with a bad leg. He searched down one hallway, turned back to go another way, went up and down the stairs, searched the entertainment hall, the bar, and continued to search for at least an hour before he finally heard Ash's voice coming from a private seating area at the back of the deserted dining hall. He felt immense relief that Ash wasn't hurt or in trouble, and he'd calmed down enough to listen to what Ash was saying to Pikachu.

"...we all have emotions Pikachu, but don't you think you overreacted?"

"Pika." Pikachu agreed, obviously feeling guilty.

"I know you don't like me having someone that takes me away from you sometimes, but I really like Paul. I want to make it work, and I need you two to try and get along." Ash's tone then changed. "I don't like him right now though!"

"Pi, pika chu!"

"You want me to talk to him?"

"Pi!" Pikachu nodded.

"I don't know Pikachu. He needs to apologise to you first. I won't let him think that he can talk to you like that just because you're a pokémon. I don't care what his issue is, he needs to learn that you're my best friend!"

"Pika! Pika, chu!"

"I know. That's just the way Paul is! I don't want him to change, I like him the way he is... I just wish he would respect people close to me. That includes you too buddy, and all my other pokémon as well." Ash sighed. "I just wish he would try a little harder, that's all. Is that too much to ask?"

"No Ash, it isn't." Paul said, walking up to the tables. When Ash's head snapped up to met his eye, Paul could see that he'd been crying. At least he wasn't crying now, but Paul felt guilty for putting the tears there in the first place. "Im sorry." Paul blurted before Ash could speak. "I just don't get how you can treat pokémon as people ... I'll work on it."

Paul meant it too, he wanted to work on it! Pokémon meant a lot to Ash, and Ash meant a lot to him. He just didn't know how a boyfriend was supposed to act – he didn't do social, and he didn't have the slightest clue how to do relationships. He wanted to though, he was sure that he loved Ash but he feared that Ash would turn him away sooner or later, especially if he didn't figure it out. Ash had said that he didn't want him to change... just to try and respect his pokémon. It would be strange, weird, completely ludicrous actually, but if that's what Ash really wanted... he would try.

Ash went to stand up but winced, hissing at the increasing pain in his leg. He had tried to run from their room – big mistake, and had limped rather quickly the long way here in case Paul had decided to follow them. After their shower sex, his leg had already been bad, so now he had to suffer the consequence of pushing himself too far again.

"Idiot!" Paul scoffed, sliding in next to him.

"Pi-kaaaa!" Pikachu warned.

"It's okay Pikachu... Paul's right." Ash turned to face Paul then. "But you were an idiot too! You get angry, and say things you don't mean. Well that's all Pikachu did! He's sorry for overreacting, but imagine if it had been Reggie we were with and we'd just left him to go fuck in the showers?"

"Reggie could go mind his own fucking business and–"

"What I'm trying to say ... is that Reggie would probably get upset or angry too, it's a normal reaction. I know it wouldn't really be his business what we do together, but it is his business when were in his company! He shouldn't have to find us having sex in the showers. In fact – I don't want anyone to find us having sex period!"

"Okay, I get your point! I'm sorry Pikachu, and you too Ash." Paul bowed his head to show his sincerity. "I'll work on it."

"Thank-you Paul, that means a lot to me. I just want us all to get along." Ash took a deep breath, turning his head. "When I first sat down here, when I thought that ... that this was it. That it was over. It hurt Paul." Ash looked back into those dark amethyst eyes he loved so much, looking for understanding.

"I think I know the feeling, as weird as that is." Paul admitted, remembering the day he'd left Ash at the hospital. Ash's words still made him light up like a fucking light bulb on the inside though, but he didn't outwardly react to them. "Let's get back to our cabin shall we, before your adoring fans come screaming in and wake up the entire fucking ship." Paul stood up, offering Ash his hand.

"I don't think I can move right now." Ash blushed, he certainly felt like a fool.

"Then I'll just have to carry you!" Paul's words were said as if that was a normal everyday thing, but Ash didn't agree. It was so bloody corny and sweet that it was embarrassing and giving him cavities.

"No way!"

"You cannot stay here! What do you suggest then?" Paul rose one eyebrow. Ash moaned.

"Fine! But only a piggy back!"

"A – Piggy – back?" Paul drawled slowly; his eyebrows now frowned.

"Yeah! It's that or nothing Paul. None of that bridal carrying shit you hear me?" Ash would be dead before he allowed someone to carry him like a blushing bride, and that's what he would be ... blushing!

"Very well!" Paul agreed.

Ash was still blushing as Paul carried him piggy-back style back to their cabin.


"Will you just try and get some sleep!"

"But Paul!" Ash whined. "I'm not tired, it's only... ... What time is it anyway?"

"It's gone two in the morning. We'll be arriving in Kanto in the next four hours, and I for one, don't want to greet your mother looking like death warmed over!" Paul snapped.

It was true that they'd slept earlier, but Paul knew he'd be tired later if he didn't get a few hours now.

"Geeze! Is that ACID talking or –"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Paul snapped again, but then he sighed. "Maybe. I'm just tired see, and unless you want your mother on the receiving end of that 'ACID', I suggest you let me sleep!"

"Fine!" Ash sighed, knowing he wouldn't get any sleep at all.

It wasn't long before Paul did fall asleep, and Ash was left alone in the quiet – even Pikachu was sleeping. 'Traitor!' His mind was too occupied with thoughts of Kanto though... What was going on in Saffron city?" What would he find when he got home? Was his Mother and his friends okay?

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