Book 2 is Finished. DL for FREE

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Hi guys, sorry again to have been gone for a long time. I've been editing and finishing up this book to get it ready to publish within 2024, and here's what's going on:

1) The book is finished, the editing is done, the Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) are now available  in PDF or Epub format. As this will be published quite soon, the ending chapters can't be posted here and I will have to remove at least half the book from Wattpad as soon as per Amazon KDP requirement. I do care about my Wattpad readers, and you can get the whole book for free right now by signing up for an ARC. There's a form on my website, I'll send everyone a no-obligation copy if you fill it up. This is on me. :) But if you can please support this story by either leaving a review or rating on Goodreads or Amazon, or buy a copy once released.

How to download the whole book: Look for this banner on the main page and click on it:

2) Group Reading on Discord for book 2 begins August 3rd. I really hope to see you guys there. This is the Official Obsidian Readers Support discord anyone can join where fellow fans of the series hangout. For details, see

 3) There's been a name change for book 2 from Retribution to Revelation as you may have noticed. They are the same books. I just feel that Revelation is more appropriate for the content after I've written it halfway. Sorry for the confusion. The cover will be changed soon.

That's about it. I hope to see you on Discord, if not, enjoy the rest of the story and let me know here or somewhere if it was worth it. It'd make my day.  Thanks again for sticking with this journey. Book 3 will be posted here as I write as usual so don't go anywhere. 



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