An update that's not an update

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This is not an update of the new chapter, which I am trying to write but unable to wrap up. It's a rant to explain my situation. While my bookbub featured deal is paying off with some massive sales from their newsletter, I just found out being ranked #1 on Amazon still doesn't do shit. I haven't broken the algorithm with this. The book is still buried. But that's fine.

The bigger problem is I'm completely broke from this ongoing covid situation that affected my business big time. The container carrying a large inventory was delayed for 6 months. I had large customers cancelled on me and left me with stock I can't sell. I had a US supplied shipped me $3000 wrong orders and won't take responsibility. I got ripped off by a supplier from Alibaba. I got ripped off by Amazon who charged me for an ad it rejected then claimed that it was run without my knowledge when it produced nothing in sales. And to top it off, it seems to be blocking new reviews which I desperately NEEDED to sell the book and to break Amazon's algorithm. Many readers have told me they posted reviews for weeks but they never showed. 

Everything is up against me at this point. But I'm a big girl. I've been through worse shit. I can handle it. But I'm exhausted and I can't write. Well, I can, but it will be a half-ass crap, and I don't want to ruin my book too, on top of everything else.

So that's the problem at hand and why the updates have been coming late in the past few months. I hope this will be resolved soon. I'm trying as hard as I can to fix this shit in my life but so far it hasn't happened. But I'll keep trying and I hope to be able to update soon.

Anyway, before I go, there are two things you can help that might make a difference. One is vote for Obsidian in the Indie Ink Awards (see links on my message board). The other is to leave me a review either on Amazon or on Goodreads or for the very least, rate the book if you haven't already and can't buy the book. Reviews help break the algorithm big time. 

Thank you for your patience in waiting for updates. Again I'm so sorry. I will never abandon this book, that you can be sure. I just need time. 

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